4 Society News and Club Activities ? ACKER-MERRILL Announcement of the wedding of David F. Merrill, son of Mrs. B. P. Merrill, of Little River, was received here Saturday, as follows: "Mr. and Mrs. John Acker an nounce the marriage of their daugh ter, Ruth, to David F. Merrill, Thursday, November the twenty sixth, in Pickens, South Carolina." The young couple were Brevard and Little River visitors during the pas! week. They are at home to their i'rktul.-; lifter December first in Pick ens, S. C., where Mr. Merrill oper ates a jewelry store. ?ST COY CLASS MEETS WITH MRS. WINTON Tlie .Mission Study Class of the Woman's Missionary society of B re gard Methodist church met with Mrs. J. F. Winton at the Boy's Dormitory of Brevard Institute on Tuesday aft ernoon. Dr. G. C. Brinkman was in charge of the study class. He directed the discussion of the book "Trailing the Conquistadores.-' N'ine members of the class were present for the study. The hostess served refreshments of cake and cof fee yt the conclusion of the program. Regular meeting of the Woman's ! Missionary society will be held in the 1 Ladies Parlor at the Methodist church Thursday at 3:30 o'clock. U. D. C. TO MEET FRIDAY ' The United Daughter of the Con federacy will meet Friday afternoon at 2:30 in the Chapter house, more widely known as the U. D. C. Li brary. Officials urge the members all to be present, as time has arrived for the payment of annual dues. Tea will be served at the conclusion of the bus iness meeting. WEEK OF PRAYER AT THE BAPTIST CHURCH The Woman's Missionary society of the Brevard Baptist church is ob serving its annual Week of Prayer for Foreign Missions. They are studying a book on "Prayers ? A Me morial Before God.'' They met in the church parlor Tuesday afternoon it 3:30 and Friday afternoon they will again meet at 3:30. The Wed nesday meeting was in connection with the weekly prayer meeting. The society elected new officers for the coming year at the Tuesday meet ing, as follows: Mrs. Paul Hartsell, president; Mrs. B. F. Beasley, vice president; Mrs. W. T. Bosse, treas urer, and Mrs. T. H. Dodsworth, secretary. MRS. WIKE TO BE HOSTESS TO WESLEY MEMBERS The Wesley class of the Methodist church will holds its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. J. C. Wike on Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock, with Mrs. 0. H. Orr assisting with the program. Officers elected at the last meeting will be inducted into office. They are: Mrs. Gus Gillespie, President; Mrs. J. E. Waters, vice president; Mrs. J. C. Hendrix, secretary, and Mrs. B. L, Laird, treasurer. GIRLS SCOUTS HOLD REGULAR MEETING The Girl Scouts of Troop No. 1 of ! the Girl Scouts of America, met in I the High School building for their ! regular weekly meeting, Tuesday aft ernoon. Plans were arranged for a Christ mas program and certain plans were perfected concerning their Scout ac tivities. ; , METHODIST LADIES TO GIVE SHOWER TO B. I. j Ladies of the Methodist church are collecting jellies and preserves to give ? the Brevard Institute a shower Sat urday. 1 Though collecting is being done, principally among the Methodist la dies, ladies of all denominations arc I invited to donate jellies and preserves j for the shower. Officials of the i church are urging all ladies planning ! to contribute, to have their gifts at : the i'luinmer companuy store by Sat- j urday afternoon. The Methodist la- ' dies will deliver the gifts at 3:30 ' on that day. EASTERN STAR TO PRESENT I QUILT TO ORPHANAGE ? Thirteen ladies of the Order of the Eastern Star met in the Masonic ! Lodge rooms Wednesday morning at] eleven o'clock to begin work on a patch quilt to be sent to the Masonic ! and Eastern Star Orphanage at Ox- 1 ford. The ladies served dinner in the lodge rooms and all reported a de- ? lightful time, despite the work of making the quilt. The ladies worked diligently and the quilt was complet- 1 ed by 5 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. "GLEANERS" IN ENJOYABLE | SOCIAL EVENT The "Gleaners" class of the Bap tist church held an enjoyable social in the basement of the chure^ Tues day night. Games were played, songs sung, and delicious refreshments were served. Everyone enjoyed the evening very much. Miss Mary Nicholson is president of the class, and Mrs. Paul Hartsell, teacher. GOODYEAR TIRES Reduced from 10 to 19 per cent. See ED McCOY, at Pisgah Forest. It Universal Waffle Irons $5,95 and up The ti'iver of this l ?l?i v.Ul be pleas antly remembered many times when crisp, hot, delicious w:ifflos are served. jJcctrical Gifts Combine Beauty and Utility GIFTS Corona Percolator $7.95 Steaming hot coffee, right at the table, rich I amber in color yet free from tho harm ful elements found in "boiled" coffee, will make this gift grate fully accepted. A Gift of Long Service Electric Irons $3.50 to $8.95 An electric iron is a necessity in every home. These irons are substantially built of qual ity material throughout, ami designed to givo long service. This is a Most Useful Gift Electric Toasters $3.95 and up Crisp. buttered toast made riijht at the table as quic.k as a wink with the Corona toaster. Will add ckeer to any breakfast table Electric Heaters $3.95 - $7.50 Cheerv warmth instantly when and where ou want it . A Gift of Wa-'mth and Comfort The Smokemaster VACUUM ROYAL Prices $21.00 to $67.50 A gift of leisure and freedom CLEANERS UNIVERSAL A vac uum cleaner wiii make a most a c c o ptable gift for the home. What better present could one re ceive than hours of leis ure and free dom fro in the drudgery of sweeping and dusting. Heating Pads $4.95 and up This heatins pad makes an ideal gift for any elderly or infirm person . Reflecting thoughtfulness Sunbeam Mix Master Universal Bottle Warmer $8.00 Urn Sets $22.50 and up Is Entirely New! $6.50 The smart looking cabinet holds a generous supply of cigarettes. Just fill it, and you have a ready-lit cig arette at your fingertips every time you want one. Be first with the latest. Give SMOKEMASTER. Any Smoker Would be . Delighted With This Baby Is too 3mall to know much about this "greatest day of all the year" but he will thank you with many gurgles and coos over a nice wa bottle. These electric urns are of lovely designs and will add grace and elegance to any table. Beauty and quality to please the most fastidious. $21.00 This marvelous homo mixer does all the hard work of cooking ? gives foo?ls a new. added dellciousneaa, because it mixes EVENLY at Just the ri^M speed There are 4 speeds ? one fur every kitchen task. To Make Foods Doubly Delicious Southern Public Utilities Co. * Electricity ? the Servant in the Home | Local and Personal Items Mrs. Madge Wilkins, Mrs. Flax/ Lawrence and Ruffin Wilkins spent ; Thursday in Shelby. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Sledge and j Jimmie Sledge of Atlanta, spent Thanksgiving with the Messrs. j Sledge's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. P. 1 Sledge. Mrs. J. E. Clayton was a guest of I her sister, Mrs. J. H. Cast in Ashe- 1 ville, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Macfie and ] daughter Nancy, attended the foot ball game between Davidson College and Wake Forest, in Charlotte, Thursday. Branch Paxton of Greenville, was a Brevard visitor Friday of last week. Mrs. Paul Smathers was shopping in Asheville Thursday. Mrs. G. Moore and daughter, Ruth, of Greenville, were guests Thursday of Mrs. J. E. Clayton. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Radford have returned to Brevard after visiting ! for three weeks in Asheville with : Mrs. Radford's sister, who has been I ill. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rockwood have j moved from their home on Probarte street to the Hawkins house or. ] Maple street. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Schachner at tended the football game Saturday ; between Oak Ridge and Weaver Col ; lege. They were accompanied home ! by their son, Paul Schachner, who is ? attending Weaver College. John Wilson, of Penrose, was a Brevard visitor Monday. W. N. Corn spent several days last week as guest of his father at Horse | Shoe. ! Jack Trantham, Harry Clayton, j"Doby" Lance and Albert Payne at tended the Weaver-Oak Ridge foot ball game in Asheville Saturday. Miss Eliza Henry, who is teaching in Gastonia, was a week-end visitor of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Henry. Among the collegians home for the I Thanksgiving holidays were : Edgai j Osborne, James Lumley, Charles I Morgan, Wilson Lyday and Ernest .Brown, all of Mars Hill; Henry Er | win, Ruel Hunt, Fred Holt and Har ! old Kilpatrick of the University of j North Carolina; Mlartha Vaughn anc jAlmeta Waters of Limestone College; | Fred Miller, Rufus Jomes, Randal j Lyday and Leon Lyday of State Col jlege; Paul Schachner and Roberl I Morris of Weaver; Glen Miller ol ' Kings College; Mary Louise Crous horn of St. Genevieve of the Pines and Mack Grogan of Wake Forest. The host of friends of little Ann< Pickelsimer, three year old daughtei of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pickelsimer will be glad to know that she is im proving after being ill for the pasl two weeks with pneumonia and com ; plications. ' r T? rt? UL T T? ! Mrs. J. K. amun, mrs. o. r. mm I gan, Mr. Joe Morgan and Miss Lion i el Wofford spent the week-end it | Brevard visiting Mrs. Smith's par I ents, Mr. and Mrs. Church Morris, i Mrs. Houston Glazener of the Con i nestee section, spent the Thanksgiv ! ing holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Bei | Glazener at Lake Sega. i Mr. and Mrs. Judson Coren had ai ! their Thanksgiving dinner guests Miss G. A. Clark, Mrs. Gladys Bry son and two children, Arthur an< Edith, and Miss Jack Bryson. Tom Drake, Mr. and Mrs. Ro: Drake, of Hendgrsonviile, Were thi I guests of the former's sister, Mrs ] Judson Coren, at Lake Sega, Mon j day. Misses Thelma and Opal Ashwortl ; were guests of Miss Lottie Brackei 'at her home Thanksgiving. Misses Beulah Mae Zachary an( | Elizabeth Zachary of Salem College ; were week-end guests of their moth ler, Mrs. Beulah Zachary. I Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Mitchell spen i Thanksgiving in Hendersonville witl friends. ! Miss Geraldine Barrett of Man Hill College, spent Sunday with hei pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Barrett Dean Whitlock was an Ashevill< ?visitor Friday. ! The Rev. Joe P. Mason will mov< , this week with his family to th< Leicester section in Buncombe countj where he has been assigned as pas tor of the Big Sandy Circuit. Miss Winnie Leopard of Glenville is visiting her aunt, Mrs. 0. Duclos I \Y. E. Breese was an Asheville vis jitor, Friday. COUNTY WARDEN TO | PROVIDE PERMITS E. R. Galloway, county game Warden has received a supply of permits from the State Game Warden for non-residents to use in shipping game out of this state to their homes. These permits must bo used and approved by Mr. Galloway. Anyone wishing to ship game, may apply to E. R. Galloway, Rosman, N. C. for it. Residents of this state cannot ship game out of the state. Mr. Galloway requests all sportsmen to read again carefully section 37 of the North Car olina Game laws. Fur Dealers licenses are the most expensive type of game licenses. Res ident County license, $10.00; Res ident State license, $75.00. Non Resident State license $400.00 and R'.'^ident State employees, $10.00. Notice from C. H. England, State Game Warden, announces that the opening season has not been postpon ed and the hunters were at Liberty in the field after November 20. Mr. Galloway has issued special warning to all hunters, to bury their cigar ettes. cigar and pipe ashes and matches. He further warns the hunt er not to build fires in or near wood land and broom sage fields. A telegram from State harden England to Mr. Galloway revealed that the Season for steel trapping fur bearing animals in Transylvania County has been closed for two years, ending in September 1933. Misses Gladys Wood and Elizabeth "Mills were visiting in Hendersonville, last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mills spent Saturday in Tryon with friends. Mrs. A. W. Barnett and daughters and son Samuel spent the Thanks giving holidays in Jacksonville, Fla., with friends. Mrs. T. .11. Galloway was visiting in Mills River with her daughter, Mrs. Greenwood, recently. i Mr. and Mrs. Rube Lewis of Ashe ville, were week-end visitors in Bre vard. Johnnie Hudson returned to Wash ington, D. C., after a short visit in Brevard. Mrs. Hudson and children will remain in Brevard for some time. . , * Reba Kitchen has returned from Angiers, N. C., where she was a guest of Gladys English and Eliza beth Ramseur, who are teaching in^v the Angiers grammar school. / Jfe Margaret Miller left Saturday foiT^ a two weeks visit with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Emmerson of Wake Forest. Alvin Owen, who has a position rn Atlanta, Ga., is expected Saturday to j spend the week-end in Brevard. Dorothy Silversteen was a shopper in Asheville, Saturday. Mrs. Carrie T. Dorsett of Ashe ville, was a Brevard visitor this week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kanipe and son of Mocksville, N. C., were visiting Mrs. Kanipe's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Sledge over the week-end. ' Mr. and Mrs. 0. Duclos and daugh |ter, Betty Jean, spent Friday in | Asheville. CLASSIFIED ADS 7 WANT TO RENT A FARM. I am a good farmer. Will pay share or cash rent. D. M., care Brevard News. ' | LCST ? Thursday afternoon on the 1 1 highway between Lake Toxaway and Selica, a small black, ladies j week-end bag. Finder return to The | News office and receive reward. It MEN WANTED for Rawleigh City Routes of 800 families in Brevard, WaynesviHe, Tryon, Asheville. Re liable hustler can start earning $35 weekly and increase rapidly. Write immediately. Rawleigh Co., Dept. ? NC-CJ-6-V, Richmond, Va. It FOR SALE ? Fresh cow, second calf now two weeks old. Priced reason able. Houston Glazener, Connestee section, Brevard, R-l. Dec 3tfc WANTED TO BUY? Good used coal range; with water back. Inquire for K. R. care Brevard News. WHEN THE FIRE GOES OUT , DON'T CUSS. . . . PHONE US. " WOOD DELIVERED anywhere in ! city limits, $4 a cord, 4 and 8 feet " lengths. In three cord lots will deliver " and saw it at the house, all for $5 a 1 cord. Call 118 and forget your fuel worries, that is, if you like a good 5 old wood fire. When you want wood : ? don't cuss ? phone us. We deliver ? j for cash. Siniard Transfer Company. CHRISTMAS THINGS See our many items for Christmas and New Year.! Especially fine cig ars, package candies and a beautiful line of Novelty Goods. Brevard Phar macy, Jesse B. Pickelsimer, Ph.G. Proprietor. thru D VICTOR RADIOS . . Victor Phono graphs . . Victor Records . . If it's a Victor, it's' good. For sale at Houston's Furniture Store. M12tf NEWEST MAJESTIC RADIOS at Houston Furniture Company Bre vard. Guaranteed no "A-C num." A high class Radio at a reasonable price. jly 31tf FIRE WOOD, Stove Wood, Kindling, Sand and Gravel. Trunks and Baggage 3nd general hauling. Rates reasonable. Siniard Transfer Co. Phone 118. Aug 13 4tc WANTED ? Every one interested in Radios to call and see the wonder ful Atwater-Kent Radio. Hear it and see it at the Houston Furniture com pany's store. J15tfc RADIO REPAIRING by an expert John Reese Sledge, recognized in Brevard as an authority on Radios and Television is now with Houston Furniture Co. Aug 27 tf i ENGLISH BROTHERS , SI^Re ZJniMcrs-Anything in Sha'^^-air ing ? We satisfy. RosefV "Ming, Fourth ave., Hendersonvill ?? \\ C. We pay postage, so mail yeur bkoes to us. (Junll 4t I HAVE A CLIENT who has a 50 acre farm, good home, outbuild ings, in Jackson county. He wants to ; swap for a place in Transylvania ! county. What have you to trade on? See Judson McCrary, Tinsley Build i ing, Phone 172. Oc29tf W. I. R E E S E ' Authorized. Dealer In DELCO LIGHT PLANTS Pumps ? Batteries ? Radios The DELCO Is Built by GENERAL MOTORS : And you know that nothing can be better than a General Motors Prod uct. Light up your home, stop carry ing water in a bucket or pumping by hand. Enjoy the best music on the air by the best Radio built ? an All Electric 32-volt Radio. See W. I. REESE p4t oc29 ROSMAN, N. C. ^ FOR RENT ? Well located b*n?as property, splendid locations fo* merchandise establishments. See Jud son McCrary, Tinslev Building, Tele phone i.72, 029tf ,

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