THE BREVARD NEWS Vubished Every Thursday by THE TRANSYLVANIA PUBLISHING CO., Inc. Entered at the Postoffice in Brevard, 3i. C., as Second Class Matter ?fcrax-s F. Barrett Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Payable In Advance) Thursday, December 3, 1931 LK r THE LITTLE CHILDREN HAVE THEIR SANTA CLAUS Calloused, indeed, is the man who would deny a little child its full en ioyovoutr o!' Christmas and its sweet KssuriaUon with Santa Claus. Be caii:;?. money is scarce, or times tight, #v work, is slack, there can be no rea son for taking away from childhood its inalienable right to the enjoyment of Christmas. The price of a pack ?? cigarettes, or a pint of lickcr, or i plug of tobacco, will purchase suf ik .at toys to gladden the heart of a child at Christmas time. . ii.: Brevard News derives its ^ .ttst pleasure in acting as an a: :?<: between the children and Santa i, by publishing their letters and ti:: ? giving the original letters direct to old Santa himself. He came to \h( otfice of The Brevard News this Th.i. :-.y morning and got all the lettei- that had been sent in up to tli:s tiim . But those of you who did imt get your letters in for him to get hi his trip here need not worry. Just send them on in, and The Brevard v ,'.ts will mail them direct to Santa Claus. after we have published them in i!"- paper. There are many letters in today's paper from our little [rivr.ds, and we shall be glad to pub lish. all others that are sent in. Do' wait too long, however, for the ?earlier yoyr letters come in, the earli er they can be mailed to Santa. Grown-ups should delight in help ing thi' little fellows in the enjoyment of '.(* season. It will do the grown jr.afc about as much good as the little ones derive from it. Let's get out of the old dried-up shell, and have a real Christmas this year. One Year . . . Sis Months TSifv ifonths f2.00 1.00 .60 IHJ A or DELAY TOO LOiXG TUK BIG WORK OF GETTING VOIK HOUSE /.V READINESS You good citizens of Bres-ard and Transylvania county may delay too iofig the work of getting your house cn readiness for the crowd that is on its way to this section. We're telling you again that the only question con fronting the citizens here in the fu ture is that of taking care of the people who come to this section. Vireenville and upper South Carolina alone will send enough people to Bre vard next summer to fill every house a ii.i room now available. That leaves no provision for the care and enter tainment, of those who come from other sections? and they will be le sion. us not be too slow in rec ngnfeing the full meaning to this sec tion of all the good road work now being done. With th opening of the Brevard-Greenville highway, and the coming of another Springtime, the march to the mountain will begin ir earnest. Then, on the other hand, with mil lions of people reading something svecy day about the Great Smoky Mountains, the ceaseless, endless ?chain of automobiles will come into this section from the Central West and the East, and the fame of Pisgah Mountain and the Pisgah National Forest and Caorer's Head will bring them right on into Brevard from that .section. Within a few weeks, No. 2o wilt (*.' completed and that artery will provide another avenue for countless thousands who will pass this way, and be attracted to Brevard, or pass it by, all depending upon what we do right here. Unpainted houses, sagging fences, inkept lawns, automobile boneyards aleug the highway, will drive the toaristsi right on through the town. On the other hand, well kept houses and lawns, clean streets and highways and a spic and span appearance, will cause the tourist to halt and stop a while ? and in the stopping he will ipend some money with somebody in Brevard or in the county. Every flower garden in Brevard nods a wel wme to the visitor, causing many of them to stop and stay a while. And this town has many beautiful flower :C&cden* There ought to be many, criaoy more, however,. We know it to 6*? a fact that many people stop ped in Brevard last summer because ?f the impression made upon them as Uiey entered the town over Highway 28? awt looked Upon the lawn and flower garden at the home of Mrs. Ernest Webb. Brevard people can make no better investment than that of beautifying their premiss. The Woman'a Bureau has long been urg ing this fact upon the citizens here. If we want the people hero we must : be up and doing NOW. We cannot J 1 wait until the camps open and then ; make preparations. Both labor and : ' material can be obtained at low cost j . these days, and good business sug- i c-ests that NOW is the time to plane ; the seed for a bountiful harvest next 1 Spring and Summer. The Lord and the highway force have done their I part. It is now squarely up to us. Let us not wait until the first of June j to take off our red flannels. an alliance that me ass \ MUCH TO THIS COMMUNITY No other small community in all the world's history ever had a "big brother" that meant more to it than Greenville, South Carolina, means to Brevard and Transylvania county, if you will permit us to use the term "big brother." Our people go down from the hills to work in the big fac tories there, and already there is a small army of Transylvania county citizens who have gone down there during the past several years to work in the industrial plants of that sec tion. It is said by many people in Greenville that employers show a marked preference for Transylvania county people when employing new workers. Our farmers and truckers have found Greenville to be their best mar ket for the past hundred years, and millions of dollars worth of produce nnd livestock have been taken from Transylvania county into the Green vi!k' market area. . Numerous citizens of Greenville own summer homes in Transylvania couuty, while great throngs of Green ville people come to these mountains l'or their summer vacation. All these things have been done despite the fact that travel between the two points has been most diffi cult. But now with a paved highway from Brevard to Greenville, bringing the two points within an hour's trav el of one another, who is there with vision sufficiently broad to grasp the full meaning of this new arrange ment? We can see a constant stream of travel between Brevard and Green ville ? our people going down to the big city to sell and to buy, while Greenville people will be coming here to rest and refresh themselves 011 the bosom of God's great hills. It means much to both centers, this op ening of a highway thai calls for but an hour's journey' from one city to the other. It means much in a ma terial way for this community, and we know also that it will mean much to the business life of Greenville. But above all this, great and im portant as it may be, there is still something finer than mere material advancement and profits. There is a strengthening of the bonds of friend ship that have so long existed be tween the people of the two sections; a new baptism in the neighborly spir it; the forming of new acquaintances and the forging of new links of friend ships. Brevard and Transylvania county and all citizens here deeply appreciate this friendship, and ex press profound regard for all Green ville people, their strong Chamber of Commerce and their great newspap ers through which Greenville's regard for her neighbor of the hills is so eloquently and beautifully expressed. TALK ABOUT THE Y. M. C. A. Editor The Brevard News: Please allow me a few lines in your valuable paper to give vent to my feeling after reading in The Citizen if November 30th, the sermon of Dr. Owens of the First Baptist church, of Asheville. Things that happened (luring the World War come to my memory. But first I want to say that the founder of the Y. M. C. A. cer tainly started a great and wonderful organization, but as far as it being any assistance or comfort to the boys in the A. E. F., especially in the front lines, they were a "blank;'' they, simply were not there, but back in , the S. 0. S. they were as thick as j M. P.'s and one thing that Dr. Owen ' should explain is why was it at dif ferent and various places when boys , would buy whole cartons of cigarettes ] and on opening same would find that they were donated by some organize- 1 tion back home for the boys in the A. E. F. ? a plain case of stealing. Now I know of several instances like I have just mentioned and I know of many former soldiers who will tes- . tify to the same, or worse. And moreover about the time the i war was over, there was an enormous fund raised in the U. S. A. for the different charitable organizations and who got the largest part of that huge , fund? The Y. M. C. A. The Red Cross gets my dues every year ; the Salvation Army gets a piece of money every time they come around, and if the K. of C. ever need it, I'll help them; if the Jewish Wel fare Board ever needs it, I will help j them, but if any one wants to make | me sick, yes soul-sick, just suggest , that I contribute t^the Y. M. C. A. J for there are many instances of men ' going to them in time of need, dead broke, no place to sleep and they were turned out in the cold. Did you ever ^ear of ativ charitable organization doing such? Not th3 Salvation Army; not the Red Cross: but the Y. M. C. A. did that very thing many, ' many times during the war. And would do the very same today. I ! don't want to contradict Dr. Owens, j but I must say that the feeling that j the boys of the A. E. F. had for the ' Y. M. C. A. was one that no true j citizen can ever forget. So it is no ? wonder that the Community Chest drive come up short, in Asheville, for men who saw what the Y. M. C. A. did for our country are not going to give money to any such organization when they know their history.. Not twelve years after, not twenty four years after, but turn all your Chest funds over to the Salvation Army, Red Cross, and other organi zations who were honorable during the World War, and then watch them go over the "Top." Yes, they will give until it hurts. G. F. WOODFIN. Brevard, N. C. Dec. 1st, 1931 WELCOME HOME Editor, The Brevard News: For some time we have not been I taking The Brevard News. Yester day a copy came to hand. It almost made us homesick. We often think of the friends in Transylvania and we are greatly interested in the prog ress of our native county. We may be too late for the special offer but at any rate I am enclosing fifty cents. If the offer is not now is force, please send the paper for the time the, amount enclosed will carry the sub \ scription. Yours respectfully, (REV.) MARK R. OSBORNE Ebenezer, S. C. GLAD TO DO IT J Editor, The Brevard News: I would like to take advantage of | the special offer of getting The Bre ivard News a whole year for fifty i cents and hope I am not too late with | my remittance. I think it wonderful! you are making such a remarkable i offer. I have been thinking I couldn't renew my subsription at the old price | and would have to do without the pa per, but hope I'll get it another year. : Wishing you Great Success, MRS. CHARLES GARRKN. 'Dacusville, S. C. No Mwwidervtanding i Editor, The Brevard News: Inclosed ydu will find Post Office ' money order for fifty cents. This ! will pay my subscription to The News, so I understand it, for one year in advance, clearing up back dues in the meantime. This, to me, seems very i liberal on the part of The Brevard 1 News. If I have misunderstood the offer please notify me. Thanking you very truly, ! LILLIAN M. SIIOLAR A NECESSITY Editor The Brevard News: | Please find enclosed 50 cents in stamps for which renew my sub scription to The News as per your offer. I don't want to do without your valuable paper. 0. E. BLYTHE. ; Biltmore, N. C., Nov. 28. FROM A VIRGINIA FRIEND Editor The Brevard News: Enclosed find money order for 50 cents for which" please extend my subscription to The Brevard News for one year. Sincerely, G. T. GLAZENER. Chase City, Va., Nov. 28. I NAMING THE PEAKS Asheville, Dec. 2 ? Sifting the tra ditions of the mountaineers and of the Cherokee Indians to discover the names for over 100 peaks and ridges | and for a numbcjr of streams in the newly created Great Smoky Moun tains National Park, a special nom enclature committee is laboring at the task ?>f having the landmarks of the new national playground definitely designated for the benefit of the horde of tourists expected to flow into this scenic region within the next few years. i Centuries of isolation and the un- ; usual number of high mountains in the terrain of the park, have combin ed to produce a confusion of names ; and many duplicate designations. A 1 number of the outstanding elevations [ are unnamed. The committee in charge of finding the right names is composed of men selected from both North Carolina and Tennessee, with Paul Fink, of Jonesboro, Tenn., as chairman. Verne Rhoades, of Ashe ville, is chairman of the North Caro lina group. The members of the two groups met in Knoxville, Tenn., re cently to forward the work of naming mountains. Many of the names being applied to peaks and streams, by the committee have been discovered by the help of the comparative few who are familiar with the region, the lumbermen, hunt ers, explorers and Indians who have ventured into the region, before its ' designation as a national playground. Even the maps of the section have been found to be incorrect by the U. S. Geological Survey. The Survey has recently completed a correct topogra phical map of the park. Some of the names are of Indian origin, dating back to before the day of white conquest. These names have been supplied by members of the Eastern Band of Cherokees, 3,000 in number, living on their reservation which borders the North Carolina boundary of the National Park. One or two of ?hese peaks have been nam ed after men who worked in the inter est of the establishment of the Na tional Park, these including Mount Kephart, named for the late Horace Kephart, of Bryson City, N. C., and Mount Chapman designated in honor ? of Col. C. D. Chapman, of Knoxville, i Tenn. 1 A /portrait of George and Martha |1 Washington was recently found in a ' gajuvt in Springfield, 111. i MODEW ETIQUETTE j 1 ? Does the hostess rise when re ceiving introductions? 2 ? What is the general rule to fol lowing concerning the arrangement of knives and forks? , 3 ? How may one repay the cour tesy of a pleasant auto ride? 4 ? What is the correct way for the joint card of a doctor and his wife to be engraved? 5 ? Who escorts the woman guest ; of honor to the dinner table? 6 ? Is it proper for a bride to dis- j play her wedding presents? 7 ? Are the dessert plates placed on j another plate? 8 ? When is the proper time for a child's first rigid lesson on punctu- ] ality? I 9 ? Does one ever take a woman across the room to introduce her to a man? 10 ? When is the wedding recep tion designated as a breakfast? 11 ? How should the leaves or arti choke be eaten? 12 ? What should be the tip to the ' headwaiter at a medium-priced hotel, when one stays for two or three weeks? 13 ? What is the correct form for | dating a social note? 14? -Where are the place cards j usually laid? 15 ? Is it ever permissable to inter rupt a conversation? ; 10 ? When may simple notes be used by the bride's mother to invite guests to the wedding? 17 ? Is it ever permissable to fing er things on the table .during a meal, such as moving ? glass around, or playing with the silver? 18 ? Who are users of the joint card. ANSWERS 1 ? *es, also offering her hand to Both men and women. 2 ? Place them in th^ order of their use, beginning at the outside and working towards the plate. 3 ? By inviting the members of the party to stop for tea. 4 ? "Dr. and Mrs. Robert Harris." 5 ? The host. 6 ? Yes, it is entirely optional. 7 ? No, they are merely placed on the table cloth. 8 ? At the beginning of school life, and rigidly enforced. 9 ? No; take the man to the woman. 10 ? When the marriage is per formed at 12 o'clock or earlier. 11 ? They should be broken apart, leaf by leaf, then dipped in the sauce and conveyed to the mouth with the fingers. 12 ? From one to five dollars a week. 13 ? "The first of May," never "May the first." 14 ? On the napkins. f 15 ? Never. 16 ? When the wedding is very in- i formal. I 17 ? No; this is only a form of ner- j vousness and self-consciousness. 18 ? A husband and wife. * | LOOK and LEARN j 1 ? How did the term "0. K." orig- . inate? 2 ? What five states border on the ' Gulf of Mexico? I 3 ? Who was the winner of the 1930 , Nobel prize for literature? 4 ? What are the cardinal virtues?! 5 ? When and by whom was the first studio of Hollywood built? C ? Who was the famous Italian navigator who sailed the seas in the* days of Columbus under the colors of England? 7 ? What is the entrance to the harbor of San Francisco popularly called? 8 ? How many barrels are there in | a hogshead? 9 ? Has a complete vacuum ever been effected? 10 ? What country occupies nearly half the entire continent of South America? 11 ? What English queen reigned sixty-four years? 12 ? What was the first canal of im portance built in the United States, and when? i 13 ? What is the account of a man's | life written by himself called? 14 ? Of what does a camel's hump consist? ] 15 ? What is the southern extremity | of the African continent called? 16 ? Who was the first President tr occupy the White House? 17? In what section of the U. S. is the manufacture of shoes mainly ! centered? IS ? What famous battle too?-: place : i Christmas night, 177fi? j 19 ? What is the minimum age for, a senator in Congress? 20 ? For what is the German city j of Dresden noted? 21 ? Who was the assassinator of | Abraham Lincoln? I 22 ? In what state is Pike's Peak? 2'' - What are the only government al offices that a naturalized citizen of the U. S. cannot hold? 24 ? What are animals called that tend to herd or flock together? 25 ? What city is the capital of | Egypt? 26 ? Who was the greatest of Ken tucky nioneers? 27 ? To what country does Lower California belong? 28 ? How many cubic feet make up one cord of wood? 29 ? By what common names is the constellation Ursa Major known? 30 ? What is the largest city in the Southern Hemisphere? ANSWERS 1 ? From the Choctaw word "okeh," meaning, "'It is so, and not otherwise." 2 ? Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas. 3 ? Sinclair Lewis.. 4 ? Prudence, fortitude, justice and temperance; the theological virtues, faith, hope and charity are sometimes added. 5 ? In 1912 by Horsley Brothers, in a barn, financed with $2,500. 6 ? .John Cabot. 7 ? Golden Gate. 8 ? Two barrels. 9? No. 10 ? Brazil. 1 1 ? Queen Victoria. 12 ? Erie Canal, completed in 1825. 13 ? Autobiography. 14 ? Fat. 15 ? Cape of Good Hope. 16 ? John Adams. 17 ? New England. 18 ? Battle of Trenton, in the Revo lutionary War. 19 ? Thirty years. 20 ? For its china. 21 ? John Wilkes Booth. 22 ? Colorado. 23 ? President and Vice President. 24 ? Gregarious animals. 25 ? Cairo. 26 ? Daniel Boone. 27 ? Mexico. 28 ? 128 cubic feet. 29 ? The Great Dipper. 30 ? Buenos Aires, Argentina. Weekly Lesson In English Word Often Misused Do not say, "She is at, tall or taller than I." Say, "She is as tall as I, or taller." Do not say, "My book is bound dif ferently than yours." Say, "differ ently from yours." Do not say, "The publisher and editor were both there." Say, "The publisher and the editor." Do not say, "I have read the book that you gave me with much inte rest." Say, "I have read, with much interest, the book that you gave me." Do not say, "The woman with her three daughters were present.'' Say, "was present." "Woman is the sin gular subject. "With her three daughters" is a prepositional phrase. Do not say, "I anticipate seeing her tomorrow," merely to express belief. Say, "I expect to see her tomorrow." Words Often Mispronounced Dolce (musical term, meaning with soft, smooth execution.) Pronounce dol-cha, o as in "obey," a as in "may," accent first syllable. Nevada. Pronounce the e as in "me," first a as in "ah," last a un- , stressed, accent second syllable. Ragout (a dish of stewed meat and i vegetables.) Pronounce ra-goo, a as | in "ask," oo as in "tool," accent last j syllable. Knead. Pronounce "need;" the k is silent. Oblique. Pronounce ob-lek, o as in "of" (rot as in "no"), e as in "leak," accent the last syllable. Donate; accent on first syllable is preferred. Words Often. Misspelled Sensitive; not sensative, nor sen sitive. Efficacy; two c's, no s. Ghost; | observe tbe gh. Wrest (to twist.) j Distinguish from rest. Gild (to cov- 1 er thinly with gold.) Guild (an asso- 1 ciation of persons.) Pioneer; observe the ee. j Synonym* Formidable, fearful, alarming, men- , acing, dreadful, threatening. Sequestered, secluded, isolated, re tired. Petty, trivial, trifling, insignificant, i unimportant. Diligent, industrious, assiduous, ac tive, attentive, persevering. i Fortunate, lucky, successful, pros ! perous. Inflexible, inexorable, unyielding ! resolute, determined. Words Study i "Use a word three times and it is j yours." Let us increase our vocabu j lary by mastering one word each day. Words for this lesson. EQUANIMITY; evenness of mind; ; composure. "His placidity of demean or arises from true equanimity." DEPRIVE; to dispossess. "I do i not wish to deprive you of your j share." ELUDE; to evade or baffle. "The j right word eludes me." RAMPANT; unchecked; exuberant! ' in growth or spread. "Suplrstition j ?was rampant." INEXORABLE; unyielding; relent less. "It was the inexorable voice of necessity." COVETOUSNESS; an eagerness I to obtain (especially money). "An ugly covetousness took possession of him." i The Right Idea J "Say, don't you ever take a vaca- ' tion?" "I feel that I shouldn't leave my job." "Why, can't the company do with out you?" "Yes; that'sjust what I don't want them to find out." ? Pathfinder. "Where did the car hit him?" asked the coroner. "At the junction of the dorsal and j cervical vertibrae," replied the medi cal witness. The burly foreman rose from his scat: "Man and boy, I've lived in these i parts for fifty years," he protested j '? ponderously, "and I have never heard of the place." ? Boston Transcript. Gets the Breaks At /the father and son banquet, the speaker was one of the local men who had very little experience in ad dressing the public. When he rose he was seized with stage fright and speech began in this manner: "Father and sons: There is a tie between father and son, and the son usually wears it." Big Events Told IN Little Paragraphs (Gleaned by Clifford Movtieth) Bert Hinkler, Australian aviator, completed the first west-to-east solo flight over the South Atlantic ocean last week. Taking off from Natal, South America, he flew his 90-horse power monoplane over the 1,000 mile route to Bathurst, West Africa, in 22 hours. Lieutenant-Colonel James J. Mcll roy, United States Military attache at Tokyo, Japan, is in Manchuria to study the situation there and keep the United State correctly informed of all trouble arising there. A cargo of Russian sprur , t 'aling 3,000,000 feet, was admitted \u the United States Wednesday, X .. ?ber 25, because the government lacked evidence that convicts had < itered into the prdouction of it. Lumber shipments from this area are banned unless the importer can show that convicts had no part in the production. Was your Thanksgiving Day menu like one that would have been prepar ed in George Washington's tim ? If so. it included the followi .g; Turkeys, ducks, ham, chicken, beef, pigs, tarts, creams, custards, jellies, trifles, float ing island, sweetmeats of twenty sorts, whinned sillabub?, fruits, rai sins, almonds, pear and pcachc.:, with the usual accompaniment of beers, 'port, punch and rum. i Foreign Minister Dino Grandi sail jed for home November 27. unconsci ous of the fact that his life while in I New York had been guarded by a [horde of police officials, in every con ceivable disguise. The elaborate pro ] tection had been thought necessary ! because of New York's large Italian population being largely anti-fascist. Fist fights, howling and jeering ; broke up an international disarma ment mass meeting in Paris last Fri day. Every speaker who was in fav or of reducing France's armaments | was howled down. Seven thousands cigar makers <>f Tampa, Florida, are on a strike to show their disapproval of the im prisonment of 17 people arrested a?, communists. I I An emergency public works appro priation bigger than the $500,000,00(1 | sum approved by the last Congress |has been forecast by Senator Wesley I Jones. i The League of Nations still strives J for peace. Japan has started a move ; to occupy all of Mamhuria so that if j The League fails to accomplish its i purpose she will be in a good position !to start the fun. China resents this I move, so they are having a little un official war while waiting for the re jsult of the diplomatic fray. The famous Notre Dame football team received their second successive defeat last Saturday when the West Point Cadets marched across the goal line twice to win with a 12-0 score. An appeal for Si contributions I from North Carolinians has been is 'sued by state officers, to help raise i the necessary $65,000 for mortgage i payment on Stratford Hall, to be ] purchased by the Robert E. mem orial foundation. All countries with far eastern pos ' sessions have refused to join the | United States in establishing a pro hibition against opium smoking. Representative Richard J. Welch | says he will introduce a bill in the I next congress to give the Philippine i Islands their independence and ex clude Filipinos from the United | States. A total of $45,G94,3(>7 has been subscribed to 131 community chests which have completed their cam paigns. The longest, alphabet is the Chi nese, but the language has only about 15,000 words. NOTICE of Sale of Real Estate Under and by virtue of power and authority contained in that certain deed of trust, dated May 11, 1929, and recorded in Book 24, page 249, of Transylvania County Registry, and executed by S. C. Miller Widower, to Colman Galloway, Trustee, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured thereby, t whereby the entire amount of said in debtedness became due and payable and demand having been made by the holder of said note upon the trustee named therein to advertise and sell the property described in said deed in trust, the undersigned will offer for sale for cash at public auction at the Courthouse door in Brevard, Transyl vania County, N. C. at noon on Thursday, December 31, 1931, the following described real estate: BEGINNING on a rock on top of Piney Ridge in the Silversteen line and runs down the meanders of Piney Ridge south 42 east 50 poles to a Spanish oak on said Ridge, thence south 84 east 102 poles to a stake in G. W. Banther line thence north 1 sast 38 poles to a set up rock in Sil versteen line. Thence north 84 west with Silversteen line 140 to the be ginning containing 30% acres. This the 28 day of November, 1931 COLMAN GALLOWAY, Trustee rERMS OF SALE? Cash PLACE OF SALE ? Courthouse door, Brevard, N. C. riME OF SALE ? Noon Thursday, December 31, 1931. Itc Dec 3,10,17,24.

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