BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, DECEMBER 10, 1931 VOLUME XXXVI GALLOWAY, OWEN &the Lyday and Wherein Sani ? Are Involved JUDGE Wk KEEPS COURT work Inning smooth j Grand Jw* True B, ing Has Returnsd 30; ,1s Since Conven ?ndaj^ Morning .Under dirJEion of Judge H. Hoyle | SJnk, with Sieitor J. Will .Piess, Jr.,. prosecuting he docket. Superior court made pid progress during the I first days o ;he session. A large j number of ses have been disposed j of, many oi rhich were submissions. , The gran jury returned into Su perior cou here by Wednesday night, 30 t bills of 13 different charges. 0 tanding among the re- j turned bill: ras the bill charging Tal W. Pet md his nephew. Arthur Petit, with e murder of Jesse Mas- j ters near 1 man, in August, 1926. j The true lis returned by Wednes- 1 day night er than the ones which 1 had been d included: Violations of prohibi i law, seven cases; : public dru nness, 3 . cases; assault, ;i four cases rceny, 2 cases; driving , automobilehile under the influence ) of intoxic< , 2 ; resisting officers, ; 2; murder; assault with deadly weapon, 3 :hers charged, seducing girl under years of aget secret as sault, emt ement, trespassing and assault or male, disturbing relig-ji ious worsl j] The grs jury selected Monday i morning, n the December term j < of Super court convened here, ! ? with Judj I. Hoyle Sink of Lex-|j ington, piling, included: C. A.!, Mull, fore i, Walter Hinkle, R. A. . I Gillespie. L. Ledbetter, Henry !, McCall, M. Brittain, V. C. Orr, J. Frank yes, W. C. Fortune, Madison ion, Clyde Case, E. R. Bishop. I Moore, M. E. Ship man, J. bravely. J. D. Morgan, H. N. Bh *nd L. E. Powell. Three of the m rs of the grand jury were exc and the remaining 15 j of the 1 ve been examining the ! bills. _ Ij Wednes night, no new indict-'] ments grand hien jiind returned . hy several more the i J bills j | K""'" J -T - - - - - , were praliy ready to turn over ? < to the ccivhen the jury ceased": work forpay. j, The r<r trial jury included;:. Harry Ss J- H. Raxter. G. A. ij Woodard .. Cash, J. M. Huggins, B. A. H , Avery Reid, C. F. Norton. ? Landreth, E. 0. Ship man, W. )aniels, J. E. Gillespie. Outstsr among the cases tried during iirly d^ys of the week I J jalloway and J. B. Ow-', missions on charges of J ? >reaking and entering,'^ itenced to serve from j j years in the state's | j were : C en ente larceny Each w three to| prison term of given Call, a before acquittc Mrs. violatid was foi require sanitaij action, mission count and a suspended five to ten years was other count. Austin Mc- 1 jen-year-old youth, tried , on the same charge was S. Brown charged with sanitary requirements | ;uilty and the judgment | to comply with the state 1 1 and pay the costs of the j Lyday entered his sub- ' j me same charge and the ? i ame jpt was given him. PE TITO BE TRIED EXT MONDAY HfiN Tal trial ty S slayi; ! 1 Grainy Returns Bill and!, I Sets Monday for [fearing Case krthur Fetit will go on |iy in Transylvania coun court charged with the ! Jesse Masters in August of if rue bills were returned two Rosman men Tues ' tig by the grand jury. Iverest is being shown in the c-ajfh grew out of the arrest ? ^eV-'<-'ks ago of Louie Whit- 1 mipiosman, who was charged I wit.- breaking and larceny at j thef his arrest, he having ad-: mit'ntering the store of Walt- I er Ve at Rosman, and stealing j r^hitmire was convicted of | ;ree murder in connection j 1 loath of Masters. He was ; ecember term of Superior i coi wing the death of Masters ' and given from 15 to 25] le state penitentiary. After j little move than four years j 1 Gardner granted a parole j ire. Faced with having his pW-oked after having been ar r4 the storebreaking charge, yj implicated the two Petits, s^it he was innocent of the which he had served time n and that he .had taken nee rather than Nfncur the Tal and Arthur Fetit.- At he was tried in 1926,' Whit not offer testimony in the li a seci wi tri in . se G< to! s' body was found nearly jcks after ho was reported body in a badly deeom atat" beint* found in the woods 'Rosman, and identified by r el and friends as thai of Mast i I WORK IN FIRST DEGREE AT MASONIC LODGE THIS FRIDAY Masons are notified that work in the Entered Apprentice' Dr. g-ree will be given Friday eve ning -by Dunn's Rock Masonic ?Lodg". The lecturc will oc given with illustrations through a. pic ture machine. All members are urged to attend, and . all visiting brcthem cordially invited to meet with the lodge. ROAD CIBMTION IS BEING PLANNED! Tuesday's Meeting Called Of? Account of Weather, But Some Came N Plans had been perfected for a i joint committee meeting of Greenville | and Brevard citizens Tuesday aftar- ? noon in planning for the celebration t to be held at Caesar's Head on New j Year's Day, to mark the completion ! and formal opening of the highway! between these two friendly centers, j The sleet came down in sheets, how- 1 ever, and a telephone message was j received in Brevard from Secretary I Glenn, of the Greenville Chamber of ?' Commerce, that the Greenville dele- : gation asked postponement of the | committee meeting to a more favor- i ible day. Messrs. 0. P. Mills and L. H. | Stringer came to Brevard, however, j from the Mills Summer home at ; Cedar Mountain, where they were at- 1 tending a birthday anniversary | party. They were members of the j Greenville delegation, and could not | be informed of the postponement of ' the committee meeting. The two men j spent an hour in Brevard, and ex- j pressed the opinion that there is 1 much pleasure and profit to both sec- ! tions in the future connections and ! business relations of Transylvania , :ounty and Greenville. j P.-T. ASSOCIATION j MEETS ON MONDAY! I Regular monthly meeting of the Parent-Teacher association will be I held at the Elementary building on I Monday Dec. 14, at three o'clock. The j :opic "Character Building" will be ; included by a musical program. 1 Character Building has proved a ? -ery interesting subject and the ( programs have been instructive. . Professor Jones gave the first of this i series, stating that Character Build- 1 . ng should begin in the home. Hq . jlaced the responsibility of the mold- ? ng of character upon the parents, j tnd then upon the teachers. This I > opic was further discussed by other j( nembers of the association who j ( ihowed that character may be devel- ? . >ped through story-telling, the read- 1 ( ng of good literature, and by train- ' ng at school as given by the Home Economics Department. Program for December is as fol- i 3 ows: , L "The Christmas Story, as Told by.j 3t. Luke," Mrs. Sledge's grade. (i Prayer by Rev. R. L. Alexander, i ' Play, "A Guest of Pollyanna." '1 A Christmas Message, by Rev. R. j Alexander. j i Miss Eva Call and Prof. Alvinjl Moore have charge of the play which i s given by the fifth grade. The Jun-ii or Music Club will sing the carols < iff stage. 1 Importance of Character Building s illustrated in the following para- < jraph as given by Judge A. J. Tal ey: "A Nation's destiny is not in its earning or the amount of informa- : ion it acquires ? it's in its character, rhe heart of culture is the culture >f the heart. The only way to form . :haraeter is through religion. Find ne another way and I'll accept it. rhe only system of education worthy >f the name of system, much less ed .ication, is that one which literally ?nd actually inculcates the eternal :ruth of morality, not only by teach- i ng, but by hour to hour example. I ; am speaking as an expert. I am not i theorist. The reason I dare speak s that every day, every hour, I am face to face with the real thing here, with the facts. NEW ARRIVALS Born to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Looka bill on Monday, Dee. 7, a daughter. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Noah Miller, Dn Monday, Dec. 7, a son, Noah Car son, Jr. DR. s juIlOari) to ! PREACH ON SUNDAY | The Rev. S. H. Milliard, of Ashe- ' ville, began his ministry fifty years ago this month, his first sermon be ing preached in the Brevard Metho dist church. He was pastor of a cir cuit which at that time extended from Avery's Creek in Buncombe county to the South Carolina line. Rev. Dr. Billiard has been invited to preach in the Brevard church next Sunday morning, and it is expected that a large number of people will be present to hear him." There are many in the county who recall the days of Dr. Hilliard's work here, and who will be most glad to hear him again. ? Rev. J. II. West, pastor, give cor dial invitation '.to alj people to hear Rev. Mr. Iiiiiiard. BREVARD'S CHANCE AnVAWrCMTMT ?*. ili/ liutviii'luili ' \ . Greatest Constructive Possibil ities Just Now Within Grasp of Town MacDOUGALD DELIVERS ' ADDRESS TO KIWANIS And Declares Real Advance ment Ours, Without Cost, Except Effort "Brevard can gut right now some- , thii% which f.viU mean more than j anything else that could possibly ! come to this section, and that without f any capital outlay, if they will just , go get it." said Duncan MacDougald j at the Brevard Kiwanis club last] Thursday. Mr. MacDougald was re- 1 fei'iing to a connecting link of high- I way through Pisgah National Forest hooking up with the great network ! at the Haywood county line, which i will be. when completed in a few. I months, a channel that will tap the . middle and central West. Mr. MdcDougald, who was intro- ! duced by President R. L. Alexander, >i as "a man who talks roads, dreams j roads' and walks on roads," was em-; phatic in his statements that now, as i never before, Brevard and Transyl- i vania stood at the threshold of pros- j perity, giving many facts and much j data to back up his statements. Com- 1 pletion of the Greenville highway to I Brevard, on the south, and completion I of the highway from Knoxville into ! Haywood county, leaves Brevard in a ' stragetic geographical position. Mr. I MacDougald asserted, in that this ? section is in direct line of traffic that i wMl pass from Florida to the North i and West in the early summer and j from there to Florida in the early i fall. The roads enthusiast had a large ! map which he displayed to the Ki wanis club showing that the road from Greenville, South Carolina and points south via Brevard was a direct route to .Knoxville and points north; ( Continued on page four) CHRISTMAS SEALS 1 CURE TUBERCULOSIS! . . . . ..., % ~ - ? ? I "Have you bought a oupply of Christmas seals for your Christmas r mail and packages?" officials in the . Tuberculosis Seal Sale are inquiring 'Shop early, buy Christmas Seals ind light tuberculosis, they are urg- 1 ng, "for when you buy one Christ ;j mas seal you have contributed to the ! Tuberculosis associations, which have ! Jone so much to outUw this fearful I Jisease in Americans well as, to tht ]1 purchase of meals for undernourish- ? ;d children in Brevard." The annual sale of Tuberculosis]' seals was begun Tuesday. December:' 1st, and is to continue until Christ- ! ! mas eve. The sale is being sponsor- J ' >d by the Parent-Teacher association, 1 ind seventy-five cents of each dollars worth of seals sold here, remains ' with that association to be used as j :hey deem necessary. The booth for the sale is located ( n the Post Office, and each day adies and girls, representing various . organizations of Brevard are on iuty. The schedule for the two . weeks from December 10 to 24, fol lows : Dec. 10 ? Baptist Missionary So- ? :iety. Dec. 11 ? Fortnightly Club. Dec. 12 ? Girl Scouts, troops 1 and | 2. 1 Dec. 14 ? Mathatasian Club. Dec. 15 ? Presbyterian Woman's Auxiliary. Dec. 16 ? Music Lover's Club. Dec. 17 ? Mathatasian Club. Dec. 18? U. D. C. . Dec. 19> ? D. A. RN Dec. 21? B. P. W. C. Dec. 22 ? Methodist Missionary so ciety, in the morning ;P. T. A. in the afternoon. ? Dec. 23 ? P. T. A. in the morning; j; Girl Scouts in the afternoon. Dec. 24 ? P. T. A. in the morning; Girl- Scouts in the afternoon. TO DECORATE TOWN FOR THE HOLIDAYS Brevard is to be all dolled up for Christmas, as usual, the town coun cils agreement to pay half the ex pense making the adornment pos- [ i-ible. .Mayor Ramsey announced ; Wednesday that the council had j agreed to pay half the expenses of : decorating. prov;ding the business men would pay half. The leading 1 business men of the town have agreed ] to enter into the matter and go their j Share. Trees will be brought from j the town's own property; Brevai'd j already has largo quantities of decor- i ations, used heretofore; the Wo man's Bureau will attend to decorat ing the Christmas tree, as is always done by that organization, and com mittees head ad by Jerry Jerome will woik out all details necessary in completing the decorations of the town. The Southeim Public Utilities com pany will co-operate with .tkc towr and the citi-cws in pNoement r.f ' trres ur.d lightftsr r.!or.r' the Wi. , Way. f PROUD OF COUNTY, SURPRISED AT TOWN jL Chairman Kizer Says Response to Welfare Work Good In the County BUT IS NOT BRAGGING ON BREVARD'S PORTION All Must Realize That People Must Give, Even If the Giv ing Does Hurt "You miiy say that I am proud of the response being made to the ap peals of the County Welfare Associa tion by thi^ people of the county, but : am greatly disappointed at the poor ; response being made by the people j of the town," said Alex Kfzar, c ;air man of the executive committee of the association, when asked as to the j) regress of the work. Mr. Kizer paid tine tribute to the people of Little River, Pisgah Forest. Rosman, and other sections of the county, and dis played reports from these sections showing that much fine work had been done, and many useful gifts had been received. Nothing has been done in Brevard, however, and Mr. Kizer. and his com mittee are at a loss to understand why Brevard people, usually so ready to help in any worthy cause, are so ; slow in responding to the call of the i relief work here. Mr. Kizer stated ; that some people seem to have the opinion that they are called upon to i give only those things that they no 1 longer need. "That is not the case at all," Mr. Kizer said. "If we are to take care of those who need assist ance, people in Brevard are going ,to , have to give not only those things they no longer need, but must give even of things and money that it seems they cannot do without." It is beiieved that the people in; Brevard will come forth and give ev- 1 en until it hurts when once they realize the need for immediate ac tion. The cold weather of the past few days had increase the demand j for aid, and as the winter comes this | need will grow still larger. || MISS MOLLY COMING | TO BREVARD HIGH: .c i At the Brevard High School audi torium on Friday evening of this ; week at 8 o'clock the Philathea and : Baraca classes of the Brevard Bap-I tist church will present a two-act || i-omedy, "Miss Molly." A small ad-j: mission fee will be charged, proceeds i to be used in the work of the classes. J] A resume of the story shows Reg- ! inald Peters, a cross-grained old bachelor, hears that his niece, Molly, J whom he has never seen, is to ar- 1 rive that day from the Philippines to yisit him. With the exception of his ? 1 twin sister, he has allowed no woman | ' to cross his threshold for years, and N Is furious at the news. But this is on- j 1 ly the beginning. The story as un- i j wound, . is full of laugh-provoking ; jpisodes, and promises an evening of j 1 fine entertainment: Cast of characters include: Reginald Peters, a crabbed old j "missognist ? Brown Carr. I ' Julian Hewitt, his ward ? Donald j Lee Moore. ? j! Joe Johnson, his colored servant ? ; Karl Bosse. Annie Peters, his twin sister, Mar-|: jorie Garren. |: Molly Peters, his niece, Opal Ash worth. Pearl White, a colored girl ? Has sie Tinsley. Cissie Saunders, a girl from "Noo York" ? Jewell Ashworth. Lady Elusia Miston, Miss Annie's j invited guest ? Launa Clayton. ] ATTENTION CAKE MAKERS! ji Read the advertisment of the B. & j B. Feed company on page two. Win^ a prize ? and at the same time help : swell the fund to be used by the|; County Welfare Association. Contest^ aperi to any woman in the county. | ' Read instructions. I : aii-starTtoTlay I IN HENDERSONVILLE! ; Plans have been completed by the Brevard all-star footballers and a : ? Hendersonville aggregation composed | ] of old-timers, would-be Granges and members of the crack high school i team. ? || The game will be played Friday ; afternoon of this week en the Hen- ! dersonville High School grid, begin- i ning promptly at 2:30 and lasting until the "old folks" have lost their second or third winds. Brevard Ki wanis elub and the American Legion of Hendersonville are sponsoring the game, proceeds of which ai% to be equally divided between the t'.7<> teams. Brevard's share, of the gate receipts will be turned over to the j County Welfare Association for 'use in their work for unfortunater. in this county. Htndersonvillc's share, like wise, will go to charity. Brevard's line up will be compos ed players seen in action here last Frk'iy ,wh?n the All-Stars Dlaved ILo B. I.-B. II. S. itan,. Tickets are now m sale in Brevard. MRS. ERWLX CALLS MEETING 1 OF THE CLOTHjXG COMMITTEE Mrs. O.'L. Eric in, chairman of lilt cioihiny cvii in lUt'c of th* County Welfare Board, has call ed a nice ting of her committee for this Friday afternoon, to meet in the Brcese Building, at j two o'clock. All ladies willing to | help in the work of preparing | clothing for the needy during th.e I wintfr arc asked to be present The committee will organize and begin work at once, Mrs. Erwin | announced Wednesday. COUNTY TO CORRECT I ITS DEBT SITUATION1 $100,000 Note Authorized To Take Up Amount Due | Since Last July .Through resolutions adopted at | the meeting of the board of county ' commissioners last Monday, it is i stated that the county, with the co- 1 operation of the holders of county ! bonds, can correct the county finan cial situation, and gradually work out retirement of the county's obliga tions. The resolution provided for payment by the proper county of- i licials of all monies collected by the 1 county in current taxes, delinquent i taxes, frozen bank balances, to the j county's fiscal agent in New York to be applied upon interest due by the I county on its outstanding indebted- j n;-ss. It was further provided in the res o.'ution that such funds so accumu- , lated for debt service be used first in j payment of interest until this item ? is iA the clear. A note in the sum of $100,000 was authorized by the board, with con sent of the local county government commission, for the purpose of retir- . ing a note in like amount which has ' beer, due since July 30, this year. The j new note matures March 30, 1932. Many routine matters were acted | upon by the board, the usual number of present relief cases being heard. C. OF C. PRAISES I CHARITY FOOTBALL The Brevard Chamber oJ' Com merce which ponsored the Charity football game staged on McLean Field last Friday afternoon, through several of its members has been ex- j rending words of praise and appreci ation to the persons who aided in the ' achievement. Officials of the Chamber of Com- J merce wish to extend to RuffinWilk ins their sincere appreciation for ' lis wonderful work and for the suc cess he achieved in directing the all- 1 star team. To the following persons, sincere ( thanks have been extended by the Chamber of Commerce: Joe Clayton,; Tor coaching the all-star team ; Bre- , ?ard High school and Coach Tilson j ind Brevard Institute and Coach Trantham, for furnishing the com- ; petition for the all-stars ; merchants | sf Brevard, for closing their estab lishments ; officials of the game, ?; Ralph Osborne, Ralph Ramsey and ' Jerry Jerome; Margaret Barnett, Winifred Nicholson, Louise Gilles pie, Christine Saltz, Mabel McNeely, , Edna Mason, for selling tickets; Ru^>r sell Henderson . and Reba KitdftCn, for keeping the gate; F. E. I^/Jen-i kins, for furnishing lime J/,y the ! football field; Dr. J. H. McLean, for! allowing the game to be /played in his baseball park; the- /citizens, of Brevard for their win ' hi. J at tendance; The Transy lyani.. inies, . for publicity; and The Breva i News! for publicity and donat jon 0f tickets. ' The game was tc*rme/(j a great suc cess, due largely to th> efforts of the I members of the all-st*^r team, which i defeated their rivals ,y tho score of1 14 to 13, including: Pat Kimzey. Rev. R. L. Alexamit joe Vigodsky, Joe Clayton, Doby Lance, Julius Schachner, Harry Clayton, Gene Bryson, Tom Mitehth To'mmie Whit mire, Harold \Y h:A'.L\ye, Jack Tran tham, Alber! Kilpatirick, "Red" Full-' bright, James JoncX Glen Galloway, Edwin English. F>r,nk Henry, Julius Hinton, Albert Lyday and "Speedy" Jones. KELLY H. B. Kelly, iylvania Tr and pre^ prtny, K in the C tors fleet: Tues? held TICKET ent of the Tran npany, Brevard, State Trust com le, was high man if Commerce direc in Hendersonville CC fit IG SO-'OOL ?S SUfcCSSSFUL EVENT On 8 desj thirty Christ! tion a' Public strati M. F!: Flemi pany, demoi Brev several bhk-., Mr n. c&k^s r 'uesday afternoon, December lite a heavy sleet storm, 10 Brevard ladies attended a aas cake baking demonstra te office of .the Southern Utilities company. The demon |n was conducted by Mrs. D. ?ming, of Greenville, S. C. Mrs. Iig, home economist of the com used two electric ranges in her .-^.ration for the benefit of ?d's flcvl'-io range users, and btauti'itl fruit yake? we"-" MrS. W. H. Djickwt)- !h a;:> ,L fc'ir.athors each receiv u attendance pri? 'FARMERS MEETING CREATES INTEREST i 1 . List of Names of Representa tive Men and Women From County GLAJZENER AND CORBIN LEADERS fN MOVEMENT Daily Papers of Asheville Are Promoting This Great Farm ? Movement In Section Director of Promotion Bruce Webb adviseH Prof. J. A. Glazpner and Prof. J. F. Corbin, instructors of vocational agriculture in the' Brevard and Rosman high schools to selcct 16 business men, 10 farmers and 10 farm wortien, representing the coun ty of Transylvania "as official dele gates to the Western North Carolina Organised Farm Movement to be launched in Asheville next Monday night. County commissioners, mayors, county agents, home demonstrator*, vocational teachers and newspaper editors of the 18 western counties participating in this movement are automatically members of this com mittee. The Transylvania Working Committee includes: Business men: W. L. Talley, of Penrose; A. M. White, .1. W. Glazen er, Rosman ; C. R. McNcely, S. M Macfie, W. W. Brittain. L. E. Powell, S. R. Joines, A. 11. Harris, F. D. Clement, Jas. F. Barrett, W. W. El lison, Brevard. Farmers on the committee are: Paul Glazener, Brevard ; Carl Alli son, Arthur Whitmire, J. Wade Dick son, Brevard, R-3; Huston Brevard, R-2; C. F. Woodfin. CarltA Lyday, Penrose; Sam Owen, Wiil Raines, Lake Toxaway; Otis Ship man, Pisgah Forest, R-l. Farm women appointed to act as delegates are: Mrs. Charlie Gravely, East Fork; Mrs. Martin Shiuman, Mrs. Claud Shuford. Little River; / Mrs. Jordan Whitmire. Mrs. T. P Galloway, Rosman: Mrs. F. Hender son, Mrs. Tinsley Brown, Connestee; Mrs. J. N. Williams, Brevard, R-2; Mrs. Sam Mc'Cullough, Chcrryfield; Mrs. Bates Patton, Davidson River. The meeting begins Monday night at the Plaza Theatre and will con tinue for two days and nights. Charles Collison. farm editor of the Minneapolis Tribune ana an author ity on agricultural conditions in the Northwest, lecturer and writer, with Frederick E. Murphy. Publirher of the Minneapolis Tribune, will be the principal speakers of the meeting: The meeting will be a most import ant feature, determining the future of Western North Carolina. Plans will be perfected and the organiza tion ideas worked out during the two day meeting. The State Extension of ficers will be present to offer plans and ideas to the 540 official dele gates and others- present. Diversified farming will be an important feature of the program. The speakers are regarded as out standing leaders of progressive farm thought in America 'oday. the men who advocated and oromoted and de veloped the plan?! which begins the' rehabilitation o? the farmer in tba soil or" the farm and not in the cavern ous halls of legi-lature. The plans wiijfch are perfected have been tised in various sections of America during the past ten years with excel lent success and officials are lookinc forward to a better Western North (Cotbiued on page four) SANTA CLAUS CAME TO SEE LITTLE ONES All Letters To Santa Will Be Printed In Next Week's Brevard News , Santa Claus in person came to Brevard last Thursday morning, and made several hundred children hap py. He came in a great float, all dec orated for the occasion. His first stop was at the office of The Bre ;vard News, where he gathered up a great bundle of letters that his lit tle friends had written to him and sent to The News office. Next, he went to the Baptist church lot. as it is known, and the children filed by, 'shaking* hands with Santa and re ceiving a gift from him. Santa came here under auspices of The Asheville Citizen and The Asheville Time?. Santa expressed pleasure at re ceiving so many loiters a* ih>- ??Cficc of The Brevard News, and sai.' for all the children who. had not written him to do so at once, and bring them or mail them to The Brevard News l office, from which place they will be [sent,. all together, right on to Santa ! Claul. The Brevard News has received a i large number of letters since Santa ,was here last Thursday, in addition .to the ones that came before and ; which he took a^ay with him. All the letters that have been received, and all others that pome in between now and. next Wednesday. will, be Sablished in next week's Brevard ews, aijd the original letters sent on to Santa* Glaus. If- your letter has already been sent in, it will bfc print ed next weeft.' arrd if- you hate -net as1 yet written ? yhttr letter, nndHmfr jo' ,s? aad send it in, it i? bf printed nex't week also. . '

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