Charity Football Game To Be Played Here December 4th BREVARD INSTITUTE AND HIGH SCHOOL WILL BATTLE ALL-STAR BREVARD TEAM McLean Field To Be Scene of Struggle, and Charity To Get the Gate Receipts ? Many Old Timers Will Be In Brevard's All Star Lineup ? Great Throng Expected to Attend the Coming Event to Be Staged Friday, December 4. An all-star football eleven selected from former high school players and college athletes now living in Bre- , vard will tilt with an eleven picked ! from the Brevard Institute and Blue 1 Devil teams on Friday December 4th, 1 Ruff in Wilkins, Director of the All Star team, announced early this week. The admission price was re vealed as 25 cents with any other amount the fan may wish to donate; the entire proceeds of the game to be used by the County Welfare Board in its Charity work during the win ter. ?. ?* ?* ? The game is being sponsored by the Brevard Chamber of Commerce and several of its members are to be on the football eleven. The game will be played on the McLean field, at 3:30 and all the citi zens of Brevard are urged to buy i tickets, which will be placed on sale ] at an early date. The game promises , to furnish more excitement and . amusement than has ever been of- ! fered here for the insignificant sum I of 25 cents, and with the added as- i surance that the receipts will be used | for charity work, leaders in the work ? FREE Saturday, Nov. 28 4:00 P. M. $2.50 in gold, $1 bill, $1 silver, and a 50c piece. Come in and ask about this CASH we are giving away on November 28th. International Feeds for ail your needs ? and the price is always right. H. Garrett are expecting that an unusually large crowd will attend the game. Eighteen candidates have appear ed for service on the all-star eleven, from which will be picked a team to fight the Institute-Blue Devil aggre gation. Among the volunteers are: Mayor Ralph Ramsey, Rev. R. L. Alexander, Joe Vigodsky, Pat Kim zey, Julius A. Schachner, Jr., Joe Clayton, Jr., Frank King, Leon Eng lish, Jr., Jean Bryson, Harry Clay ton, Tom Mitchell, Jack Trantham, Alexander "Doby" Lance, Vernon "Red" Fullbright, Albert Kilpatrick, James Jones, Harold Whitmire, and Tommie Whitmire. Director Wilkins announces that all promising players of high aspir ations in the football world are urg ed to attend the practices which be gan Monday afternoon. The all-star material will drill each afternoon on the field near the Baptist church. "This is an opportunity that you should not miss," leaders in the move ment urge, "If you play football, try out for the team., so that the all-star eleven will be skilled enough to give the Institute-Blue Devil team a strong and interesting: game. If you do not play football, be sure to at tend the game and do your part in that manner,1' they urge. REV. WALTER WEST GOES TO ALBEMARLE CHURCH The Rev. Walter B. West, for the past four years pastor of the Hen dersonville Methodist church, and son of Rev. and Mrs. J. H. West of Brevard, has been transferred to Central church. Albemarle. Rev. Walter West has many friends in Brevard where he has visited often, and where he has conducted a num bev of services for his father. Two drunks were riding the street car. After having travelled for half ian hour or so, one asked the other: I "Say, hie, buddy, hie, what time ish ! it?'' The other pulled a box of j matches out of His pocket, looked at it gravely and replied: "Ish Wednes day." "By Gosh," explained his i friend, "Then, hie, I must get off j here ..." : "He was considered, the most ex jpert parachute-jumper in the coun | try," remarked one of the friends i standing beside the open coffin. . | "Yes," said the other, "he was ? good till the last drop." NOW the Kiddies will drink lots of Milk If you have trouble getting your children to drink [milk regularly, call 185 and have us leave you a few bottles of CHOCOLATE MILK Contains all the health-giving qualities of our Pure Grade "A" Raw Milk, plus the pleasing and strength ening chocolate. SUNNY SIDE DAIRY PHONE 185 ' PAUL GLAZENER WALTER GLAZENER SUNDAY TRIPS One Cent Per Mile In Each Direction for Distances 150 Miles or Leaa, Good for Transportation in Coaches Only and to Return Prior to Midnight of Date of Sale. WEEK END TRIPS TO ALL POINTS IN THE SOUTHEAST Fare and One-Fifth for the Round-Trip On Sale Each FRIDAY, SATURDAY and SUNDAY FINAL LIMIT to reach original starting point prior to midnight Tues day immediate?* following date of sale. Take A Train Ride and Visit Your Friends "SAFER THAN STAYING AT HOME" ASK TICKET AGENTS SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM * ' \ A j Lake Toxaway News I ? l Mrs. Dunbar, of Madison, is spend ing several weeks with her daughter M'rs. Pitt Johnson. ? Mrs. Lewis Banther left last Thursday to visit relatives in Hen dersonville. Miss Edna McCall spent last Tuesday night with Miss Fisher. Mrs. Maudie Pence of Penrose, N. C., spent last week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jess Johnson. Mrs. F. Y. Willbanks had as her guest last week her sister Mrs. White and sons of Asheville. L. C. Case and Chris Fisher made a business trip to Brevard last Wed nesday, Mr. and Mrs. Garrison Rollins of Gastonia, N. C., spent last week with Mrs. Rollins parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Fisher. Mrs. W. J. Raines and little grand daughter Freda Jean Hall spent a few days last week with Mrs. Raines daughter Mrs. Ford Reid at Sap phire. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Willbanks of West Asheville was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. Y. Willbanks last week. Mrs. Crate McCall, of Cashiers, 'visited her sister Mrs. Cope Lee Wed nesday of last week. Posie Owen and son Bunion was in Brevard last Thursday. Rev. S. B. McCall of Oakland was in Toxaway last Saturday. Miss Gladis Johnson spent last week nt Pickens, S. C., visiting rel atives. Mrs. Berlin Owen and small son I Roy were Wolf Mountain visitors last week. Mrs, R. F. Williams visited Mrs. G. J. Brunei- and Mrs. W. H. Arro wood Wednesday of last week. Mr. Rockwood and Artillus Tins ley of Brevard and Berlin and Doc Owen of Toxaway went bear hunting . Tuesday. I Jim Dishman is spending a few ,days in Toxaway visiting friends. | Miss Laura Duckworth of Hickory, i N. C., is visiting her nephew Fred McNeely and Mrs. McNeely at Oak ] land this week. j Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Scrub's and | children of Hendersonville spent the I past week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Ray. j Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Hall was dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Hub Hall last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Fisher and children spent last Sunday with Mr. ami Mrs. Louie Fisher. B. T. Egerton was called to Ral eigh, N. C., last Sunday on account iof the death of his sister. I Mr. and Mrs. Berlin Owen and children was dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Henry ? Arrowood last Sunday. Miss Louise Williams and Cleon ? Williams spent last Sundav with Mr. and MVs. W. W. Ray. j Charlie Reid of Sapphire was in Toxaway last Saturday. j Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Sanders and I Mr. and Mrs. Walter McKinna was I Calvert visitors last Sunday after j noon. Mrs. Ernest Pangle of Rosman i is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. i H. G. Rogers. . | Prayer meeting at the Methodist church every Sunday night is being i well attended and is doing lots of good in our community. Mrs. Posey Owen and small daugh June and son Roy spent Saturday night with her daughter Mrs. Earl Lee. Mrs. Pauline Moses gave a party for the young folks last Saturday night. Everyone reported a very nice time. The Carolina Ramblers of Bakers ville were the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Arrowood, Wednesday and Thursday of last week. C. L. Sanders and daughter Miss Edith Sanders attended the meeting at Oak Grove Baptist Church last Friday night. Mrs. Charlie Lee visited her daugh ter Mrs. H. D. Lee, Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Raines and granddaughter Freda Jean Hall spent last Saturday with Mr. Raines mother Mrs. Lyda Raines and sister 'Mrs. Pauline Moses. Paul McCoy spent last Sunday at Quebec. SINGING CONVENTION MEETS HERE IN MAY The five-county singing convention including Transylvania, Henderson, Buncombe, Haywood and Jackson counties was held at Edneyville Sun day November 15. Three counties were excellently represented:' Tran sylvania, Henderson and Buncombe. There were ; also representatives j from other sections. Prof. Sloan and family from South Carolina were present to participate in the singing. Representatives from Transylvania included, R. E. Mackey's singing class. Ladies quartet of Rosman and Arvii Simpson. The convention voted to hold the next all-day singing at the Transy lvania county courthouse on the third } Sunday in May. Arvil Simpson was \ appointed president of the 1932 con- J vention and he will be in full i charge of. all arrangements, The j convention has been held twice a year j for over six years. President Simpson said he he hop ed with the cooperation of the citi zens of Brevard and Jransylvania county to make this convention one of the biggest and most interesting events to take place in the county during 1932. He announced that din ner woud be served on the grounds and that the conventic-. would con tinue throughout the entire day. J Quebec News Items Mr. W. B. Henderson and daugh-I ter, Helen, visited relatives, Mr. andj Mrs. T. E. Edwards, of Tigerville, S. C., Sunday. I Mr. and Mrs. Grover Woodard and family of Rosman, Mr. and Mr. Av ery Reid of Brevard, visited the lat ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Reid, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Rufty and Mr. and Mrs. Mich Neely of Brevard, visited Mrs. Elizabeth Reece and Mrs. B. T. Whitmire, last Sunday. Uncle Jack Whitmire is on the. sick list this week. Miss Mary Etta Fisher is spend ing some time visiting relatives in Easley, S. C. Rev. J. E. Bert spent Friday night as guest of W. B. Henderson and family. MrB. Gene Bert spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Stophel of Rosman. Mrs. M. 0. McCall and daughter, Mrs. Walter Whitmire, made a trip to Greenville, S. C., Saturday. Mr. Broadus Henderson, with friends from Rosman, made a trip to Six Mile, Clemson College a"hd other places of interest in South Caroling Saturday. ? | Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gant of Ros man, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Reid Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sanders are I spending several days with Mj's. Sanders mother, Mrs. J. R. Wilson, of Westminster, S .C. ! Little Betty Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith, has been quite ill, but is improving. | Mrs. James Chapman spent Thurs day with Mrs. John Robinson. Mrs. Gene Moore and Miss Nell ? Robinson spent Friday night with Mrs. Elizabeth Reece. I Miss Inez Alexander of Lake Tox away, was a Quebec visitor Sundav. | Miss Lucile Henderson was the Sunday guest of Louise Owen. | Mr. dYid Mrs. Woodfin Miller of Sapphire, visited Mr. and Mrs. Gene Moore Sunday. j Mr. and Mrs. Lester Thomas were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Mil ler on Sunday. i Rev. J. K. Henderson of Brevard, was the dinner guest of his brother, Mr. C. W. Henderson and family, Sunday. There was an unusually large at tendance at the B. Y. P. U. Sunday night. A helpful and interesting uro gram was rendered on "Soul Win ning." Guffie Whitmire gave some special music on the guitar and Homer and Leroy McCall joined with their voices. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sanford and small daughter, of Enka, visaed the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. T. STAR ROUTE BIDS BEING MADE AT P.O. Proposals in the form of bids from eligible persons are being accepted for consideration for Star Mail mutes by the Post Office department tre this time, postmaster Roscoe NichoUoo announced this week. Application*, may be secured from the local post office. 1 Postmaster Nicholson released the ? following announcement of Walter F. Brown, Postmaster General, early this I week: Post Office Department, Washington, D. C., October 27, 1931. ! Proposals will be received at the Office of the Second Assistant Post ' master General, Post Office Depart ment, until 4:30 p. m., of January 19, 1932, for carrying the mails of the United States from July 1, 1932, to June 30, 1936, upon the star routes in the States of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Al abama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Ken tucky, Porto Rico, and Virgin Island, as specified in pamphlet advertise ment of this date. List of routes, forms of proposals antl bonds, and all necessary informa tion will be furnished upon applica tion to the local postmaster or to the second Assistant Postmaster General, Washington, D. C. WALTER F. BROWN, Postmaster General. STATE TERASURY SHOWS BIG BALANCE NOW ON HAND j Raleigh, Nov. 18 ? The State Treas ury had a cash balance of $8,978, 854.59 at the end of October, in cluding $508,448.19 in the general fund and $7,198,654.64 in highway and other special funds, of which $599,493.53 is obligated for special 'purposes, the combined statement 'of 'the Auditor and Treasurer shows. The general fund cash balance was cut down from $875,000 to $508, 000 during the month, while the. bifih way and other special funds were reduced by about $180,000 during the month. The State's debt remains at $179, 611,371, consisting of $177,109,000 in : bonded indebtedness; $2,330,000, bor 1 rowed July 1 to take up the over draft of about that amount, and '$272,371 in emergency loan perman ent improvement notes. Whitmire, Monday. ' Walter Jr. and Howard Reece, of Rosman, spent the week-end with rel atives here. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Owen, Mr and Mrs. Ralph Alexander visited their parents this week. UPPER DISTRICT I UNIONS ARE BUSY I B. Y. P. U. organizations of the Upper District of the Transylvania association are very busy with the work of the church and are receiving splendid cooperation from the chur ches as a whole. At the district meeting held at Lake Toxaway church on Sunday af ternoon, November 8, the following program was given : j Song Service, H. McCall of Oak 'Grove Church; Prayer, Rev. Paul | Hartsell ; Devotional, Calvert Union; ; Roll Call, reporting two now unions 'in the district, organized since the last meeting. One at Oak Grove and the other at Middle Fork. Song, All; Demonstration Program, Rosman Union conducted this part of the program led by Mildred Wat kins, quizz leader, Vasco Manley and , group captain, Jane McLean; Short Talks, Mayor Ralph Ramsey on, "Youth's Roll Call, and the "Living stone Johnson Memorial." SHbrt Talks, Rev. Paul Hartsell on Biblical Recorder and Every Member Canvaas. j Business Session, and adjournment. ! At the business session it wax planned for the next meeting to be held the second Sunday in February at the Mt. Moriah church at Calvert, with The Oak Grove Union scheduled to give the Demonstration program. The'way you want your meals prepared is the right way. When you eat with us we want your taste satisfied, and we want you to be glad to come back ? again and i again. Good Food Prepared Right The Canteen tp The Best of FOOD Prepared AS YOU LIKE IT AT ? Doc Galloway, Prop. & LOWEST PRICES Ever OHered On Heavy Duly Batteries 13-Plate OC and your FIRESTONE BATTERY Old Battery 15-Plate O C and your FIRESTONE BATTERY $9.95 Old Battery 12- Volt $9.50 and your BATTERY Old Battery EACH OF THE ABOVE BATTERIES ARE FULLY GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR We have a complete stock of IGNITION PARTS to fit your car. If your car fails to start these cold mornings, call us ? we can get your car going in a very short time. Firestone Tires are the Greatest Tires on the market. They hold all world records for speed, safety and dur ability, yet you can buy them at the following low prices Firestone Sentinel Tire 29 x 440 $4.57 30x450 5.17 28 x 475 5.98 Firestone Oldfield Tire 29 x 440 $4.98 30 x 450 5.69 28 x 475 6.65 May we service your car with Radiator Anti-Freeze ? Do not risk a costly Radiator or Motor Block ? See us. Make your car warm and comfortable this Winter with an Arvin Heater. We carry most any style in stock. May We Serve You ?WE SAVE YOU MONEY and SERVE YOU BETTER.

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