Dear Santa' CUus : I am a little boy six years old, and I want you to bring me please, a pistol and fcome caps to shoot in the [ pistol and a little .wagon and please bring me some candy too. Lawrence Ray Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a wagon and a pistol and some caps to shoot in the pistol and please bring me some candy. I am a little boy six years old. Clyde Ray Dear Santa Claus: I am writing you a letter, hoping that you will bring me some candy, apples oranges, nuts and a football. Your little friend, Ernest Orr Dear Santa: Please bring me a wagon and some boots, No. 10, and a cap and some candy . Now, please don't forget. Good bye Billie Bracken J Dear Santa Claus: Will you please bring me a 26 cent doll and a cart and a pair of boots and a pair of over shoes, and a pair of beads, and some candy and some oranges and some bananas. And that is all. ' From Gladys Dear Santa Claus: I am ten years old and I wish you I would please bring me a sewing box, | a rubber ball, some candy and j oranges. Lovingly Lavina Grey Penrose Dear Santa Claus: I am two and one half years old and I want a rubber ball, three ap ples and some candy and oranges. Lovingly yours Junior Grey Penrose Dear Santa Ciaus: I wish you would bring me a cap pistol and some caps and a rubber ball and some candy and oranges. Lovingly Roland Grey Penrose Dear Santa Claus: I would like for you to send me a pair of roller skates for Christmas and some candy, nuts, oranges, ap ples, bananas and candy. From Williemae Norris Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me some candy, apples and oranges and nuts. From your best friend R. Orr Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me some candy. app". ' and oranges and nuts. Your best friend B. On Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a pretty sleepy doll for Christmas. Yours truly. Hattie Sue Aiken Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a pretty sleepy doll for Christmas. Yours truly, Willie Mae Aiken Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a football for Christmas. Yours truly . Edgar Aiken Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me great big doll and some candy and nuts. Well must say good bye. Betty Jane Bracken Dear Santa Claus: Will you please bring mc a little gun for Christmas. Jimmie Orr. Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a tricycle and some candy and nuts. Please bring little Jeanie a baby doll. I'll try to be a good boy. Joseph Erwin Mason. Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a big doll for Christmas. Sue Orr. Dear Santa : I will write you a few lines to let you know what I would like to have for Christmas. Most of all I had rirttrer-havc a ball, a top, and lots of candy. And I will come to see you Thursday^ Best wishes, Davis Barton Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a train, wagon, dump tractor and an aeroplane, and please bring my little sister a baby doll. Bring, if your please, me and Miss Ethel a pony. I will be a good boy. Thank you lots. Always, "Skeets." Dear Santa Claus: I saw in The Brevard News where yau wanted all the little children to come to Brevard and see you and those that could not come to write you a letter telling what they want ed. I want a little doll and doll blanket, and clothes for the doll. I ?want a little toy wrist watch, a pair of beads, a little girls belt and a pair of hose and a story book and a small fcox of candy, oranges, bananas, and nuts and some balloons. I will be very proud if you will Mad them to me, if you please. I for I got to ask for a ball, but I wish for one. I will thank you very much. .J From a little girl, Virgie Thomas Lake Toxaway. i Dear Santa Claus: i I would like for you to send or | bring me a toy pistol and candy and oranges and nuts of all kinds and a ' ball and some balloons and bananas, i 'From a little boy 6 years old, who j wants you to visit him. Roy Odell jLake Toxaway [Dear Santa Claus: j I'm writing you a letter for my ; self and baby brother. I'm five years | old and he is two. I want you to bring me a little car and a big ball. And Baby wants a red wagon and a big [ball, and some candy and nuts. From your two little boys, Harold and Harry Owens Dear Santa Claus: Please send me a little red wag- j on, a little tiny truck and a stocking j full of nuts and candy and oranges. [ I will not write for anything else this year. Good bye. From Daniel Vick Dear Santa Claus: Please send me a little doll with a , pink dress and a little pair of pink i socks and a pair of black shoes, a lit- j tie bell around its neck, that will be 1 Jail. I From Gladys Vick ? mm.. r , ,, 111 Dear Santa Ctaus: I would like for you to Bend or bring me a watch, a knife, a harp, and a i>anjo, candy and oranges, nuts of all kinds and bananas. From a little boy, Ruf us Odell > Lake Toxaway. Dear Santa Claus: Please gring me a doll and a tea set and a book and a string of beads and a book and a doll carriage. Your friend, Gladys Jenkins \ Dear Santa Claus; I am writing to tell you what I want for Christmas. I want a doll and a box of water colorB. Much love to you Elsie Nathlee Fowler ! Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a raincoat and a | rainhat and a ring, and a little trunk. ; Don't forget my little brother. Love J Leona LeMay My dear Old Santa Claus. Will you please bring me a doll. I am a little girl three years old. Yours truly, Margrette Wilson Dear Santa: Christmas is coming and will you come and see me. I am eleven years of age and I want you to bring me a scarf and a book to read and a fort une tell game. Be sure to came and. see me, Santa Claus. With love Margaret Gallimore Dear Santa: Will you bring me a doll for Christ mas? A book of Mother Goose Rhy mes and a blue tam and a game. I am a good girl five years old. ? Be Bure and come. 1 With love Nellie Gallimore Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me something for Christmas. I am a little girl, nine J years old and I want a doll, a book satchel and a red tam. Be sure and bring them all. With love Maud Gallimor* i Dear Santa Claus : Please bring me coat and a hat. II will thank you. From Loraine Owens | Dear Santa: Plese' bring us each a toy. Just: some small ones. Mildred Bailey Billie Bailey Ages 3 and 7 Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a pair of stockings and a car and boots and doll and a set of dishes and shoes and support ers, please. From little Mary Jane Mackey Dear. Santa. Claus:'' , ? Please bring me a few things tot Christmas. I want a cap pistol and a gun and a football end anything else. Please bring me some oranges nuts and candy. I Your little friend, Carrol Cunningham , Dear Santa Claus: How are you getting along? I am a little boy. I want you to bring me a football and a bicycle. Your friend, George Osteen Dear Santa Claus: | I like the candy that you gave a way Dec. 3. Our teacher let us eat it ( in school. I thak you very much for the candy. I want you to bring me some candy and oranges, nuts and a sleepy doll. With love Mamie Reynolds j Dear Mr. Santa Claus: Please send me some candy and nuts, oranges and two french harps ' and two pair of stockings and two I dolls that cry and sleep. Willie Jeter ! Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a doll and tea set j and some candy. I am a little girl four years old. Blanche Ray J Dear Santa Claus: We are three little brothers writing t? you hoping you will remember us. For we want some candy, apples, orangsa, nuts and a pair of stockings, a piece. Dear Santa, please don't forget as. Your little friends, Ponl, Jryance and Robert Orr Dear Santa Claua: Please bring me doll and a little wagon and some candy. I am two years old. Foster Ray Dear Santa Claus: I am writing you a letter for you to bring me some candy, oranges, nuts and a football and some stock ings, for if you don't I will not have nothing. . Your little friend Charle? Orr, Jr. Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a doll for Christ mas. I am eleven years old. ? Helen Orr Dear Santa Claus: I am glad you are living. Please bring me a doll that talks, and a set of dishes and a set of pans and a set of pots and spoons and a kitchen cabinet and a pair of glasses and a book and a box of candy and a stove. Please bring me a big doll. From Helen Johnson TRY OUR WANT ADS, itmrnA IT IS NOT the cost of the gift, but the thought that lies behind the giving that warms the cockles of the heart on Christmas morning. Then, instead of some short-lived trinket, how much nicer to give something that will bring solace and delight for many days after the Christmas tree is gone; until the New Year is on its way. For the cigarette smoker, man or woman, of course give Camels. A blend of choice Turkish and mild, sun-ripened Domestic tobaccos, they sure kept fresh and prime by the Camel Humidor Pack, with their natural moisture unimpaired by 'parching or toasting. In appropriate holiday wrapping, Camels come both in attractive Christmas cartons containing ten packages of twenty and in cartons containing four boxes of fifty each. For the man who smokes a pipe, we Buggest either a pound tin or one of those crystal glass humidors of good old PRINCE ALBERT. Here is a present that goes straight as a Christmas carol to a man's heart; P. A., the best loved pipe tobacco in the world, all dressed for the occasion in bright Christmas costume. What gift can you think of that wiUbe. _ more welcome or give more genuine pleasure and satisfaction? ? Don't you hope someone will thick of such a friendly gift for yon? We wish you Merry Christmas I rAre you Listenin'?" R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY'S COAST-TO-COAST BADIO PROGRAMS CAMEL QUARTER HOTO, Morton Downey, Tony Wons,and Camel Orchestra, direction Jacques Renard, every night except Sunday, Columbia Broadcasting System PRIXCE ALBERT QUARTER HOUR, Alice Joy, "Old Hunch," and Prince Albert Orchestra, direction Paul Van Loan, every night except Sunday, N.B.C. Red Network See radio page of local newspaper for time GIVE ^Camels' and >RINGE 'Albert Bo J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Win?ton-8aUm? JV. C. ? Wl, R. J. Reynolds Tob??Co Company >