Rosman Section of The Brevard News I MRS. CLAUDE GLAZENER, Editor |r ROSMAX PERSONALS Walter Reece and son Walter, Jr. and Elvin Edney were visitors at Glenville Saturday. The Rev. and Mrs. C. J. Eldridge and Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Blake of Se lica spent Friday as guests of Mrs, | Mable Kellar of West Asheville. Prof, and Mrs. J. I. Cline wertfj Asheville visitors Sunday. . | Girtha Watkins, J. B. Rodgers and : James Passmore received pQsitions , with the State Bridge Buildihg force Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Rodgers, Mrs. L. M. Watkins and daughter Mildred and son Girtha and J B. Rodgers en joyed a chestnut hunt to White Water last Thursday. Miss Ophelia Woolum of East La Porte is spending several days as a guest of the Rev. and Mrs. 0. J. Eldridge. The Rev. and Mrs. C. J. Eldridge and family spent Saturday night and Sunday in Cashiers where the Rev. Mr. Eldridge filled his regular ap pointment at the Baptist church. He was clected pastor of this church a short time ago. The Rev. A. J. Manley filled Rev. Green's regular appointment at the Methodist church Sunday night. Miss Elizabeth White spent the week-end at home with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. E. White. Mr. and Mrs. Critten Galloway are spending several days as guest of the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Wilson, at Cashiers Valley, X. C. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fisher and chil dren and Mrs. Lee R. Fisher were Sunday visitors of Mr. Jim Raxter of Carrs Hill section. Mrs. Muskier I.usk and Mrs. Garf Williamon of Six Mile, S. C., were Monday guests bf Mrs. Freeman Hayes. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Watson of Glenville, N- C., are visiting rela tives here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Rosel fisher and I. G. McAllhany of Spartanburg, S. C., > TfTT IWliW? I'llMIIMl i ? I 1M ? II CAR OVERTURNS / A group of men employed by the i State Highway Commission hail a 1 near serious wreck on highway 28 ! about three miles above Rosman 1 Saturday afternoon. The car left the hard surface overturning five times down a very steep embankment. The occupants were rushed to the Tran sylvania Hospital immediately for first aid. It is not known whether all will recover. Two persons were seri ously injured. Full extent of their in juries has not yet been determined. 1'iCNIC DINNER ENJOXEV Mr. and" Mrs. J. E. White and fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. 13. B. White and j family accompanied Miss Elizabeth ' White to Balsom Grove Sunday where t.she is teaching. They enjoyed a pic inic dinner before returning home in : the afternoon. 1 were Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. | Lee R. Fisher and accompanied Mr. Jim Fisher who spent several days last week as guest of his brother Mr. : ; Lee R. Fisher, to his home at Tryon. Kill Stroupe and Welch Galloway spent Sunday and Monday in Pick [ens, S. C., on business. Mrs. Susie Morgan and Miss Vic toria Galloway of Brevard were din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Glazener Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Hayes, Mrs. | Hubert Edens, Mr. George Hayes and Claude Stroupe attended the Indian ! fair Thursday. | Mrs. Jessie Galloway who has been j i employed in Easley, S. C., returned i to her home here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Lewis and children, Ruth and Velma, attended , the all day singing at Cashiers last ; Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Roy Reid of Asheville were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. I Arthur Pharr. Mr. and Mrs. Craig Whitmire and daughter Lucia Nell and Mr. and ? ? ' . ? ????II Ml I. .I... .1.-1 ig j R OS MAN SCHOOL NEWS j I)o not expect the teacher to con trol your child, if you have failed at home. Habits of obedience and respecf for authority must be learned first at home. Fathers know your sons. .Mothers, know your daughters. Children who have been taught always to confide in their parents can be trusted any where. Kind some daily home duties or chores for your boy or girl to do, and they will come to appreciate in some degree the sacrifices you are making for them. Don't give children much spending r Let them earn it; otherwise an excellent opportunity to acquire the habit of thrift is lost. Where children are far enough ad vanced to have home study, be sure that tiny regularly set aside the same time for it every day. Regularity is a good habit to acquire. Do not believe every report your child brings home. All children do t;< t lie, but most children have strong imaginations which tend to operate in their own favor, if they are guilty. Do not take the part of your child . gainst the teacher before hearing both sides, and do. not do it after wards. In nine times out of ten you will find to your embarrassment that your child was wrong, and in the t^nth case, it is better to suffer a sfciht injustice to your child than to destroy the teacher's influence over ? him. If you have a complaint to make, go first to the principal of the school * tMt to the superintendent, a board member or others. Do not expect miracles. Not all children are equally apt. The school trains minds but does not furnish them. Do not apply the adult standard to the work of children. Do not upbraid your boy because he can not d j . ums as well as you can. And when new things are tried in the schools, con sider where your business would be if you still used the same things that were used when you were a boy. It you <lo this, you will not criticise all new innovations in school work. Principal Rosman High School | What I Should Like To Be When 1 Grow Up. I should like to be a kind and gen tle woman, t should like to help peo ple, and have a pretty home. I shall ? go to church everjj Sunday. Katheleen Wilson, Grade 3 J Our Room , We have some goldfish. The gold fish are pretty. One of them is dead. . We miss it. Helen Whitmire, Grade 2 Our Newspaper We have a class newspaper. We named it, "The Craekerjack News." We enjoy reading it. I. V. King, Grade 2 The Grasshopper Once a grasshopper started hop ping along to see the world. He -went a little way. A cat saw him and tried 1 to catch him. The grasshopper flew : on a pretty flower, and he liked the sweet scent of it so well that he stay- j ed there four hours and then flew i home. s Edna Allison, Grade 2 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL NEWS I A Fire Drill Clang! Clang! Clang! goes the fire bell. At once we are all ready to s go. We do not take time to pack our books or get our things in order. We march do^m. the steps and out into the yard. We do not run down the steps. In a .minute the building is v empty. The llell rings again and we c march back up the steps to our room. I John Gillespie, Grade 5 \ The Barefoot Boy We enjoyed studying, "The Bare foot Boy,'' because it was about a little boy goiy.g barefooted. At that time we were going barefooted too. We enjoyed it also because it told of the wild flowers, the birds, and all kind of wild animals. The poem told of the little boy sit ting on the door steps while he ate his milk and bread for supper. As it was getting dark, he could hear the frogs singing. He hated to think of winter coming when he could go bare footed no more. He called putting his shoes on, putting his feet in prison. He thought of the good times he had had during the summer, picking strawberries on the hill, roaming through the forest, picking wild flow ers, and watching the bees carry the honey from the llowers. In the woods he could see the beau tiful colored leaves falling; the squir rels carrying their winter supply of food. Overhead the birds sounded as if they were calling, "Good-bye" as they flew southward. We enjoyed studying "The Barefoot Boy," be cause it seemed so real. Lucille Galloway, Grade 5 Politeness To Our Teacher We should be polite to our teacher because she is always polite to us. Unless we are polite she cannot teach us as well as if we were. When we are polite we never speak out unless the teacher says we may. We should always speak to our teacher when we enter the room, never make too much noise when we walk, and always get up our lessons. There are many other things we should do, but if we obey these rules lit' teacher would be very happy. Frances Wilkerson, Grade 4 HOXOR ROLL The following students were neith er absent nor tardy during the month of September, and made an average of or above 90: Third Grade ? Ruth Rice, Gladys 1 Clark, Kathleen Wilson, Cora Sear cy, Gladys Whitmire, Ella Mae Whit mire. Fourth Grade ? D. H. Winchester, Eva Israel. Fifth Grade ? Lucille Galloway. i Tenth Grade ? Myrtle M. Bryson, Louise Glazener, Blanch Arrowood, Bculah Moore. Eleventh Grade ? Elsie White, La- ' vern Whitmire, Irene Pharr. HEALTH STUDY We are studying health. We have just begun to realize the necessity of giving attention to this side of our| lives: Now we believe that it is a part i ?>f the work of the school to make j keep people healthy in body as I well as in mind. People have a better attitude to wards disease. People who know they u'd not well should go to a reputable lector instead of taking patent med icines. Sometimes we are too careless to- | wards disease. Parents as we'll as I children should tiot expose themselves | to an infectious disease. A large per- j rentage of sick and broken humanity , Is found in the county districts than n the city. We are studying the ?auses for this. Pure water and pure food are lecessary to good health and we must ; lave plenty of sunshine, light, and Hire air. These are some of the things neces ;avy for good health. 8th Grade Civics Class. How To Be Healthy We should be neat and clean when ( ve come to school each day. When we , ough or sneeze we should Vic! a ! landkerchief in front of our face. ( Ve should keep our fingers and pm HOME ECONOMICS PROGRAM 0 The Home Economics depart- c merit of Rosman high school gave a ^ very interesting program on Friday , morning October-9th. Mi3s Olga Fort- j enberry, the Home Economics teacher e supervised the preparation of the I program. , < The program showed good coope- j ration on the part of the 1st and 2nd * year pupils as well as the patient ef- I forts of the teacher. 1 1 Several visitors were present and appeared to enjoy the program im mensely. HORSE SHOE BRIDGE MOVED Several of the men working with the State Highway camp are being ! ' sent to Horse Shoe to take down the 1 ' one way steel bridge that crosses the j French Broad river which has been,' lop laced by a more modern concrete bridge. The steel bridge will be moved down the river about two miles and will replace the old covered bridge! at Horse Shoe. , : -1 Mrs N. S. Galloway and daughter i 1 hclma were, Sapphire visitors Sun-: day and enjoyed a chestnut hunt in 1 that vicinity. The Elrod musician brothers, Roy ar\d Jep of Greenville, S. C., spent last week-end with Mr. and Mrs D. L. Glazener. Mr. Lee R. Fisher and brother Jim ! fisher and son Ebb of Tryon at-1 tended the Indian fair at Cherokee last week. Mrs. Marion Glazener and daugh- j ter, Margaret, visited Mrs. Taft Ow- 1 en at Cherryfield Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Glazener and i lanuly visited relatives in Henderson- ! ville Sunday. ^Ir. and Mrs. Doyle Barnes and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Reid of Ashe- j ville stopped at the home of Mr. and I Mrs. E. A. Glazener on their way 1 to Cashiers where they expected to t camp for several days. j I Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Moore and family also Miss Effie Owen and .Mrs. i' red Nicholson attended the' Home Coming Day at Quebec Bap tist church Sunday and returned af- ' ter a enjoyable day. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Moore spent' several days last week as guest of 1 the la iters parents Mr. and Mrs. El lis Galloway of the Old Toxaway ! section. ? ! Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Watkins spent i Monday in Ilendersonville visiting ? .Misses Annie Hazle, Maxic Moore, Gladys Gillespie and Messrs. Avery 1 L cils away from our mouths because | they may have germs on them. We should eat good food and take nlentv of exercise. j Agnes Woodward, Grade 4 Seventh Grade Likes Student Government Under the direction of Mr. Kimzev. the seventh grade has worked out 'a jiorm of student government that is quite a success. The following offi cers have been elected: President, Everett Whitmirc; Vice president, Wood row Masters; Secre tary, Mary Morgan; Blackboard Committee Annie Gillespie, Paulino Sutton; Boys Hall Monitor; Billv Dockms; Girls Hall Monitor, Mollie I | Allison; Playground Monitor, Russell Duncan; Giri : Playground Monitor. , J'e Allison; Window Monitor, Bil ly Dockins; Picture Committee, Mae I Owen, Laura Pharr, Inez Oates; Door Mwiitor, Billy Doclcins. , The regular class meeting is held ('i<;ry !? rulay from 2:30-3:00. In ad dition to the regular duties of the .class officers, the class has brought material for mounting pictures, cur uinis for the cloakroom, repaired the window shades, washed the wood work of the room, repaired the black beard and done many other things ' to make the loom more attractive. Pauline Sutton, 7th grade Rosman Elementary School Library1 i Wei! Used \ . S.~nSC'1?0' library, containing ' about 0;>0 volumes, is located on the J"?... or t'ie school building. In addition to the roof libraries, each grade has a regular library period every week. The book circulation for the first month was about four hun- 1 cued. Our librarian is Miss Cle > Jam- ' ?son. Inez Oates, 7th grade , Seventh Grade Beautifies Classroom The seventh grade has done much to make its room more attractive. The grade has made curtains for the cloakroom, put up a bulletin board,' repaired the shades, evened up the | blackboards with a border of pic- J tures, white washed some* of the ? wall, washed the woodwork of the|_ room and cleaned the windows. We have also obtained a book case, li- ! . brary table, and flower vases, that j add much to the room. j , Mollie Allison, 7th grade. Keep Our School Grounds Clean! The pupils of the seventh grade are trying their utmost to keep the play ground clean this year. They clean up the grounds every afternoon, but this is not enough. The rest of thi grades should be move careful about t putting paper and apple cores in the ; planted in front of the building would garbage barrels. Some shrubbery help the appearace of the school. The ashes, where the paper is burnt, should be carried away. The large rocks should be removed from the grounds. It's our school. Let's make it attractive I G. C. McClure, 7th grade. i. Winter Winter is coming, rhe mountains are getting bare, rhe corn fields have turned brown, rhe pumpkins are ripe. Squirrels are getting in nuts for win ter, Did Jack Frost is ready to bite yo'ir ! toes. loore, Kenneth McCall, Clarcftce ! alio way and Mr. Fowler attended he Indian Fair at Cherokee, Friday nd camped on Whiteside Mountain, eturning home Sunday afternoon. William and Allan White, Ralph ! ,nd Howard Galloway enjpyed a \ hestnut hunt last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Moore and < ihildren Pauline and Charles Lee vere Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. vl. N. Moore. Miss Elsie White spent the week ;nd in West Asheville as a guest of ler uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Seorge Millsap. Mrs. C. E. Leathers and Mrs. A. 1. Manley visited Mr. Harve Searcey Sunday. Mr. Searcy is very ill at 'lis home here. Robert Leathers, James Staton ' ind Lawrence Whitmire spent Sun- j day in West Union, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Harris of Bre- 1 vard were Sunday guest of the Rev. | G. E. Kellar and Mrs. M. Kellar. _ ; Mrs. John Clement of Colfax, N. C., a returned Missionary, will speak an Missionary work at the Wesleyen Methodist church at Brevard on Sun- . tlav evening October 18. Mrs. Eli Huggins of Calvert was a . visitor of Mrs. Walter Reece Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Morrison of Norfolk, Va., Mr. and Mrs. Memory Mull and daughter Viola of Brevard and Mr. and Mrs. Horace Morrison of Canton were Sunday guest of Mr:-. Gene Morrison. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Morrison will spend several days here visiting. Mr. Walter Reece and Dan Reid of Oakland were Charlotte visitors last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Stophel visited Mrs. I. C. Kennon Sunday. The lat ter is very ill at the home of her mother, Mrs. J. A. Colburn, at Pisgah Forest. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Morrison of Canton are expecting to spend this winter with the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. Gene Morrison. Mr. Lee Nicholson and family mov ed from Cherryfield to the Whitmire cottage near Zion Baptist church 'it Rosman last week. Several people from here attended the annual Indian fair at Cherokee, N. C., last week. Misses Effie Owen, Rosa McLean and Mrs. H. G. Stophel spent several days last week visiting in the Glou cester section, returning home Satur day loaded with chestnuts. They re ported a very delightful trip. Miss Marie Moore, A. M. Paxton, Jr., and Tom Glazener attended the Indian fair at Cherokee, N. C. Fri day. Mrs. Gene Moore and Mrs. Ander son Smith of Quebec were dinner guests of Mrs. Charlie Moore last Thursday. Rickmond and Carrol Manley at tended the Home Coming at Quebec Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fisher and children Averie and Ray spent Sat urday night as guests of the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. Lee R. Fisher. The -Carolina Ramblers noted Mu sicians were guests of Mr. ami Mrs, I). L. Glazener last Saturday after noon. Mrs. J. A. Cannon and son J. A. Jr., and daughter Tot and Mrs. Rule Cannon of Pickens, S. C., and Mrs. Charles Wilborn of Greenville, S. C., were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Glazener. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Kilby of Greenville, S. C., are spending several days as the guest of Mr. an<l Mrs. I,. M. Watkins. Vando Morgan spent Saturday and Sundav at West Union, S. C. Mr. Carlee McCall of the Glouces ter section was a business visitor to Brevard Friday. Miss Selma Morgan of Calvert spent last week-end visiting relatives at Fletcher. North Carolina. Gaston Morgan, Ralph Paxton, Glenn Whitmire and Arthur Owen of Cherryfield attended the singing at Cashiers Sunday. Mrs. Doyle MossS and children visi ted Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank McCa'i of Cherryfield Sunday. Mr. E. A. Glazener who is recover ing from an operation is slowly im proving. . , Mrs. S. E. Whitmire spent Monday afternoon visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Gla::ener. Mr. George Dodson receieved very painful injuries in an automobile ac cident. The accident occurred in Jackson county while Mr. Dodson was returning home on a truck. The truck collided with a automobile throwing Dodson from the vehicle to the hardsurface. His leg being broken several times. It is feared the limb will have to be amputated. Miss Elsie Maxwell of San Ber nardino, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Byerly and children of West Asheville visited Miss Belle Fisher Sunday. An Optimist "Say, I met a real optimist yes terday." , "Who was that .the bird who be lieves the company isn't going to lay off any more men?" "No. It's the fellow who exclaim ed after getting a leg cut off in a railroad accident: ''Thank goodness, it was the leg with the boil on it. ' NOTICE AND SUMMONS j IN THE SUPERIOR COURT State of North Carolina County of Transylvania latuc-i H. Wilson, vs Dora Hunks Wilson. * The defendant above named will ;ake notice that an action entitled as ibove has been commenced in the Superior Court of Transylvania bounty to obtain an absolute divorce >v said plaintiff from said defendant; he said defendant will further take lotice that she is required to answer | he complaint filed in this cause with n 30 days from the completion of ser ?ice of summons by publication, or ile her demurrer to said complaint , r plaintiff will apply to the court or the relief demanded in said com- ; ilaint. | This the ?8 dav of Sept. 1031. )TTO AJ.EXANDER, Clerk iuperior Court. pOei,S,I"'.22 I NOTICES OF LEGAL INTEREST Administrator's NOTICE Having- qualified as executor of the last will aiKftestament of G. L. Glaz ener, deceased, late of Transylvania County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons, having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Brevard, N". C., on or befote the 23rd day of September, 1932, or this no- ' tice will be pleaded in- bar of their; recovery. All persons indebted to said j estate wiil please make immediate payment. This the 23rd day of Sept. 1931. Paul Glazener, Executor of the Last Will & Testament of G. L. Glazener. 6t S24 thru Oc29 NOTICE AND SUMMONS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT State of North Carolina County of Transylvania Julia Golden Bay ne McCrary vs Sanford McCrary The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Transyivan<a County to obtain an absolute divorce by said plaintiff from said defendant; the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to answer the complaint1 filed in this cause with in 30 days . from the completion of ' service of summons by publication, or file his demurrer to said complaint or plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said com plaint. This the 28 dav of Sept. 1931. OTTO ALEXANDER, Clerk Superior Court. p4tOcl,8,15,22 W. B. Byrd, Atty. NOTICE, of Summons and Warrant of Attachment IN THE SUPERIOR COLRT State of North Carolina Transylvania County. B. B. Williams, plaintiff vs. T. Allen, J. T. Allen, Anne Allen, and H. L. CadwaUadcr, defendants. The defendants above named will take notice that Summons in the above entitled matter has issued against said defendants on the, 19th day of September 1931, by Otto Al exander Clerk Superior Court of Transylvania County for the recov ery of damaged for personal injury sustained by said plaintiff on account of the negligence of said defendants which summons is returnable in the Superior Court thirty days from date of service. The defendants will a'sc take notice that a warrant of at tachment was issued by said Clerk at the time and place above named for the return of this summons, when and where the defendants are re quested to appear and answer or de mur to said Complaint, or the re lief demanded therein will be granted. This 25th day ofJsept. 1931. OTTO ALEXANDER Clerk Superior Courl 4t Oct 1 8 15 22 NOTICE of Foreclosure Under and by virtue of the powei of sale contained in that certain Deed in Trust from S. M. Macfie anc his wife, Mary Ashe Macfie, said Deed in Trust bearing date of .Tub the 18th, 1929, and registered in Book No. 23, on page T!(, etc.. Rcc ord of Deeds in Trust for Transyl vania County, N. C., said Deed in Trust securing certain indebtedness therein named, and default having been made in the payment of said in debtedness whereby the power o.; sale contained in said deed in trust has become operative and all notices required having been given and sai-i default has not been made good an; the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness having requested the undersigned Tiustee to foreclose said deed in trust. Now Therefore, the undersigned Trustee, will, on Monday the 2n<: day of November, 1931. at 12 o'clock M., at the court house door in the Town of Brevard, N. C., offer foi sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property to-wit: 51.6 acres, lying in Dunns Rock Township and fully described in said Deed in Trust aforesaid, reference being hereby made to said Deed in Trust and the record thereof for c. description of said lands by metes and bounds. , The proceeds of said sale to be ap plied upon said indebtedness, cost of foreclosure, etc. This 2nd day of October- 1931. D. L .ENGLISH. Trustee. 4tc Oct 8-15-22-29. NOTICE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain Deed of trust from William Harrison Rhodes and wife, to the undersigned Trustee, dated May 8, 1931, and re corded in Book 28, page 143, Tran sylvania County Records, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby seized, and demand having been made upon the undersigned Trustee to advertise and sell the property described in said Deed ?f Trust, Now, therefore, the undersigned Trustee will, on Saturday, the 31st day of October. 1931, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Court House doqr, in Brevard, N. C., offer for sale an I sell to the highest bidder for cash, 1 the following described real proper- ' ty, to-wit: Containing one acre and 3V 1-3 poles, more or less, and being all of the land described by metes and bounds in said deed of trust : recorded in Book 28 page 143, to I which reference is hereby made for a full and complete description of said land. The proceeds of said sale to be ap plied upon said indebtedness and ex penses of sale. This the 30th day of September, 19CI. RALPH H. RAMSEY, Jr., Trustee 3ct. 7*14-21-21? NOTICE OF RESALE WHEREAS the property of W. V. Owen and wife, Ethel Owen, des cribed in that certain Deed in Trust, dated June 7th, 1927, and registered in Book 17, page 241 of the Record of Deeds in Trust of Transylvania Couwty, was recently sold under said Deed in Trust, and the bid filed and reported "at this sale has been raised and a resale ordered by the Court; NOW THEREFORE, the under signed Trustee will on Saturday, October the 24th, 1931 at 12 o'clock M. at the Court House door in t!; Town of Brevard, N. C., offer f. i sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real property to-wit: Lying in Hogback Township and fully described in the Deed in Trv and record aforesaid, reference b< - ing hereby made to said Deed it; Trust and record for a description of said property by metes and bounds. Proceeds of said sale to be applied 'on said indebtedness, cost of sale, etc. I This the 9th day of Oct. l'J31. D. L. ENGLISH, Trustee. BB&L 2tc Oct. 15-2-.'. . NOTICE RE-SALE OF LAXD HY T HI 'ST EE At a sale of the lands hereinafter described made on Sept. 14th, the hid having been raised within the [time allowed, and a re-sale ordered, I the undersigned trustee, will, on the 20th day of October 1931 at 12 o'clock M. sell to the h - he f I Ider for cash at the court house t i r in Brevard, N. C., the following ? rib ed lands: Lying on wesj side of Brushy Creek in Town of Brevard, X. C. con taining 4.62 acres, being land .described in a deed made b.v'T. II. ! Shipman and Elizabeth Shuiman > W. E. Byrd and S. A. Byrd on Aug ust 27th, 1925, registered in Deed Book . . at page . . of De- d Rec ords of Transylvania County, N. C. Reference is made to said Deed. Book and page, for further descrip tion of the property to be offered for sale. Sale made to satisfy said indebted ness secured bv said Deed in Trust. I This Oct. 3rd, 1931. ! WELCH GALLOWAY, Trustee. 2t T A E Oct 8-15 NOTICE of Entry, No. 2647 Slate of North Caroflnu Transylvania County. I, Madison Allison, do hereby enter and claim two acres more or less land in Dunn's Rock Township, Tran sylvania County, N. C. I BOUNDED as follows: P-ginnin^1 at a double birch it being the mth east corner of a 17 1-2 acre trac t be longing to the said Madison Allison and runs south about GO feet nu ie or less to a stake in the old Johnson line thence with the said line west about 100 poles to the conn of the said Johnson tract, theniv ; north course to the south west .i ,..r of the aforesaid 17 1-2 acre tra t be longing to the said Madison Allison thence with the line of the same to ' the place of beginning. Filed for registration on the 5th I dav of Oct, 1931, at 11:40 o k A f M. ' JESS A. G ALLOW AY, Enir. Taker. ! i 4tc OctS, 15,22.29. NOTICE State of North Carolina. ; Transylvania County. In The Superior Court : Atlantic Joint Stock Land !>a: ? of Raleigh, a corporation, Plaintiff. Vs ! A. II. Gillespie and wife, F. M. ' d lespie, J. L. Gillespie and w . Annie S. Gillespie; Lewis P. Ila:a 1 1 line, Trustee, & J. V. Bowei ; .Brevard Banking Company, aiul j State Commissioner of Bai : j H. E. Martin, Trustee and T. li. j Shipman; W .W. Steerman and [wife, Cora J. Steei man; F. K. tlar.' iner; W. W. Woodley, Jr.. L oldat )ing Agent of Brevard Banking |Co.; Ralph H. Ramsey, Jr.. Ti 'and J. L. Whitmire; T. A. I' -?: 10. H. Orr; T. II. Galloway; Tran vania County, Defendants. The above named defenda V\\ W. I Steerman, and wife, Cora ' Steer Iman, will take notice that action entitled as above has been i .'need " in the Superior Court f isyl vania County, North Cm to foreclose that mortgage l'n >. H. Gillespie and wife, Fannie M (lilies pie. to the above entitled plaintiff, of ; record in Book No. 11, at Kige No. 23, of the records of such 1 Keds for j Transylvania County, which said mortgage conveys a tract of land situate in said Transylvania County, j North Carolina, on the French Broad River, containing. 254 acres, more or less, excepting therefrom a sn-all tract which lies within the above de scribed boundary, which has hereto-* fore been conveyed as being 2.95 acres, more or less, and is not includ i ed in this conveyance and in which land of 254 acres, more or less, less the small exception, the said defend ants claim an interest under those two deeds from A. H_ Gillespie and [wife, Fannie M. Gillespie, and J. L. Gillespie and wife, Annie S. Gilles pie, each of date March 27, 1928, one of which is of record in Book No. 61, at page No. 8, and the other of rec ord in Book No. CO, at page Xo. 190 of the Records of Deeds for Transyl vania County. Said defendants will further take notice that they are re quired to appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said Transylvania County in the Court House* in Brevard, North Carolina, on the 7th day of November A. D., 1931, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action on said date, or within thirtv days thereafter, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 5th day of October, A. D., 1931. OTTO ALEXANDER, Clerk Superior Court. Transvlvapia County 4tc Oc 8,15,22,29.

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