BREVAR D1NSHTUTE BEATS SYLVA HIGH The Brevard Institute eleven, led by Captain Prillo Mitchell, trampled i the Sylva High Football team for a , 25 to 13 victory Friday on the Sylva field. (?' 1 The first quarter found the Sylvans getting the best of the struggle. They i scored a touchdown in the first five minutes of play. M. A. Dumas playing left half, starred for Brevard Institute by tal lying two of their four touchdowns. In the second quarter he intercepted a pass and stepped up the field for a forty yard run and a touchdown. ? Gene Dumas, right half, scored a touchdown and Capt Frillo Mitchell made the fourth. Skidmore bucked the line for the extra point. The B. I. boys were working evenly and the line deserves due credit for the vic tory. The linesmen held like a rock wall and the opposing team fotind it hard and practically impossible to make any headway by line plunges. Captain Sutton, quarterback, tal lied both touchdowns for Sylva and Green the extra point. The line-up: Sylva (13) Pep. B. /. (25) L. K. Cook White L. T. {?v. angers Brewer L. Cr. 0 k Davis C. nlv Colina R. G. 1 aril Wildy R. T. Tantham Mangum R. E.. Bryson Lebby Q. B. Sut i i Mitchell L. 11. i Thomas Skidmore R. ir. Greene . G. Dumas F. B. i Allison Guthrie Score, by quarters 12 3 4 Total B. I. (5 12 7 0 25 Sylva. 7 0 0 G 13 The B. I. boys will meet the Sylva Collegiate eleven on the Sylva field Friday. FARM MARKET OX HIGHWAY 2S. DOIXG GOOD BUSINESS Frank Woodfin, popular young business man of the county, has op ened a Farm Market four miles out dm i he Hcndevsonville road and is doing a splendid business. He 'makes a specialty of selling fresh eggs, but -r, and farm products produced by liis neighbors along the valley. Re cently a refrigerating system was in tailed, and Mr. Woodlin is now sell ing fresh meats, handling only native grown and fattened beef cattle and hogs. Many people in Brevard are said to he patronizing the new place. - _ - | Pisgah Forest News j I l The home of Uncle Joe Orr pre sented a pretty scene last Sunday ?.vhen several hundred people gather ed to celebrate the annual Barton reunion. Singing was a special fea ture of the day, with Uncle Joe sing ing several old selections that were in keeping with the happy occasion. A bountiful picnic dinner was spread and was very much enjoyed. The home of Mr. Barton at Cathey's Creek was suggested for the next an nual reunion to be held. In the late afternoon the many friends and rela tives departed for their homes, after spending an enjoyable day. I Mr. I.ance Carter is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Will Stophel has as ? heir dinner guests Sunday: Mrs.. Johnson o i Balfour, Rev. and Mrs. C. Blythe of Pleasant Grove, Mrs. C. Orr, Mrs. D. McCall and R. E. Mackey. Mr. and Mrs. Garland McGregory r.iul children of Greenville, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Patton, Jr. Mrs. Jim Allion and daughter, Dol lie, have moved to Rutherfordton to be with Mr. Allison where he has work. i Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Stophel of Rcsman, *pent Sunday afternoon j with Mrs. Emma Colburn and daugh- l ..US. ; Miss Stella Cody is visiting Mr.; ;nd Mrs. Randolph Grooms in Bre vard. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hedrick and son, Sunday, w ere Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Brown and family on Silver Creek. i Mr. V. 0. Orr attended the Bre-j vard-Canton football game at Canton Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Parris of.Av orys' Creek were Sunday guests of j Mr. and Mrs. Jake Parris. j Mrs. G. T. Frady is spending the v.vek with relatives in Shelby. Mr. A. B. Owen, who is employed i in Georgia, spent the week-end with his wife. i Miss Stella Parris, of Pickens, S. j C'.. was a recent guest of Miss Lucille Burns. j Those attending the Cherokee In- ^ (Man fair last week from this section were: Mr. and Mrs. McKinley Ross,' Valry Carter. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. I.yday and children and Miss Fanny rjnggs. Mr. William Pruett who is employ-' ?d in Weaverville spent the week end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.1 V . W. Pruett. ! Mr. William Duncan's two brothers Bristol, Tenn., who have been vis iting 'him, returned to their home atiday. Mr. and Mrs. Fleet Galloway and; Misses Minnie Galloway and Mary, Burnett spent Sunday in Gloucester. \ Mr. and Mrs. T. Corn and children! of Spartanburg, spent the week with the Sentells in this section. , Mrs. John Lyday of Penrose spent ".!.!ay with her father, Joe Orr. | II. 0. Parker, C. !,. Corn, Sam ROSMAN WOODMEN i MAY WIN SILK FLAG W. E. McLean Won First Prize In Western Carolina Dis trict Contest Camp No. 295 Rosman Woodmen of the World stands a high chance to ( win a silk flag for their lodge room by securing the largest number of members for their Camp since May 15, in a contest in the Western Dis trict of North Carolina. The Ros man camp secured 15 new members during the last month of the cam paign. The silk flag is offered for the contest winner by Woodmen State Manager E. B. Lewis. W. E. McLean, member of the Rosman camp won first prize in the district for the individual member ?,'etting the largest number of new 1 members. His prize was a W. 0. W. j Elgin watch. Mr. McLean has a i splendid chance also, to win a place j in the state manager's contest for 1 new members. Other prizes of valuable watches and rings were won by Woodmen j from Cliffside, Franklin, Murphy,; and Asheville. These prizes were of- \ fered by District Manager W. H. Orogan, of Brevard, who is also sec- 1 rotary of the Western North Caro- ' lina Log Rolling Association. Parker and Paul Flersherman enjoy ed a chestnut hunt on Black Moun- ! tain Saturday. A community singing was held at the h Jme of Miss Dorothy Souther "Thursday evening. Miss Elizabeth McCoy had as her week-end guest, Miss Nell Gillespie of Brevard. Mr. Claude Shipley ol Asheville, was a business- visitor here last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Dob Street and chil dren and Mr. Allen Cody motored 10 ] Pickens, S. C., Sunday and spent the day with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Albert and two children were Sunday evening guests of their son, Judo, of Brevard. Mr. H. McGaha, who is employed : in Canton, was calling on friends in this section recently. Mr. C. C. Morris and daughter, Audrey, of Biltmore, spent the week j end here with Mrs. Morris, who is ' visiting her mother, -Mrs. Emma Col- i burn. Mrs. W. C. Cody and daughter. Willie Mae, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Groonjs, in Brevard. Miss Mary Louise Croushorn, who j is attending school at St. Genevieve of-the-Pines, Asheville, spent the I week end with her parents, Mr. and j Mrs. W. W. Croushorn. Mr. and Mrs. Wijl Price. Mrs; Mc Neoly, and Mrs. Ida Burrell of Bre vard, were recent callers of Mrs. Em ma Colburn. Mr. and Mrs. James Morris and three children of Lexington, Ky., are FOREST FILM SHOWN IN COUNTY SCHOOLS Transylvania Assisting State ; In Conservation of the Forests A representative of the State Dept. of Conservation and Development and the county forest and game war- 1 den, E. R. Galloway, have made a visit to many of the schools through out the county. And where possible free movies were shown. In every i case a large crowd was out to see-' the pictures and much interest wis shown. i R. C. Moore, in charge of the work, stated that it is the aim of the De- j partment, with the aid of movies, lectures and literature to win the j people of the State away from the practice of woods burning to the more enriching practice of forest and game protection. As it is impossible to have forest and game where the woods are burned over annually. Mr. Moore stated that Transylvan ia county is once more cooperating with the state Forest Service in an effort to protect the woodland area from fires; as the fire season is rap idly approaching, now is the tin'.e for all good citizens to take a definite stand against woods-burning. Hunters and every one should be careful with fire in the woods, a fire prevented may mean a nest saved more birds for the future and better hunting for all, Mr. Moore stated. LEGAL TRANSFERS B. W. Trantham and wife to An thony Trantham. W. R. Kilpatrick and wife to T. L. Pickelsimer. T. L. Pickelsimer and wife to J. W. McCall. C. E. Lance and wife to J. A. Bar clay and wife. CofFman Bank and Trust Company to John Lyday and wife. T. C. Galloway, trustee, to T. J. Wilspn and wife. Ralph Fisher, trustee, to J. M. Simpson and wife. Dorothy D. Grimshaw Keating to Dr. C. Grimshaw. They hare yan, oil unci real service at the Farm Market, down on the Hendciisonville Highway, near fen rose. it. visiting friends and relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Morris are former residents. Mr. Arlee McGuire of Asheville, was a business caller of J. W. Nich olson Monday. A large and appreciative audience enjoyed the Educational picture show given at the school house last Wed nesday evening by the Department of Conservation and Development, of Raleigh. ? ,i?Z. Lake Toxaway News f J Miss Ellen Owen of. Gloucester, spent the week-end with her auijt, Mrs. Granville Fisher. Tom Wood of Brevard, was in Toxaway on business last Saturday. Quite a number of Toxaway people attended the home-coming at Quebec last Sunday. Mr. and- Mrs. Walter McKinna at tended the Barton reunion at the home of Mr. ard Mrs. Joe Orr, at Pisgah Forest, last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Raines and little granddaughter, Freda Jean Hall, attended the home-coming day at Quebec Baptist church laat Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Cope Lee spent iast Monday at Pisgah Forest. Bill Fisher of Easiey, S. C., spent I^st Wednesday night with his broth er, Chris Fisher. | Mrs. Lon O'Shields and children visited Mrs. O'Sheild's mother, Mrs. Eli McKinna, Tuesday. Miss Mildred Henderson of Quebec, spent last Thursday night with Miss Reba McCall. j Mrs. Bettie Moore and Miss Mar jorie Johnson' visited Mrs. Burlir Owen last Thursday. I Mr. and Mrs. William \V. Raj spent the week end in Asheville with 1 relatives. | Miss Mildred Williams, who is teaching school at Dillsboro, N. C. spent the week end at home with Mr and Mrs. R. F. Williams. | Mrs. Ed Ensley and little son, of 'Asheville, were visitors in Toxawaj jlast Saturday. Mrs. Callie Tompkins spent iasi ! week with Mrs. Arrowood Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Moltz returnee home last Saturday from Atlantic City and New York where they hav( J been for several weeks. I Mrs. D. C. Scrujjgs and Miss Louis< .Williams spent Monday in Hender I sonville. I Mrs. L. C. Case and son, Warren i spent last Sunday with Mrs. Case': ?parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Fisher. ! Mr. and Mrs. Cope Lee and chil ' dren and Mr. and Mrs. Cole Lee ane i family spent Sunday with Mr. ane Mrs. A. J. Lee. ! Mr. and Mrs .Jack Aiken and fam ily of West Asheville, spent Sundaj i with Mrs. Aiken's parents, Mr. ane i Mrs. A. J. Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Tinsley ane : children spent last Sunday afternoor with Mrs. Tinsley's mother, Mrs [ Charlie Lee. 1 Miss Helen Fisher spent last Sun <iay night with her cousin, Miss Eliei ? Owen. i Mr. and Mrs. Louie Fisher ane , family spent Sunday with Mr. Fish er's parents. Mr. and Mrs. I. 'S Fisher. ' Home - yroum and home - ki!lc< Meats ? Fresh, tender and juicy, a The Firry, i Market, on the Henderson ville Highway. Also famous yuaran 'red White il'dfc)- Rose Flour, 60< for 24 /os. If. HOME-COMING DAY ? AT QUEBEC CHURCH An unusually large crowd attended the annual home-coming of the Oak Grove Baptist Church of Quebec Sun day. Many ex-pastors and former 'members of the church were present, j Fifteen minute speeches, were made during the day by several prom inent men of this section. Rev. J. E. Burt made the speech 'of welcome at the opening of 1 services. Other speakers on the pro 'gram were: A. J. Manlcy, \V. B. ! Henderson, S. B. McCali, Isaac Hen derson, J. R- Henderson and Prof. G. C. Bush. | Intervals between the speeches were filled by delightful music, sup plied by the Tryon ? Quartet. | A dinner was served on th>- grounds#*^ 'at the dinner hour. The day was ' ideal for -such a homr-f ceie. bration and many termed the day as the best for many years, i - I NOTICE 4 '* 1 i Under and by y-rtue of the power > of sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust to the under.- igned Trus tee, dated the 2nd day of Januarv, 1931, and recorded in Book 28, page 1 109 of the record of Deeds of Trust for Transylvania County, default : having been made in the payment - of the indebtedness thereby secured, ? and demand having been made upon . the undersigned Trustee to avert ise and sell the property described in said Deed of Trust. Now, therefore, ths undersigned ? Trustee will, on Saturday, the* -'5 1 st . day of October, 1931, at 12 o'clock, ' noon, at the Court House door in Brevard, N. C., offer for sale and ; sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real proper ty, to-wit: " FIRST : A 1-6 undivided interest in 161 acres, more or less, described ' in Deed recorded in Book 1 page 365, ' Transylvania Sount.v records. SECOND: A 1-12 undivided inter J est in 300 acres, m i e or less, de scribed in deed recorded in Book 15 page 458, Transylvania County rec ords. THIRD: A 1-6 undivided interest ' in 39 acres, more or loss, described in Deed recorded in Book 16, page 223, Transylvania County records. All three of said tracts to be sold, 1 subject to dower right- "f Sarah J. ? Snuford. And being the Second. Third and Fourth tract in said Deed of Trust recorded in Book 28, page ? 109. reference to which fr hereby made for a full and complete descrip tion of said lands. The proceeds of said -ale to be ap ? plied to the payment of -aid indebt edness and expenses o: sale. This the 30th dav of September, 1931. ' RALPH H. RAMSEY, Jr., Trustee ? Oct. 7-14-21-28 Want Ads Are Good Selling Agcntt. BRING YOUR CAR DOWN TO THE FOOT OF THE HILL AND SAVE ON YOUR GARAGEJBILL I am now in my new place, with every equipment for complete repair work on any and all kinds of cars. In a new home . with the same old experience and careful attention to every job, you may be assured of both GOOD WORK and LOW COST. I have no big overhead expense here at this place, which is, in deed and truth, A One Stop Service Station Shell Gas and Oils, Repairs for any and every make of car, from the tiniest puncture in the tire to the most delicate part of the motor ? all speedily and accurately repaired ? at low cost. Keep this in mind: Down at the foot of the hill You can save money on the repair bill. Jess A. Smith's Garage In its new Home? Corner North Caldwell Street and Cascade Avenue? Come down the hill and cut down the bill. THE OPENING OF THE SPIC and SPAN CLEANERS IN THE Clayton Building PHONE 153 Doing a General Dry Cleaning and Pressing Business OUR STANDARD PRICES ARE: J" V SUIT, Dry Cleaned and Pressed ...... 50 cents DRESS, Dry Cleaned and Pressed 50 cents and up In addition to thorough dry cleaning and pressing the garments, we also replace buttons and make minor repairs, without extra charge. Suits and Dresses called for and delivered to any point in Brevard zone. But if you want to bring your own clothes to the shop and call for same, 'we give you a 20% DISCOUNT FROM ABOVE PRICES We have inaugurated the "Cash and Carry" plan, which means that if you bring your own garments here, and call for same, you obtain a reduction of 20 per cent. SPIC and SPAN CLEANERS i Clayton Bldg. C. W. Townsend, Manager Phone 153 j -

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