r Local and Personal Items Ernest Howley of Charlotte, ti** friends in Brevard Friday. (Mrs. W. D. Banks and three chik ren of Charlotte are with her par nta. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Pendleton, pr the summer. Miss Anne Herbert of Shanghai, hina, spent two days of her fur ouffh in Brevard visiting her aunt, 4m, E. R, Pendleton. She goes to [unaluska, and on August third Favea for China. Mrs. Fleming Ramseur, Miss Alice Jetty Mausey of King's Mountain, C? and Miss Doris McGill and uss Ruth Branch of Lumbtrton, _N. were guests last week of Miss Elizabeth Ramseur at the home of her aunt Mrs. E. S. English. I Mr. and Mrs. Francis S'.edge of Atlanta are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Sledge. Mr. OUie Crary of Asheville is | F spending some time with his brother j Trueman Crary at his in North Bre- i vard. ' I Misses Rose Schachner, Almeda Waters, Ruth Waters, Roberta Bry ant, Mary 0. Wilkins spent last Saturday in Asheville. Miss Josephine Clayton has re turned to Brevard after attending summer school at W. C. T. C. at Cul lowhee. Miss Frances Peace who has been the guest for the past week of Miss Madeline Paxton returned to her home in Greenville and was accom panied by Miss Paxton. They will go to Myrtle Beach for a two weeks stay. Dv. and Mrs. C. C. Thomaaon of Greenville, S. C., are the guests of Mr. arid Mrs. Cos Paxton at their summer home at Cherryfleld. NOTICE AND SUMMONS j" IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Stato of North Carolina i County of Tmntylvania, i Ario Radford Fore, Plaintiff VS i Wiley Fore, Defendant ] The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled ^ above has been commanced in the ! Superior Court Of Transylvania i County to obtain an absolute divorce ] by said plaintiff from said defen- J dant; the said defendant will further, take notice that he is required to ( answer the complaint filed in this c cause within thirty days from the completion of service of summons by ' publication, or file his demurrer t? ] said complaint or plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief de- < manded in said complaint I This 11 day of July 1931. 1 OTTO ALEXANDER Clerk Superior Court I Ralph Fisher Attorney. s 1 t July 16-23-30 Aug 6 pd. I NOTICE 1 1 OF TRUSTEE'S SALE I * Under the power of sale contained j in that certain Deed of Trust execut- 1 1 ed by James Bostice and wife Sallie 3 Bostic, to Lewis P. Hamlin, Trustee, dated the 30th day of August, 1929, j and recorded in Jhe office of the Reg- 1 ister of Deeds for Transylvania Coun ty, North Carolina, in Book 24, at ^ page 255, et seq., and default having 1 been made in the payment of the in debtedness thereby secured, and dc- J mand having been made for sale, the * undersigned Trustee, will sell at pub lic auction to the highest bidder for ? cash, at 12 o'clock M. on the 27th day , 1 of July, 1931, at the Court House j door in the town of Brevard, N. C., ' : the following described piece or parcel ' of land, lying and being in Boyd j Township and more particularly de-!E scribed as follows: FIRST TRACT: Containing one 1 acre more or less and fully described j m a deed from C. W. Hemphill and , wife to James Bostic, bearing date of ; April 16, 1904, and registered in . Book No. 43 at page 308 of the Deed Records of Transylvania County, 1 N. C. I SECOND TRACT: Containing one ] hundred and fifty poles and fully de scribed in a deed from D. A. Surrett ! ( and wife to James Bostic by Deed j ! dated Jan. 15, f89~, and registered in i Book No. 43 at page 309 of the deed ; records of Transylvania County, ' j North Carolina. j i THIRD TRACT: Containing 8 3-4 1 acres more or less and fully described ] in a deed from J. P. Whitmire and j wife to James Bostic dated June 25, ' 1906, and registered in Book 45 at page 17 of the deed records of Tran svlvania County, N. C. FOURTH TRACT: Containing 3 1-3 acres raore or less and being the j same land described in a deed from ' R. Mackey and wife to James Bostic j by deed dated Jan. 25, 1907, and reg- ! istered in Deed Book No. 45 at page 19 of the deed records of Transylvania j County, North Carolina, with the ex ception of one acre sold off of this tract. t Reference is hereby made to said deeds of record for a description of the four tracts of land by metes and bounds, said deeds and records being hereby referred to and made a part hereof for the purpose of a descrip tion of said lands. I Also including in this deed in trust another tract bought from P. C. Townsend and wife, Ethel Townsend, by deed dated the 13th day of Feb. 1913, and recorded in Book 41, at page 461, being more fully described by metes and bounds as follows: Be ginning on a Post oak corner of church lot and runs North 11 degrees AVest 18 poles to a stone in Charlie Smith line, thence South 65 degrees East 4 poles to a stake; thence South 29 1-2 degrees East 22 poles to a ?stake in Hattie Kempt's line thence South 4 poles to a stake corner of church lot; thence West with said lino to the beginning, containing 7-8 aero, more or less. Said sale being made for the pur pose of satisfying said debt, interest, costs and expenses of said sale. This 26th dav of June, 1931. LEWIS P. HAMLIN, Trustee. July 3-10-17-24. Mrs Thos. Teague who was called to*Ashevi!le last week on accountof the illneaa of her daughter, has re turned to Brevard. Mrs. Mac. Johnson of Augusta has arrived in Brevard for1 a six weeks visit with her parents. Miss Fiances Gibbs of Georgia is visiting her sister Mrs. Frank King , at their home on Caesar's Head road. F P Torley returned to Brevard this' week after a visit with friends and relatives in Augusta and sa vannah. Harold Bradley h? returned to Brevard after a visit of the past week with his uncle in Greensboro. Miss La Verne Waters, having com Dieted summer school studies at Wil liam and Mary College, Virginia, has returned to her ljpflW. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Myron Pithoud and daughter of Little Rock Ark., are i in Brevard for a month stay. j Mrs.i.Chw. ^Weaver , awt daughter Nancy of Apex, N. C., are the guests , of Mrs. Ed. Gillespie. . j Miss Ruth Vaughn is visiting friends for two weeks in various parts of South Carolina. Mrs. Minnie Whitmire and Miss i Dorothy Lumley of Greenville, were I the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. . J E Waters. , Mr and Mrs. Tyler of Americus, - Ga., who were summer guests in i in Hendersonville, were here the Brevard last summer and are now i first of last week. 3 Mrs. Leon English, Jr., Miss Eliza Henry and Miss Eloise Lewis spent ] last Thursday in Greenville. i Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Clement of c Greenville, spent several days | week with Mr. Frank Clement at his y summer home at Selica. . . Foy Sitton of Pittsburgh, Pa., is t visiting homefolks in Brevard. 1 Mr. and Mrs. P. M Verdery and son have returned to Chariotte after f i visit with relatives the past week, i Dr W. J. Babson, of Wilmington, f vas the week-end guest of Miss t Louise Townsend, c Mrs. D. E. Graham and Mrs. W. H. a Tones of Fayetteville, N. C., Mr. and VIrs. Leighton Breece of Miami, t in., c ,vere guests of Mrs. Floy Yarborough s Lyday at her home at Davidson t 5 ivcr J. T. Harrison and W. J. Nicholson p >f Sapphire, were in Brevard Mon- a laV . , W. E. Breese, Jr., of Memphis, n Tenn., is the guest of his parents, C ?r. and Mrs. W. E. Breese. Miss Victoria Galloway, of Taylors, ; C is now in Brevard for the sum- I ier, and has opened her summer ] lome on West Jordan street. 5 Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Smith of I Hiami, Fla., who are spending the! ummer in Asheville, were guests of Hiss Rachel Williams the past week Miss Catherine McMullen and her .rother, Harpers, of Danville, Ky., rj md Miss Rebecca Baw of LeesviUe, ^ 5 C., grandchildren of the late Prof. g) ,. B. Haynes, have been spendm^ ?. ome time with relatives in Brevard. Mrs. Frank Poper and daughter, t< ]ladys, of Laurens, were visitors in & Jrevard this week. g Mrs. Sarah Petden, of Bennetts ?ille, S. C., is guest of Mrs. H. u. ^ laynes on Maple Avenue. ritadel ? R. McAllister of the Citadel, Charleston, has ben the guest of H. g( ;. Haynes on Maple Avenue. ^ Miss McCubbin of Michigan.is pending the summer with Mr. ana i C B. Ninninger, on Rice street. ^ Rev. and Mrs. H. G. Bryant of Charlotte, are visiting Mrs. ran" v 'utman. , v,?- fi Miss Charlotte Brown has as her, ;uest a cousin from Atlanta, ua. ^ MANY GUESTS STOP f AT FRANKLIN HOTEL ; . i" Week-end guests at the Franklin ^ lotel include: j Gaston C. Raoul and party of . Chattanooga, Tenn.; Mr. and Mrs. Stroper Fleming, Atlanta; Mr. and ^ VIrs. Henry Morgan, Atlanta; Mr. a ind Mrs. E. J. Grant, Charleston; | Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Weatherby, An- t liston, Ala.; Harry H. Smith, Mo- y aile, Ala.; T. M. Cassels, Atlanta;!^ Mr. and Mrs. Sam A. Hunter, At- j lanta; Mr. and Mrs. Graham | Wright, Rome, Ga.; Mr. and Mrs. j Furmbule, Charlotte; A. C. Heyward, t Columbia; Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Doak, * Atlanta; Betty Carles, Charlotte; r Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Durland, High j Point; Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hunt, Co- ? lumbia; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brooker, ( Columbia; Robert Haverty, Mem- v phis; Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Henderson, , Tallahassee, Fla. a Mr. and Mrs. Robert Groves, Mr. j and Mrs. Harry G. Lea, Atlanta; Mrs. Barbara Lea, Danville; Mr. s and Mrs. Curtis Frey, Danville; D. J. Taylor, Atlanta; Z. H. Niland, At- j lanta; Mrs. Chas. M. Mashburn, At- ] lanta; Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Hurt, At- < lanta; Mr. Candler, Atlanta; Mrs. j D. B. Teabeaut, Atlanta; Mrs. Field- ] er Woodard, University, Va.; Wm. , Perkins, Augusta; Mr. and Mrs. R. ( C. Matheson, Anderson; Miss Vir- ] ginia Lay, Tampa; Mrs. Mildred B. Scott, Tampa; Dr. and Mrs. F. G. , Hodgson, Atlanta; Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Blockford, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. j Todd, Simpsonville, S. C.; F. L. Nor man, New Orleans, La.; Mrs. A1 W. Barnes, Tampa; Mrs. M. A. Walker, Winston-Salem; Mrs. Landon Hill, Winston-Salem; Mr. and Mrs. L. T. White, Raleigh; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Douglas, Nashville, Tenn.; Mr. and Mrs. T. E. McCrary, Lexington: Mr., and Mrs. W. E. McNulty, Columbia. ' Mrs. Logan Shearer, Mrs. Estelle Yancey, Lexington, Ky. ; Mr. and Mrs. H. Bleethenthal, Wilmington;, I Mr. and Mrs. Brook Dickson, New Orleans; Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Dun ham, Bessemer City;- Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Deyeelle, Atlanta; Herman Hamilton, Charlotte; Mr. and Mrs. i 0. B. Roberts, Atlanta; L. H. Love lace, Asheville. w Oakland News Items | I I Rev. S. B. McCall and Mr. Lee of of Lake Toxaway, spent the week-end visiting friends in the Gloucester section. Rev. Mr. McCall filled two appointments, one Saturday night at Shoal Creek and Sunday morning at Macedonia. Mrs. T. B. Reid visited her 90&, W. W. Reid and family over the week end. Mrs. Clarence Norton and Miss Evannd Sanders called on Mrs. S.E. Alexander one day last week. Mrs. S. B. McCall accompanied Mrs. Fred McNeely to Asheville last week. Misses Flora and Bess Reid of Brevard, spent several days last week with their cousin, Miss Lessie Reid. Lloyd Bryson of Sapphire, was the guest of Ray and Robert Sanders Saturday night. J. C. McCall visited Leo Reid one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Reid had as dinner guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Norton and Mr. and Mrs. W; F. McCall. Mrs. S. E. Alexander spent Sunday night with her brother, E. D. Reid. Howard Alexander left Sunday for New York, where he expects tp spend some time. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sanders visited Mrs. I. S. Sanders one day last week. Miss Laura Jane Bishop of Cedar Mountain, was guest last week for several days of Miss Louise McCall. Mrs. S. B. McCall had a number of ler South Carolina friends as guests 'or dinner Sunday. Mrs. Maggie Nicholson visited Mrs. [. S. Sanders Monday afternoon. Conrad Galloway of Glenville, tailed on friends here Sunday. Mrs. Mary Burgess of Cashiers, vas with home folks here a short time ast week. She is doing nicely with he boarding house business at Cash ers Valley. Clyde Chappie and family moved rom our community Monday to their arm, and Mr. and Mrs. WelSfTHeid lave moved here, taking charge of he garage and filling station. The ommunity at large extends to them , cordial welcome. It was announced at the Baptist hurch Sunday night that a revival ervice would start in the near fu ure, date to be decided as soon as tev. J. R. Owen, who is to assist the astor, can be heard from. We hope II who are interested will make prep ration to assist in the work and lake a wonderful ingathering for Ihrist. Pisgah Forest News Yes, sire-e-e-e, it is one thing after nother. Soon as we disposed of the herries and got 'em out of sight, 3me one came along calling "Ber ies, berries.'' Now it's beets, beans, tc. By and by we will be just as fficient with the can opener as the ity folk. , Mrs. L C. Kennon has returned ) her home here after spending sev ral weeks in Sumter, S. C., and liltmore. ... . Miss Fanny Boggs of Asheville, | pent the week-end with her sister, Irs. W. A. Lyday. Misses Dorothy and Anita Ander sn were recent guests of Elizabeth [cCoy. Little Audrey Morris of Biltmore, t visiting her" grandmother, Mrs. !mma Colburn. , W. L. Stophel attended the Bre ard-Balfour baseball game in Bal our Saturday afternoon. . Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Frady and chil- j ren and Mr. and Mrs. William Hark Jr., were Asheville visitors on londay. , ... H. Hedrick and children and Kie lollingsworth were recent Gloucester isitors. ... ... Greenwood Bishop is visiting Miss losa Bishop. Several people from this sectionat ended the singing in Rosman Sun "william Pruett and several of his riends from Weaverville, spent Sun av with the former's parents, Mr. nd Mrs. W. W. Pruett. Several people from this section at ended the funeral services in Bre ard Saturdav of little Margaret Ann Lllison, small daughter of Mr. and Irs. Turner Allison of Brevard. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Morgan, iisses Dorothy Souther and Nadino i.very, Messrs L. C. and \ . O. Orr ,nd Laurence Tipton enjoyed a pic lic supper at White Pine Camp in the 'isgah National Forest Saturday vening. . Miss Mary Louise Crousnorn . lh isiting in Atlanta. Mrs. C. S. Dunn and son Bobby, md James Avery are visiting Mrs. )unn's relatives in Erwin, Tenn. Jim Allison of Rutherfordton, ipent Sunday with his family here. Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Parker had as ;heir dinner guests Sunday: Mr. and Urs. John Parker and children ot Silver Creek, Mr. Velly Parker and Miss Nellie Manseer of Detroit, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sentell ?nd children, Mr. and Mrs. Curt':; drey and children and Miss Mildred Barnett. . Mr. Louis Carr of New Mexico, is visiting here. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Orr had as their guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Orr and children of Happy Hollow, and Misses Estelle and Le nora Owenby, and Miss Mattie Town send of Penrose. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bryant of South Carolina, are visiting the former's sister, Mrs. Tom Brewer. Mr. and Mrs. Delier Radford and children, and Mr. Harvey Radford of South Carolina, spent the week end with Mrs. John Radford. The Pisgah Forest baseball team defeated the Fletcher team on the lat ter's diamond Saturday afternoon by the score of 9-3. Wrigley made millions out of cheiv ing gum at five cents per package ? but Mr. Wrigley advertised regular. Only One Small Profit ffrom Plantation s to Firestone Service Stores and Service Dealers fif*0t0?4 Control Every Step in TIRE MAKING ? Firestone control every, step iqj the manufacturer of their products. Thex , have their own rubber preparation fac tory and warehouse in Singapore?their ' own cord fabric factories? their own great tire .factories ? the most efficient in the world. The million* of dollar 4 nmed annually by Firestone. from these! great economies are gassed o* to you in Extra Values. You get the full benefit of these val? ues because every Firestone Tire bears the Firestone name, and is doubly guar anteed by Firestone and Firestone Serv ice Dealers. Why take chances with spe cial brand tires, built just to sell ? with out the manufacturer's name, guarantee Or responsibility for service. Come in Today and make your own comparisons with cross sections of Fire stone Tires and special brand mail order tires. Get the facts yourself about tire quality and construction. When you see the Extra Values you get you will not feel secure on any other exccpt Firestone Tires. FlnitM? aw 0?r4 likrli Mills ? V flrtatoai ?m? hiitry fttuty Flraston* om? ?la Vtitwr Flr?itoa? om PmIM* OmiI Vmmhm rilfttMl omm 9r?t VMicrlM la AkfM VlratMC Im mttd Ml.tMSM tea* r?? wttk tkdr ImtIm D??I?v? la MtaUhllai Oat4tef tea Mm tm gtra me awmmrt thm mi iltUlibt itaMUrt* COMPARE PRICES BAKK OF OAil Eraklne ? > Plymouth-) Chandler *) DeSoto Dodge Dai-ant Giahe-n-P. Pontlac Roosevelt? Willy?-K~ Eeeer_ Naeh? TWft Sill 4.40-21 4.50-20 4.50-21 [4.75-19 4.75-20 5.00-19 5.90-20 5.00-21 5.25-21 Fin Oldteld Tff *4-f? 5-*? *?75 Bread ?eJI Order Tin $4.98 5.60 5.69 6.65 6.75 *.?? 6.98 7.?? 735 ??57 Fin Mm* OldSeld Tyn Cut Price Fee Pelf I ?.*?! xe.90 11.10 Seatlnel T??k MJ! 4-7? 7.10 7.35 8.57 13WXO X3.M U.U X4-M 14.70 5.75, ??? kit *35 737! *to?lei Breed 1 Hell iri.r ?raw Tin 94.35 4.78 4.85 5.68 5.75 5.99 6.10 6.55 7.37 Fin ?tote Seattle! Tine Cut Frlee r*Ktil *?*?1 9-40 11.14 113* X* tt 1LH 114? 14.5a MAKI OF OAR Buick-lflar. I OldaK+Uai Aubm 1 Si Gardnar_ Pearleaa ? StBdT)Vr_ Chryalar VUdn* Franklin ? Hndaon , EapmoblltJ LaSalla ) Packard ? J [Plero-A . Istnti Cadlll Lincoln? TIRC SIZE 5.23-18 5.50-18 5.50-19 6.00-18 6.00-19 6.00^0 6.00-21 6.50-20 7.0<W0 ri? ?kH OIHaM Tjr?? ?7.?* ? ?7f It# 1L|* ItH U.U XS.SS ?au Mw Tin ?7.90 8.75 ?.?0 11.20 11.40 11.50 11.65 13.10 15.35 6fsr r*r?? *7?*?f *7-??jj S?.7*H TRUCK and BUS TIRES ?in Flraatoaa OUdaJd Tyva Cub frita Bru4?all Ofdar Tlra OMtaMTm 30x5 mi llzl H.D, IM-ltHJ ?*7-9* ?9-75 3*95 IMS $17.95 29.75 32.95 15.35 ?34.9* 57-9* *3-7* -fr A" Special Brand" tf r? is made by a manufacturer for distributors such as mail order bouses, oil companies and oth ers, under a name that does nol Identify the tire manufacturer to tbe public, usually because be builds bis "best quality" tires under bis own name. Firestone puts his name on every tire he makes. Double Gumrantim? Every tire manufactured by Firestone bear* the name "FIRESTONE" and carries Firestone's unlimited guaran tee and our*. Yon are doubly protected. COMPARE CONSTRUCTION and QUALITY GIvmYou Mar* Weight, Pomn Mm .... Mtn ThlckneH, iMkti . . . ? Mar* Non-Skid Depth, lncbo . . ' Pile* Undur Tr?4 . ?mm Width, ladMi . ? ? ? m m mmm ? - iun mw ? 4.7S-19 Tlr? 51 OMM Ty?? I II ? I8.00 .*$? .aii * S.M +*?? tiai Brud | Mail Ortftr Tlr# I!I7.80| ?MS .250 5 s.ao I $*.*5 4.JMI Tin Tlrf*lo?? tMtlMl T*? ?iaJ B nsd ttall Onto Tt rt 17*02 .SN ?*50 * 4.75 S4.tf lfc.10 .5*1 ?134 . S 4.75 $4.85 Firestone Serrier OeakrimiSerTiecStcrM Sara Y?d Money ?mI Serve Teu Better McCrary Tire & Battery Service REPLACEMENT PARTS When you need parts for your car we can furnish you with almost any item desired. We carry Rims, Wheels, Hubs, Bearings, Springs, Radiators, Pistons, Rings, Connection Rods and Bearings, Clutch Parts, Transmission Gears, Drive Shafts, Ring Gears, Pinions, Axles, etc.

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