i. "i a VOLUME XXXVI BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, DECEMBER 3, 1931 Number 4B NEW YEAR'S DAY IS | AGREED UPON FOR I BIG CELEBRATION: Brevard and Greenville Willi Meet at Caesar's Head for the Evcni GOVERNORS OF BCTH CAROLINAS INVITED t Brevard Men Highly Elated Over Expansion to Fol low Road Opening New Year's Day was tentatively agreed upon last Monday as the day of the big celebration to be staged by Brevard and Greenville to mark the formal opening of the highway con necting the twp. points. It also was tentatively agreed to hold the celebra- ; tion at Caesar's Head, and prepara tions will be made for about three hundred people to attend. This program was outlined last i J Monday in Greenville, when a dele- j j gation of Brevard men met with rep- j resentatives of the Greenville Cham-,] ber of Commerce and the newspapers I of Greenville. A joint committee to j 1 be named, by Secretary Glenn, of the , Greenville Chamber of Commerce, 1 and Jerry Jerome, president of the < Brevard Chamber of Commerce, will i work out the details of the celebration. 1 Attending the first conference from s Brevard were: Duncan MacDougald, chairman of the good roads committee j 1 of the Chamber of Commerce ; Roy 1 Morrow, civil engineer; J. M. Gaines, iJ vice president of the Chamber of .J Commerce, and James F. Barrett, edi- ; ' tor of The Brevard News. . Spokesmen for the Greenville j( Cliamber of Commerce were: Secre-;^ tary Glenn, of the Chamber of Com-j( merce, and Judson Chapman, editor of The Greenville Piedmont. < Jerry Jerome, president of the Bre- j vard Chamber of Commerce, was un- j able to attend the conference on ac- ] count of the serious illness of Mr. t Bromfield, father of J. S. Bromfield. : Mr. Jerome accompanied Mr. Brom- c j (Continued, on page two) c SUPREME COURT TO DECIDE LOCAL CASE Cases on appeal were argued in ( Supreme court Tuesday for'Thos. H. [7 Shipman, Jos. S. Silversteen, J. H. j Pickelsimer, C. R. McNeely, A. M. ' White, W. L. Talley, S. R. Owen and Ralph R. Fisher. The above named I were convicted in August term of i court on charge of conspiracy in con- * nection with the sale of a county note j to the old Brevard Banking company. J L. P. Hamlin and G. Lyle Jones ap- f peared in Supreme court for the county commissioners and Mr. Fish er, while J. Bat Smathers appeared for Mr. Shipman and W. E. Breese appeared for Mr. Silversteen. The decision of the Supreme court ! 1 is expected to be handed down within the next few days. ie It will be recalled that the Superior j court trial lasted for almost two j < weeks, and the Brevard men were j ( tried before a jury brought in from ! i Haywood county. There is intense in- ' terest throughout the county in the coming decision of the Supreme court, the eight defendants being among the county's most highly res pected and best loved men. ORR HEADSBOARD OF LOCAL CHURCH ! 0. H. Orr, long prominent in af- i ' fairs of the Brevard Methodist | church and Sunday School, and an I, active figure in the business life of Brevard, was elected chairman of the board of stewards of the Methodist church at the organization meeting Mnday night. )ther officers chosen to assist airman Orr in the year's work t beginning were: Prof. J. F. nton, vice chairman; Miss Alma Trowbridge, re-elected secretary; A. H. Houston, treasurer, and Harry Sellers, assistant treasurer. The Rev. | J. H. West, pastor, is beginning his third year as pastor of the local church. Retiring officers of the board were: C. M. Douglas, chairman; H. A. Plummer, vice chairman; Dr. J. F. Zaehary, treasurer, and C. 0. Rob inson, assistant treasurer. At a meet ing to be held next Monday 'night, committees will be appointed for the year, and program of work outlined. An every-member canvass will prob ably be first work of the newly or ganized board. SANTA CLAUS COMES TO TOWN THURSDAY MORNING, 9 O'CLOCK Comes First to Brevard News Office to Get His Big Bundle of Mail THEN TO THE BAPTIST CHURCH CORNER LOT School to Greet the Famous Old Friend of All Little Children Comes a welcome whisper from the Northlands, that land of cold and ice and snow. Santa Claus, clad in his regalia of velvet and fur will arrive' in Brevard Thursday at 9:00 o'clock, riding upon his forty-foot float and accompanied by an escort Santa Claus will come directly to The Brevard News office where he will get all the communications and letters that the little children of Bre vard and Transylvania county have eft there for him. He will personally place them carefully upon his float :o be read diligently at his earliest ;onvenience. If you have not written Santa yet, jlace your letter in the box in front >f The Brevard News office or mail t to Santa ? Claus, care of The Bre vard News, "a'ftd old Santa will be mre to get your missive. The jolly old fellow has established lis headquarters at an igloo in Ashe rille, through the courtesy of The \sheville Citizens and Times, two treat daily newspapers. Santa is vis ting many Western North Carolina ;owns during this week. He will arrive in Brevard at 9:00 >'clock, get your letters at The Bre vard News office and ride directly to ;he lot by the Baptist church where le will personally receive all visitors. Santa is particularly eager to see all he little boys and girls and Prof. J. 3. Jones, superintendent of the pub ic schools, has promised to excuse hem from school to visit him. Santa has promised to bring all the ihildren some very choice candy and rifts which he will hand out Thurs lay morning to his young friends. Now children, if you want to see >anta, be on hand at 9:00 o'clock vhen your teacher lets you out for chool and Santa will talk to you for lalf an hour, after which he will get n 'his float' and -visit other little boys ind girls of Western North Carolina. m CAMPAIGN IS OFF TO GOOD START ipoiuored By Parent-Teacher Association and Church Organizations The annual sale of Tuberculosis Seals was launched Tuesday morning, December the 1st by ladies of the Voman's Auxilary of the' Brevard )avidson River Church. The sale is ?eing sponsored by the Parent-Teach t Association. The booth for the Tuberculosis Seal drive is located in the Post DfFice and each day ladies, represent ng certain organizations of Brevard vill have charge of the sale. An ex cellent reminder! Whenever you mail i letter or package at the post office, [top by the Seal booth and buy ieveral seals for your missives. Stick ;hem on all your Christmas cards ?nd give the ladies in charge your learty cooperation. The schedule for the early days in December follows: Dec. 1 ? Woman's Auxiliary of the Brevard-Davidson River church. Dec. 2 ? Woman's Auxiliary of the Episcopal church. Dec. 3 ? Baptist Woman's Mission ary Society. Dec. 4 ? Fortnightly Club Dec. 5 ? Girl Scouts ? B revard Troops 1 and 2. De<\ 7 ? Wednesday Book Club. Dec. 8 ? Woman's Bureau. Dec. 9 ? The Episcopal Woman's Auxiliary. Dec. 10 ? Baptist Woman's Mission ary Society. Dec. 11 ? The Fortnightly Club. Dec. 12 ? Girl S c o ut s ? Brevard Troops 1 and 2. These tiny seals, sold for one cent each, have made possible an organiz ed campaign against tuberculosis that has been carried on with ever increas ing emphasis year after year. But they stand for something more, for I they are truly health seals, since whatever helps to prevent tuberculo sis makes for health. The tuberculosis pennies provide nurses for a vast number of communities, olinics super (Coiitinued on page two) Hello # i People/ w \ Old Man Santa himself comes to Brevard this morning to j gather up the letters written to him by the children and left in his mail box at The Brevard News office. Those who have not written their letters are urged to do so at once and they will be mailed on to Santa. LET HARMONY PREVAIL IN THIS WORK OF CHARITY RELIEF In the early period of Autumn, when it was apparent to all j. that many people in this community would reed assistance during the winter, the leading men and women very wisely decided that the only way to successfully cope with the situation was through concentrated effort. President Hoover and Governor Gardner, in clearly stated messages, set forth the advantages of concentrated community effort in providing relief for the needy in each commun ity. Th?se suggestions were properly acted upon in this commun- j ity, and a strong central organization was effected, with Mr. Alex Kizer placed at the head of the group. All county agencies, the ] Red Cross, the town government and church groups entered into 1 the work in splendid manner. The schools, working through the ! vocational departments of agriculture and home economics, were the first groups to perform real service in this relief work. The ] farmers throughout the county joined in the movement with that whole-hearted spirit which makes them known far and wide as responsive souls to ^every worthy call. j Joining whole-heartedly in the community effort of concen trated relief, The Brevard News abandoned for the time being its age-old custom of distributing Christmas dinners and Christmas toys to the needy families of the community, knowing full well that this work could be done so much more effectively through the ( central committee headed by Mr. Kizer. Then, too, The Brevard News knew the danger in a community movement of dividing the work, thereby dividing the efforts and defeating the very purpose of the centralized community activity to be performed for the re lief of the needy. We believed then, and still believe, that there ] should be no division, and that all the work along these lines should j be done through the central committee. This county welfare work is just now at its best. This Friday morning will witness the beginning ^ a county-wide drive .? for food and funds to be used by the County Welfare Associa- ' tion in providing relief for the needy. All people are asked to give of whatever they have, and as liberally as they can, to this relief work. Food, fuel, clothing and money will be gladly accepted by the central agency for distribution to the needy. When the soli citors approach the citizens, making request for donation to the fund, we should remember that these solicitors are giving their time and using their cars and buying their own gas, coming to us \ merely as collectors of food, fuel, funds and clothing for the needy, and we should be as pleasant to them as their noble work demands. With its county-wide organization working perfectly, the County Welfare Association will also have detailed information about every family to receive aid fwnvjthis work of charity and helpfulness, thereby guaranteeing that no worthy case will be overlooked and that no unworthy man or woman will be permitted to "sponge" upon the community's good nature by receiving aid when such aid is not needed. In other words, when a citizen makes a donation to this great cause, and gives of his farm produce, his canned goods, his clothing or his money, he may rest assured {hat such gifts will be given unto those who really need it, and who are worthy of such assistance. All citizens and all agencies should work through this central County Welfare Association, to the end that the most effective work may be done in an intelligent and effective manner. The people of the community should not be solicited to donate to differ ent organizations, groups or individuals. Confusion will result and the whole plan of operation will be hindered. That is why The Brevard News abandoned its plan of soliciting Christmas dinners and toys for distribution on Christmas eve. Let ALL this work be done through the splendidly organized work of the County Welfare Association. There should be no division of county efforts. The combined, centralized work, intelligently directed and enthusiastically performed, will result in great good to the com munity. Meet and greet the solicitors from the County Wel fare Association with a smile that always comes to him who hears the small voice whispering: "As ye did it unto the least of these, my brethren, ye did it unto me ... I was hungry, and ye fed me; I was naked, and ye clothed me." CHARITY FOOTBALL TO ATTRACT CROWD FRIDAY AFTERNOON Old Timers Getting In Condi tion for Affairs With the Youngsters MUCH EXPECTED OF THE FOUR HORSEMEN i Stores To Close for Event, Pro ceeds from Game Go to ] County Charity Fund The epic of the ages, the very high est glory of the roval pigskin! Friday afternoon, when an the principle bus iness houses of Brevard have closed their doors and the school buildings i are silent, all loafing corners vacant ! and homes locked for the hour: The' extraordinary "All-Star" eleven of ; this little city will meet on the field of j battle a mighty football team chosen from the combined aggregation of the Brevard Blue Devils and the Bre vard Institute Green Flashes. Fighting not only for victory, but for amusement and for the needy of this town and county. Give them jour j cooperation! Buy a ticket for "two | bits;," 25 cents, and donate 10, 15 or J 25 cents in addition ? For the entire ' proceeds will be used by the County j Welfare Board in their work for the j needy. \ Led by Rev. R. L. Alexander, Joe ( Vigodsky, Pat Kimzey and Joe Clay- i ton, Transylvania's four horsemen, selected from the prominent men I of this thriving little village, the All- . Stars will struggle mightily on the ! gridiron to attain glories unknown | and achievements, gained only on the football field. | "Tony" Trantham and Coach .Til- ' son, stars in the days gone by, will ! work side by side with members of | their teams against the all-star i ;leven. Ruffin Wilkins, director of the All-: Brevard team urges all Transyl- 1 /ania citizens to give this game their ! learty support. He is working stead- j ly and hard for the success of the i fame and desires the aid of everyone. ! Buy a ticket today. They are being j ( Continued on page two) WELFARE WORKERS TO START BIG DRIVE Lhairman Ulazener Makes! Announcement of Plans For Work The drive of the County Welfare i Board for finances, food, clothing;' ind supplies will begin Friday, De- ! :ember 4, A. H. Kizer, chairman of i ;he board, announced Tuesday. Julian Glazener, chairman of the. soliciting committee, has chosen his committee leaders in the principle districts of the county. They include: Little River, Martin Shipman ; Boyd, Edwin Ponder; Catheys Creek, Mrs. I H. N. Blake; Dunns Rock, Mrs. L. j P. Wilson; Brevard, Jerry Jerome. Prof. J. F. Corbin and Prof. G. C. 1 Bush are leading the Welfare activi ties in the upper district of the coun ty. Mrs. H. E. Perkins, Mrs. John Smith and Mrs. A. H. Harris will lead the work in Brevard. They will appoint a committee to aid them in the drive and begin the soliciting ; Friday. These committee heads, aided by their committees will begin their drive Friday for clothing of any description, corn, meal, potatoes, and any form of food which may be used to an advantages by the unfortun ates. Canned goods, dried fruits, in fact all forms of food are needed. Request | is made that citizens ransack their | attics for garments that are of no i value to such one. These discarded | pieces of clothing, the leaders of the i movement assert, may keep someone i from suffering from the intense cold of winter. Jerry Jerome, leading the finance i work in Brevard will solicit for funds | to aid in carrying on the work. The proceeds of the charity football game j to be played here Friday will be used ; by the board in this work also. Citizens acquainted with any per- 1 sons suffering or in desperate need, : are requested to get in touch with ! the chairman of the immediate sec- j tion of the county and this chairman ' will report the .case to the executive committee of the Welfare board. It is the intent of the Welfare board to allow no one. to. actually suffer- from, lack of fuel, food or clothing this winter. a m m r-? r-v * rv a T CRIMINAL DOCKET IN SUPERIOR COURT j; UNUSUALLY LARGE More Than Hundred Case* T? Be Tried, Beginning i 1 Next Monday JUDGE HOYLE SINK IS TO HOLD THE COURT Murder, Rape and Prohibition Cases Constitute Largest Part of Docket December Term of Superior C?urt, which will convene here, December 7, with Judge Hoyle Sink, presj<}ia* will deal with 32 types of criminal cases, aggregating a total well wtr a hundred. Solicitor J. Will Ple?s? Jr. will lead the prosecution for thr State. The leading trial will be thai of Tal W. Petit and his nephew Ar thur Petit, both of the Rosman sec tion who are being held in jail, fal lowing preliminary hearing held be fore Justice of the Peace F. K. Sto ford Saturday, November 21, in *>m~ nection with the murder of Jesse Masters in August of 1926. were brought against the two Petite by Louie Whitmire who was coiv victed of the murder and had ?r? ed four years of a 15 year xent??.vce before he was given & parol* by Governor Gardner. After beinp ar rested for larceny and breaking m to a Rosman store, with probability of having to return to prison to com plete his 15 year sentence, Whitmrre confessed allegations against chr Petits, which re-opened the nwirdlw case. Outstanding criminal cases i? clude: violation of prohibition lava, 18 cases; public drunkness, 15 casea; larceny, 11 cases; assault with dead ly weapon, 8 ca3es; false pretense. 5 cases; worthless checks, o cases; assault, 5 cases; and driving a caw under influence of liquor, 4 cases. Other cases on the docket charging, destruction of pwswal property, disposing of mortgajred property, forcible trespass, assault and drunkenness, dynamiting fish, transporting, resisting officers, aban donment, carrying concealed weapo mt, failure to get bond, embezzlei??st. Attempt to rape, secret aswoMw. rape, violation of sanitary ordiria?c?, violation of Town ordinance, dtw ing without motor license, treaspsw and assault of female, -V. P. L. assault on female, seducement, dis turbing religious worship, h?se breaking, larceny and house sal store breaking. J. J. PATTON TAKES 50-P0UND SEA BASS The following article clipped fr?<t the Smyrna Daily News of Sew Smyrna, Florida refers to wl?at ll* New Smyrna people term the tergwi - bass ever taken on the East Coast "A Florida fight which w.afl isat broadcast took place at Turtle M<seb< Tuesday ofternoon between a has* , weighing 50 pounds and its rapto*, J. J. Patton, of Brevard, N. C., an<f T. Ayers of Atlanta. Either modesty or excitement prevented the anglrr* from stating just which ma/i re?#Sr did hook the beauty. "We hooked .krim and we fought him for " three Vwr: >. and he pulled us. in 'tht 4co?ti tkrec i times," they declared. The refw*? . f and two spectators who attended Ut> fight were a bit hazy as to just r started the rumpus but all said is a battle royal, which Mr. Bass lost > in the fourth round." KIWANIS TO STUDY BREVARD FINANCES "The Brighter Side" ill bp for discussion at the Brevard JCi wanis club Thursday at noon, coc tinuing the program began last meet ing by Mayor Ralph Ramsey. Jerry Jerome will have charge of the oro gram, and he is expected to deal with the statistical part of the brighter side of the town's affairs. Mayor Ramsey gave some thougM provoking figures at the last meci^flK of the club, and members have askul that Frank D. Clement, program chairman, have the assets of the town I shown in an effort to balance Ae somewhat dark appearing figures ?shown by the mayor, who for the ladk of time did not get to the "brighter j side" during his alloted time. l r^rri'n o ^ t x r n/N a v a AGREEMENT IS MADE THAT ALL BUSINESS PLACES BE CLOSED DURING THE FOOTBALL UAMt i-kiua i at 1E.K1MUU1M, au au CLERKS AND WORKMEN MAY HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY OF ATTENDING THE GAME. IN EVENT A PLACE CANNOT BE CLOS ED, IT IS SUGGESTED THAT THE BOSS STAY ALONE, OR DESIGNATE SOME ONE TO REMAIN IN THE PLACE, AND GRANT ALL OTHER EMPLOYES A LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR THE PERIOD OF THE GAME. THERE WILL BE FUN GALORE AT THIS FOOT BALL GAME, AND ASIDE FROM THAT, EVERY PENNY COLLECTED WILL GO INTO THE RELIEF FUND OF THE COMMUNITY . WELFARE ASSOCIATION, TO BE USED IN BUYING FOOD AND FUEL FOR THE NEEDY FAMILIES OF THE COMMUNITY. THIS COM jJftMUNITY WELFARE ASSOCIATION IS THE WORK OF THE COMMUNITY. BEING DONE BY THE GOOD MEN AND WOMEN OF THE COMMUNITY, FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE DESTITUTE OF THE COMMUNITY. LET'S ALL GO; IF WE CANNOT GO, WE CAN, AT LEAST, BUY A TICKET AND SWELL THE FUND FOR FOOD AND FUEL FOR OUR NEIGHBORS WHO HAVE NEITHER OF THESE.

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