tut? in Hi VOLUME XXXVI BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, SEPTEMBER 17, 1931 N umber 37 Lyday Would Reopen BrevardlBank and Seek '? Pardons for Men Convicted at Recent Hearing * SUGGESTS ASKING SOLICITOR TO NOLPROS ALL PENDING CASES TO END TlMSIENS OF COUNTY MAY BEGIN CONSTRUCTIVE TASK 1 County and Town Officials Unable to Carry On Work Under Present Conditions ? Urges All Citizens to Pay *Taxes and Support the County and Its Institutions ? To Lay Aside Petty Quarrels and Damaging Political Bickerings, and Work for Common Good of All the People of the County. "Let us all come together in one mighty movement for Brevard and Transylvania county, re-organize and re-open the Brevard Bank, pay our taxes, support our institutions, and send a hundred men and women to Raleigh with a petition signed by our entire citizenship, seeking pardon foa* every one of our cit izens recently sentenced, and then implore Solicitor Pless to no! pros all such pending cases, and go to work, all together, for re-building our town and county," is the soul-stirring ap peal of G. H. Lyday. prominent Davidson River citizen. Mr. Ly