Rosman Section of The Brevard News MRS. JORDAN WHITMIRE, Editor monument to be unveiled for LATE WILLIAM W ATKINS The Woodmen of the World will unveil a monument honoring William Watkins, deceased, at Little River Baptist Church, next Sunday after noon at 3 o'clock. Hon. T, Coleman Galloway of Brevard will make the principal address and Mrs. Roe Rice R?sman will read the poem. The public is cordially invited to attend these services. REVIVAL SERVICES AT OLD TOXAWAY BAPTIST CHURCH The revival services at the Zion Baptist church will continue through the week, much interest is being man ifest and many souls have been saved. Services each afternoon and even ing- Rev. W. A. Tinsley of Ninety Six, S. C., is assisting the pastor, Rev. J. E. Burt, in these meetings. REVIVAL SERVICES AT OLD TOXAWAY BAPTIST CHURCH The revival services conducted by Rev. C. L. Holtzclaw of Campobello, S. C., came to a close Sunday night with much good accomplished and four souls saved. The Rev. Holtzclaw began a revival at Old Toxaway Baptist church Mon day night. Services each evening at eight o'clock. The public invited. These services are held under the auspices of the Pentecostal Holiness church. DISTRICT SINGERS TO MEET AT CARR'S HILL SUNDAY The District singing convention will meet at Carr's Hill Baptist church next Sunday afternoon at two o'clock. There are expected some quartets and other prominent singers to be present. The public invited to attend. Ernest Paxton of Greenville, S. C., was a Cherryfield visitor over the week-end. J For Reliable Heat Quality Price Dixie Gem coal is real coal through and through. Here you get the best quality in any specimens you may or der. It is free of dirt and clinkers, and every piece burns, leaving very little ash. The price, today, is as always, the lowest possible. WOOD ICE Phone 241 PURITY PRODUCTS COMPANY BREVARD, N. C. LOCALS AND PERSONALS Mrs. Joe Galloway spent the week end in Gloucester as guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Spurgeon Owen. Mrs. W. A. Tinsley and two chil dren of Ninety-Six, S. C., spent the week-end with Rev. Mr. Tinsley at, the home of Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Burt. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Batson and children moved Monday from the Ar cana to the Zachary Farm near Rosman. Mrs. Jordan Whitmire and daugh ter, Miss LaVerne, spent the week end near Brevard as guest of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Collins and daughter, Evon, returned to St. Pet ersburg, Fla., Friday, having spent | several days as guest of their daugh- . ter, Mrs. Thomas Morrison. They ' were accompanied home by Reba and Neoma Morrison, who will spend the winter in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Tethers and son, Dr. Tethers and Mrs. Tethers, of New Jersey, will arrive Tuesday to spend several days as guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hutches. Coy Fisher spent Sunday as guest , of Charles and Tom Glazener. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Paxton and mother, Mrs. L. M. Glazener, Miss 1 Ola Paxton, Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Ow on and children, Miss Leota Randolph and Mrs. H. G. Stophel attended the Owen reunion in Gloucester Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wilson and daughters, Kathleen and Doris, were : visitors to High Hampton and Cashiers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Critten Galloway spent the week end as guest of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Wilson, at Cashiers. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Rogers and Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Towns spent the week end visiting relatives near Sal em and Walhalla. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Boarders re turned to their home at Shelby Mon day, having spent the past week as guest of their daughter, Mrs. G. C. McClure. J. B. Rogers, Robert Leathers and James Staton spent Saturday night visiting relatives and friends near Salem, S. C. Joe Paxton left Saturday for his home at Pelzer, S. C., having spent the past two weeks visiting relatives. Miss Fay Glazener, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Glazener, left Monday to resume her studies at Asheville Normal, Asheville, N. C. Mv. and Mrs. Taylor Banther, who have resided in the Gloucester sec- j tion for several years, moved recently to the Cos Paxton farm near Cherry- 1 1 field. | : Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Lewis and daughters, Ruth and Velma, Jordan Whitmire, Paul Rogers, Rickmond and Leon Manly, Vando Morgan, Mr. 1 and Mrs. E. D. Randolph and chil- ?' iren, Vasco Manly, Mr. and Mrs. L. 1 V. Sigmon and daughter, Miss Bon- 1 nie, and son Victor, James Passmore ' ?nd others attended the singing at 1 jlenville Sunday. li ^ Rev, J. K. Henderson, pastor of I Jalvert Baptist church was a dinner ' ruest of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Glaz- 1 mer Sunday. | . ^ Messrs. Carr, Flem and Walter , 1 jlazener visited Mr. E. A. Glazener 1 >t Mountain Sanitarium near Flet cher, Sunday. I Miss Mamie Hinkle spent the week- ' rnd with her parents near Salem.S. Ui I Miss Helen Allison, daughter of ' Mr. and Mrs. Carl Allison and Miss : Ruth Morgan, daughter of Mr. and ' Mrs. Frank Morgan of the Cherry field section, left Monday for Ashe ville Normal where they will enter college. < Mrs. Taft Owen of Cherryfield, who has been ill for several days is much improved. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Harlen of the Calvert section, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Glazener Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ferm Whitmire and children were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Winchester. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fisher and daughters, Verona and Betty June, spent the week-end as guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lee R. Fisher. J. C. (Dock) Galloway, who un derwent an operation at Biltmore i hospital in Biltmore, is recovering i nicely. | Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fisher and two children spent Sunday at Cashier's as guest of Mrs. Fisher's sister, Mrs. Edward Fowler. ,^lsj Millsaps of Asheville arrived Sunday to spend several days ARE YOU PROUD TO SHOW YOUR WATCH You insist upon style in your clothing, your automo bile, your home, yet there is one thing that may have es caped you? your watch. Is it olcl-fashioned and bulky or is it new, smart Ji and in keeping with the rest of your attire? You'll find style and accuracy in the dependable $ watches we sell. Frank D. Clement, The Hallmark Jeweler CLEMSON THEATRE BUILDING i*+4 ? *** ***** i hwhw j |n|i?it mm REVIVAL SERVICES AT WESLEY AN M. E. CHURCH Revival services began at the Wes leyan M. E. Church in Brevard Sun day night Rev. James M. McGowan of Akron, Ohio, will assist the pastor, Rev. G. E. Kellar. Services each ev ening at 7:30 o'clock. The public is cordially invited. as guest of her daughter, Mrs. J. E. White. Julian Jones, who recently under went an operation at Angel Bros, hospital Fraklin returned home Fri day much improved. Mr. and Mrs. Craig Whitmire and daughter, Lucia Nelle, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.E. R.Galloway. Taylor Banther of Cherryfleld was a business visitor to Rosman Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Tarrie Aiken spent Wednesday as guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Powell. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Winchester visited relatives at Greenville, S. C., Sunday. Misses Stella and Zona McCall, who are attending school at Brevard, spent the week-end in Gloucester as guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. McCall and Mr. and Mrs. Riiey McCall. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morgan and children were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Milford Moore. Little Miss Averee Fisher, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fisher spent Saturday night as guest of her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee R. Fisher. Lewis Summey spent Sunday night as guest of Charlie Galloway. Tom Glazener spent Saturday night as guest of Coy Fisher. Mrs, Charles Gravely and son Rob ert, and Mr. Underwood of East Fork and Canton were Rosman visitors Saturday. Mrs. L. P. Chapman of Tryon is spending this week as guest of her son, Rev. Nathan Chapman and Mrs. Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. L. 0. Casey and son of Hollywood, Fla., returned home Monday, having Bpent a couple of weeks at the Arcana near Rosman. Mrs. James Nelson- and son, Jack, and daughter, Edna, spent the week end in Greenville, S. C., as guest of the former's daughter, Mrs. Hubert Callahan. Miss Pauline Leathers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Leathers, left Monday for Weaverville to enter College. E. A. Glazener, who recently un derwent an operation for appendici tis, is slightly improved. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Corbin and son, John, Frank and Miss Olga Faren berry and Miss Cleo Jamison attend ed the Western North Carolina ag riculture teachers' meeting held at the 4-H Club camp at Swannanoa Saturday. Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Burt and chil dren and father, Mr. J. E. Burt and Rev. Mr. Tinsley were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. McClure. Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Owen and :hildren and Mrs. L. R. Staton visit jd Mrs. Harriett Wilson and Miss Leota Wilson at Selica Sunday. Miss Laura Pressley of Brevard spent Saturday with Mrs. M. Kellar. Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Tinsley of Ninetv-Six. S. C? 'were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Watkins, Sat irday. Mrs. H. G. Stophell visited her jrandmother, Mrs. Hettie McCall in Gloucester Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. Harry 0. Topp of Charleston, West Virginia, announce the birth of a son, Jackie Lee, Sept. 1st, St. Francis Hospital. Mrs. ropp was before her marriage, Miss Nettle Jackson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jackson o{ Rosman. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Collins and daughter, Miss Evon, and Mrs. Tom Morrison visited relatives Rt Lake Toxaway at Quebec last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Stophell of Pisgah Forest were Sundav guestB of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Stophell. Harry Duncan of Knoxville, Tenn., and Brodus Duncan of Ft. Bragg are spending several days as guest of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Duncan. Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Green were visitors to Hendersonville the first of the week. Horace Morrison of Canton, spent several days as guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Morrison. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Woodard and children attended the singing at Glenville, Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. C. J. Eldridge were visitors to Asheville the first of the week. Mrs. Emma Hendricks, who has been very ill with a carbunkle is much improved. The minister had called on the widow to offer his condolences. "That you have the sympathy of all the village should be some comfort to you," he murmured, "and you know to whom to turn forconsolation." "Yes,'' she said, between her sobs, "but t don't think he'll marry me with three children." RATS DIE so do Mice, once they eat RAT DIE. And they leave no odor behind. Don't take our word for it. try a package. CATS and DOGS wont touch it. Rats pass up all food to get Rat Die. Two sizes. 50 cent size, 3 oz. is enough for Pantry, Kitchen and Cellar 75 cent size, 6 oz. for Chic ken House, Coops and small buildings. Sold and guaranteed by the B. & B. FEED & SEED CO. CAR OWNERS DEMAND VALUES ?not Claims! Gum dipped cords ///^ I \*? t rnlil in ^ Fire *ton? //,?,//? III!' I - (#llfll ^ /?' ^ I li |?| ?? ? i I lii ? |il uri'-* jirii. fi .il? ? ?\?mv ? ??ni VjmI i>iri\ f a I ??- 1 willi jniri t m 1 1 1 1 ? i riflilur '.nul l )i im n .i?r-|lii llr\i!l?jifi of lli. r.iii^yn/* - I r i? linn .iimI IhmI iih it i-f. Mm -tnjiirfli id iiii-lirt IhmIn .|?|v| ^i\r-^ltini??1r tifri 1 1 1'?*. ( hiU I irf-1-mi. ^WI>UH^ faliri<% >roii-lriii liiwi 11-rJ l? ^otli^r*. iVfoTORISTS are Hidtag the Grmate?t Vai*e? la Fire stone Gnat-Dipped Tires. Ever since Firestone and Firestone Dealers began advertising ihe irue facts about tire quality and con struction and actually demon strating the Extra Values in Firestone Gum-Dipped Tires, distributors of special-brand mail-order tires have grown bolder and bolder with mislead ing claims and comparisons in t!ie desperate effort to interest car-owners. Car owners bought more Firestone Tires in May, June and July, than in any like period in history. This clearly shows that car owners are interested in Firestone Extra Values and are not interested in comparisons based on an almost obsolete tire size ? confusing laboratory analyses ? meaningless definitions-imprac tical challenges with unfair claims of twenty-five per cent sav ings - and deceiving price comparisons. Why risk a tire of unknown manufacture when you can get the Extra Quality, Extra Strength, and Extra Safety of the spe cial patented construction features of Firestone Tires? Gum Dip ping, and Two Extra Cord Plies under the Tread. You get these EXTRA VALUES? plus our Service and the DOUBLE GUARANTEE OF Firestone and us? at no more cost! Drive in today.? We have sections cut from Firestone Tires, special-brand mail-order tires and others. ? -See the evidence. Take nothing for granted. ? Judge for Yourself. COMPARE QUALITY, CONtTaUCTIOM mmt MAKE OF CAW Ford ? Chevrolet | Chevrolet Ford ? , Ford-.. Chevrolet Whippet... Kr.ikine Plymouth Chandler ! DrSoto-?^.? Dodgo.....^.. ? Durante..,..-... Graham -Pal^c l'ontijc.-_ RooaeTelt?^.... Tilly.- Knight Na Dtnex JiVafth...^ ? ..... i(/lu.:mobila ? J \r.i,rk.. =1 TT.;? SCE 4.40-21 4.50-20] 4.50-21! 4.75-19 4.75-20 5.00-19 5.00-20 5.00-21 5-35-21 Oldl.ld OaVftc. Each 14-98 5.60 IH Mf 6.75 6.98 7.1# 9.57 ASpaclal Brand Mall Ordar Tlx $4.98 5.60 5.69 6.65 6.75 6.S8 7.10 7.35 8.57 OldRald cXPJl Par Pall $9-60 10.9? Il.XO IS. 90 13.14 13.64 13.00 14.90 I6.70 SmHmI C-Vpric ?4.35 4.7* 4.SS J.6S #?7# #?99 6.10 7.37 *?S,, Tfca >4 J5 4.78 4?S 5.68 5.75 5.99 6.10 6.3S 7.37 Sm?mI XS4I 11.44 11. M ia*4o 14fl ma \:z OF j CAR j I fiRE SIZE D'k-Mq. Olrfom... Auburn Jordan. Rco Gardner] Marm'nl Oakland \ l'ccrlfM Stu'l/krj Chrynlerl Viking - 1 1 Frank 'n)| Hudson Ilupm... La Salle \\ Packard '[ [5.25' Lso k.50-13 fl.00 Loo Loo. Fire stone Old Field Typa Caih Pile* Each *Spa clal Brand Mall Ordar lira ?7.90| ?.7s| II. 20 11.45 11.47 17.90 8.75 ?.9?H 8.90] 20k 11 11.45 11.47 Flra ttona Old Raid Ca?h Prlea Par Pair I5.30| 17.00 17.30 1.70 11.10 12.30 MAKE OF CAR P'ce-A. _| Stutx [Cadillac! Lincoln I'ucli'rd TIRE SIZE 6.00-21 6.50-20 7.00-20 FW itona Old Bald Typa Ca?h Plica Each 11.65 13.45 15.35 fSp* clal Brand Mall, Ordai^ Tlra 11.65 13.45 15.35)19. Fka rfona Old Raid Typa Cath Prlca Pa* Pali S2.60 5.40 TRUCK and BUS TIRES SIZE Ha D. 30x3 .... '32x6... 36x6... >.00-20] Firestone Oldficld ? Type Cesh Price Each $27.9S *?.7S 31.95 15.25 *S4aelal Brand Mall Ordar Tlra Firasfona OldRald Typa Cath Prlca Par Pair $17.95 S34-9C 29.75 57-90 32.95 63.70 15.25 29-90 ?A M Special Brand" tirei* mad? by a manufacturer for di?tr'^Ht?? ?uch aa mail order house*, oil com panic* and others, under a name that doea not identify the lire manufac turer to the public, usur.Uy bocruia? he builds hi? 4,best quality" tire? under his own name, nrntoor puts his name on EVERY tira lie mcltn. ^Double Guarantee - T ry :ire manufartuml by Firrstone b; :m name "FIRESTONE" and c*? rriet Firestone V unlimited (nsn.'anl'T .' ??l and ours. You uro ttau&iy pr^". i v Listen to the Voice of Firestone Every Xlonttay Sight Over A. B.C. Xatiomride \ettrork > Firestone Service Dealers and Service Stores Save You Money and Serve You Better McCrary Tire & Battery Service