uwu SEASON OPENED FOR I :1 Alt DEER IINTERS . >,x^ ??>**?. ' ? ?$r '-V. v "v ' . The dee* hunting season opened ?Tuesday in 'North Carolina itwag~*n- * nounccd by* Jwns? E.i Steers*, dejnsty ?connhissioneh: of .tire1 North rfjaroiina depart'nmnt of roofiaervatiah and ? -de*C ' Telopment. ? : v.?v rverf-fttv! . +X ij ?The season idr^'SuritHig1 budta ? 'Opened Bept3riibe'r'-15.,t>"i?Wd ??wflt'v -W* open, until January 1. The bagktioiit is two in one da^. artd 'f oaf 'foi' each hunter- during the entire season. Does may not be kiHed^'Hs the "ieaaen for ' female deer" has' bWii ytfsed until Septemberl, 3.939. J Seasons for hunting [\ tfoyesl f spuir- - rels. rails ainci galHnures^ opened Sep tember' 1. ThV season 'for hunting wild turkeys, rabbits and iur-beari'ag "animals. >riH open Mtiriiig November, j ? The North Carplina .Game law paa-J sed by the 1927 legislature "v , amended by the 1929 and 31 legMa-| tures makes it unlawful- to hunt or trap without the proper license: to, take or., kill game:, birds and animals out of aeasoni to-.ta,ke in one. i day or - in one. season more than the- bag limits; or kill. a femak deer; to buy or sell any game exqept' rabbits or squirrels; to t3ke game by trap or poison, to hunt by automobile or boat, or to bait for upland game. Fur bearing animals may be trapped in. aceordance with state jaws. 1! | Blantyre Breeze* i- . ? ' ? , i? Rev. and Mrs. J. T- Scott of Lit-: tie River visited their son , Otho j Scott Saturday., Mrs. Smith and children' who spent the sumrtiir at' French BW*a ParK; have returned to their home it East Point. Atlanta, Georgia, . ] Last Sunday w^s a.^sppy occasion, for aunt Narcissi 'RicJcman when ; hei children and' a number of Grand ehit'liCb also two great' grandchildren] and many friends gathered around her at the home of her son, Cornelius Rickman at Blantyre. Aunt Naricssa is weli known and much loyied here where she has resided- 'for many years. A picnic dinner was spread and about one hundred friend3 and relatives were present to enjoy the event. >4VW Tyra Ouncan and family. of Little; River visited Mr. and Mrs. R. V..| Duncan and Mr. and Mrs. Carney ' Duiu-ar. Sunday. Mrs. George Merrill attended the Rickman reunion Sunday. v Some of the Blantyre folks at tended the Baptizing and ordaination of Deacons, at Etowah Sunday. Miss Mary Ellen Re?id visited Mrs. ' Geoi't'e Merrill on Sunday. ? Onr monthly preaching services are the third Sunday at 11 a.m. and . Saturday night at 8 o'clock.' All are welcome. *.?.-> ji . i Quebec New# Items i f ' 2-;ta ' t c -? "V sons, Mack ana Cecil, daughters, Mn. Jiick'SmM^'M**.' Heme* ?. ?MeC?H Vnd N?f fcobi<*onr??l Pifah MKfcy attended 'tlte" Prertlfey reunfetti :?t Speedwell, N, C., Sunday. f ; ' Mrs. OW. "HSnderson and children Tfuett, Cmxton, Mildred ?h4 Bobby, atishded tW'Owen reutttoh Glou cester, Saturday. "' ?? ^ MPs.'1 Avery Reid and i&nV Cnt^j spent Saturday nisfht with tttt forni-.j ir's'mother,' Mrs. L. E. Reecei -I Miss ^Marietta Fisher returned home Thursday after spending the summer "*t Fairfield. ?..%? ' Mossr* LeRoy :McCaU wtd - Hai-lie Fisher left Wednesday morning >foi Wyoming." v-wji ?.??? y ' ' ?* ; i Mr. and t&*3. Gene Moore , spent thy i-atter part of the week visiting, eel. ativsa m Spartanburg and Greer, $.; GkJ< . ? -r .... Vernon Reid of Calvert, spent Sat Utday night withvMr.and Mrs. B. At Owen and family,. ' t M?? Luoy Robinson .. of/ plenville, is visiting: relatives .here. ... . v JUr. aivd. Mrs. 3. .L Sanders* are moving in the, down-stair? of the old store building near Quebec station. . -Claude Owen spent Satuuiay night with, his cousin, Qlenn Reid, of Bre-t vard, ? W*'B. .Henderson and daughter*! Helcfl, attended -the. B. .Y P. V, pro * trram #> Lake Toxa way Sunday. _ Mi i? . Marietta ^.Fisher m^'de a bus* Iness trip to Brevard Saturd?Jr..; , ' , -J4r?; and Mrs. -Firman Mopr? aind children of Spartanburg, nja'de ?; hurriad trip to Quebec Sundiy. Rev., .Wilbur Galloway of. Bosnian. '.Hied O^-Grovs pulpit ?unday., . , ; ft jeame Jftdeed, as. a supjise w}iez* the cyonmunity leaned of tl>e ttfJM** riage of Mis, Em'mitt Owen.; jf ukt Xojiaway to Miss. Bonnie Reid; and M?.,, Ralph Alexander pf Lake Toxa vtay ,to .Mia's Alma Chapman. , Mrs. MpCall and children ' have ^re turned, -homp after 'spleridirig th^e sum .pier. hare., . Mrs. Jack Smith, 'Miss tfell Rob inson and Cecil Robinson made a bun iness .trip to Brevard Monday Gideon Miller is .reported to be On the sjck list thia' week. Gussie Whitmire spent Saturday night with Rebecca Smith. Mr. and . Mrs. Charlie Moore of Rosman, spent Monday . afternoon ; with Mr. and Mrs. G^ne Moore. -i . LEGAL TRANSFERS " Six legal transfers were recorded in the .office of the Register of Deeds Jess Galloway and Assistant Register Mrs. Jess Galloway during the week ?t Sep.t.8 through 15. : ' Gfovgg R. Sharpe and wife to J. H. McCall and wife. ' Jerry Jerome to Claude B. Squire.' . Federal Corporation to A. R. Beart and wife. Welch Galloway to A. B. Galloway' and wife. jf -mrPRAYER cornST); 1 i .n i i r, i i ?? i THE 0F A I; tro 'verses.} - Squib thoijghts I , have been leading impressed themselves on my mind. v*ry deeply, especially as I had visited the classes of the 1 1st and 2nd fj^des .*t-the ; Elementary j$fhool last week;. Th?ir?,wer? Me, hundred apd forty-one Tittle, children in the.four The disciples had conie. to Jqsus with the question, 'jWho is the great est in the Kin&frm of JJeAven?- He spoke so often.- : the ,. Kingdom., to them it suggested the idea of power and glory; .th^, -could .not but. won der who would , have the highest, place. How utterly strange and in comprehensible , jawst Ji&ve -been , the ! answer Jesus gave to their question. He $all?J. a little child, and set him in the .midst of,them, ,.jH? told them that aslo^g as they were thinking of whoj would be the greatest they coulti not -avetvv epjter.. The. Kjngdom ; they mjUBt'4fii:sJi h?cpme as little chil dren; and ;th?? in The Kingdom the humblest., find most., childlike would be the highest* And vho jffvn should re ceive one such little- ,.child in Jesus name ehb?ld^?e^eiy^ himself. v 2 How wonderAttiy - applicable, to patents is -whatiJesus. spoke to His disciples. I* treating a family, with | father and mother, .God sets a little child in the . midst, and in that little cHld He>?o()ehsrto them the mystery of the Kingdom of Heaven a'nd the ?spiritual wcorldt >> He tell* them j.that .if: the?. want tb know about Witness. its hfebeat.'iplace, they must study 'the child !itotferg. : On earth they will find nothing s? heavenlike as a little child, and no surer way to the high est uanjtarrofentft of- Heavenly dignity .titan in. tectiviBg little . children . !' in His .name,, 4or! in. doing this they, will receive Himself in whom the King dom>tis. ; 'Btorft' are three lessons par ents must learn. I will speak of the first this- week. ? Firet-r-The ' Heavenliness of the titUe - child: "Wherein does it consist?, Our Saviour uses one word: Whoso ever shall humble himself, as this lit tle child the same is greatest in The Kingdom. The greatest . will be he who thinks least of being greatest, because he loses sight of himself in seeking God and His Kingdom. The great beauty, of childlikeness is the absence of self consciousness. The true child loses itself in that which is -around it. The curse of sin is: that ft makes man, every man, his own centre, even "when he 'seeks the Kingdom' of HeaVen Ke is still think ing hcrw'T^'cafn' be greatest in the Kingdom. In the true child self.does not ypt- rpftnifeSt :rtself ; it lives and is it rest ootside of itself in the par ent. It loves and rejoices in being loved;- it is truthful and trustful to all arodnd, sliowihg itself as 'it is, ; counting' upon others to be what 1 they appear. ; This naturalness andj simplicity of the child J?otb tells us1 is something' heavenly; the thing in j nature most allied to the Kingdom.' ! .And . the leaadn^we need to lear^i is thfct there is nothing a parent should seek to preserve and cherish more , carefully than -this heavenly child likeness. It is tho. spcret of ithat beau tiful calmness and serenity; .?which is the image of the peace aml^ rest of heaven. I Thi spirit' of the world is; very oj> posife with' it* rivalry anil Its ambi- 1 jion,- its seeking fckeketaent ' and pos ses3tens, ifdestfays all that is so Bea^tifUi and heavenly in the child, to mike way for "the Show and- self I Seeking that ate its Warks. Especial- ? ly Christian patents who have the' -iheans forfrratifying taste arid pleas- ; ures at their disposal, are In danger j of destroying the simplicity and ten derness of the child life by stimulat ing the desires which are of the earth , 'ind' draw 'tMthe'r." And so in the hiidst of a great deal of - Bible -teach-. Ing and hymn singing, the very heart of true religion '1nay ' be eaten ? out by the artificial and" unchildlike spirit ?trf 'the horhft in" which 'the children Sire- m 1 . ^ * . - 1 f, Parents MHake H study of' it- to And out' whitthe;thotfght:<>f "Jesus' heart was when He spoke so strongly of <the- need of being childlike; as the only- path to heaven and heayenly "greatness. Value the childlikeness ??and simplicity' of your little- one. as its heavenly beauty, realise that the lit tle one, in its tender susceptibility of impressions is all alive, to what sur jroMnds it,.; to the fostering influence of- the heavenly life or the withering effect of a worldly life, Believe that between the Holy Spirit who brings heaven .down to us.. and*, reyeals it within, and. thej heavenliriess of child- ? hood there is a wonderful -suitable: ness for, eacfi other. Train yoiL? chil dren in that Holy happy Stillness, which, keeps the heart open to His workings, (to be continued.) . .' ... J. -? A PRAYER Blessed Lord, open. our ears to hear what Thou speakest, and our eyes to see as Thou seest. Give ua hearts to beat in sympathy with Thine at the sight of every little child, and above all, our Lord, to understand and ex perience- how surely and how blessed ly Thou fulfillest Thy promise: "Who | soever receiveth one such little child 'in my name receiveth , me." | ? Lord Jesus, -we do ask Thee for a childlike spirit. May,-. the simplicity ' and restfulness, the love and the love .'liness, the trustfulness and truthful ness of the child nature so dwell with .us the heavenly childlikeness of our ?little -ones may not be loet, but cher , iahed and maintained through ad vancing year. Give us to feel very : deeply that we cannot truly fulfill our parental calling except as in simplic ity and Godly sincerity our walk with ? " ? : = j Pisgah Foreat Nfwa y Cutting corn rod digging- -potatoaa seems to be the order of (he day,, , Miss, Frances Hsath of- Greenville is visiting her Mint, Mrs. Joe Orr. I. C. Kennon hiu returned to. his work in Sumter, S. C., After spending a two weeks vacation with his family here. ' ' """ k Mr. and Mrs: Tom Barnett and children, Mr. and' Mi-is. Paul Carlind and children, R,/ B. Mackey and Allen Cody attended the Carland reunion at Mills River 'Sunday. Miss Rebecca Pattori is' oa the Eiick list. , " " . ; . ! "Mr. mid Mrs. Clyde Cariyjfleld . of Hendersonville wers Saturday after noon' callers of Sr. and Mrs.' 'C. E. < Campfield; " " Mts. C. ' C.' Morris -And daughters Elizabeth and Audrey of Biltmore spent Sunday with Mrs. jforris' mother, Mrs. Emma Colburn. Mrs. Will Owen and children spent the week-end With friends -and rela tives ih Jackson county. ? ?f-.'j Mr. Will Nicholson of Greenville, "spent Sunday wtih his brother, J: W. 'Nicholscui}.:"'- ' ? Mrs. Airta Corn and daughter of Forest City spent the week-end : With ,Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Parker.. t Mr. Fred Scruggs and family, spent Sunday in the 3 lan tyre section. 1 Mr? Joe Qrr ha? returned to his home here after spending the past week visiting in Greenville. I . Mr. and Mrs, Homer Marcunt of ; Hendersonville spent Sunday ... with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Campfield.: | Mr. Clifford of Little Rock, Ark., is spending some time here at thfe :Carr Lumber's Co's. -Club House. | i Henry - Roberts andi Clifford ;Cese .?)( Hendersonville spent Friday with Mrs. J. Radford and family. . ? -? i Miss Nellie Allison was a recent guest-of M.i?s Nellie Mackey. it . Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Allison, and ?children, Mrs. J. Allison and daugh ter; Dollie, and Miss Tina Hedrjck ;vfere Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Julian Allison on Little River. '?Mr. and Mrs. W. W.Pruett spent the week-end in Asheville. I Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Frady and daughter Mrs. William Clark and Little Margaret Frady motored to Asheville morning to meet their daughter Miss Myrtle Fr?dy who will spend two weeks vacation with her God be that of little children. Blessed Lord, we do thank Thee that however feeble we be, and how ever far short' our attainments fall of what we should. be, in receiving a child in Thy Name we receive Thee. Thou comest Thyself to be our teach er and our helper. We pray Thee to strengthen us and all parents in this faith, that we may rightly under stand that nowhere are Thou nearer or more ready to bless than in the home where children are received in Thy Name, to be saved by Thee, 'to be trained for Thee. Amen. rCoaicV 'Tilf?I7 .j>f ?Brevard High school announciS'JthiT the prospects for a football team this year are ?giM.- The W^h tfcKodl boys 1 Rave shown a jiedietf interest Tri'the sport, showing'' ip id? T?rarti?TW?ry ifttfr noon reidy to ffgiit ^ifsrrt- ! for tKe school with tttfaafae-W1 fi. H. R. spirit that' hW/^ron'the sclrcwt Yni&y : a victory" in ma'fiy def eats,' ."'/X;,' ' " The following bc^a.jUle t})e players from whom the filial eleven will be 9?lected;ttben;-tV^^ry-?lts" are complete?' Bill Er^fin, Boy 'Neil, WaJ tei- Siflard; Valfar'.Clayton, Albert Mesce, "Mai*' WUmtl: Everett ' Hug gms, M -xhienRer, Jack ."Loftis, John Pirkelsiawr, . Lingdon English, Walter- "Woo*, Bnf-Neal " La: Salfe ; Lance, Weflt ?Dfickworth, Glenn Ship 'man arid; Pug ttinton.*, f There are only three letter' men 'back for WWWtStf year; Bill Er KISBTitfa Sahachner will play in the bAck'field and Lance i? line. A few of the otben ve bad ? little -ex . perieTice' Jchopl, ' games ;th6ugb the majority are new men. ! Practiq?.lj>aarali'edif revealed that the boys xnoW, <}he (^r%fne and they have the Tatirff* fo+ an unusually good team If they .will apply them selves ? to. It wkole-beartedly. Though the liitfc'Vftf bfe-Jig h?it has some fast steppers and sKotild atone for what it lacks1 -hi 'Weight by.- brain and foot work. I Four games have already been scheduled jjor tte Mjaaon, Henderson ville, Mans .HiTl, Canton and Fruit land. The first game has not been definWy " i The Slue Devil eleven wift be an sasa%^??- :?'? a?? parents hen?u_from .hp? work near Washington, ' D. C. D. H. Orr is suffering with blood poisoning in Wfl'h^nd; Miss Croushorn left Wednesday, >%o attend school- at St. Genevieve-o$$he-PJnes, at Asheville, where she ia'A^rrtor. /? Rat die Kittfc Rat }*and. Mice. Abso lutely ^'reveaitg tfye odor from carcasaei-Qne ffockage proves this, i* 'Qomes in pow i j> iiiJ' ?; ' ?i.?. >i_ forPantrjr. Kffphen and C.ellar. . 75 centsize> 6 oz. for Chic ken House? Coops and small buildings. Sold and guaranteed by the B. & B. FEffD & SEED CO. | POPULAR SALESMEN OF THE POPULAR FORD : Know These Men? OF COURSE YOU DO. KNOW THE FORD CAR? OF COURSE YOU DO. Know How to Get One? OF COURSE YOU DO. see W. L. (Luther) COUCH COUCH and SHUFORD i Joines Motor Company A DEALERS BREVARD, North Carolina TELEPHONE 218 CORNER MAIN & CALDWELL NOTE: We have on hand some excellent Used Cars that you can buy for a Song, so to speak ? Note again: That Joines Motor Company has every needed tool und equipment for Repair Work on Ford Cars, with Experienced Men who know how to Re pair Ford Cars. The sensible thing to do is to let us keep your car in repair.

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