Jenkins. Guests present included Misse3 Rose Schacner, Mary Osborne Wil kinsh, Roberta Bryant and Me3sra. I'au! and Robert Kollar, David Price, Langdon English, Barnard Schachner Joe Schachner, Edgar Loftis, Harold Duckworth, Weilt Duckworth, Wal ter Clayton, Edward Clayton, Donald Jenkins, Mack Allison, Richard Aik en, Jack Aiken, Ralph Galloway, Sandy MeL?od, Charles Mull, Nathan McMinn, Mark Taylor Orr, Ralph Harni-s and John PickeUijner. Kefreshmeifs of punch and cakes J were served bf the young hostess dur- ' ing the evening. ' < MRS. PUETTE CELEBRATES > SEVENTY-SEVENTH < BIRTHDAY i Mrs. W. J. Puette ielebrated her I seventy-seventh birthday, Sunday at 1 the home of her daughter, Rev. Mrs. ^ C. p. McFee. of Marion, N. C., with i a birthday dinner. Tho dinner guests included Rev. and Mrs. C. B. McFee and daughter, Miss Es'a McFee. of Marion, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith, Mr. and Mr?. Will C. Hunt and children, Edward and Miss Sue, of Brevard. i * 1 1-? i. birthday dinner: and Miss Eva McFee t assisted with the serving. v The honoree received may lovely t rthday gifts. ? iV v Mr< McFce was hostess for the i G U IJCK-TRA N TflAM j ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Announcment of the engagement of Miss Annabel Gulick, of Oklahoma City, Okla., tnd Mr. Anthony j Trantham, of Brevard, la of Snuch In- 1 terest in tho two communities. The wedding will take place on Saturday, March 5, in the Oklahoma city. Miss Gulick is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Gulick, of Oklahoma City, and made many friends ir. Brevard during her extended visit last summer with her sister, Mrs. J. F. Winton, and Super intendent Winton, of Brevard Instit ute. j Mr. Trantham, oldest son of Mr. , and Mrs. B. W. Trantham, is popular j among a wide circle of friends in j Brevard. He has been connected with I'ne Plummer c tympany department ] store in Brevard for a number of ? years. 1 1 The young couple will reside on < Maple street where they will be at j homo to their friends after March 8. ; |] JUNIOR BOYS ELECT |1 OFFICE! 'S 1 1 it Sunday morning when the Sunday i School classes of the Brevard Metho- t list Church convened, the Junior j x>ys, taught by Jack Trantham, mot n a business session and elected 1 jfficera, ; 1 Billy Nicholson was chosen Presi- ! lent and Oliver Orr, Jr., Secretary- 1 Treasurer. These two officers have s nade out their routine schedules for 1 .he curreni year and they have 1 ilready launched several plans, I vhereby they ^xpect to get many new nembers for their class. BREVARD CHURCHWOMEN j OBSERVE WORLD DAY OF PRAYER ' e The annual World Day of Prayer v jrogram which is held over the er- j ire world was conducted at the Bre- ! 2 ?ard Presbyterian church Friday j ifternoon, February 12, with ladies , ?epresenting all the churches of Bre- a ard participating. The program j Public Utilities Co* "ELECTRICITY? THE SERVANT IN THE HOME" Day 'Phone 116; Night 'Phone 16 3 E. Main St. BREVARD, N. C. 95 c down -- balance ^ per month and One Dollar Allowance for Your Old Iron In this wonderful iron the heat is automatically . . . .always. . . .at exactly any temperature you desire. If interrupted while using this iron you have noth ing to worry about. When you return to your ironing your iron will be just exactly the same heat as when you left it. No burned ironing board. Take advantage of this liberal offer now. Bring or send in your old iron and get your new one or phone us and we will deliver. New and automatic! Get a brand -new n Beauty automatic electric iron the best iron made theme fcr this your wb*5 "Hold Past In Prayer." The name program is used b? ail churches on Worid Dsy of Prayer snd the 1S82 program was prepared by Miss Helen Tupper of Isabella Thoburn College, Lucknow, India. Ladies taking part in the program were: Leader, Mrs. 0. L. EfWin; Mrs. B. F. Beasley, Sirs. Dr. J F. Zachnry, Mrs. A. H. Kizer, Mrs E. W. Blythe, Mrs. l)r. Roy Long, Rev. Mrs. Paul Hartielly Mrs. Frank Jenk ins, Mrs. Julian Grazener, Mrs. 0. H. Orr, Mrs. T. P. Ward, Rev. R. L. Alexender, Mrs. T, H. Shipman and: Mrs. Mtack Allison, Miss Lillian j Jenkins provided the music for the: afternoon's program. ENJOYABLE BIRTHDAY PARTY Miss Polly Hartsell, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Paul Hartsell celebrat ed her 13th birthday Saturday even ing, February 13th with a theatre party at the Clemson theatre. The young gueste met at their Hostess home at seven o'clock and .vent in a group to the theatre where :hey enjoyed the screen version of D'Henry's popular story, "The Cisco Kid." At the conclusion of the picture! Wis* Hartsell invited the guests tc ier hc-me where they enjoyed delight- j 'ul refreshments and a number of in- i evesting games. Refreshments served ?epresented the ever popular Vaien- j ? ine and later music the guests en oyed several musical selections. The guests Included : Misses Ora \ lolt Long, Catherine English, Caro- j i yn Kilpatrick, Dorothy Everett, : ( tf alha Thsrp, Anita Galloway, Betty : ] joftis, Mary Aiken. Dorothy Sch-j ichner, Mildred Galloway, Lucy Gat- ; , oway, Ruth Fulton, Henry Erwin, | Svonne Robinson and Haze! Mae i , fills. | WEDNESDA Y BOOK CLUB POSTPONES TREE PLANTING PROGRAM The Wednesday Book club postpon- j d its tree planting program which : . /os to have been held on Tuesday, 1 j ^eb. 16. until Wednesday, February . , 14. on account of the bad weather . irevailing on the former date. ( The tree planting program reads is follows: Song ? America. "Ballads cf Trees and the Master" ?Mrs. J. S. Silversteen. The Tree Planting, Song ? "Trees" by Girl Scouts of ?roop No. 2. Trombone Solo ? "Star Spangled ' banner," by Donald Lee Moore. "Allegiance tc the Flag.' 1 The program will begin at '1 clock Wednesday afternoon on the,1 Ugh School grounds. The public is j ordially invited to attend. Regular meeting of the Wednesday j lub was held Tuesday, February 16, i t the home of Mrs. Hinton McLeod, ! i'ith fifteen members present. Trans- > ction of business occupied the major i I ,t of the meeting. if Next meeting of the club will be i leld at the home of Mrs. J. M. Alii- , 1 on on Wednesday, February 24. METHODIST WOMEN TO MEET THURSDAY The Woman's Missionary Society'* f the Brevard Methodist church will l tieet in regular session at the ladies'; arlor of the church, Thursday after- 1 loon at 3:30 o'clock. This meeting will be held priinar- - ly fof' the discussion of business mat. | ' ers, and it is expected that many im- ;1 portant phases of the society's work | re to be discussed. 1 1 i DISTRICT DEl'UTY GRAND MATROX VISITS EASTERN ji STAR i\lis. Minnie K. Lewis, of Asheville, ^ listvict deputy grand matron of | he Eastern Star. Pisgah Chapter 'J8. met in the Ma-onic Hall Tues- j lay evening for her official visit to he chapter. Mrs. Lewis instructed the chapter in the work of the Eastern Star and j he discussed the Efficiency Test of 00 questions wich the members are j o study. Members of the organization will neet with Mrs. A. H. Houston at her some, 121 Maple street, for the pur >ose of studying these question next, fuesday evening. i At the conclusion of the meeting, Mrs. C. O. - Robinson and Mrs. C. M. , Douglas were hostesses to a delight- i ul social hour, serving enjoyable re- j 'reshments, suggestive of Valentines. ; SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS PRESENTS PLAY Last Sunday morning the members >f the Young People's Department of ,he Baptist Sunday School enjoyed a nost unusual program, given by the jleaners Class. The program was in ;he form of a play, which was based in the Sunday School lesson, and vritten by two members of the class, N'elle Duckworth and Clara Garren. Each girl in the play acted her part ivetl and proved her ability. At the conclusion of the play, a duet was sung by Louise Gillespie and Thelma Johnson. The Gleaners, under the direction jf Mrs. Paul Hartsell, are to be com mended for the s*plendid work that they are doing. MISS MYRTLE BARN ETTE HOSTES TO BUSINESS WOMEN'S CLUB The Business and Professional Wo men' club held an interesting meet ing Monday evening at which time they discussed plans for the observ ance of National Business and Pro fessional Women' Week. Mrs. Flax A. Lawrence, vice pres ident, presided in the absence of Mrs. Lodema Robertson, president. Plans were perfected for the joint meeting which the ladies will hold with the Brevard Kiwanis club ? on Thursday, March 10. National Business and Professional Women's week is the second week in March from Monday, 7 through Sat urday, 12. Thc ro?mbw> .ef club have boc/i invited tit Attend k ban? gu?t at tlw Battery Purk Hotel cn Monday, Marcis 7, to begin Observ ance of the w? k act aside for th*tr programs. The -club adopted a resolution in re gard to making all captains and lieu tenants of the Giri Scout troc$? &jos orary members of the club. Wow be coining honorary .members by the rss- ! oiution include: Mrs. Int. Rustin, Miss Willie Aiken, Miss. Ethel Mft Minn and Mi 3s Lillian Jenkins. Miss Myrtle Barnette *vas hostess to the club, and at the conclusion of the program she served refresh- 1 ments, carrying the Valentine idea, j BLANCHE BARRUS CIRCLE ! MEETS WITH MRS. RAMSEY The Blanche Barrus Circle of the' Baptist church met with Mrs. Ralph! Ramsey, Tuesday afternoon with ten members present. In the absence of the chairman, Mrs. Rcy Long, Mrs. Ramsey pre-; sided. Topic of the afternoon's program,! taken from the first chapter of Dr. ! Gili's bock on "Europe and the Gos-r pel" was discussed by Mrs. Ramsey, j program leader. Mrs. Ramsey explained that before 1 1872 the Southern Baptists had not done any material work in the Eu- 1 ropean countries. In 1872 cn Italian j mission was founded in Italy andjj this was supported by the Southern i Baptists during trying times, though ? no ether projects were undertaken j until after the World War. Following, Lhe World War, missions were found- j 2d in Spain, Hungary, Jugo SJavie, ? Rumania, and (Ukraine. |] At the conclusion of the program i a social hour was enjoyed and the . ' hostess served delightful refresh- ' ments. j 1 BAPTIST T. E. L. CLASS HOLDS REG ULAR MEETING j ; 1 ( The T, E. L. class of the Baptist | . shurch met in the church parlor for j its regular meeting Tuesday after-:. ,iocn. Six members of the organiz- ' xtior were present to participate in j ? :he discussion of business matters ? ijertaining to the work and plans of I, :he class for the current year. I MR. AND MRS. SM AT HERS TO . CELEBRATE WEDDING ANNIVERSARY A large number of friends of Mr. < ?nd Mrs. Paul Smathers have re ceived invitations to attend their j nineteenth wedding anniversary eel- : ' ?bration which will be held at their j / inme on Franklin street, Friday eve-j ling. j, r.-r. ASSOCIATION TO ji MEET FRIDAY ;< The Parent-Teacher association will | neet at the Elementary School build- j ' ng Friday afternoon for its regular 1 1 session instead of Monday afternoon. ' n order not to conflict with the D. A. ] J. program. 't he program planned for the meet- ( ing includes the following numbers: h Patriotic songs, by organization; Pi-, mo duet, March Militaire, by Miss |i 3ra Holt Long and Miss Dorothy Ev- j irett ; George Washington play andii ninuet by Miss Willie Aiken's third j ' ;rade pupils. j 1 Albert Payne had his tonsils re- H moved by Dr. G. B. Lynch at his home \ Wednesday. He is recuperating rapid- ! y. i Mrs. James Siniard, who has been real sick for the last, three weeks, is ' improving. Mrs. (Jluck of Ashcville, is spend- I ;ng several days this week as guest 1 ?f Mrs. W. H. Duckworth. Kalph Barnes ol'BtalI*rfordtoivN? C.. U vUittng, friends ter# stk we*Sk. Mrs. L. B. 3s?n9? of BmSmo a? grille w*s * visitor here Saadty. Mrs. C. H.'Trowbri