Rosman Section of The Brevard News\ MRS. CLAUDS ?LAZENER, Editor PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Glazener visit . ad Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gurley of Brevard Saturday night. Miss Hazel Moore spent Wednesday might as guest of Misses Helen and Inez Summey. Elmo McCall, of Pickens, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCall. He was ac companied back to Pickens by his father and brother, Blake. Jess A. Galloway was the Sunday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Glazener. Louis Summey spent last week *nd with -John Edward Holler, in Brevard. Jess A. Galloway and Chief of Poti|oe Frcemaqf, of Brevard, were Rosraan visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Barnes, of Biltmore, visited Mrs. Claude Glaze ner Thursday Mrs. C. F. Kobinson is in a serious ?tondition in the Haywood County Hospital at Waynesville. Mrs. Robin son is the daughter of Mr. Ed Har bin of Calvert. Mr. A. M. Paxton, Sr., returned last Wednesday morning from a ho1 ;"s. Harbin had been an invalid for six years. She was eightv-three vears M. . Mrs. Tat't Owen of Cherryfield spent the week end with her parents. 5V1'- and Mrs. Marion Glazener. Hubert Eden and Charlie Batson visited H. I'. Chappell Saturday. Mrs. Edd. Harbin, of Calvert, visited Mr. and Mrs. Marion Glazener Sunday. Mrs. Prince Cannon is very ill at her home, and is expected to be re moved to he hospital at once. Mrs. Leland Gillespie, \yho has been OFFICERS CAPTURE STILL , IN EAST FORK SECTION A forty-five gallon sheet iron still was captured in the East Fork sec tion on Tuesday of last week. Along with the still were also destroyed five fifty-gallon barrels of beer. Officers making the raid were Chief of Police Bill Stroup, Constable Welch Gallo way, and Prohibition Officer Jim Dishman. in the Six Mile hospitl, is improving. B. B. White and son, Boyce, and Allen White attended the funeral of Mrs. Martha E. Harbin at Canton Sunday. I Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fisher and family were Saturday night and Sun day guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. ' Fisher. Miss Laura Bishop, of Cedar Mountain, was the guest of Mtes Belle Fisher Saturday. Miss Sylvia Huggins, of Cherryfield, spent Thursday night as guest of Mrs. Freeman Hayes. The district singing convention will be held next Sunday, January 17, at Mt. Moriah Baptist Church, Calvert. Charlie Batson was an Old Toxa way visitor Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Galloway and family were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Fisher. Sirs Freeman Hayes and son, Billie, were guests of Mrs. Eli Huggins Tuesday of last week. Roy and Wash Fisher were Sun day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Glazener. Mrs. H. P. Whitmire, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Glazener, Mrs. E. A. Glazener, Miss Mary Whitmire, Mrs. Freeman Hayes, and son, Billie. and Mrs. H. G. Stophel attended the funeral services of Mrs. I. C. Kennon at Pisgah Forest, Friday. Archie Whitmire spent Tuesday night as the guest of his aunt, Mr. E. A. Glazener. Prof. G. C. Bush, E. A. Glazener, Oscar Barrette and Claude Glazener attended the funeral of Mr. Bush's brother, John Bush, at Lenoir Thurs day. The party returned home Friday evening. AJiss Elsie Maxwell, of San Ber nardino, Calif., who has been visiting her aunt and grandmother at Calvert, is now spending a few weeks with relatives in Durham, N. C. E. A. Glazener and daughter, Fave, and son, Claude, visited Mr. and Mrs. Carr Whitmire and family at Bilt more Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hudson and small daughter, Eva, are spending a few days with Mrs. Hudson's father, Mr. L. E. Masters. The Rev. and Mrs. C. J. Eldridge and family spent Saturday night as ROSMAN DEFEATS INSTITUTE ? The Rosman High school basket ball quintet defeated the Brevard Institute ?team on the Rosman court! Friday afternoon by the score of 24 to 17. The game was a very closely j contested battle. B. I. led at the end of the first half, the score being 10-9. | In the second half the Rosman boys made a flashy comeback, winning by a decisive score. The lineup: .Rosman, 24 Pos. B. Institute, 17 |Whitmire, 7 ....F White, 5 iGlazener, 4 F Lebby, 1 I R. Eldridge, 10 . . C Mitchell, 4 |D. Eldridge, 10.. G Dumas, 2 Pangle, 1 C M. Dumas, 5 i i FOUND j Found, on highway 28 between M. E. parsonage and State garage, man's Ucarf. Owne_r may have same by call ling at home of Rev. C. J. Eldridge [and describing article.1 the guests of Mr. and Mrs. doers, at Cashiers. They were Sunday din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Zachary. Mr. Eldridge filled his reg ular appointment Saturday night and Sunday at Cashiers Baptist church. Charlie Moss, who has been very ill for some time, is slowly improv ing. V'asco and Carrol Manly were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Staton. Mrs. Robert Zachary, of Hender sonville, who is spending some time here with her mother, Mrs. L. M. Watkins, made a business trip to Hendersonville Monday. Uncle Clate Aiken, of Shoal Creek, visited Charlie Moss and family Sunday. Miss Dollie Masters, of the East Fork section, made a business trip to Hendersonville last week. The Rev. J. E. Burt filled his first regular appointment at Glady Branch church Sunday, spending Sunday night as the guest of Mrs. G. F. Gal limore of that section. , Miss Betty Nelson returned home I Sunday, after a weeks visit as the 1 guest of her sister, Mrs. Callaham, of j Greenville, S. C. Mrs. Ellis Galloway and son, Cecil, i were Saturday visitors of Mr. and 'Mrs. Edwin Staton. Mrs. Galloway remaining until Sunday and was ac companied to her home in Old Toxa , way by Mr. Staton. i Jack Gunter, Gertha Watkins and Brodus Henderson were visitors to Brevard Saturday evening. Dr. Heller, of Senica, S. C., visited I Charlie Moss Friday. 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Woodall and daughter, Katheleen, of Greenville, WITH THE COUNTY'S COLORED PEOPLE By J. M. HARRIS CHURCHES \ Our churches are beginning the New Year with the hope of increas ing attendance in Sunday Schools and prayer meetings. All of our col ored people are being urged to attend the church services. I The task of Christianizing our people is one of great importance ? ? Teaching people to be Christ-like. This work is being carried on in six [churches in the county. SCHOOLS ? Our Schools should be the great in ' stitutions for awakening of the minds 'of our young people to creative inde pendence and ability. Our people | should be taught to think, work and 'save their money. We have three pub lic schools in this county where this is being done. Parents are urged to keep their children in school. ROLAND HAYES TO BE IN ASHEV1LLE Roland Hayes, the greatest Negro j singer in the world, will appear in a (concert at Asheville, March 7. COLORED PEOPLE MOURN ROSENWALD'S DEATH Colored people all over the South ; mourn the death of the great philan thropist, Julius Rosenwald. He was I the sponsor of the Rosenwald schools (among the colored people. MAYOR'S COURT ! Ed Wilson, trespass. Ton dollars I fine and costs of action. Walter Townsend, trespass. Ten [dollars fine and costs of action. Di j fendant takes appeal. 1 | S. C., spent Sunday as the guests of |Mr. and Mrs. Yando Morgan and ! family. Mr. and Mrs. Memory Mull and j daughter, Viola, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Morrison. | Mr. and Mrs. Grover Woodard and ! family visited Mrs. Woodard's par ients, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Reid, at (Quebec, Sunday. J Mrs. M. C. Summeral substituted i for W. B. Henderson in the Selica 'school last week, during Mr. Hender ' son's illness. j Mrs. Arthur Wilson and brother, jFurman Henderson, were Laurens, ' S. C., visitors Monday. ? Braxton White, small son of Mr. land Mrs. J. E. White, who has been | ill for several days, is much improved, j Eddie Towns and Nathan Passmore jwere Quebec visitors Saturday. Try a Ad for that article ill \yonr home for which you no longer | hare any axe ? most everybody in the ? Comity read The Ncics Want A ds. THE PRAYER CORNER ( From, the Files of Long Ago) A CALL TO REDEDICA TION TO JESUS CHRIST IN LIFE AND SERVICE Is it not fitting, dear friends, at the beginning of this New year to re dedicate ourselves to Jesus Christ in Life and Service? by 1. Confession of Christ openly before men as Lord and Savior. "Not only ivith our lips, but in our lives" I 2. Understanding better the mind [of Christ through daily bible reading. ! "That I may know Him and the | power of His Resurrection." 3. Regular daily, individual and family prayers. "Lord teach m to pray." 4. Seeking strength for service through worship and Sacrament. I "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. " I 5. Active service by every member i of the church. "Laborers together u>ith God." 6. Developing a deeper sense of in- , dividual responsibility for bringing others to Christ. "He first findeth his own brother." I "He briught him to Christ." 7. Earnest effort to combat world liriess by more consistent practice of the Christian life. "What do ye more than the others?" 1 A PRAYER FOR REDEDICA TION TO JESUS CHRIST IN LIFE AND SERVICE ? Almighty God, our Heavenly Fath er, whose Son Jesus Christ came to cast fire upon the earth, crant that, I by the prayers of Thy faithful people, a fire of burning zeal may be ? kindled and pass from heart to heart,, I that the light of Thy church may jshine forth bright and clear through the same Thy Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen. A PRAYER FOR SELF DEDICATION 0 Lord. My Savior, I am not ; worthy that Thou shouldst come j under my roof; yet Thout hast hon ored Thy servant by calling him into fellowship with Thee in the salvation of mankind. To Thee and to Thy service I here dedicate my soul and body, beseeching , Thee, that Thou wilt enable me to live | a sober, righteous and godly life in which resolution, do Thou, O Blessed ? Lord, confirm and strengthen me, that as I grow in grace and Know | ledge of Thy will, I may also increase '?in usefulness in Thy service and win ! some souls for Thee, whom with the Father and the Holy Ghost, I seek to love and glorify. Amen. C. D. C. 11 ant Ads are the very cheapest mid the best advertising for the little \it(ms for sale. m BREVARD ALLEVMEN DOWN ASHEVQJiANS Rev. A. L. Vaughn led the Brevard rollers here in a spirited bowling ten pin tournament on the H. and T. Recreation alleys with the Asheville team Wednesday night, January 6, when the Brevard team defeated the Asheville bowlers, 1595 to 1464. Hall was high man for Asheville. Score for Wednesday's game. Brevard Bean 98. .101. .106. .305 Croushorn 101.. 8-5.. 120.. 306 Jerome 91. .105. .110. .306 Bridges 122.. 117.. 98.. 337 Vaughn 106. . 132. . 103. .341 Total. . . . 1595 Asheville Matthews 91.. 83.. 94.. 268 E. J. Griset .... 93. .109. .100. .302 Hall 104.. 125.. 10a. .337 Gilbert 94.. 97.. 86T.280 A. Griset 110.. 92.. 75V. 277 Total 1464 LET US DO YOUR JOB PRINTING 666 666 Liquid or Tablets used internally and 666 Salve externally, make a complete and effective treatment for Colds. $5,000 in Cash Prizes Ask Your Druggist for Particulars 4 Good Food, Cooked RIGHT. Service that is un excelled in a n y n cafe any where,? a n d a welcome that is genuine. Good Meals Cooked Right ? AT ? The Canteen Doc Galloway, Prop. i fi PLUMMER'S BIGGEST and BEST I January CLEARANCE Sale I BEGINS FRIDAY JANUARY 15th & CONTINUES UNTIL FEBRUARY 1st f| We h.ive just finished taking stock and find hundreds of short lots, odd sizes, remnants and broken lots of m er as chandise. n accordance with our expressed policy of not carrying over merchandise from season to season, m we have lo . track of the cost price in marking these goods down in our January Clearance Sale. In Spite r-; the Depression PLUMMER'S SOLD More goods in 1931 than 1930 ? There's a reason for this. PRICES ARE LOWER at PLUMMER'S Sheep Lined COATS Men's Sheep Lined Leather ette Coats ? WYrth $6.98, Clearance Sale Price - $4.98 EA. EXTRA SPECIAL 1 lot Men's Suits, odd si/.os, Griffon and Society Brand, worth up to $35.00, notv at $12.50 EA. Men's Suede SHIRTS Men's heavy Airman Suede Shirts ? worth $2.00 each. Clearance Sale Price $1.48 EA. Boys' OVERALLS Extra heavy Boys' 220 Wt. i Denim Overalls Clearance Sale Price t 49c PR. Men's OVERALLS Men's heavy Blue Denim Overalls, Genuine 220 Wt. Denim ? Clearance Price 599 PR. EXTRA SPECIAL 1 table Men's and Ladies' Bradley Sweaters, worth up to $10.00 each ? now at $3.88 EA. Anvil OVERALLS ANVIL Brand Overalls for Men Clearance Sale Price S8C PR. | . m-; ? . ? v- ?? -r: SHEETING Yard Wide Heavy Quality Unbleached Sheeting i! Clearance Sale Price cc YD. Sale of Men's Pants A fortunate purchase of Men's Trousers enables us to include in this Sale the best values ever of fered in Transylvania County. We have grouped these Pants in three groups: GROUP No. 1 Men's Dress Pants, worth $2.00 pair ? Clearance price GROUP No. 2 Men's Wool Cassimere and gray mixed Pants, worth up to $3.50 $125 $1.98 GROUP No. 3 Men's ?4.00 and $5.00 Pants ? (?9 JJQ Clearance price REMNANTS One table Remnants of Silks, Cottons | Rayons, Flannels and etc. OKE-HAIF price 9-4 SHEETING 9-4 Unbleached Sheeting Full 81 inches wide Clearance Sale Price 22c YD. OIL CLOTH New Styles in Best Grade Oil Cloth Clearance Sale Price 19c YD. BLANKETS Extra quality, Full Size, Double Blankets. $1.75 val. Clearance Sale Price 98c PR. $4.S8 EA. srt:, i i i ii ?in f i LADIES' COATS One lot of Ladies Coats, Fur Trimmed. Values in this lot up to $25.00 ? selling at LADIES' COATS One lot of Ladies Coats values up to $10.00. $2.98 EA. SILKS Upon taking stock we found hundreds of yards of Silks ? values up to $2.00 yard. In The Clearance Sale at 98c YD. 40-inch SATINS One lot of Baronet Satins ? Values up to ?1.00 yard. Clearance Sale Price 39c YD. Wool DRESS Goods Five pieces of 54-inch All Wool Coating Tweeds ? Priced $1.50 yard ? now at 98c YD. R'S DEPARTMENT store