BREVARD HIGH SCHOOL NEWS EIGHTH GRADE BOYS ENJOY, BASKETBALL PRACTICE {Sandy McLeod) The boys of the eighth grade home voom held their first baeket-ball prac tice last Monday. The absence of the Agriculture - boys left only a few to play, but these had a most enjoyable practice. Coach Tilson had charge of the game. The boys are looking for ward to their games with the Latin, Science and Agriculture boys. DEBATE GIVEN IN CHAPEL (Mildred Hayes) One of the most interesting chapel programs that we have had this year was the one of Tuesday, December 8. It was an interesting debate, the query reading: "Resolved: That the Negroes Should Have Franchise." I The affirmative side was represented . by Essie Norton, while Mildred Nor- 1 ton upheld the negative. Thelma Johnson acted as chairman of the j debate. The Judges were Miss Puett, : Miss Keels, Miss Biggers, Mr. Wike j and Mr. McLeod, whose report was in j in favor of the negative side. At the first of the program, Christ mas hymns were sung by the students. A PEEP INTO THE FRENCH CLASSES (Francis King) It is impossible for the French (.?lass, under the supervision of Miss Puett, to become monotonous, because | of the numerous added attractions of French. Through the International Bureau of Correspondence, names of French girls and boys were secured and now letters and Christmas cards are being exchanged between the stu dents of French schools and of Bre- j vard High school. : However, probably the most attrac- ; tive feature of the classes this yeai", Now for Winter Don't be caught with your radiator frozen. Use Anti Freeze, Alcohol or Pres tone for your motor's pro tection and your conven ience. Remember a froz en radiator means untold delay and expense. Be prepared, fill up now with Anti-Freeze, at BROADWAY Service Station PHONE 177 Opp. Grammar School SEE FRED FIRST was the French "movies" which were presented under the direction of Miss Puett. These pictures, "Fleuves and Rivieres," "Alsace," and "lie de France," proved to be unusually in- J teresting as well as educational This week, Christmas songs and ex pression in French are being learned by the enthusiastic French students, i MR. CARTER'S ORCHESTRA ENTERTAINS The students of Brevard High school enjoyed a program in Chapel last Thursday different from any others that have been given this year. Mt. Carter and his orchestra proved that music really "soothes" the wrath ful heart." The strains of the violins, accompanied by Mr. Moore at the piano, and the pelting of raindrops on the tin roof of the auditorium, w$s sufficient to erase the gloom of the rainy day. Among the selections rendered, there were some of Mr. Carter's orig inal compositions. These were enjoy ed so thoroughly that the high school students are looking^ forward to the time when this orchestra will again pay a visit to them. RIFLE CLUB I A rifle club for the benefit of the Junior girls of the high school was organized Wednesday at 4:00 o'clock, under the supervision of Miss Mary Frances Biggers, advisor of the Jun ior girls. The members of the Rifle Club will be coached in the handling of their guns by Prof. R. D. Jenkins, princi pal of the Davidson River school. Mr. Jenkins is a skilled marksman and he has coached several summer camp rifle teams. The e|ub will hold rifle meet at certain intervals during the school year and each pupil will be allowed ten shots during the meet. The rifle range where the targets will be locat ed, has not been selected. YATES NOW PASTOR OAK GROVE CHURCH The Rev. E. E. Yates, pastor of the Rosman Methodist church and Ros man circuit, filled his first appoint ment at Oak Grove Methodist Epis copal church Sunday night and preached to a large congregation. The pastor made a good impression upon the people and a profitable year with the people of Oak Grove and North Brevard is predicted for him. The Rev. Mr. Yates will preach ana in at the Oak Grove church on Sunday" afternoon, January 3, at 3 o'clock. The Oak Grove Sunday School, with Church Morris as superintend ent, has reached the high mark of 103 persons in attendance. The Sunday School services are held at the church every Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. All persons living within reach of the Sunday School are urged to be present and participate In the ser : vices. | Poor little Japan. Can't even try to find room for her over-flpwing pop ulation without everybody opposing her. Just to keep from being left out, the United States gave the Jap anese a lengthy lecture. Japan didivt like it, and said so. LADIES CAN YOU BAKE ANGOOD CAKE? If you can, and will use^hite Lily Flour, you can win a prize. A Cake-Baking Contest, sponsored by the * Woman's Bureau of Brevard, may be entered by any to'dy in the county. The cakes will be sold after being' judged, and the proceeds given to the County Welfare Assoc iation to be used for charitable purposes. in once for details. "> White Lily Flour is the best for Cakes, Pies, or Biscuits. We will have plenty of Turkeys for your Xmas Dinner. Feed & Seed Co. The Store with the Checkerboard Sign S. P. D. CHRISTMAS i WINDOWS ADMIRED People who pass down East Main street invariably stop and gnze with approval at the artistically decorated windows of the Southern Public Util ities company, the beautiful window? being the wdrk of Charles Moore. With the use of much evergreen and multicolored electric lights, plus the unique individual ideas of Mr. Moore, no prettier window has been seen in Brevard in many a day, iB the general opinion of many who have j commented upon this show window. Inside the store, where gifts electrical are displayed and where the genial J. M. Gaines presides as manager | and general good fellow, the Christ-, mas idea is further accentuated by tinsel, streamers and bells in an ar- j rangement which makes the heart of n ladies long for one of the many labor saving devices which go to make the basis for the Southern Public's slo gan ? "Electricity? the Servant in the ' Home." GALLOWAY ELECTED ! CONSUL OF W. 0,W. ! | At the election of officers held nt : the regular meeting of Brevard Wood men Monday night, A. B. Galloway was again chosen to head the local 1 camp as Consul Commander. Guy j Dean was elected past consul com- 1 mander; Glover Jackson, banker; T. L. Snelson, advisor lieutenant; W. T. 'Allison, escort; Roy Smith, watch man; J. C. McLean, sentry; W. H. Grogan, Jr., financial secretary, i These officers will be installed the First Monday night inNJanuary in a public ceremony. W. H. Grogan, Glover Jackson and Roy C. McCall were appointed as a committee to make arrangements for the installa tion service. After the business ! session was over Monday night the | Camp members were given a banquet at The Canteen. I U. D. C. LIBRARY IS CALLING FOR BOOKS i Miss Sue Hunt., librarian extraor 'dinary at the U. D. C. Library, is making an appeal to patrons of the library to return books that have been taken from the library and which have been forgotten or possibly loan ed to friends to read. 1 Miss Hunt urges all such patrons to return these books at once, and as extra inducement, offers to be very lenient with delinquent borrowers, in that if the books arc returned within the next two weeks, no extra rental will be charged, j I J j Oakland News Items | t : < Mr. and Mrs. McClararock and lit tle son, Billie, of Charlotte, who are i stopping with Mr. and Mrs. M. F. . McCall, report that work on a dam for a new lake on the Lupton prop erty at Sapphire, will be started at once. The work is being done by the Hobbs Peabody company, and is in charge of Mr. McCIamrock. j I. S. Sanders and W. F. McCall were in Brevard on business one day ?last week. Fred Norton of Macon county call led on Wade Nicholson Saturday. His friends in this county will be sorry to I learn that he is in poor health. I Jim Galloway, of Glenville, visited his uncle, T. B. Reid Sunday. J. C. McCall and his friend, Mr. Lance, spent the week-end with the former's parents, Rev. and Mrs. S. B. McCall. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Noland of Ashe ville, were guests Sunday of the lat ter's mother, Mrs. S. E. Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. Welch Reid and Mrs. Tolvin Miller were Brevard visitors one day last week. Gus Galloway of Glenville, visited his son, Kile and sister, Mrs. Mary Bryson, Saturday. Mrs. E. D. Reid and daughter, Miss Lula, and Mrs. L. E. Cash and daughter, Miss Mae, were Rosman visitors Sunday. Miss Evand Saunders spent Satur day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Welch Reid. Kile Galloway spent Sunday night in Glenville with his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Galloway. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Reid and Mrs. Clarence Norton Called on Mr. and Mrs. Lee Philips Sunday afternoon. Oscar McCall was dinner guest Sunday of Harold McNeely at Lake Toxaway. Mrs. Wado Nicholson and Mrs. Lee Norton called on Mrs. Welch Reid Sundav afternoon. Rev. S. B. McCall left Sunday afternoon for Morganton, where he expects to spend a few days with friends. . j>r ? ^eo Reid was supper guest Sun day evening of Oscar McCall. I. S. Sanders and son, Lane, visit ed the former's parents Saturday, and reports them getting alone fine. The Many friends of Miss Iva i Sanders, who was married last Fri [day to Mr. Cecil Whitmire, join us in wishing them a long and happy jlife. | Mr. and Mrs. Jack of Ros Inan, visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank iFisher Sunday afternoon. 1 Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Reid had as ^Bnner guest Sunday, the Rev. S. B. ylk'Call. IL. C. Sanders of Lake Toxaway, .j?lled on I. S. Sanders Monday. | Mrs. Lee Norton and Mrs. Mary 3|\irgess visited Mrs. Frank Fisher ^londay afternoon. g Clarence Norton left on Monday Aorning for Brevard, where he ex Actf to serve a? a juror in Superior VMurt this week. GIRL SCOUTS ACTIVE ii FORCES OF TODAY j Business Women Sponsors of j a Troops in Transylvania |<j County i i ? ? . P The Girl Scout organization which * is one of the most important institu- * tions for the training of girls for J promising careers has been progress- , 1 ing very rapidly in the past few | 1 years. The local troops have been ; < developing splendidly under the lead- { ership of Mrs. Hinton McLeod and 1 Miss Willie Aiken. The Penrose troop , > is led by Miss Jeannette Talley. These three troops are sponsored ' by the Business and Professional j Women's club and the club has ad- , vanced a new plan of work for the , troops, which is revealed in the fol- , lowing statement from officials of the ' club: !. The Girl Scout Community com- : mittee issue their first official bulle tin in the month of December this year. There is no record to show ; ; that Brevard has ever had a Girl j Scout Community Committee prior to this time, although there has been 1 troop committees. The committee members art Miss' Jeannette Talley, chairman; Mrs. 1 M. E. Joines, secretary; Mrs. Chas. j L. Newland, Mrs. L. Pushell, Mrs.! Carl McCrary, all of whom are mem bers of the Business and Profession al Woman's Club, which sponsors Girl Scouting. The committee hopes that parents of girls of -Scout age will encourage ? their daughters to join either Troops ; I. or II. Brevard, or Troop I. Pen rose. December is known as member- ] ship month and after this month, 1 girls will not be invited to join. There is no greater honor that the captain and lieutenants of these troops can bestow on the girls of Brevard and Penrose than to extend an invitation to Scout membership. When the membership period is closed all admittance to membership will be made by application and each applicant will be placed on proba tion for three months before fellow ship is bestowed. In planning for the work the B. & P. W. club realizes that they alone cannot make a worthwhile Girl Scout organization, and, while they have no intention of shriking a responsi bility they are asking that parents i of Girl Scouts give their hearty coop eration to the Scout leaders and en- , eouragement to thj.<5irls, so that an organization surrounding our girls with wholesome influences and hav ing as its aim building wcll-balnnced .womanhood, may be perfected. The community committee and the club are pleased with the work as it is be ing carried out now, although the i work is in its infancy. Mrs. McLeod, I captain of Troop II, is lauding her lieutenants, Misses McMinn and Jen- f kins. She says tbey are doing their i work willingly and efficiently. Since Miss Bertie Ballard resigned to be , . Scout associate worker, Miss Bill I Aiken has been carrying on work | 1 with Troop I splendidly. She is to be ' J promoted to captaincy. j If friends and relatives of Girl I Scouts are wondering what to give ithem Christmas, why not consult ( troop leaders at once and arrange to get articles that every girl Scout i wants? Tell your friend# that thi-y van 'get The Brevard News, if they hur I ry, for Fifty Cents for one year. | Renewals alto accepted at this rate. NOTICES OF LEGAL INTEREST NOTICE of Sale of Real Estate 0 Under and by virtue of power and 1 lUthority contained in that certain n leed of trust, dated May 11, 1929, and * 'ecorded in Book 24, page 249, of ft Transylvania County Registry, and * ixecuted by S. C. Miller Widower, to c dolman Galloway, Trustee, default ?: laving been made in the payment of * ,he indebtedness secured thereby, * vhereby the entire amount of said in- Jj lebtedness became due and payable " ind demand having been made by the loldcr of said note upon the trustee j named therein to advertise and sel: r ;he property described in said deed b n trust, the undersigned will offer for r sale for cash at public auction at the g Courthouse door in Brevard, Transyl-,1 yania County, N. C. at noon on ( rhursday, December 31. 1931, the! following described real estate : i 3 BEGINNING on a rock on top of ; I Piney Ridge in the Silversteen line P and runs down the meanders of Piney i ' Ridge south 42 east 50 poles to a 1 spanish oak on said Ridge, thence south 84 east 102 poles to a stake in < G. W. Banther line thence north 1 ! east 38 poles to a set up rock in Sil- ; 1 versteen line. Thence north 84 west i with Silversteen line 140 to the be- i ginning containfng 30% acres. < This the 28 day of November, 1931 I COLMAN GALLOWAY, Trustee s TERMS OF SALE? Cash '] PLACE OF SALE ? Courthouse door, s Brevard, N. C. TIME OF SALE? Noon Thursday, ? ; December 31, 1931. 1 4tc Dec 3,10,17,24. , NOTICE of Foreclosure Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale contained in that certain Deed in Trust from D. P. Kilpatrick < and his wife, Lula Kilpatrick to J. E. Frazier, Trustee, (the undersigned : having been appointed substitute Trustee) said Deed in Trust bearing date of October the 14th, 1927, and registered in Book No. 17 on Page 256 of the Record of Deeds in Trust for Transylvania County, securing certain indebtedness therein named and default having been made in the payment of said indebtedness; Now, Therefore, the undersigned will on Monday, Dec. the 28th, 1931, at 12 o'clock M. at the Court House door in the Town of Brevard, N. C., offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash the following des cribed property to-wit: BEGINNING on a stake on the South bank of the King's Mill Tinsley road 150 feet South 68 degrees East from the original corner, running the same course 50 feet to a stake ; thence South 25 degrees West 90 feet to a stake;thence North 68 degrees West 50 feet to a stake; thence North 25 degrees East 90 feet to the Beginning corner. Proceeds of said sale to be applied upon said indebtedness, cost of sale, etc. j This the 27th day of November, 1931. D. L. English, Trustee , 4tc B&L 3,10,17,24 NOTICE of Sale of Real Estate Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by a certain Deed of Trust executed to the First National Company of Durham, Incorporated, and the Un ion Trust Company of Maryland, Trustee, on the first day of June, 1928, by M. A. Mull and wife, Het tie E. Mull, on the lands herein de scribed, said Deed of Trust being re corded in Book 22, Page 456, in the I ? r iffice of the Register of Deeds of 'ranaylvania County, Nonh Caroli a, the undersigned will, having been o requested by the holder of said ideb tednesa offer for sale, at public uction to the highest bidder for ash at the Courthouse dooi of Tran ylvania County, North Carolina, at welws o'clock Noon on Monday, the wenty first day of December, 1931, he lands described in said Deed of 'rust, to wit: BEGINNING at a stake it nh?> loint of intersection of tlo West aargin of Broad street \itja the outh margin of Jordan at: ek, and ?tfns thence with the said mar. -in of Jordan street, North (w deg. Vest 80 feet to a stake in sik mar gin; thence South 26 deg. V4t 37.5 'eet to a stake; thence SoutKj4 deg. Sast along the center lint of a jarty wall 80 feet to a statin the Vest margin of Broad Street thenc: ^orth 26 deg. East 37.5 fei(to the jlace of BEGINNING. BEING part of there eertfn Iota >f land described in deed fro T. H. shipman et al to M. A. Mul dated :he 25th day of January, 1!8 and -ocorded in Book 60, page 10 of the ?ecords of deeds of Transvania bounty, N. C. The purchaser at the foriosure sale assumes the payment of 1 un said taxes and street assettenth igainst the property. The Union Trust Compa of Maryland having resigned as?rus iee, as in said Deed of Trust >vid sd, the sale is ifting advertist and :onducted by the undersigned. rhis Twelfth day of Novembei?3l . W. (?. Brahman and T. L. Bid, Receivers First National Cnriny of Durham, Incorporated, T tec. 4tc Nov. 19-26 Dec 3-10. //? NOT THE best No, Sir! We do not run the be cafe in the whole worl neither do we serve t. best food in the worl but we do our very best give you the very be food that can be had ai cooked the very best th we can. Good Meals Cooked Right ? AT ? The Canteei Doc Galloway, Prop. THE RIGHT WAY TO TRA\ is*by train. The safest. Most c fortable. Most reliabl*. Costs ] Inquire of Ticket Agents regarc grtttty. reduced fares for short ?r SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYST: ? A GIFT OF FINE JEWELRY IS A GIFT FOREVER To a woman, the most precious Gift of all. To a man, a token revealing the lasting sentiment of the giver. Nothing can better solve your gift problem, who ever the person of your regard than a gift from our store", Just a few suggestions are here: Watches? $1.00 and up to $fi0.00. Gents Chains ? Yellow, green or white gold, $1.25 to $8.50. Silverware? $1.00 and up to $35.00. Brooches ? and Bar Pins to suit your fancy and pocketbook. Pen and Pencil Sets ? Pens $1.25 and up; Pencils 50c and up ? Sets $2.75 and up. Lots of different colors Cuff Links ? 25c- to $15.00. Kodaks ? A real Camera for 75c and others up to S.'W.OO. Rings ? Over 300 for you to select from. Clocks ? 95c up to $?0.00. Lapel Buttons ? Everybody these days is a Mason, Odd Fellow, K. of P., "unior Order, Woodman or K.K.K. We've buttons for all. Mesh Bags, Vanities, Belt Buckles, Scarf Pins, Toilet Articles Here you get real values that will last a life time that can be left for the next generations. FRANK D.CLEMENT The Hallmark Jeweler CLEMSON THEATRE BUILDING

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