THE BREVARD NEWS Pubished Ev#ry Thursday by THE TRANSYLVANIA PUBLISHING CO., Inc. Entered at the Postoffice in Brevard, N. C., as Second Class Matter James F. Barrett Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Payable In Advance) One Year $2.00 Six Months 1.00 Three Months 60 Thursday, September 17, 1931 AND THIS IS TO BE A BATTLE ROYAL FOR FAIR Now that the real estate boom is a thing of the past, and interest in the banking situation is waning, Wes tern North Carolina must have some thing else to scrap about, so the wom en of Asheville begin organizing for repeal of the prohibition laws. Not content with a little scrap in Ashe ville, notice is given that the light is to be carried into all the counties in Western Carolina. All right. But let us tell you one thing: This is go ing to be a buttle royal. All scraps of the past will appear as pink tea affairs in comparison to what this scrap is to be. North Carolina is dry, and any effort to agitate repeal of the dry laws can result in nothing but a fuss which will divide families, destroy friendships and tear com munities asunder. It is a foolish thing to do just now, when the whole section ought to be busy at constructive work which can be done only with solidified effort. Looks like have had enough hell without starting a foolish fight over prohibition at this time. We should, at least, wait until we get the Great Smoky Mountain National Park go ing, and some of the defaulted inter est coupons on our bonds redeemed, and some of our school affairs straightened out, ere we begin a tight over as foolish a thing as an attempt to repeal the prohibition laws. I! LA DE CHEEK FOLKS ARE PRAISING FRED JOHNSON Citizens of the Glaoe Creek com munity are giving much praise to Fred Johnson, in charge of the road work in that section, because of the fact that those residents can now drive their cars over the road. One citizen remarked a few day ago that this is the first time since Adam was a little boy that people could get in and out of the Glade Creek section with any degree of ease. Several sections of the county are beginning to "see daylight,' 'with im provements being made on the coun try roads. Mr. Howard, in charge of this district for the State Highway Commission, receives many letters expressing gratitude for work being done in the several rural communities in Mr. Howard's district. We have been expecting to hear from East Fork on improvements of roads. Seems that we used to have commun ications from that section lambasting the roads rather severely. As we get it from second-hand sources, there has been considerable improve ment in East Fork, but we would liko to get first hand and direct informa tion about the matter. Wonder what is the matter with our good friend who used to send in seme most interesting news from that section. (Since the above was writ ten, East Fork came in like a cyclone. Glory Hally oh, you spell it.) OUR GOVERNOR AND SENATOR GIVE DIFFERENT REASONS. Over in Asheville last week some women of that city listened to a couple of imported public speakers, one from Washington and the other from Raleigh, and then proceeded to organize themselves into a group with the a#wed purpose of bringing about repeal of the prohibition laws. It was declared by the imported speakers that the awful crime wave waving about over this wavering country of ours was due to the pro hibition laws, therefore, these laws should be repealed or modified. Down at Chapel Hill during the same week two great men were speaking, the one Governor O. Max Gardner, the other, Senator Josiah W. Bailey. They, too, were talking about the crime wave waving over this wavering country of ours, and the causes as given by these great men for this crime was our love of money. Governor Gardner and Sen ator Bailey gave sensible, sound ar guments and cited facts and figures to prove their case. The women who came to Asheville merely said their say, and had no facts nor figures up on which to base their assertions. We believe that statesmen like Governor Gardner and Senator Bail ey will find more people ready to ac cept their diagnosis of conditions than can be found who will accept TV 1 1 i'i'i" j the word of ladies- who are out on the stump fighting the prohibition law. We know, at least, that Messrs. Gardner and Bailey represent the state of North Carolina. We do not know whom these two women repre sent, nor who is paying their ex penses, nor from whom they taKe their orders. We do know that ov ernor Gardner and Senator Bai ey are deeply interested in the develop ment of North Carolina's resources and in the advancement of her peo ple We do not know whose brewery is to be benefitted by the repeal of the prohibition law, nor whose winery and distillery is to be put in operation just as soon as the prohi bition act can be annulled, if, ^and when, such an impossible thing hap pens. OF COURSE THE BUILDING AND LOAN IS GOOD HERE. One of our subscribers living in Florida, but owning some property here and having shares in the Bre vard Building and Loan association, writes in to know if The Brevard News really brieves in the future ot this county as expressed in an edi torial two weeks ago. She alSo wants to know about the Brevard Building and Loan association. We have replied to the lady in ? personal letter, but fearing that oth ers might be worried in similar man net, we are making this public state ment. We not only believe all that wat said in our recent editorial, but s whole lot more could have been saic of the future of this section, and tin enlarged statement be well withn bounds of reason. Other great devel opments have come to light withn the past week which add much v the already bright prospects for th. future of Transylvania county. As to the Brevard Building an. Loan association, we can assure ou good friend that no other institutioi has done so much for the comnum ity, and close examination and in spection of the association bj ixpu ienced men give assurance that th local institution is in splendidl, sound condition. Th, fact that no a single building and loan associa tion in the state went clown last yeai while banks all about were falling b the wayside ought to be sufticien evidence of the soundness of these in stitutions. Some very flattering reports hav been made concerning the Brevav Building and Loan association, an we know of no other institution any where in the state that has greatc resources behind it in compariso with its liabilities than that found 1 the Brevard Building and Loan ;.s sociation. We advised our goo. friend in Florida to hold on to ho property here, and by all means t keep her building and loan payment right up to the notch at all times. | Lake Toxaway News I i Mrs. Julius Breedlove of Glenvillc returned home last week after spend ing several weeks here visiting rela tives. Mrs. L. C. Case and son, L. C. Jr made a business trip to Cullowhe. i last week. Rev. J. M. Green of Rosman, wil preach at Oakland at the home o Willie Reid, next Sunday, Sept. 19, ii | the afternoon, 4 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Arrowood hac as their guest last Sunday Mr. Ar i wood's brother and his wife, of Ashe ville. Mr. and Mrs Roland Owen of Bre , vard were in Toxaway last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Neely of Bre : vard, attended the Owen reunion las j Saturday. j Mr. and Mrs. Arrowood Lee spen' j last Sunday with Mrs. Fannie Mc Coy. Little John Rogers is in the chil dren's hospital at Gastonia. Miss Doreen Lee left Monday foi ' Cullowhee, where she will enter th< Western Carolina Teachers College. Mrs. Henson and children of Wesi Asheville, were guests of Mrs. Hen son, parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. D Gillespie, last week. Robert Willbanks of West Ashe ville, was the guest of his parents Mr. and Mrs. F. Y. Willbanks, lasl week# O'Neil Owen and L. C. Case Jr. left last Monday for Cullowhee tc enter the Western Carolina Teachers College. Mrs. W. W. Ray and Mrs. D. C. Scruggs were in Gastonia last week. Miss Essie Owen is staying with Mrs. Gillespie this week. Quite a number of Toxaway people attended the Owen reunion at the Sil versteen school house in Gloucester Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts of Asheville are stopping with Mrs. T. D. Gilles pie. Coming as a surprise to their many friends was the wedding of Miss Bonnie Reed of Quebec and Emmet Owen of Toxaway; also Miss Alma Chapman of Quebec, to Ralph Alex ander, of Toxaway. Both weddings occurred in South Carolina last week. C. R. McNeely and granddaughter, Miss Mabel McNeely, of Brevard, were in Toxaway last week. Cleon Williams made a business trip to Hendersonville and Gastonia last week. The many friends of Mrs. Jim ww BIG EVENTS TOLD IN LITHE PARAGRAPHS ( Gleaned by Clifford Montieth ) Fire in the suburbs of Mespotamia, jas an aftermath of the hurricane that ; struck Belize, British Honduras, on September 10 is now threatening to | complete the destruction of storm | I a?d flood as the work of burying and ? cremating the dead, now estimated at more than a thousand, goes grimly on. ! i i Flight Lieutenant J. N. Boothman flew his silvery plane 271 miles at an | average of 340.08 miles per hour | Sunday, September 13, to win the coveted Schneider cup for Great Britain. ; i ; If Henry B. Bigelow, professor of zoology at Harvard University, and Sir Hubert Wilkins, polar explorer, are successful in their experiments an answer to the riddle of the mythi cal "lost" continent will probably be found. George Young, a husky young man from Toronto, was winner in the an nual 15-mile swimming race in Lake Ontario last week. | At the eighty-second meeting of the American Chemical Society in ; Buffalo last week Professor Linus 'Carl Pauling, of California Institute .'of Technology, was presented with a certificate and $1,000 for being the most promising yoting chemist in | the country. > I , 1 The Graf Zeppelin has returned to . ' Friedrichshafen, Germany, complet ing a non-stop (light from Pernam ? buco. i The Hungarian government, last i Saturday, ordered all newspapers in ^ that country to reduce the number of ' their pages one-third as part of an * economic program. I More than two billion dollars pass ed through the national treasury last Tuesday when the quarterly financ 1 ing securities were sold, income tax - received and maturing securities and _ debts paid. . | 1 ,. Carl Milles, greatest sculptor sinei Rodin, is making a tour of the United y States. t Clyde Pangborn and Hugh Hern ', don, Jr., announce that they will at y tempt a non-stop trans-pacific flight ' from Japan to the United States in the near future. ! Fires in the Minnesota north woods e last week caused three deaths, left j over three hundred persons home less, and destroyed approximately .i million dollars worth of property. I : Less than twenty hours aftei n their take-off from Le Bourget on <i non-stop flight to Toyko, Joseph Le II brix, French aviator, and Rene Me.! " miri, mechanic, were killed when ri their airplane Hyphen 11 crashed r into a field Saturday, September 12. "| With peace reigning on the Parade s after the 8150,000 revolution, Presi dent Gerardo Machado lias Started ! setting his country to rights. j Oil is again flowing from som< I 1,800 wells in the sprawling East I Texas field. Although some of the | wells have a capacity of 40,000 bar ? rels per day, only 225 barrels are allowed to flow from each well per - ! day. | Willy Rody and Christian Johans . sen, in their big junkers airplane, ? i took off from Juncal do Sol Sunday on a non-stop hop from Portugal to I I New York. f I 1 1 Among the 32,000 inventions on ? display this week at the interna i tional patent exposition, being held . jin Chicago, are invisible galluses and . j non-skid soap. . : Jack Hyland, of Wilson, N. C.. has arrived at Detroit after roller-skat . ing for 34 days and eight nights, t He used up four pairs of roller (skates in the 1,900 miles covered. . I Premier Mussolini's cabinet will issue a decree revoking the 1924 law . against gambling houses throughout Italy in an effort to aid the pleasure :|and health resorts, which have suf > fered severely from lack of business , this summer. t ' . I Flight Lieutenant G. H. Stainforth became holder of the world's speed i record last Sunday when he flew over . ;a three kilometer course at a speed of ( j 386.1 miles per hour. '} Sir Hubert Wilkins' polar submar ? ine, the Nautilas. has returned to its i j home port at Spitzbergen after an ? extended tour of the Arctic ice : fields. The Nautilas was somewhat | damaged in the ice but was able to , make port under its own power. I Secretary of War Patrick Jay Hur ley is now in the Philippines secur ing first-hand information concern ing the political, educational, social and economic conditions which now prevail in the islands. His usual prayer period and an in ternational radio broadcasting sys item were used last Sunday by Ma hatma M. K. Gandhi to address the : American people, and to "appeal to 1 ; the conscience of the world to come I to the rescue of people who are dy j ing in order to. regain their liberty." | City and county authorities have , again taken charge of Jonesboro, 1 ____ Breedlove will be glad to tnnw she is well again after being sick for thf past two weeks. WHAT IS A GOATEE? ASK YOUR HUSBAND {By CARL GOERCH) There are certain things which are serious, solemn and sacred and which should not, under any circumstances, be treated lightly. That statement is intended mere ly as a word of warning in the event that you should feel like laughing out loud when you read in the pa pers that President Hoover is going to issue a Thanksgiving proclamation as usual this year. During the past week I received over eighty letters from people in different sections of the state, refer ring to a statement I made in this column recently to the effect that dogs do not scratch themselves with their left hind legs. ' Some of the writers seemed slight ly peeved about the proposition. They wrote that they had spent an h<pur or more, waiting for their dogs to scratch, and then had discovered I that the animals were just as prom to use the left leg as the right one. Come to think of it, jna^.be I was wrong in saying that dogs didn't ust j their left hind legs. Perhaps it was | ostriches that have this peculiar hab it. Anyway, watch the next ostricl you happen to see and report to mi on its activities. Taking everything into considera tion, I believe that Max Gardner ha: had more serious problems to dea with than any other Governor wejvi had this century. Strikes, deficits ii finances, depressions, the cotton sit uation, the legislature ? it's been jus one thing after another. As a whole however, he's made a darned gooi Governor and deserves a lot of cred it for the wav he has handled th affairs of state. Stop reading this for just a rnc ment and turn to some member o the family or some friend who haj: pens to be in the immediate vicinit and ask him what a spiral stairwa is. Then watch his right hand closelj Nine hundred and ninety-nin people out of a thousand will in mediately start making circular mc tions with their hands before sayin a word. The instant you pronounc the word, "spiral," you'll observ that their hands start in motion. The same is true about the won "goatee." Ask some of your friend what a goatee is, and you'll discove they will invariably grab for thei chins before uttering a word. Folks are funny that way. ' What this country needs, durin ; these clays of low prices for f u ri commodities, is to fire every specii . commission and every special boar that has been appointed to invest gate the situation as it now exists, I On top of that, if we'd forge . about the farmers and let them wor out their own salvation, the chancc are that they might be able to a' complish something. We don't give the farmer cred for having sense enough to come i out of the rain. Everybody seems t think that the farmer can't get. alon , without outside help. Personally, believe that the average farmc would be a blamed sight better of if people who don't know the firs thing about agriculture would qu messing up things. ; The Norfolk-Southern drawbridg across the Pamlico river is turne by hand. The negro who pushes th j lever around, walking in a circle 2 J feet in diameter, has been on th j job more than a score of years. Dui \ ing that time, he has walked a dis . tance of more than 15,000 miles i that circle, opening and closing ih draw. Just think of that. Fifteen thou I sand miles and never more than few feet from where he started. H land some of our leading politician in North Carolina are very muc' alike; they spend practically all o their time going around in circle :and never getting anywhere. 1 We had a children's party aroun at our house the other night. Eigh to twelve years old. When it cam time for the party to break up, par ents of the guests would drive up ii front of the house and sound thei auto horns. In every instance, som child would jump up from her sea and say: "here's our car; I've go to be going!" I In not a single case did any o :the guests make an error in identi fying their respective cars. I In these days and times, childrei may sometimes fail to recognize th< voice of their parents, but the; never fail to recognize their ,owi automobile horns. Speaking of children: l Over in Greenville not long ago J. B. Kittrell and his five-year-olc !son were having a conversation. | "Daddy, are you afraid of thun^ 'der?" "No, son." "Are you afraid of snakes?" "Not especially." "Are you afraid of lions?" "No, indeed." "Gosh, daddy, but you're brave. I You're not afraid of anything in the I world, except Mamma, are you?" Ark., following the withdrawal of national guardsmen called there Thursday, September 19, when a con troversy between factions of the First Baptist church reached alarm ing proportions. Lawyer (for auto accident victim) "Gentlemen of the jury, the driver o fthe car stated that he was going only six miles an hour. Think of the lo^p agony of my noor client, the victim of this accident, as the car drove slowly over him!" , 'VftftWW NOTICES OF LEGAL INTEREST NOTICE By virtue of power contained in a certain deed of trust executed by J. C. Hendrix and wife Esther Hen drix to the undersigned trustee to secure certain indebtedness mention jed therein, which deed of trust .is idated 10 day of March 1926 and re corded in Baok No. 20 at page 63 deed of trust records of Transylvania County, N. C., said indebtedness hav ing become due and default having i been made in the payment, and ail notices as required in said deed of I trust having been given to the makers ! of said note and deed of trust to . make good the payment and de fault not having been made good, and the holder of said note and deed of trust having demanded that the lands described in said deed of trust be sold to satisfy said indebtedness and cost of sale. \ 1 will sell to the highest bidder for | cash at the Court House Door in the town of Brevard, N. C., on Saturday j September the 26 1931 at 12 o'clock ! Noon al! the following described I land: , | Beginning at a stake on the south j side of French Broad Ave, the north . I west corner of Lot No. 14 and run* ] j with the north margin of said Ave ; | north 59 deg. west 80 feet to a sta!? ' jW. S. Ashworth's corner; thenc< "'with his line south 31 deg. west 16( feet to a stake in line of lot No. 1 ? thence south 59 deg. east 70 1-2 fee to a stake in King's line, corner oi Lot No. 13; thence north 31 de? - east 163 1-2 feet to the Beginning Being lot No. 12 of the J. A. Gallo 1 way division, except that part o i ! said iot deeded to E. L. Snelson am i H. L. Wilson by J. C. Hendrix am - wife. t] This 27 day of August 1931. ?. ! T. C. GALLOWAY :1 Aug.i27 Sept. 3 10 17 ? Trustee ? NOTICE Under and by virtue of the powe rof sale contained in that certai ? deed of trust dated the 1st day o 1 November 1928, and recorded in boo 22 at page 548. Transylvania Count y Registry, and excuted by J. A. Millc y and wife, Ella Miller, to L. E. John '? son and Lewis P. Hamlin, Trustee e default having been made in the pa\ i- ment of the indebtedness secure i- thereby, whereby the entire amour g of said indebtedness became due an e payable, and demand having bee e made by the holders of said note upon the Trustees named therein t j advertise and sell the property d< |g scribed in said deed of trust, r The undersigned Trustees will o: r fer for sale. FOR CASH, at pub! i auction at the court house door i Kievard, Transylvania County. Nort j Carolina, at 12 o'clock M. Saturda; Octobcr 3rd, 1931, the following di K scribed rea! estate. j Lying in the town of Brevard, > (j C., on the west side of Caldwe j_ street, BEGINNING on a locust post o f the west margin of Caldwell street; C. A. Shuford's heirs corner, an runs with the west margin of Cal< ?s well street, south 28 deg. west 111 1 ' feet to a stake; then at right angh with Caldwell street, north 62 dej it west 200 feet to a stake; then nort n 28 deg. east 40 feet to a stake in fl p Henning line; then with said lin g south 87 1-2 deg. east 103 feet to I corner, then with C. A. Shuford r heirs line south 77 deg. east 113 fe< '' to the beginning. it This the 1st day of Sept. 3931. it | L. E. JOHNSON and LEWIS P. HAMLIN, Trustee. 4tcSepl0-17-25Oc d NOTICE OF Foreclosure Sal e | By virtue of and pursuant to th 4 power of sale contained in that Dee e of Trust from E. J. Anders, et al ?- to the undersigned Trustee, of da1 September 1, 1928, and of record i n | Book No. 22, at page No. 524, of tl e Records of Mortgages and Deeds < Trust for Transylvania County, d< i- fault having been made in the paj a ment of the indebtedness secure e thereby, whereby the power of sal s : has become operative, the undersigr h ed Trustee will on the 22nd day o f September, 1931, at two-thirty o'cloc s P- M? at the front door of the Coui House of Transylvania County, ii I Brevard, North Carolina, offer fo j i sale to the highest bidder for easl t the following described land, viz: e ! That tract of land containing 2 ! acres, more or less, situate in Boy n Township, Transylvania Count} r North Carolina, fully described in e Deed of Trust from E. J. Anders an t wife, Kate S. Anders, to J. E. Ship t man, Trustee for W. C. Jordan, o : date the 21st day of July, 1928, an , | recorded in Book 24, at page 47, o the Record of Mortgages and Deed " of Trust for Transylvania Count} ! North Carolina, to which reference i i hereby made for full and complet 2 ; description; said tract of land lyini f on the North side of State Highwa' i No. 28, bounded by the lands of E. B Hadley, et al., and being the secon< tract described in the Deed of Trus I first above mentioned. ? 1 This August 20th, 1931. 1 I. Curtis Arledce, Trustee I 4tp Ag27Sep3-10-17 NOTICE of Foreclosure I Under and by virtue of the Powei ! of Sale contained in that certain Deec Jin Trust from W. V. Owen and wife Ethel Owen to J. E. Frazier, Trustee | the undersigned having been appoint led Trustee in the place and stead of the said J. E. Frazier, said Deed ol j Trust having* been given to secure i certain indebtedness therein named to j the Brevard Building and Loan Asso ciation. which Deed in Trust is regi , stered in Book No. 17, at page 24, of 'the Records of Deeds in Trust of Transylvania County, and default haying been made in the payment of said indebtedness and the undersign ed Trustee having been requested to foreclose the said Deed in Trust and all notices required having been giv en and said default has not bean Now, therefore, the undersigned Trustee will on Saturday, the ?Gth day of September, 1931, at 12 o'clock, M., at the Court House door in the Town of Brevard, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described real property, to wit: Being all that property aescribed by metes and bounds in that certain ? Deed in Trust aforesaid and register i ed as aforesaid, reference being here j by made to said Deed in Trust and I the record thereof for a full descrip tion. ihe proceeds of said sale to be ap plied upon said indebtedness, cost of sale, etc. This 26th day of August, 1931. D. L. ENGLISH, Trustee. ^ Sept.3-10-17-24 ^ ' NOTICE OF Foreclosure Sale Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed in trust from Annie May Patton to ; D. L. English, Trustee, said deed in trust bearing date of October the 8th : 1930, and registered in Book No. 23, on page 149, of the record of deeds in trust for Transylvania County, and default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by said deed in trust and all notices required having been given and said default has not been made good: Now therefore, the undersigned Trustee will on Saturday October the 3rd, 1931, at 12 o'clock M. at the Court House door in Brevard, X. C. offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real property to-wit: All that lot iyinr in the town of Brevard and on west side f ? South Broad street and fully describ ed in the deed ir. trust aforesaid, ref erence being hereby made to said deed in trust and the record thereof for a description ? <. said property by metes and bound -. The proceeds o' ;nd ile to be ap plied upon said indi-l.tedness, cost "f i sale, etc. n This the 1st. day Sept. 1931. f D. L. ENGLISH T . t, e. k BB&L 4tc S-o 10-17-240cl NOTICE of Foreclosure i- Under and by vi ' of the power of sale contained i ' it certain deed ?- in trust from C. ('. Kilpatridc and d his wife, Sarah K; rick to J. K. it Frazier. Trustee, i:h< undersigned d having been appoi ?<?<! substitute n Trustee by order Court) said deed in trust beaii . .late of May o the 18th, 1927, : ste red in Book - No. 17, on page 2 > f the records of deeds in trust : Transylvania f. County, securing i1.: indebtedness jt. therein named ar.<l ? ??fault having ? been made in th-: ; ay; lent of said in I, debtedness and r.1! rot ices required having been given and said default has not been made good; Now therefore, the undersigned ? will on Saturday the 3rd day of Oc jj tober 1931, at 12 o'clock M. offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder ,n for^cash the following described real lt property to-wit : cf Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 ? ?' the C. C. Kil 1- patrick Subdivision I fully describ ?2 ed in the deed in trus aforesaid, ref >>- erence being hereby made to said deed in trust and th record thereof h for a description said lands by ie metes and bound.-. e The proceeds of -aid sale to be ap a plied upon said ind> : ? dness, cost of 's sale. etc. ;t This the 1st. dav - ' Sept. 1931. D. L. ENGLISH. Trustee. BB&L S ; ;0-17-24Oc3 NOTICE 1 OF RE-SALE Under and by virt of the power of sale contained that certain deed in trust fron T. \V. Whitmire and wife, S. A. H l: ? aid and wife, '' T. H. Shtpman and v. :'e and J. M. ?' Allison and wife t D. L. English ?e Trustee, dated Jul; 15th, 1928, and n registered in Bo:.:: - at page 18, 'S Record of Deeds ir. Trust and under and by virtue of th order of Re-Sale made in regard to said Peed in Trust. " Now, therefore, the undersigned Trusteei will, on Sa.urday the 19th G day of September 19:51 at 12 o'clock M. at the Court II' use door in Bre ? vard, N. C., sell to the highest bid der foi cash, the following described 1 real property to-wit: " That certain lot lying in the town r of Brevard, N. C.. or. the South side '? of East Main Street and East side of _ South Alley, and described in the ' deed in trust aforesaid, reference be ing hereby made to same and the rec r' ord thereof for a description of said lot by metes and bounds. d Proceeds to be applied upon said indebtedness, costs of sale, etc. j This September the 4th, 1931. ? D. L. ENGLISH. Trustee. J ^ 2 (Two) times Sep 10-17BB&L S, NOTICE s State of North Carolina 0 County of Transylvania ? By virtue of the power of sale V contained in a deed in trust, executed ? the 4th day of March 1930 to the 1 undersigned Ralph Fisher, Trustee, 1 which said deed in trust is recorded in Book 128 at page 123 of the re cords of deeds in trusts for Tran sylvania County, N. C., and default having been made in payment of said ? note, after same having become due and the holder of said note having ? called upon the undersigned trustee I to advertise and sell the land herein , described for the purpose of paying , said indebtedness; I will on Monday, the 5th day of October 1931 at 12 ' o'clock noon at the court house door ! in Brevard, N. C., offer for sale at ? public auction and sell to the highest bidder for cash the lands described in said deed in trust, to-wit: Being the same land described in Deed Book No. 162 at Page No. 587 of the deed records in and for Tran sylvania County, N. C., and being the same land described in the deed of trust recorded in Book No. 28 at page No. 123 et seq. The sale is to the highest bidder for cash and will be sold subject to taxes and other Kens thereon. This the 9 day of Sept. 1931. RALPH FISHER glO 17|240cl Trustee

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