HAlfY QCCASJBN ** Nearly Tw0 Hundred People Gather To Celebrate Com pletion of Highway GREENVILLE IS HOST TO NORTH CAROLINA GROUP tr Highway 284 Becomea This Section's Most Valuable Awet, Leaders Say Brevard-Greenville's New Year's party, held last Friday at Caesar's Head, was pronounced one of the most successful sad Important events in this section's history, as nearly two hundred people gathered to celeorate the completion and opening of the highway connecting Brevard and Greenville. President Jerry Jerome and Chairman Duncan MacDougald, i of the Brevard Charaher of Com- 1 ruerce, have asserted that the event marked a new day in Transylvania county's history, and means more to the advancement of the tourist busi ness in this section than has evtx , been witnessed before. Greenville Chamber of Comme officials and business leaders equally enthusiastic over the op" of the highway, and predict increased business transactions tweeri the two sections. The celebration was held in Ca#- , sar's Head hotel, and Major G. Hev*. ward Mahon, Jr., ? past master injM, 3 art, served as loastroaster. J?jr. I" Frank Pool, professor at Funjykih 1 (Coiitmuod on back page). MOST BUY AUTO TAG / NOW, SAY OFFICIALS? "There is positively i^S ?#xtehsionJ of time for automobile owners to bijjl! their licenses and all pe'rwns operfr?!; ingr cars without licenses or'with ih? ' 1931 tags are violating ?~" geant E. S. Guthrie of the ' Noi Carolina Highway Batrol (fecial here Tuesday, in an interview, with, members of The .Brevard .NewSwJl porting staff. Sergeant Guthrie and H. R. Frym yer were in town Tuesday checking up on cars without licenses and, in discussing the matter, Guthrie said , that though he realized the depres sion existing in the state today, the ' law firmly commanded him to arrest ( and have punished all the violators, j "I realize that many people cannot j buy their tags now, simply because they do not have the money," the ser- j geant said, "however, I do know ? that many people who can buy them are not doing so, for the reason that they are relying upon the other fel low's hard luck to excuse them. "The Highway Patrol will extend leniency to all operators for a few days more and then we will close down upon them strictly," he further said, "and then the owner will have j to buy a license and in addition pay" a large fine." Sergeant Guthrie also said that he | ; desired the car owners of the district |, to realize that the driver of the car j must have the registration card at all , times. Ho announced that if the j driver is halted for some minor detail by a member of the highway patrol, ' they will be requested to show their ? registration card, and unable to do I' so, the owner will be severely prose- j cuted. He suggested that if different j members of a family or a business firm used the same car, that the card | be hidden in the car where only mem- , hers of the family or the customary , drivers could find it. Little Mis EtiJfen Pickelsimer, daughter of Mr. aid' Mrs. C. W. Piceklsimer has decided that she will furnish, the undernourished chil dren of th? Brevard Grammar and Primary grA#*a with lunches on Fri day, January 28, which is her eighth .birthday, celebrating the day iniWe [splendid, maimer, instead of having ? birthday pajty. The litthtejidy's mother, ask ; her recently i^be wanted to %Ave a birthday pafliy arid she' answered in the negative, s^ing thit she thdllgfct it would, Qe much better to furnifeh lunches fa f Uta ?hik Iren who were ih need of fowl ' Prof. J. ?a. Sen* s, was very proud of the ljttje girl's ideas in the mat ter, for the >ehtimeht which she ex pressed in thir instance, if empha sised as sttQngly befell the citizens of Transylvania couity by this spirit of sacrifice, the needy "Would be amply cared for. - : ^ v . V . ? W .It C. CHAIRMAN Heads Su%Comttiittee of 5-10 1 Year Plan Movement far- Farmers & Prof. Julia* A, Glaiener, agricult >1 instrowor in Brevard High ~.iool, and farm leader of Transyl vania county, was appointed chairman of the sub-committee of the Werterh North Carolina 5- ID Year Organized Farm Program aft a meeting heTd in Asheville Monday night. Prof. Glazener heads the imflprtant committee of farm crops, veget^bjes and live stock, one of the three main divisions of the farm movement belrife sponsored in Western Nottfc Carolina by The Asheville Citizen ancf Times. Working with Prof. Glazener' in the organization program are represent atives from the*18 counties in which the movement will be carried on. Plans were, made at the meeting, ( Continued on back page) GALLOWAY WANTS j TO CUT SAURIESj | x j Register of Deeds Jess A. Galloway ; records qn the minutes of the board of county comrissioners show, made a proposition last Monday to take a ten per cent cut in salary, providing all other county officers would do likewise. No action was taken on the proposition by the board, according ; to the minutes. Mr. Galloway's proposition would ; vejult in saving quite a sum of money , to 'the taxpayers of the county, should | all officers agree to put the decreased . salaries into effect. It is not known what attitude other county officials have taken on the matter, or whether , they have been informed of Mr. Gal- j loway's action. The last session of the legislature J effected a ten per cent decrease in the ? salaris of all teachers and school ! officials of the state, but the measure | did not include county officers. . Should Mr. Galloway's proposition' meet favorable action, the county of- ' ficers would tnen be taking the same cut in pay as that made on the teachers through legislative enact ment. Former Bankers and Officials May Know Their Fate by Friday Night; (The Asheville Times) The state supreme court is expected to hand down its opinions in the various Brevard and Transylvania bank cases in the near future. At torneys look for them to be included in the batch due Friday. ? The cases were tried in Transyl vania county superior court in Aug ust and the appeals were argued 1>e for the supreme court last month. Following conviction of the eight bank and county officials, Judge H. Hoyle Sink of Lexington, presiding, sentenced four to the state's prison at Raleigh for from two to five jears, and fined the other four defendants. Thomas H. Shipman, president of the closed Brevard Banking com pany; J. H. Pickelsimer, former chairman of Transylvania county board of commissioners ; C. R. Mc Npely, former county commissioner and county accountant for Transyl vania, ana Ralph Fisher, former county attorney, were given two to five years each in the state's prison and fiHed ?5,000 and costs. Joseph S. Silversteen, chairman of board of directors of the closed Bre vard Banking company, was fined ?5,000 and costs; and three other de fendants ? A. M. White, S. R. Owen, and W. L. Talley, former county commissioners ? were fined $1,000 and costs each. These sentences were imposed fol lowing their conviction for conspir acy to pervert the credit of Transyl 'vania county, while Pickelsimer, | White, Owen, and Talley were also 'convicted of misapplication of the 'county's funds. In this case prayer for judgment was continued upon ! payment of costs. Judge Sink also ] ordered that the defendant Fishes be disbarred from practice of law in 'this state. All the defendants ap ! pealed. , The charges were the outgrowth of a $100, COO note issued by Transyl jvania county on Sept. 13, 1930, the proceeds of which were deposited in the Brevard Banking company. The state contended the note was sold to bolster a tottering bank. J. Will Pless. Jr. solicitor of the eighteenth judicial district, was aid ed by Felix Alley, of Waynesville, in the prosecution of the case, while de fense counsel included Lewis P. Ham lin, D. L. English and W. E. Breese of Brevard, Jones and Ward* Merri mon, Adams and Adams, and John son, Smathers and Rollins, of Ashe ville. The transcript of record, filed with (Continued on "back pa<+e) ? '.vV Announcement ?u made late Wed nesday, by officials of the Piftgah MSB that Mr. W. C. Bobo, forjnerly of " Judson Mills in Greenville, and of the best known mill men of South, had been plaeed in charge the Pisgah Mill here as general man ager arid one of its principal officeri - Mr. B. E. Geer, president <rf ? thd mill, and associates were in Br-'?""-* Wednesday afternoon, when, said, plans were fleeted for plaej ing Mr. Bobo in Charge of the plantf and for resuming operations of thf mill within the next few days. Thf mill has been closed down for Beverajj weeks. < chMmmIOsot ROAD WORK DONE i IN NORTH CAROLINA School Bus Routes Given First Attention by the State Force NEARLY FIVE THOUSAND PRISONERS BEING USBDj State Assumed Full Control of j All State and County Roads July 1 {By E. B. JEFFRESS) . Chairman, State Highway Commission Raleigh, Jar. 6? Outstanding velopment in highway work in " Carolina during 1931 was the over on July 1 of all the co roads, and all of the pails ?i* jvhcwe terms were 60 dayrjor m ? _ and the inauguration of a program of maintaining the 67,000 miles of state and county roads in North Carolina out of revenue derived from automobile registration and gasoline taxes. North Carolina was the first state to expand its highway organization to include all of the roads, and to prohibit levying of any taxes on real ami personal property for road work. Other states are watching the prog ress of the North Carolina program with indications that it will be fol lowed by some of the other states shortly. To do this job of maintenance the general assembly, after providing for debt service requirements of about $8,000,000, set aside $10,000,000 for state and county road maintenance i work, and then appropriated a sur-| plus for construction purposes. Federal Aid Funds In other words,' maintenance ofl state and county roads was placed | ahead of new construction due to j more than $5,000,000 federal aid ! funds, of which $1,920,000 was emer- 1 gency federal aid not required to be I matched, being used by the highway commission to construct roads and bridges at a cost of ?8,400,000. Dur ing 1932, unless there is another emergency fund from the federal j government, the construction pro gram will, of course, be very largely (Continued on back page ) . Mr. Bobo trill move to Bievard at joftcc,' it: ia aaidf and his many Green ville friends have stated to The Bre vard News that Mr. Bobo will be a it addition to the community aa citizea of Brevard. Mr. Geer stated it Mr. Bobo b a spfendid citizen Md a man of wide experience in both the management of industry and in merchandiser the products of the mill The Pisgah Mills employs about people and its resumption of ac tivity here wilt mean a tremendous lot to the community. , Announcement of actual date of will be made soon. WELL TELLS OF SOCO GAP ENTRANCE TO NATIONAL FOREST Importance of Highway 284 la Stressed ? Need for Pav* ' ing Pisgah Road r f . . 00 MILES FROM BREVARD TO VERY HEART OlP PARK Completion of Brevard-Green % ville Link Only Firs it Step ? In the Work ( Editor Seawell, of Waynesville, writtng in The Sunday Citucenr \ Times, gives important informa tion as to the real mev.nimg to tkia territory of Highway No. 284, and points out the naceseary work to be done on the Western end of this grebt route. Follow m^Jng ? the .statement in, full.) r " With the completion of the South | Carolina link in the interstate high iway from Greenville to Brej'ard, road enthusiasts in Western North Caro lina are turning to the ta jk of im j proving that portion of State High iway No. 284 from Brevard across a I portion of the Pisgah National For est to the top of M,ount Pisgah where ?the Haywood county line is met. j From the top to Waynesville the road ;is already hard surfaced and in good ; shape. I But the task of improving the link : from Brevard to the top of Pisgah is not the most important link in I this road. The movement on foot jto build a road from Waynesville to Cherokee by way of Soco Gap is the most important step in road con struction that now demands the at tention of Western North Carolina leaders. The tremendous commercial advantages of the road just paved j from Greenville, S. C., to the North I Carolina line near Brevard, opening! up a new market for the products : of a vast expanse of mountain coun- j try, sinks into insignificance in com- j parison with the value of this road as a highway from the South into the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Only the building that link of a few miles in Haywood county, which will give access to the park; at Soco gap, remains to be accom- , ( Continued on page four) CONDITION BETTER AS TO EMPLOYMENT Farm Labor, Women Workers Constitute Bulk of Unemployed Raleigh, Jan. 6. ? Unemployment conditions were better in the State on January 1 than on last September 1, although 13 per cent, or 148,347 persons out of the 1,141,129 normally employed were out of work at the start of the year, an estimate made by the State Department of Labor shows. An estimate September 1 placed the number of unemployed at 178,016. Another January 1, 1931, placed the number at 70,596, and U. S. Census figures for April 1, 1930, showed 44,122 unemployed. Of eight classifications, agricult ural wage earners showed a greater increase in unemployment, partly seasonal, from 7 to 24.7 per cent; factory worker# had increased from 13 to 19.5 per cent unemployed, while bujlding apd construction,, common laborers and domestics decreased in number unemployed; mechanical trades about held their own and busi ness, clerical and professional, and all other unclassified trades showed con siderable improvement. Of the un employed, 32 per cent are women, who comprise 40 per cent of the unemploy ed factory workers, 44 per cent of business, clerical and professional workers, and 90 per cent of the do mestic servant!, k\ '? v .yr- y BETTING 2 TO 1 THAT DANIELS COMES IN Raleigh Editor BelieVed To Be Ready to Enter Govern orship Race Raleigh, Jan. 6. ? A few two-to-one offers to bet have been made ? and covered ? that Josephus Daniels will be a candidate for Governor this year. This may not be an indication of the general view. The known bets of this nature are few and small, but it does show how some Raleigh folks feel. While many believe Mr. Daniels would prefer having A. D. MacLean, Beaufert county representative, as a candidate, they doubt that Mr. Mac Lean will be forced into the race, and feel that Mr. Daniels, if he does en ter, will do so because Mr. MacLean will not and he finds no candidate in the list to whom he could give whole hearted support. Kinston folks are trying to help show him his "duty" to run, taking up his statement to the Pitt county del egation recently that he would not de lay If he ib shown it is his duty. He gave no satisfaction to Washington reporters, suggesting facetiously that he may be a candidate for President. Whatever he will have to say may ;be expected soco, and his statement i may serve as the spark to set off the dormant b.ut waiting announcements ? of. candidates for other State, district [and county offices. WORK OVER COUNTY [ 2000' Boy* and Girls Go Back to School Work After Two thousand students and 72 j teachers gathered in the Transylvan ia County Schools Monday morning,1 [January 4, to resume their school duties after a 12 day Christmas holi- 1 loth the teachers and pupils have enjoyed ideal Christmas weather and events, the majority of the teachers having spent the holidays in their own homes, in Brevard and other sect ions. Prof. J. B. Jones, County Super intendent and Superintendent of Bre vard Public School is looking for- 1 [ward to an unsualiy successful sem- ' ester's work, and all the teachers and | students ere prepared for four I months of study and work together. I Collegians spending their holidays I in Brevard and Transylvania County with relatives and friends are re-j turning to their prep schools and col- : ! leges this week to their scholastic i ' duties. Transylvania County has j over sixty boys and girls in many of j the larger colleges and universities I of the country. muchYorkdone BY COMMISSIONER Many Matter* of General In-j teres!: Acted Upon by the I Board Monday The Board of County Commission-! ers in regular meeting Monday advised the county officials to trans- ' fer ail county funds from the State ' Trust Co. at Hendersonville where they have been deposited since the ! closing of the Brevard Banking Co. 1 in December, 1930, to the Transylvan- ! ia Trust Co. The Commissioners ap- ! pointed the Transylvania Trust Co. 1 as official depository for all funds of [ Transylvania County. The Board appointed O. L. Erwin, , L. V. Sigmon and A. H. Kizer to audit the tax books of T. E. Patton j for settlement of taxes for year 1930 and meeting ! completed |taxes of 1931 to Sheriff and Taxi , collector. It was deemed advisable by the i Board to have a list of parties which Jare supplied with permanent relief, leach month given to Professor J. B. ! ( Continued on back page) PISGAH FOREST S.S. HAS FINE OFFICIALS ! I j With election of an efficient corps | of officers and teachers last Sunday i the Pisgah Forest Baptist Sunday i School is looking forward to a pros perous and profitable year. [ Officers are as follows: ! D. H. Orr, superintendent; H. L. Souther, assistant superintendent; I Carlos Morris, secretary-treasurer; ' R. E. Mackey, choir leader, and Miss j Dorothy Souther, organist. ' Teachers in the school are: R. E. Mackey, ladies class; Charles Orr,, j men's class; W. A. Lyday, young i men's class; Mrs. Alcova McCall, young ladies' class; Mrs. Duncan,' Intermediate girls; Henry Mackcy, 'Intermediate boys; Miss Dorothy Souther, junior girls; Mrs. H. 0. 1 Parker, junior boys; Mrs. C. E. [Campfield, children's class; Mrs. Belle Corn, beginners. Sunday School is held each Sunday ( morning at ten o'clock. A large and loyal enrollment is reported by offi cers of the school. TRANSYLVANIA CO. ADOPTS FARM PLAN AND NAMESIEABERS J. A. Gluenef aM& Mr*. Bate* Pattoo Selected To Head Two Group* Here URGES EMPLOYMENT OF A FARM AGENT To Develop Greater U*e ef I Lime-? Many Deposits In Transylvania County | Much enthusiasm was shoevinthc 6-10 Year Plan being advocated by The Asheville Citizen and Times by members of the Transylvania Farm Committee which held it initial meet ing at the court house last Saturday afternoon. Lady members of the committee who attended the meeting entered in to the general round table discussioa of the movement which was was led by Prof. J. F. Corbin of Bosnian, and Prof. J. A. Glazener of Brevard. Business men of the town who were iqvited guests at the meeting also entered into the discussion, and every angle of the question was thoroughly gone over from all vtewpoints. Unanimous vote of the committee members to adopt the plan for Tran sylvania, was followed oy the election of general working chairmen. Prof. Glazener was chosen general chair man for the men's organization, while Mrs. Bates Patton of Davidson River, was selected by the ladies. These chairmen with the committee members will have charge of the gen eral organization program. Decision was made to hold a mass meeting of all fanners, farm ladies and business men of the county at an early date, at which time the plan will be gone over and a county-wida organization perfected. Local precinot organizations will in all probability follow' the general organization, with each community having a working organization. Date for the mass meet ' _ (Continued, on back pane) BANK STATEMENT SHOWS BIG GROWTH Officers and directors of the Transylvania Trust company, in mak ing their first statement of condition, express genuine pleasure in the splendid showing made by the bank. The statement shows deposits of $92,225,55, at the close of business on December 31. The bank opened for business on November 24, and the fact that deposits have climbed U? the great figure shown in the state ment in little more than 30 days speaks volumes for the support being given the new institution. The bank now has total resource* of .$117,233.92, with only $2,710 loan ed out. H. B. Kelly is president of the institution, while S. R. Joines is vice president. M. B. McDaniel is cashier and in active charge of the - bank. The di lectors are, in addition to the officers, as follows: J. H. Pickelsimer, H. A. Plummer, C. R. McNeely, Lewis P. Hamlin, Judson McCrary, Jos. S. Silversteen. Otto Alexander. Frank D. Clement and A. H. Houston. Deposits to be made by the county of Transylvania, in accordance with action taken by the board of count', commissioners last Monday, will adil a considerable sum to the deposit item. Among the resources listed the largest item is that of State of North Carolina bonds, which the statement shows to be $55,000, and $4,175 in United States government securities, and cash on hand and due from banks, $46,212.37. The bank is capi talized at $25,000. I Miss Kern Sets Forth Imperative Need :0f Transylvania County Welfare Board j The County Welfare work, under ithe able direction of Miss Florence (Kern, is supplying many families ' of the county with food and clothing. j j During the past week many needy ' i families have applied to Miss Kern' for assistance and after investigating j the cases carefully she has given them the necessities of life accord- j ing to their condition and need of im- ! mediate attention. Office of the Welfare board, where) all applications for help are received ? is located four doors below The News I office, and Miss Kern may be found I there from one until four o'clock each afternoon. Miss Kern stated Tuesday that J. S. Silversteen and the B. & B. Feed company have rendered very valu able services to the work. Mr. Silver steen donated a large quantity of wood to be distributed among the families who have no fuel. The cash valuation of the wood has been es timated at over $50. Six unemployed men worked one week to cut the wood. The B. & B. store ground the corn given by citizens of the county, into aeal , "We have received many caHs .1 Mmm . s.,. P ? : ? for children's clothing, especially shoes for children between the ages of 6 and 15," Miss Kern said. "We do not have any shoes for women or children at present and many children are being kept out of school for lack of proper apparel. This should be given immediate attention." Miss Kern is confident that thi? appeal will bring many pairs of shoes and a quantity of coats and dresses to be used in the work. Vegetables are needed at this time, Miss Kern said, for a large number of families. Cabbage, turnips and po tatoes will be gladly accepted and used where the need is greatest. Citizens of Transylvania county are urged to enter into this work with spirit. Leaders in the welfara work urge each individual to give freely of any food or clothing they mayo have, though it may call for ? little sacrifice in so doing. Some fam ilies in itht county are in desperate straits for food. Any person bavin* j something that can be used in tUft '.vork is urged to take it to the We lfare office on News Arcade, and Miaa jKem will see that it is placed wher* lit will. do the most good.

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