BLUE DEVILS HOLD CANTON TO S ? TIE i Coach Tilson's Blue Devils held the Canton Black Bears to a 6-6 deadlock Friday on the Canton field. The Devils fcught staunchly and steadiiy until ths last quarter, however, they wero evenly matched and the game ended in a low tie. Canton kicked off to Brevard and the Devils were downed cn their own 45 yard line. Brevard carried the ball from the 45 yard line to approxi mately the three yard line where a pass was fumbled, givi'ng Canton the ball. Bud Mease, Canton quarterback, fumbled the ball and Bud Neal, Bre varcj right end, recovered it on the ^ 'Devil goal line and thus made the first touchdown of the struggle. Bre vard failed to make the extra point. Brevard kicked to Canton and the Black Bears proceeded to march down the field for their touchdown. They failed to score the extra point. Eflf At only one time during the last half did either /.earn threaten the goal. Brevard stepped down the iield ' to the Canton 30 yard line, and the Bears held. Mease starred for Canton while Schachner, Erwin, Lance and Neal were outstanding for the Blue Devils. Blue Devil lineup: Neal, right end; Ilinton, right tackle; Meese, right guard, Pickel simer, center; Wilson, left guard: Lance, left tackle; Muggins, left end; Schachner, quarterback. Clayton an I Erwin, half backs; English, full back. Substitute: Pearce and SiniarJ. 2 Doors up the Street ? to the Old Canteen Place, where we have more room to ' take care of our ever in- .. creasing- business. I s*y i ?*! ? i i j; is our long suit. We are f equipped to take care of all your needs in plumb jj ing ? and the prices are always right ? Plenty oi the best Suoplies. ALL sizes ? the most com plete stock in town. V." can give you instailati i that is satisfactory in ev ery way. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES from a light bulb to re pairs for your motor ? It will pay you to first see R. F. Tliarp THE PL U M B E R Phone 224 Brevard Team Works Out For Friday Game 1 Ccach Tilson worked the Blue Dev iis for n tough series o? scrimmages the early party of the week, in pre paration for the Franklin game thi3 Friday. The game will be played on the Franklin field and (sport fans 1 interested in furnishing transporta- , tion for the players to the scene of ? combat are urged to notify Coach Tilson or Manager Alfred Hampton ; today. ' STATEMENT OF THE OWNER- 1 SHIP, MANAGEMENT, I CIRCULATION, Etc., Required by the Act of Congress j of August 24, 1012, Of The Brevard News, published i weekly at Brevard, North Carolina, ' for October 1. 1931. State of North Carolina County of Transylvania. Before me, a Notary Public in and - for the State and County aforesaid, ! personally appeared James F. 'Bar-j rett, who, having been duly sworn ac- ] cording to law, deposes and says that he is the Editor of The Brevard , i News and lhat the following is, to j the best of his knowledge and be- ? lief, a true statement of the owner- j ship, management, etc.. of the afore- 1 ! said publication for the date shown , in the above caption, required by the; Act of August 24, 1S)12, embodied in j | section 411, Postal Laws and Regu- ; I lations, printed on the reverse of this form, to-wit: j 1, That the names and addresses of j ? the publisher, editor, managing edi- j j tor, and business managers are: | Publisher, Transylvania Publishing Co., Brevard, N. C. ; Editor, Manag ing Editor and Business Manager, j James F. Barrett, Brevard, N .C. 2. That the owner is: Transyl ? vania Publishing Co., Brevard, N. C. | (See attached list for Stockholders) i (.fames F. Barrett, Mrs. James F. Barrett, R. R. Fisher, T. H. Shipman, iWhitmire Motor Sales Co., Lewis P. ; Hamlin, W. If. Harris, H. H. Pat ton. J. S. Bromfield, S. M. Macfie, C. li. McNeely, R. \V. Everett, J. S. ? Silversteen, J. H. Piekelsimer, all of Brevard. X C. ; \V. B. Henderson, Lake Toxaway, N. C.; B. H. Sitton, 1 , Brevard. N. C. ; W. W. Croushorn, Pisgah Forest, N. C. ; Virgil Mc Craiy. Penrose, N. C. ; R. W. Pridg en, Charlotte, N. C. .'J. That the known bondholders, ] mortgagees, and other security hold- . ors owning or holding 1 per cent or < more of total amount of bonds, mort- ] gages, or other securities are: C. W. P.ickelsinier, Trustee. J That (lie two paragraphs next above, giving the names of the own- i cis, stockholders, and security hold- t ers, if any, contain not only the list of stockholders and security holders j ' as they appear upon the books of the . company, but also, in cases where the stockholder or security holder ap- j pears upon the books of the company . as trustee or in any other fiduciary ' i elation .the name of the person or corporation for whom such trustee is acting, is given; also that the said.! two paragraphs contain statements embracing affiant's full knowledge ( and belief as to circumstances and ' conditions under which stockholders 8 and security holders who do not ap- j pear upon the books of the company J a ? trustees, hold stock arid securities ' in a capacity other than that of a bonn fide owner.; and this affiant has 1 n ? reason to believe that any other ' person, association, or corporation ha^! any interest direct or indirect in ; the said stock, bonds, or other seeuri- , ties than as so stated by him. JAM US' F. BARRETT, Editor. Sworn to and subscribed before ! , me this 12th day of Oct. 1931. i] /?'. Shuford, Notary Public. (My com. expires 2-27, 1932). Pnp in;/ Out Compliments j1 ?'You seem to have plenty of in- ! telligence for a man in your posi- > tion,'' sneered the lawyer, cross-ex- ] amining a witness. j : ".! I vasn't under oath I'd return i "the compliment," replied the witness, j; J: _ H It's time to buy it now' The early buyer gets the coal and saves on possible rises in cost. He has his bins filled and when the first sign of cold ap pears he has his furnace going in a jiffy. While our yards are filled with new car loads and our delivery can be effected almost immediately upon ordering, that is the time to buy your coal from the Purity Products Company. Purity Products Co. PHONE 241 Ij BREVARD HIGH SCHOOL NEWS ! BOND VISITS HIGH SCHOOL (June Pectrcc) Last Thursday we were creaky honored by a visit from Rev. G. T. Bond, who has conducted a revival at the Brevard Methodist church for the part week. Those of us who had heard Rev. Bond previously knew wc were indeed fortunate, and those un fortunate enough to have missed his sermons surmized as much. Despite our high anticipations concerning his oratory powers we soon realized that he excelled even the highest. Not only dot's Rev. Bond possess very ef fective oral delivery, but also unusual capacity for collccting and arranging his thoughts and opinions. His fine appearance greatly enhanced h i s popularity as his noble countenance , reflected the innermost thoughts of his secret being and in his earnest ness it revealed deep sympathy and human understanding. The topic he chose, "The Philosophy of Worthwhile Livinir"' ? was one of vita! interest to ourselves as well as every other young person who intends to enjoy Life's opportunities to the utmost. His dis cussion was divided into three -phases: The Greek philosophy, "Know Thy- ' self;" the Roman philosophy, "Con trol Thyself;" and Christ's philoso- ; phy, "Deny Thyself." All these are great and good, but the greatest of j these is "Deny Thyself," for it is self-sacrifice that strengthens our characters and builds great men and ( women. 1 v FRESH MAX HOYS ( Sandy McLeod) Under the direction of Coach Til son, the home room teacher, the eighth grade boys have been haviffg ' many interesting Ifootball practices with the ninth grade boys. Although they were usually beaten, the games | have been very exciting. As yet no officers have been elected for the coming year. There are thir- | ty-four boys enrolled in Coach Til son's home room. i FRKSIIMAN GIRLS ( Movgu vet Dickson ) The eighth grade girls of Brevard j High School are enjoying every home room day to the fullest extent. On Friday, October 9th, Martha Norton, chairman of the program, presented the following numbers: F our minute speech ? Elizabeth Bragg. , Songs ? Dorothy Schachner, Anita jalloway, Annie May McCall and Vlargaret Dickson. / Tales from Shakespeare ? Elizabeth Bragg. The eighth grade girls are looking J forward with keenest interest to fu- ? ;uie home room programs. Quebec News Items I ' [ j The Home-Coming of our church ' ' net here Oct. 11, and seemed to be horoughly enjoyed. The largest ?rowd of people were present that at remember on that special occa sion, but if anyone went away hun- j try it was their own fault. A boun it'ul and delicious dinner was spread. Speeches were made by friends and former pastors of the church. W 1 ve re very sorry, however, that some >f the speakers could not be present The choir of Tryon made special mu sic, which was greatly enjoyed. Mr. iVilke Reid, one of our former mem >crs was a member of- the Tryon ?hoir. Miss Ethel Golden underwent an 1 >peration for appendicitis at the Franklin hospital last week, and is. ?eported to be getting on very nicely Rev. 7. I. Henderson and son, Paul, of Travelers Rest, S. C.. were ! Quebec visitors during the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Jud McCrary Brevard, called on the latter's moth r, Mrs. Elizabeth Reece. Sunday, j Mrs. Flora McCall and family and Dcerwood Owen of Greenville, S. C , jre spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. T. C. McCall. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Golden, John Robinson and Mack Robinson made a to Franklin Sunday. Miss Marjorie Henderson of Enka, irisitcd her parents over the week 2nd. Mrs. M. 0. McCall and daughter, Vera, are spending the week in Greenville, visiting Mrs. McCall'.i stepmother, Mrs. Jack Whitmire. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sanders attend ed preaching and B. Y. P. U. ser vice at Lake Toxaway Sunday after noon. v Mr. and Mrs. Wilke Reid and chil dren of Tryon, visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John R"id, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Norwood Johnson and children of Greenville, and Wil liam and Mary Johnson and Mrs. Louise Cox, of Travelers Rest, visit ed Mr. W. B. Henderson and family Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ilomer McCall arid children are spending the week with M. 0. McCall and family. wmmmmmmmmum&a'iBjmBmamBmmni 1 1 mi i C-A-S-H Paid for Good Used CHEVROLET and FORD Cars Phone 26 i Brevard, N. C. JUNIOR GIRLS (Ruth Pick"' rim<;r) The tenth grad2 girls of B. H. S. are under the supervision of Mi.w Alary Frances Biggers. Each Mon day, Wednesday and Friday, the lioms room meets, and usually sings school songs or other popular chor uses, which are enjoyed very much. Miss Biggers has been reading a se rial in the Good Housekeeping that '?rentes much interest, thus causing the girls to look forward to each h- ne room period of the week. As yet no officers have been elect ed to represent the Junior class for we have decided that it would be best to wait until the second semester. At that time there will be a joint meet ing of the two home rooms and class officers will be elected. SPORTSMANSHIP (Emma Denver) Now, that it is the time of the year when everyone is interested in sports, when both students and towns- 1 people are out on the football field during the games, rooting and yell ing for our high school team, and i buying tickets to benefit the squad; j don't you think that we might all be j helped by an ai'ticle on true sports- j manship? j Not only should the players be good j sports, but the spectators as well. A i good sport doesn't necessarily mean 1 that the person is an athlete, so many j people misunderstand the correct in- 1 terpretation of the word. ? A spectator that would yell just 1 as readily for a person making a good play, even though he be on the opposition, one that is willing to pay admission to the gatneSj thereby aid ing the team, and one who will cheer lustily for good plays, watch and obey the cheer leader ? is indeed a good sport, in the true sense of the word. A player who avoids "dirty tricks," i is clean in actions, does not try to j grab all the glory for himself prr- j sonally, and above all cooperates with : fellow members of the team in se- | curing teamwork shows a high form ; of sportsmanship. SCHOOL (Emma Deavcr) Pupils School ! School ! How it gives me a pain, It makes me feej like I'll go insane; Oh, for a teacher who'd let us play Anil not sit and drum lessons in our ; heads all day. Teacher School! School! How it gives us joy, As we sit hour by hour in its employ; Dh, for a pupil that could understand rhis great institution of our won drous land. Tluit STEAK ice got i it The Farm Market, down on the HcndersmiviUe High way near Penrose, surely i <:n-, tender, and gee! what a wonderful flavor. U Tharp Moves to New Home on Main Street R. F. Tharp, the Plumber, makes announcement of removal ol his plant two doors up or: Main street, now wcupying the coiner building ioim cwly occupied by the Canteen. Mr. Tharp has long been in the plumbing business here, and has installed some really big jobs in the town and county, of which he is justly proud, but wants it known, however, that he is just as proud of the smallest re pair job entrusted to- his, care as he is of the biggest job ever done. Display rooms in Mr. Tbarp's place are most attractive. MAYOR'S COURT Only one case was tried in Mayor Ramsey's Court during the past week. Malvin Zachary, a young boy, was tried on a charge of disorderly con- , duct. Prayer for judgment was con- ' tinued on payment of costs. BREVARD BOYS OK MARS HILL ELEVEN Tlw tlai,3 Hill Miunlal.i Lion* 'swung into their final week of train ing grind in preparation to" meu.iig the Rutherford College Ramble- it Memorial Stadium in Asheville next Friday. The games should prove io be one of the best played in Asheville this fall. Both teams are of junior college standing, 'are about evenly matched and in their meeting last year fought to a 12-12 deadlock. The Mars Hill team is composed chiefly of boys from western North Carolin high schools. Three members of the squad hail from Brevard. Wilson Lyday, second string quarter back, Edgar Osborne and James Lum ley, ends, all hail from Brevard and are expected to see action in the Rambler tilt Friday. LET US DO YOUR JOB PRINTING WHEN you send your clothes to Whiteway Dry Cleaners you can do so with the assur ance ;hat you are giving new life to ever}' garment you send. You will note that the fabrics have the same body that they had when new, the colors bright and fresh in ap pearance. A phone call will bring our driver to your door. . . .let us do the rest. Phone 58. WE ARE EQUIPPED Everything that's cleandble, we clean Whiteway Dry Gleaners Geo. Nicholson, Mgr. Phone 58 ANNOUNCING I our appointment as local dealers for the Chevrolet CARS and TRUCKS We wish to become personal! I acquainted with all owners of Chevrolet cars and trucks in this county, and regardless of ihe age of your car and from whom pur chased. We would like for you to register the Model, Motor and Ser ial Number with us ? that will en able us to intelligently furnish any service you may require. ? A full line of new cars are on i display at our Show Rooms. es Co. E. MAIN ST. BREVARD, N. C.