RiftES OPERATING . BREVARD BATTERY Fix* man Hayes, for a number of years owner and operator of the Hayes Motor company, doing a gen eral, auto repair business in Rosman, has , taken over the business and plant of the Brevard Battery com pany on West Main street, and as sumed control of the business Mon day. . Mr. Hayes will do a general auto mobile repair business in his new plate, catering to the public in all lines of the work, from the smallest to the largest jobs in overhauling and rebuilding. With an adequate battery and ignition ' department the new concern is advertising in this week's News that they are pre pared for any emergency or chronic ailments peculiar to the anatomy of any part of any automobile. Willard batteries and a complete line of standard accessories and parts will be carried in stock at all times. Associated with Mr. Hayes in the Brevard garage will be Austin Hog sed, who will be in charge of repairs, and "Pete," who is one of the polit est and most efficient colored men in iown. Mr. Hayes will continue to op erate his business in Rosman, he an nounces. I Blantyre Breezes i ! Mr. and Mrs. Clannie Justus and *ons, Bruce and Jack, spent Christ mas with Mrs. Justus' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Miiford Morgan at Etowah. Mr. and Mrs. Otho Scott and children visited Mr. and Mrs. John Reed one day last wiik. Obarleg Nesbit has been on the sic? list. iW' Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Kilpatrick and ion, Donald, Mrs. H. 6ray and son, Maiger, of East Flat Rock visited Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Duncan recently. Misses Belle end Sadie Reed spent the Christmas holidays at their home here. ' Miss Ruby Hamilton jfisited Mrs. Otho Scott Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. Carpenter of Hend *iaonville have been spending .some time with Mrs. Capenter's mother, Mrs. Jones. Miss Margret Gash of Montreat is jpending the holidays with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gash. Mi?. Belle 'Reed spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Otho Scott. Howard Setzer of Asheville visited at the home <pf Mr. and Mrs. John Reed during the holidays. We are glad to hear that Mr. Jones' foot, which was hurt recently, items to be improving. Mrs. VV. K. Duncan called on Mrs. John Reed Saturday. Mrs. T. Justus and Mrs. Clannie Justus were shopping in Henderson ville last Thursday. Raymond Reed, Miss Mary Ellen Reed and Jewel Reed visited Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Duncan and little grand daughter, Celeste, last Thursday tvening. Mi and Mrs. J. T. Justus had as their guests Saturday night, uncle Pink Fletcher, Messrs. Raymond and Ralph Reed, (toward Setzer and Misses Belle, Sadie and Mary Ellen Reed. . 't Mr. and Mrs. Otho Scott and child ren spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Justus. Mrs. Otho Scott, Miss Mary Ellen Reed, Messrs Grady Justus, Otho Scott, Raymond and Ralph Reed met at the home of Air. and Mrs. J. T. Justus and enjoyed some singing last Sunday afternoon. Bi'I I hear Jack has a new baby. Bob -What show is she in? ICS "THIS LITTLE PIG WENT TO MARKET" and brought his raiser a lot of hard cash. OF COURSE He Was Fattened on Purina I "" n VHITIULY ' Tl*0i Hour A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYBODY IS OUR WISH! , and Feed & Seed Company t . 100-lb Purina Pig Chow $2.25 100-lb Pur. Hog Protena 2.05 100-lb Purina Lay Chow. .2.00 100-lb C. S. Meal 1.05 100-lb C. S. Hulls 50 24-lb Wheat Blossom flour 55c 24-1 b Plantation flour . . . 59c 24-lb Mothers Bread flour 69c 10 Cakes Octagon Soap . . 25c 100-lb Crushed Corn .... 75c j[ Local and Personal Items Miss Ruby McKinney spent the Christmas holidays with her parents j at Mills River. Misses Kathlene and Ruby Hawk ns of Gastonia spent the Christmas holidays with Elizabeth and Vernie Whitmire. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Whitmire had as their guest/ Sunday, Mr. Neal Hawkins and Mr. Joe Hoke of Gast onia. .> Mrs. G. F. Gallimore spent Christ mas day at Mills River with her sisters. ? Miss Bertie Ballard has been visit ing friends in . Greenville, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Rube- Lewis of Asheville were Brevard -visitors last week. ; ' .Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Verdery,. Jr., and son, John Albert,, have returned ;o Charlotte after visiting for . sev eral days in Brevard. ? John Hudson of Washington, D. C., ;pent Christmas with his family here. William and Edwards Breese of Memphis, Tenn., spent the Christmas iiolidayo with their parents, Mr. and VIrs. W, E. Breese.. Duncan MacDougald and Jerry Jerome were business visitors in Asheville Monday. Frank Duckworth spent his Christ mas holidays With his parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. W. H. Duckworth. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Breese of Raleigh were Christmas guests of Mr. Breese's sister, Mrs. J. M. Allison. , Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Emmerson left Thursday for their home in Wake Forest after spending the Christmas holidays with Mrs. Emmersor.'s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J, E. Clayton. Miss Rachel Williams has returned o Western Carolina Teachers Col lege after spending the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marcus WHHams. Mr. Claude McKelvey of Fort Humphries, Va., is visiting his grand mother, Mrs. M. S. McKelvey. _ Miss Louise Townsend is visiting her mother, Mrs. Greenwood during r.he Christmas holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Glazener and daughter Martha of Hendersonville and Mrs. Glazener's brother, Mr. McFalls, of Anderson, S. C., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Kitchen, Christmas. Mrs. Walter Cloud is visiting her son and daughter in Washington, D. C. Miss Kathleen Erwin of Washing ton, D. C., is spending the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Erwin. Frank King, who has been ill with a case of flu, is now reported to be on the road to recovery. Will Gash of Pennsylvania is visit :ng with his sister, Miss Annie Jean Gash of Pisgah Forest. Misses Gladys English and Eliza beth Ramseur have returned to Angiers, N. C., to resume their teachi ng duties after spending Christmas holidays with Dr. and Mrs. E. S. English. * Duncan MacDougald of Woodberry chool, Woodberry Forest, Va., is pending several days with his par ents, ?Mv. and Mrs. Duncan Mac Dougald on the Ca:sars Head Road. Mr. and Mrs. Theo Vaughn of ?"lemson spent the week-end with Mr. Vaughn's parents, Rev. and Mrs. A. Vaughn. Henry Carrier of Woodberry school Woodberry Forest, Va., is spending he Christmas holidays with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Carrier. James Waters, Harold Whitmire, uid Harry Clayton were visiting friends in Asheville Monday. Miss Helen Morrow of New York City is spending the Christmas holi days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1;. H. Morrow. Nathan Morris is spending two weeks with his family in Palm Beach, ! Florida. Mr. and Mrs. William Henry and daughter Eliza were visiting in E as Icy, S. C., recently. | ' Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Douglas and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gaines spent Christmas day in Highlands. ! Mrs. T. B. Summey is spending the Christmas holidays with her son I Dick Summey in Greenville, S.C. ; Mr. and Mrs. Cordell Russell and [daughter of Canton, spent the week end as guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Duckworth. | Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Crary and daughter Mary Harris Crary of I Charlotte spent Christmas with Mrs. Crary's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hume Harris. Randall Everett of Washington is spending the holidays with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Everett. R. E. Lawrence of Brevard and ' Canton left Saturday for a two weeks 'visit in Cuba. Mr Lawrence was given this trip by the Pilot Life In i.s 11 ranee Co. of Greensboro. Mrs. Alvin Rockwood, Mrs. Crock et Hendrix and Mrs. Harry Loftis I were shopping in Asheville last week. ; Miss Earleene Poindexter, com mercial teacher in the Brevard In stitute, is spending the Christmas , holidays in Cuba. 1 Mrs. Joe Clayton has returned | from a week's visit with her mother, Mrs. J. W. Allen in Spartanburg. | She was accompanied to Brevard by her brother, David Allen, who is , spending a week in Brevard. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Duckworth and children of Marshall were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Harris during Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Mack McKay and son, Lyda, and Mr. and Mrs. Shydle | of Asheville were the Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Duck , worth. I Mr. and Mrs. Guthrie Kilpatrick ,and son, Billie spent several days in Spartanburg with relatives of Mrs. Kilpatrick. Mrs. Mack Johnson of Macon, Ga., is visiting with her parents during the Christmas holidays. . Mr. and Joe Poole and small son .spent the Christmas holidays in Ben ! son with Mrs. Poole's parents, Mr. land Mrs. Godwin. | James Lumley and Mark Taylor :Orr spent the weekend in Asheville I and Hendersonville with friends and ; relatives. j Ruffin Wilkins was visiting in I Raleigh last week. | Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Short are 'spending the holidays with relatives in Macon, Georgia. I Miss Emma Bagwell and Miss j Virginia, Pauline and Carrie Powell jwere shopping in Asheville, Thurs day. T. H. Shipman of Greensboro ar rived in Brevard Thursday of last week to spend the holidays with his ' family. i Mrs. Frank Galloway anil children of Ro3man spent Christmas Day with j relatives at Rockbcook. Mr. and Mrs. George Snelson mov- I led from the Bagwell apartments to ; j their home on Depot street. | Miss Maggie Owenby spent the ' j Christmas holidays with Mrs. A. O. ' [Kitchen at the Simons Inn. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Batson of Roekbrook spent Christmas Day with their daughter, Mrs. L. E. Bagwell. Ruel Hunt and Bill Erwin were visiting in Asheville, Canton and Hendersonville, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. David Merrill of Pickens, S. C., were visiting friends and relatives in Brevard and Little River during the Christmas holidays. Mrs. Patrick Noble Simons has been engaged as choir contralto of the Trinity church in Asheville. The choir is under the direction of Miss Margaret Smathers, organist and di rector. Mr. and Mrs. James F. Barrett , and daughters Geraldine and Jim-. I ~[ j Pisgah Forest New* ij Well, we're off. The 1932 race is on. I The start ia not a very auspicious j one. The track is heavy and the clouds are hanging low, but it is sim ply a time fot one to show his vim and stamina. The going may get bet- , ter when we reach the. first quarter, . anyhow we will plod aliead. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Burns and I Mrs. Verg Ray were Henderson ville visitors Wednesday. Mr. C. C. Morris of Biltmore spent Christmas day here with his wife and daughter at the home of Mrs. Emma Colburn. , Mrs. George Corn of Forest City was a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Parker. Mrs. Mat Allison of Etowah is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sentell. Mr. Larry Simpson of Greenville spent Friday with Miss Lola Hol lingsworth. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Tipton and children and Mr. L. C. Orr spent the week-end with relatives in Bumsville. Miss Eva Whitmire is visiting her cousin Miss Elizabeth Morris, in Biltmore. Mr. John Halsell Lyday of Penrose mie spent Christmas with their daughter and sister Mrs. R. W. Prid gen in Charlotte, North Carolina. Miss Mordecia Saltz and Mr. W. W. Klugh, Jr., of Lynchburg, Va., spent Sunday with the latter's par ents, Prof, and Mrs. W. W. Klugh, of Clemson College. B. W. Trantham and Jack Tran tham were Asheville visitors Monday. Clifford Monteith spent the Christ mas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Monteith in East Flat Rock. Mrs. J. M. Bracken, of Easley, has returned to her home after a two weeks visit with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. McCall. [ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cooper left j Tuesday for their home in Cahutta, |Ga., after a week's visit with Mrs. [ Cooper's father, Milan Nicholson, j Mr. and Mrs. Preston Taylor of Baltimore, have returned to their home after spending the holidays with Mrs. Taylor's parents, Mr. and iMrs. B. W. Trantham. Misses Eliza Nicholson and Lena Allison have returned to W. C. T. C. to resume their studies after spend ing the holidays in Brevard with friends and relatives . Jack Trantham spent the week-end ! with Ark Rickens, in South Carolina. Paul Ballard of Dacusville, S. C., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. ;H. McCall. | Miss Fanny Morgan of Cherry 1 field, was a Sunday visitor of Mr. j.-nd Mrs. R. H. McCall. Miss Willie Aiken is visiting If rends in Hickory. Miss Mollie Snelson of Asheville, was a week-end visitor in Brevard with her father, T. L. Snelson. Mr. and Mrs. John Cantrell and daughter, Ruth, are visiting in St. Petersburg, Fla. PUPILS HERE ENTER IN SLOGAN CONTEST Members of the Vocational Agri culture classes and Home Economic classes of the Brevard and Rosman High schools will be interested in a new contest sponsored by the Ashe ville Citizen-Times in connection with the "6-10 Year Organized Farm Movement recently organized. The contest is to find a suitable slogan for the Farm Movement. It is needed for publicity and quicker designation in a few words. It is hoped that some boy or girl of the 18 Western counties will supply one best suited. Any boy or girl in Western North Carolina who is a jj^njiber o?. a 4-H club or of n vocational class dealing with the farm or home ec<> nomics is eligible for the prizes. little change in the requirement* Wt* been made in that the use of N C." will not be counted as oneYrf three or less words. To illiwtrate "W. N. C. Organized Farm Move ment" would be counted as only thre^ ; words. As more slogans than one may be entered, the entrants can experi ment and try to make up several of ' varying length. The shorter and snappier they are, the better. | First prize will be the winner's choice of a Jersey or Guernsey heifer calf; second prize a purebred show ' pig of any breed ; and third, 100 baby chicks of any breed, which have been donated by the Farmers' Federation hatcheries at Acton. | The contest will be closed February , 1, 1932. Judges will be announced {later. All suggested slogans should be sent to Bruce Webb, director of pro motion, care The Citizen-Times, !Asheville, North Carolina. | SAMBO'S PHILOSOPHY who has just returned from Okla homa. was a recent caller of his grandfather, Mr. Joe Orr. Paul Kellar has returned to Bre vard after spending the holidays in Asheville with his mother, Mrs. Mabel Kellar. .Mrs, James Carter and children were the dinner guests of Mrs. Cart- 1 er*s sister, Mrs. J. T. Butler at Mills River Saturday. , Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Grey and sons ' spent the week-end with the formers parents at Pleasant Grove. Mrs. A. B. Owen of Brevard spent | Friday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Albert. Mrs. Lee Scruggs and two sons of Boylston spent the week-end with re- . latives in this section. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Homer Marcum and i daughter Lucile spent Christmas day 1 with Mrs. Marcum's parents Mr. and | Mrs. C. E. Campflela. i M!r. and Mrs. McKinley Ross and ' Mr. Rueben Mackey spent the week end with relatives of Mr. and Ross in 1 Ravensford. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boggs of Stanley, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lyday. Mrs. A. L. Morgan and C. L Com were shopping ' in Hendersoijville Thursday H. Hedrick and Henry Sexton made a business trip to Little River Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sentell and family entertained with a bountiful dinner Christmas day. Those enjoy ing the occasion were: Mr. and Mrs. Sam Parker and children, Mr. and ' Mrs. Paul Flersherman and baby of Brevard, Mr. and Mrs. John Parker and children of Silver Creek, Mrs. Annie Corn and daughter of Forest City, Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Parker and children, Mrs. Bell Corn, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Scntcll and daughters.. Miss Fanny Boggs of Asheville, spent Christmas day with her sister Mrs. W. A. Lyday. Mr?- James Carter and children Valry, Roy and Elizabeth wert sup per guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Capps and family last Friday. Mass Lucile Burns was shopping in Hendersonville Thursday. Several children from this section attended the annual free picture show at the Clemson Theatre Christmas morning. Rev. and Mrs. Blythe and children of Pleasant Grove were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Orr and family Friday. <?? Miss Florine Carter has as her guest Miss Doris Butler of Mills River. Mr. Will Gash of Chester, Pa., spent the week-end with Mr. R. L. and Miss Annie J. Gash. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Orr spent Fri day with Mr. and Mre. John Lyday at Penrose. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Stepp and children were Hendersor<Ville visit ors Wednesday. Mr. Rueben Mackey is suffering with a sprained knee, which he re cieved in a recent basket-ball game at Penrose. j " ? un' don 01' Miss done tfll bofe , o' dem baskits pluuil) spun;,' FCI.L ! i I Lawsy Mc. who tls WODI.DIK' be j THANKFUL? Ila heuah-haU, Lawdy!" ECONOMY and SAFETY Are two outstanding factors in FIRESTONE Tire construction. Longevity of life under all conditions have given us the right to claim FIRESTONES are MORE ECONOMICAL than any tire on the market today. FIRESTONE Sentinel Tire 29 x 440 ...$4.75 30 x 450 ... 5.17 28 x 475 . . . 5.98 FIRESTONE ' OJdfield Tire 29 x440 ...$4.98 30 x450... 5.69 28 x 475 . . . 6.65 1 3-PL ATE FIRESTONE Heavy Battery $5.95 And your old Battery Built by a process that is fatented and only found in Fire Stones we can sell you a low priced tire with all the safety factors found in any tire being sold anywhere at any price. ? 4 f- ? McCrary Tire and Battery "WE SAVE YOU MONEY AND SERVE Brevard, N. C.

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