PENROSE PARTY EXJQYED ; : ? : . ?:??>>? , G^SifR Mernll enter^n?<i. ai joint jiostesaea |tjhe. Penrose on Wednesday eyernnfe of last Week with a social hondring^pusa' Jiwel Justus ot, Blfwtyrc., The-' ij^nakwere charm ?WRy ..decqrwe^-'jrftS. .,y?Jlow- and -white garden flowers, the color scheme being carried out., effectively jl? t^le r^fresTO^jjtj. 5';^ ^ "'.... . Among those present, wwe; Mtaps< Jewel Justus, EtbeJ-h?n?C Grace Gos Jin, Ada, ifeH and Julia. McCrary, ?Emma Lee' J^r^tt*~**d Lorena Mer rill, Mrs, ~L. jjjjr'pill ; . jtwpri. New ton _ PickeUim'er, H.. "Hpa'th, Tom 9?uch, Vernon ,G?slihV Lester Co*, 0 Dell Scott, .'PoYla.aM Melvin Ham ilton, Hughes, . Hayes, Hall and George Merrill. ? .rf. ,.7<: '*?*& ? f rr f** i.'H ?'i?r ? 1 - ? ? ? ? mix batter maketnaybnnatse etc:, etc., ? ' >:? 1\ ? 1 , Gmi beam , i V/ MIJSJI ASTER with Jute? K*tr*etor , Now! A new ~jn?}Jel .of the ( famous mixer that BEATS EV- , , ERYTHING. Each of the two f 'sanitary green mixing bowls ( turns itself forcing all the in- j irredients into and through the r beaters. The., motor tilts back' j allowing beaters to "drain into the mixing bowL. The easy-to-clean beaters can be run either singly (for mixing drinks) or together, for mixing batter, etc. The most powerful mixer selling under $50. Runs at any speed you T want. j You get the MixwMter complete ? with juice extneiof and salad I oil dripper at jNO EXTRA COST. ? Maahescteamier mashed potatoes inone-third th e usual time. Perfect for lighter cakes, melted rr.. Iks, mayonnaise, etc . 'The new juice extractor is easily installed, and can either be left on permanently or removed af* jt using, as desired. only $3 down Balance $2.00 per month on your light bill SOUTHERN PUBLIC UTILITIES CO. "Electricity ? The Servant In The Home" Day 'Phone 116 Night Phone 16 No. 3 E. Main St. Brevard HAtfCY ELIZABETH GALLOWAY l ENTERT'AlffS AT PARTY Elizabeth QftlloXvay' cele-i 'bfa'ied' her, seventh birthday Fridajr, rSjeptemberv 11th, with a " party ? to xvhich . severail of her little school njatps were^ invited. ; '' . Amon? those. enjoying the hospital ity., o? Little Miss, GpUowj?y yrefe: Dot Poole, Catherine Simpson,.' Eth elyn Pickelsimer, fcuth Fisher, 'Mary Louise Price, Virginia and Juainita WaTd, Harold Hartsell, Waynd_ Full bright a?idi George Simpson, 'Jr. The fittla folks .spent a joyful aft ernoon, after which they * gathered around, the table -for refresments. MR. McFAUL ENTERTAINS LARGE GROUP AT BRIDGE ? Mr. .Ernest I>. McFaul entertained his friends with 16 tables of bridge in the-Joines Motor company build ing, Saturday night. It wps the larg- , est, private "bridge party to. be. given !5 in Brevard during the summer ' season. . . .. Prize winners were: Mrs. A. G. Kyle, high score for contract; Rob ert Plummer, low score for contract; Almeta Waters, high' score for auc tion; Josephine Clayton, low score for auction. The host was assisted by Mrs. Paul Smathers and Mrs. Rush Whittaire. 1 * When the bridge games were over Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smathers led the entire party across the street to Doc Galloway's new cafe location for a "midnight feast." They were served a frozen salad course with coffee and crackers. ' - Invited guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smathers, Mrs, ;v Rush Whitmire, Mrs. Pace, Mr."' and j h Mrs. Wesley Woodley, Mr. and Mrs. !> A. G. Kyle, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry j/ Jerome, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Kizer, 1 Mr., and Mrs. DavidiWard,. Mr:and ia Mrs. Patrick Kimzey, Mr. arid Mrs. fv Robert Kimzey, Mr. and Mrs." Julius n Schachner in Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Croushorn, ,n Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Jenks, Mrs. j ti Nathan1 McMinn, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- . & ward Cantrell, Mrs. Rowena Sum- v may, Mrs. Harry Sellers, Dr. and i Mrs. Charles ,L. Newlarid, Mrs. pres- ( a :on Taylor, Mrs. Mack Johnson. ci Miss Jennie Aiken, Miss Flora's SVike, Miss ' Sherrill Brorafield, j Miss Rowena Orr, Miss Roberta! Bryant, Miss Reba Kitchen, ,Mi8s|y Mmeta Waters, Miss Mary Louise f< Croushorn, Miss Mary Osborne Wilk- -c< ns, Miss Jackie Clayton, Miss Agnes Clayton, Miss Josephine Clayton, Miss Harth'a Vaughn, Mis3 Dorothy Sil rersteen, Miss Sara Keels, Miss ' pi fame Strickland, Miss Bill Aik^n, ' b< Hiss Annie Yongue, Miss Nancy Hacfie, Miss Rose Schachner. Miss Fannie McGehee, Miss Nida HcGehee, Miss Ruth Waters, Miss Hartha Cowan, Miss Bertie Ballard, tljsa Jlpbeuia. Nicholson, Miss Louise , [wSBend, Miss . Eljfeabeth Raraseur, w tfiss Margaret Miller. ; in Messrs. Robert Plummer, Edwin ! sc Vike, Harold Bradley, John West ; ot chapman, Glenn Galloway, Harry . tr ]layton, Herbert Schain, Olie B^rg, Sdwin English, Tom Whitmire, Ruf- j aj in Wilkins, Ernest Tilson, John Mc-|C; Jehee, Anthony Trantham, Fred G lolt, Plato Allison, Harold Whit- ol nire, Lee Arledge, Sam Barnett, ea Hilton Sellers, William Wallis. ? I tr CRAB CREEK NEWS Members and friends of the Prid nore Family from many " sections of ! n< <orth and South Carolina gathered '' it the home of Mr. and Mrs. W~ H. ?ridmore, Sunday, September 13th, md enjoyed one of the most pleftsant 'amily re-unions ever held ih this ;ection. There were six children, |m wenty-five grandchildren and three : c< ;reat grandchildren of Mr. arid Mrs. |m Pridmore present with other friends a] ind relatives, as folloiys: Mr.'- and Mrs. John Pridmore, Piedmont', C., VI r. and Mrs. James Pridmore, and j ir ;mall daughter, Erleene, of Lyman, I tl 3. C., Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Pridmore, ; w VIr. and Mrs. Gr L. Pridmore and ' A children, L e o n a, Colonel, Melvin, i fi Irene, Francis, Annie.. Mae, Viola, 'g; Mary, and Frank of the Crab Creek it< section. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Pittman and two j C sons, Jack and Kingsland, of Green- ? li rille, S. C., Mr. and Mrs. W. E. ! Dickert and children, Ortha and Ar- ' thur, of Greenville, S. C., Mr. and ii Mrs. M. L. Harris, of Lyman, S. C., jo. Mrs. Willie Mae Brpwn, of Green-, c ville, S. C., Mr. Theodore Parker, of ; o Greenville, S. C., Mr. and Mrs. J. H. tl Stone and daughter, Mildred, and son, |t Virgal, and Miss Kate Longa of Peid-,f mont, S C., Mrs. Mae Scott and chil- , t dren, Colman, Calvin, Charlsteen, and ! Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Drake : f and daughter, Helen, all of this place, ; v Mr. and Mrs. Ben Garren and chil- 1 e dren, Lola and Edwin of Flat Rock, j Alvin Terry and Harold Cox of Bre- ; vard, Mr. and Mrs. Neal Hamilton t and children, Juanita, .Colman, and i Mary Lou and Miss Carrie Anders, < cf Crab Creek. It This re-union was given in celebra- j j tion of the birthdays of three mer.i- j bers of the Pridmore family, Mr. W. 1 H, Pridmore, 76; John Pridmore, 58, j and a granddaiightoE, Mrs. Willie , 1 Mae Brown, 22. Their birthdays all i ; coming on September 13. Mr. G. L. Pridmore and sons, Colo-' r.el and Melvin, and daughter, Le- 1 cna, and Miss Carrie Anders were callers in Brevard Sunday. Irene Pridmore is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ben Garren at Berea. Mr. Ossie Sentelle was a caller at Mr. and Mrs. Neal Hamilton's home ; Monday. I Mrs. Nellie Pickelsimer and chil dren of Davidson River were Sunday | evening guests of Mrs. Pickelsimer's ! mother. Mrs. Hamilton. Mr. J. A. McCrary and Mr. McCall visited Mr. Neal Hamilton Sunday. Mr. Elbert Merrill of Easley, S. j C.. visited V. V. Shipman recently. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gilreath of NEWS AND VIEWS OF tkeTar heel state ..-tpv- M^k TayUtr Qxt) ,% ? According to SantfOrd Maitin , -edi tor of-.The Wjnston-Saiem Journal, there "Were 135 pf our moat widely read ^ ReWspaper listed as "Demo eratic'biitr 19Q0. With - only., .19 as "RermMican" atd> 26 as "Independ ent" However; today .there are.* 56 ^Independent'' papers in the state, 83: ''Independent i Democratic," : Yff I' Democratic,*' and only six "Sepub lican." ? :? ( : Martin* in a . recent radio address^ Jrorp Rplpigh, , predicted a future of i jsrvice.otp -the state by Ita. press. He said. it was determined on a bvoad.?d ucational program for. , the-, state, heralded and hacked good roads t in ,he state, boomed health programs, fiven and .continuing to, give , aid to kgriculture and also has.|>e>en a great iaetQF in eliminating sectional dif ferences... > He further said "The , biggest "op >ortunity that confronts the press to iay is that of proclaiming the- es lential unity of Norths Cwoljna from Slick Rock Creek? to 'lUq'Ita$7P( is Gov. jBickett used to .ssiy." -v. "? 9 ? ? t ' . ? - ! A whit* haired, old 82 years >f age sits in a cell on "Death Row", lie is not dqwnqast; death. h$a no lorrora for hi my. fie will meet.ifc calm y. r wye ?>* w sH I'K He- is the oldest man ever to be-aen enced to- the "chair" in North Car ilina. When he was sent to the State 'rison he left .his faithful, 78 year Id wife behind, v - ^ ; The Western Carolina "Mountains, nc.,an ar^ociation formed recently 0 servfe the civic, commercial arid in lustrial ' inteVests of the 18 counties J fhich compose the "Land of' the Sky" as been chartered under the' laws of lorth Carolina, with headquarters at Lsheville. The organization will endeavor to dvertise- th?"Land of the Sky," by arious media" ifia itiethdds, ? and ttro lote its interests by regioaal ' plan ing, resort and recreational develop lent, industrial research and promo ion, state, : county and municipal -re earch and other items of general -de elopment. Officers for the association' were ilected 'from the major towns . and [ties included in the "Land of the ley." ; .. - -re I Three outstanding corporation law ers of the State will present and de ;nd the objections of various con ?rns to the request of the Railways 1 increase their freight rate, 15' jr cent. The railways proclaim that ley cannot survive on less than a 15 ?r cent increase. The argument Will : tried September 21 and a decision (inounced 30 days later. The truck war is still on ! Patrol , 'ficers have been directed by Lieut. ^ . R. Fisher of the S&te Highway' ^ atrol to make an attack upon trucKS , hen such carriers are -found viol^f g the state laws by driving regular heduled routes with produce from her states without taking the ouble to purchase a N. C. tag. Officials are confident that an jreement will be reached with South urolina this week and perhaps with eorgia and Kentucky. The two Car inas have been waging a hot battle, ich of the states arresting many in uding scheduled trucks without leir license. ? j! In an effort to check the ever ounting death toll, exacted every ;ar in this state by traffic accidents, ate highway oficials have been jtified to compel strict adherence to te speed laws. Blame for the majority of accidents in be laid to the speed demons and ireless drivers, however, Lieut, isher of the State Highway Om ission, has announced that the ne :ssity of holding drivers to. the 45 ile an hour speed limit is only too pparent. Gov. Gardner is directing a meet ig this week to provide relief for le unemployed. The first meeting il be attended by State Highway, griculture, Health and Welfare of cials in an effort to perfect an or anization which will be invaluable > the unemployed. Prof. R. W. Henninger of the N. . State College will direct the ro ef forces. What a turmoil this old state is 1 l. From over the state comes news j f Wet Propoganda that is being cir- i u la ted from Dan to Beersheba. From , ne end of the state we hear that ? he women are forming wet organiza- j ions. From another that they are ! orming Prohibition Societies to pro- ! eet the Eighteenth Amendment. Perhaps these wet Organizations 1 oi' women are mere fads and they rill disband after a short period of xcitement and argumentation. Though the farm population of he United States has decreased ap iroximately 1,000,000 in the past lecade, North Carolina has increas >d 100,000, according to former Gov. \ngus McLean, When the 1930 Federal Census ,vas made, it was -found that there Traveller's Rest, S. C., visited Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Orr Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Hamilton and chil-1 dren spent the week end with Mrs. Hamilton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J.Osteen. Miss Sophia Hamilton, Mrs. Bessie Wright and children motored to Flat Rock Monday. Funeral services for the little O i 1 reath child were held at the Crab Creek church Sunday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock. At the baptizing held here Sun day there were sixteen persons bap tised into the membership of the church. The baptizing and sermon afterwards were both well attended. Alonzo McCrary, V. V. Shipman and Mr. Gardner were business vis itors to Hendersonvilla recently. TRUSTOR < Editor j3 the first of a series at discussing the 12; laws Uf the Boy "pcoyto fef ?Amer ica, conternins theif application to the daily, life of irtt ' only the Bby ( Bcout, Iwt for any ittan <jrp wwnantj bojMot iftrl;- as irott* ? " wei;e to violate his honor by telling * Hi, or ceMftirig, tor Hby; trtrt doihg ex actly a givert taslc^ -whWli'truBted on his Mhor, he may be'diricted to hand over his Scout badge." ?< ' ? ? vThis ii not *-hl(ftJ',*ute to obey, urtless onfr haisngWt?tf;r}htd'the habit, by 'lying fri ordefrto plate undtie cred it iipori bihiself, of to avaid punish ment for 'Stmie offrtlM. ~ ? if* ' A" good Scout trieb to-be the very soul of hdhdr.Hls hohor 'rileans more to him than lkny: eilrthly treasures he may stftain by violating it Cheat ing is orily one form of - stealing. For in ih^thlg, onKM^tjfldngi that whidl^ is not his "for hii "own advantage. A1 popular form of ehef.ttng 'i*--found in schools, where the p&pil 4s eitharfry) lasy' or' too- dumb ?6 ma#te* the 1?? stffi a'ssignftertt.fcfe ften proceeds to copy som'eotte" eiseVpaper or "sneak a look" At the tertbcok. - When a boy first .joins the Scouta he memorizes .thfc- Scant .Oath, in which he promises upon 3?s honor to obey -all of th* Scant -Lam>. - .. ? Then comea-.tht.acid- test,' WrU ha consider his Oath ef hflno* a- trivial matter and immediately* forget jthe promises he has made oc wiH it burr, itself, so into his memory gbat a alight misdemeanor- casting- doubt lupon -'the strength of his hario*, is repulsive to !?im?- -- ' ?? *i The tweJve lawa an< havdj for the ilightcst slip-in one of them ncams :hat the Scout baa.- broken" his : oath >f honor. fil ?-'W Scoutl Man or Wwaahl Boyer jiri! Ask . yourself 'these crneatrone,' Kre you sensitive to ; the- violation of four code of honor? -G*a you ha ;rusted with; gireat responsibili'ies which may offer, -inviting-.-, tempta ions? Have you the:- courage to itick up for the truth, - Whether it be 'or or against you, or someone, you ove? Can. you look great temptations o violate your honor, in the ?ye and lay ho? If so you have won over Scout Law No. One, and if you are vise you will check this down ? in ^our own private Code of Ethics. J irere 1,599,918. farmery ip the state, fen years ago there were 1,501,227. )nly 19 states OiH,t. of tb^. , "United 8" show an increase incumber of armers. ' . . Sli, ., Xhe movement from the .city. to. the arm started prior to 1930. It was loted the nation over, by the sale nd. . exchange of farms. Many far-, lers who deserted their farms when ka-^ity- wages- were high arfe return ag this year to pick up th'e plow imd tart in anew.-- ? r --- - fs Local and Personal Item?r ?M===? Miss Fannie ' ??d McGehee and brother Claude McGehiee return ed last, .Sunday to tljeir J?m? .in Mac on, GeorfJ?,^-^^ ... ... . ^ . Mrs. Tt Mcpehee and children accompanied by Mr. John McGqhee m- returning ;to Macon, the last of the week, altar spending several months at their, summer home on Franklin ?Ay(?nue. Mrs. John R. Bayless left lor her home in Covington^ ~Ky. after visit ing relatives in Brevard. Rev. and Mrs. Perry left last Sat urday for their samroer home at Myr tle Beach. Mr. H. V, Smedberg left Saturday for Denver, Colo, vhere he win at tend the Tri-ariual convention "of the Episcopal church as a lay delegate Erom the Diocese of Western North Carolina. <? ?" Miss Helen Morrow and Miss Dorothy Fetier have returned to New fork where they have accepted posi aons for the winter months. Mr." and Mrs. J. E. Waters were risiting at Limestone College this Tuesday. ? ????? ' Milter. Sellers and Mr. and Mrs. Flarry Sellers attended an A <5r P )icnic in Hendersonville Sunday. Baffin Wilkins is - contemplating a ;rip to Pittsburg in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. , Hunter Martin of jettoir. were guest# last week of Mr, ind ,Mts. Clarence Poole. Mrs-' Rush Whitmire was shopping n Aakeville Tuesday. Mr." J. L. Bell is visiting his daugh er, Mrs. Withers in Davidson. Mrs. Carl McCrary, Mrs. A. H. tfng : and Mr.' and Mrs.' Houston lackey were stropping' Hi Ashe*ille ast Miss Catherine and Mr. Ernest ' joftisof Asheville spent several lays last week tWth their aunt, Mrs. >. S. King. 'v., J Mr. Ernest Gibbs of the State lighway commission, located at' Cash ?rs was visiting in Brevard the past ireek-end. . Gladys English and Elizabeth Ram- ( eur left last week for Angiers where hey will teach school this year. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Kilpatrick, Irs. Dan Merrill' "and Mrs. Robert kilpatrick were shopping in Ashe ille Thursday. Tom Barclay is visiting his par nts in Brevard. Mrs. John Cantrell and daughter, luth, were shopping in Asheville 'uesday. Mr. and Mrs. Britt of Asheville, rere guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Fhitmire last week. ' Miss Eva Call and Misses Ruth nd Willie Kate Waters spent the reek-end in Mocksville and Chapel [ill Mrs. J. C. Galloway speut Sunday ith Mr. Galloway, who is in the iltmore Hospital. John McMinn has returned to reensboro after visiting his mother t Brevard. . I '??????????iniMimiiiiiHimmitiimiiiiiiiuiii ? Mr. George Mayback of Greenville spent several days in Brevard last week on: ajbusmess trip. Randall Everett and Henry Carrier are on a hunting trip in Alaska. Mrs. Jos?phine Hutchina has left to join Jfo. Hutchins in Washington after spending the summer in Bre vard. : ^Mr, and Mrs. John King of fatter ton, N, J., left for their home last week after a months visit here. - Miss.. Martins Pearce . has gone to New York City where she has ac cepted a position at Macy's. Dan English left last week for New York, after visiting his parents here, B. A, Gaines and son, Joe, of Cen tral, S. C., were in Brevard Friday to attend the funeral of G. L. Glaz eher. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express to our many friends our deepest appreciation for the kindness shown us during the iihieBs and death of our dear hus band and father. Mrs. G. L. Glazener. Mrs. M. C. Whftmire W. D Glazener. NO MORE RATS or Mice after you u*e RAT DIE. It's a sure rodwt killer. . Try a package and prove it. Rats killed with Rat Die leave no smell. Cats and Dogs won't touch it 50 cent size, 3 oz. is enough for Pantry, Kitchen and Cellar. 75 cent size, 6 oz. for Chic ken House, Coops and other small buildings. Sold and guaranteed by the B. & B. FEED & SEED CO. We Pay Cash for j Chickens and Eggs Heavy. Hens 14c Light Hens 11c | Nice 2-lb Fryers ...... 14c Roosters 6c Fresh Country Eggs . . . 25c B. & B. Feed & Seed Company BREVARD, N. C. Prices xobject to change any tfaae iiiniiifiitiiifiiiifMiiitmmiimiiniitiflH! * V Knife Day At V PLUMMETS r -***? ft % ' k ? i ??. ; ? ? ? ?' ? WAWAVWWWWWJ AAAMAWWWWWKY, WWW/MMMMW. WE HOPE TO SELL 50 PAIRS OF SHOES SA-T-U-R-D-A and have purchased 50 knives to give our customers Saturday. A knife with every pair of shoes purchased. Bring the boys. New Goods arriving daily. See our Windows Saturday. Special Prices On SUITS-DRESSES-SHOES PLUMME BREVARD, N.C.

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