mwm BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, FEBRUARY 25, 1932 ?UME XXXVII ;OUNTY SCHOOLS TO IN FULL 8 MONTHS Chairman, with Emphasis, Says T- Nothing Shall Stop Schools PAYS HIGH TRIBUTE TO TEACHERS OF COUNTY i Sets at Rest Coursing Ri.v.uors A, That SchooS V'ould End with 6-Months Term "TransyWania comity's schools will complete taeir scheduled eight months j term, no matter who tries to say j otherwise," said J. M. Galloway, ; chairman of the school board, Tues- J day, when he was asked concerning ; the rumors that have been coursing; the rounds that local schools would j probably be closed at the expiration : of the state operated six months; term. 1 .1 The State will pay for approxi- : niately three weeks of the extended . term, according to Mr. Galloway,! leaving only five weeks to bo financed by local taxpayers. "We'll* get the i money sonu where with which to operate the live remaining weeks not taken care of by the state appropri ation,'' the school man said, "and if i we should happen to have to be a ? tittle lax in our payment of teachers for the last part of the period, our loyal teachers would go right on giv ing the same kind of devoted service that they have been giving all the while and trust us to pay thern. Of this I'm certain, for a large number of them have told me so." Air. Galloway was proud of the loy alty expressed by the teachers with whom he had talked recently, all of whom Were of one accord that there should be no let up on account of the possible shortage of funds. While the board is hoping that there will be r.o shortage of funds, the school board members are proud of the fact that if there should be a shortage, the schools will complete the required amount of work to enable pupils of ? the high schools to obtain ? state credits. _ ?at!; CHARLES S. DUNN IS I GIVEN promotion; I Charles S. Dunn whose appoint- 1 ment as assistant chief Ranger of the Great Smoky Mountains National parks was announced in Washington two weeks ago has. taken up his duties j at his Gatlinburg, Tenn., headquart-j ers. j Mr. Dunn served for several years as Ranger of the Pisgah National ! Forest and during his work there, his headquarters were located at Pisgah] Forest, lie was succeeded by Ranger j Duncan, who now has charge of this ; district of the forest. Mr. Dunn was appo 1 n t e d a j national park ranger August 1, 1931, j in which capacity he served until he ; took over his duties as assistant Chief Ranger, of Feb. 15. Mr. Dunn spent 17 years in the United States Forest service before becoming as sociated with the National park ser vice. MRS, C. W. PICKELSIMER CHAIRMAN FOR WORK Mrs. Charles Pickelsimer has been appointed chairman of the committee to furnish lunches for the under nourished children of the Brevard Elementary school during the week of March 7 through 11. The "week's schedule reads: Mon day, Mrs. T. B. Reid and Miss Gar-j nett Lyday; Tuesday, Mrs. John' Maxwell; Wednesday, Mrs. P< W. . Jenks; Thursday, Mrs. Crockett-' Uendrix; and Friday, Airs.'- A. H. Houston and Mrs. C. 0. Robinson. HON. JOHN H. SMALL Seeking Repeal of tlve National Prohibition i.rws REPEALED COMING FOR MEETING HERE Anti-Prohibitionists Arc To Be Heard In the County Court House Hon. John H. Small, of Washing ton, D. C.. will address, the citizens of Transylvania county Thursday, March 3. in the court house on the 18th Amendment. Mr. Small is a native of Washing ton, North Carolina, and resided there until 1921. and it is still his legal residence : he is a lawyer by profession; he is a Democrat in poli tics; he is a Methodist; he represent ed the First Congressional District of North Carolina in Congress, and served for twenty-two years, from March 1899 to 1921: he was a mem ber of Congress during the agitation ? for, and when thfi vote was taken in 1918 on the resolution for the 18th Amendment, and was one of the few Southern members who voted against it; since 1921 he has maintained a law oifice in Washington, D. C., but J has kept his legal residence in North Carolina. Mrs. Lucile C. Mclnturff, Ashe villo attorney and vice chairman and publicity chairman of the Women's Organization for National Prohibi tion reform will make a short talk, following that of Mr. Small directed to the women of this county. She will be remembered here as the fea ture organist of the Famous Players Theatre corporation, and also as fea ture organist of W. W. N. C. radio station at Asheville. Mrs._MclnturfF is a practicing ftjtwpe^ .and :i_mem bcr of" "the" iiuncombe county bar. HOW TO FAIL IN BUSINESS The Mellette County News pub lishes the following excellent set of directions on how to fail in business: "A trade publication points out that according to Bradstreet's re port for 1930, 95 per cent of all business failures were non-adver tisers. One does not hesitate a minute about insuring his home or place of business, but how about the business itself? The success ful business man is the one who ?goes after business; the failure is the ene who sits around and waits for business to come to him. Bradstreet's percentage shows that the going business man is an advertiser." MEMBERS OF COMMITTEE INVITED TO MANSION Raleigh, Feb. 24. ? Governor and Mrs. Gardner have issued invitations to the 120 members of the State Democratic Executive Committee meeting in Raleigh March 1 to fix tfie State convention date and place, to a buffet, supper at the Mansion. ^ One Third of States Schools Will Close At' End of Six Months Term k ? Raleigh, Feb. 24.? North Carolina's tchools are in much better shape than average of thapjates and near top the na eapecially the lis State operated term, Dr. ien, Staje superintendent of _ ^ Bteicfion, . .states, adding there may be soihe trouble in continuing the extended term, but eveu ra those he estimates that morel han two-thirds of the schools of the State will have their usual extended terms. Dr. Allen had been sent a marked copy of an Arkansas paper contain.-' rng a report of a*survey, now about two weeks old, which showed that 7.25 of, the more than 3,000 schools in Ar-.j ka.nsas had closed, after operating an ' average of 3.9 months this year, as ^ ^Kmparcd with 6.5 months last year. SKre . closing involved 30,855 pupils, out of the State's enrollment of f!6,000. '/Morp thar. one-third of the achers are not being paid prompt it was stated.';' . ' - ' While aome of the people of North Carolina are asking that the public schools be 'dosed at the end of the six months and not try to operate ? - during the extended term, Dr. Allen expresses the belief that more than, one-third will be able to pay out by the time the extended term closes, more than another third will continue to operate with the tax money in sight and pay teachers when it is collected later in the year, while less than a third will not attempt to con tinue after six months, due to the economic condition. "When the people have an oppor tunity to speak, they usually show that they are strong for continuing the schools whenever possible," Dr. Alien said. He had just received a [letter advising that a backward and reactionary community in Ruther ford county had voted a 30-cent levy for the extended term in the district. The registration was 491, of which 308 voted for and 132 against the levy, the -letter showed. "This is the first time in the his tory of Rutherford county that any part of thia territory haa way. vot?,] any tax and la lay JwSgaCnt is o? encouraging iadkatMn of the sefceol oplrit fn Rutherford poun^;''- Supt Clyde A. Erw'i wrote. C. iff. Siniard Talks Interestingly of Nuggets cf Gold Found Near Brevard i ? f Iii the shadows of Sugar Loafj i Mountain, which is located Wss than I one mile from the center of Brevard,' i a group of men were bathing in thq: wacus of French Broad river. As < the last rays of an afternoon aun cast , its warm intimate rays into theii*J coo! secluded pool, one of the bathers ] divee beneath the water into the cull green depths below. His companions waited quietly until! ; several moments later, he arose to the-/ surface, a struggling fish in his i hands. The swimmer, who was they late Perry Wilson, shiok his fceaiPi triumphantly and cast the gleaming; prize upon the sandy bank of the' river. In a moment, another swimmer ' I cleft the waters of the river and dove , deep into it, for he too was seeking j to wrest a prize from its depths. Of minute passed, two, and still the diver j had not appeared. Three minutes; - and the glistening head of the la!: jCapt. Billy Wilson arose to the sur-T face of the water at the further -jnc! j I of the p x>l. Wiih a few swift clean j I strokes in the water, he joined his I companions and as they stood to jgether upon the bank of the river, he | slowly opened the palm of his hand ?to reveal whatever prize he had i found. Hij friends were astounded ar.O I COWARDLY TO ROB I SCHOOL CHILDREN i i : j Writer Says Many People Can Think Only of Cutting I School Costs i i i j (% MRS. IF. C. GRAVELY) I The Brevard News of two weeks , ago carried an article that was read with much interest. As the writer \ seemed to think there should be some sort of response will venture to ex press a few of our thoughts provided < the News force doesn't think it would 1 make good waste basket material. ' We really thought that some one < 'more gifted as a writer than we arc,' i would express some views on the sub- ! , ject in last week's paper. And too, we couldn't help but look for the writer i of the mentioned article to be mek- ' ing a public apology to the school chil- 1 dren of Transylvania county. Well no '? doubt we all have thoughts we'd just ( Continued on pane eight) FARMERS MAYgeT" ! LOAI^JJP TO $400 ' Henniger Visits Brevard *aTCaw Confers with Glazener ] and Others I I I R. W. Kenniger, executive secre- \ , tary of Governor Gardner's counsel | on Unemployment and Relief address-! ied members of the Transylvania Wei-! 'fare Board Thursday morning of last j week in the office of Prof. J. B. ' j Jones. Members of the local board ^ I present included: Chairman A. H. : I Kizer, Julian Glazener, J. S Silver j steen, 0. L. Erwin, H. A, Plummer, j [Ralph Ramsey, Jerry Jerome, and ! Miss Florence Kern. | Mr. Henniger explained the Feder- j :al Farm Loan plan which is being | jofferod throughout the nation. He said j | that a committee of three was ap pointed in each county by the state ! , I leaders in the movement, the commit- ( I tee including a banker, business man, jand the county agent or vocational I agriculture instructor. To receive this loan, the applicant must have farmed last year. If he \ has 20 or more acres of farm land the maximum loan will be $400, the ! scale ranging upward according to the size of the farm. The loan to be ! paid after the crops are sold. Mr. Henniger agreed to confer with authorities in regard to a plan sug gested by Prof. J. A. Gl&zenej. Mr. Glazener suggested that farmers who found a large surplus of corn on their ' hands in the fall of the year be given , a loan from the government with, which to buy pigs. He could fatten ; i the pigs on his surplus corn end in ; | that way get profitable returns from j I his corn crop. Mr. Henniger explained the value j; of a home garden and he said that j i plans were being made whereby the ! : gardener could get seed and fertiliz- j i er through the lean plan. He said!1 that the people who are usually ji helped by the welfare boards should : be helped to help themselves. i Mr. Henniger was enthusiastic in I regard to the community gardens ! ] which are located in other places near ' i mills, tanneries and factories. The : i company furnishes the land, then it j < is divided into plots, with a plot folh each family according to its size. ] Miss Pearl Weaver, one of the ] : MiT workers of Governor Gardner's 1: unemployment commission, was pres- ; ent fot the meeting and she said that ; shgwoald return at an early date to l the mnagers and owners , of 'the mills, manufacturing in- i dustrws in the ecuatyin. an effjwrt t6 'imcowcf* "Hie community gnrdon | plots. :ompictely lost in admiration when they saw that his hand held a gleam ing nugget of gold. Capt. Wilson sent this nugget -to a famous mineralogist for examination anil it was luier sold for $75.0t>. According to C. M. Siniard, who re lated this interesting story to a rep l'l. _ru; uvo of the Brevard News, thi was one of the first evidences that gold might be found in the section near Sugar Loaf Mountain. Mr. Siniard, a native of Transyl vania county, is very familiar with its history and he -incci'oly declared that h" believed Sugar Loaf Moun tain to hold a fortune of gold, worthy of operation. Years ago, Mr. Siniard said, j samples of ore were taken from j Sugr.r Loaf and examined by skiile j mineralogist, who declared the yel- 1 low substmce to be gold and ir. j medium quantities. Efforts were mad* I at that time by Mr. Siniard and the j late Transylvania citizens, T. L. Clark and Dr. E. W. Blythe to lease the property and mine the gold. How ever, the property ow ners refuse .1 to I have their fields, cow pastures and j forest lands torn up and the idea was 1 abaniloneu. Butn Ou.vtc e;m u- ! Biythe hed specimens of the ore an ( Continued on page eight) mm ELIMINATE : POLITICS IN COUNTY; Suggests Division o f County Offices ? Supports the County Schools : (By E. Ii. HAMILTON) j San, Calif., Feb. 18. ? j tn reply to Mr. Penrose Citizen i tvho says that Mr. Veteran of '18 is i wrong and says, "let the Court house jf jolly good fellows alone," or "give some of them a raise," and take away from the poor kiddies that ; :nn't help themselves. (Now, wouldn't that jar your Granny's preserves) ?* ,T think it would lock -a- -lot better to cut the salaries <x bit first, say 50 per cent. Most every one of the .?ounty officials would sacrifice some thing before they would see the schools stopped; if not there are plenty of home boys who are efficient j (Continued on pane eight) V. F. W. POST BEING i FORMED IN BREVARD | fifteen Veterans Sign Applica-I tion T? Meet | Again ' Application for a charter was made j here Thursday night of last week to , headquarters of tfce Veterans of For- , eign Wars, when fifteen ex-sewice | men, who had seen service in foreign i countries formed the nucleus of the : local post. Another meeting will be j held on Monday night, March 7, at ! the court house, at which time officers i will be elected and the post officially I mustered in by H. H. Morris, sec- I tor commander, department of North j Carolina. G. Frank Woodfin, of Penrose was j selected as temporary commander of , the post, and Noah C. Miller was chosen temporary adjutant. Perma- ; nent post officers will be selected-, at the March 7 meeting. Dr. B. F. Hall, and Mr. Morris, ' state officers of the gold chevrop or- , ganization, were speakers at the j meeting held last week, and explained ; in detail the working of the organiz ation. Immediate work of the V. F. W. is: Pensions for World War wid ows, orphans, unemployed veteran: relief, and immediate cash payment of adjusted compensation certificates with a refund of all interest paid or loans made on the certificates. Appeal was made that all ex-soldiers and interested in their welfare write congressmen and senators at once in regard to this matter, asking , them to vote favorable on the bill for j cash payment of the certificates when j it comes up about March first. "The V. F. W. hRs alwsys been in i favor of. cash payment of the so- s called bonus, and has led the fight j for cash payment, for the past sev- . eral years." Dr. Hall emphasized. "We are determined that this session > af Congress must give serious con-; sideration to immediate cash payment j of the balance due the World Wsr j veterans on their certificates. Un-j less this is done, the average certifi Mte, valued at approximately $1,CG0, but bearing a 50 per cent loan, can only l>e worth &bo:st ?75 in 1945, be ?U3e of interest deduction* "T&Ik is an iss?o that directly ef focta every, man, women and. child ia the county. Primarily, it brings prompt relief cf every veteran and his family, making it possible for the ox-service man to liquidate hi* (tebt? ?ujd "buy the aeeessitfes his fiunfiy lequires, , - "TKe funds .tka? wjH placed; (Continued on page four) ' HAROLD SALTZ : ; * Of Brevard, Winner in Recent Asheville Citizen Contest, SAYS SMALL'S NAME MOST APPROPRIATE Oakland Lady Is Not at AH Pleased with AntS- Pro hibition Work (By MRS. LEE F. NORTON) We noticed in some paper last week that a man by the name of Smaii v>uld speak in Brevard one night scon against prohibition. We think h" his the right name, or we would put it Little, and to the shame of our !>ex. a woman is to have charge of the met; tig. We heard one good man say if ho was fQoiish enough to be pre sent he would want the woman t>> hove a bonnett on for he would not want to see the face of a woman who would be willing to help put saloons back where our boys could just wall in and get the stuff with out any fear of the law. When he mentioned the , saloon it made us think of a clipping we have and we are going to ask the Editor "to give space for it. We want every wife and mother to read an ' keep in mind these lines when any one trys to influence- thorn to vote against prohibition. His tune is thai there is liquor and more liquor all over the country. But it is nothing t campare with what it would be if wo had free liquor and the saloon. The lines that we spoke of are as follows: "THE BAR." (The saloon is sometime-; called a bar. That is true.) A bar to heaven; a door to heli; Whoever named it, named it well. A bar to manliness and wealth, A door to want and broken health. A bar to honor, pride, and fame, A door to sin and grief and shame. , A bar to hope, a bar r.o prayer: A door to darkness and despair. A bar to honored, Useful life; Adoor to brawling, senseless strife. 7ti7i*far" thnt'^,u.iii ani* ki-ave >? A door to every A bar to joys that homo" impSSgnjm A door to tears and aching hearts: A bar to heaven, a door to hell; Whoever named it, named it well. RANDALL LYDAY GIVEN ADDITIONAL HONORS Raleigh, Feb. 24. ? R, J. Lyday. Brevard, is one of the 24 students ai State College, chosen as the outstand ing members of the year's senior class as a member of the college chapter of Phi Kuppa Phi, national honorary scholastic fraternity. Selection of th& seniors was made on the basis of their excellent scholastic records for their three years of completed work and other qualities of character and lead ership. DEMOCRATIC DRIVE STARK AT VICTORY MEETING HELD HERE J. Y. Jordan, Jr., Asheville Lawyer, Delivers Keynote Address REPUBLICANS BLAMED FOR COUNTY'S CONDITION I I Breese Charges Former County Officials Pocketed Pufc Iic'j Money First big guns of the coming I political campaign were fired at the j meeting held Friday night at the I Brevard court house, when J. Y. i Jordan, Jr., of Asheville, in clean cut i speech charged the Republican ad ministration with being responsible | for the era of economic depression, and Wm. E. Breese, chairman of the ! Transylvania County Democratic Ex ecutive committee touched on tho I topics which were taken to be the ibone of contention for the local situa tion. i An .ther Democratic meeting is I scheduled for Friday night of this week at thi' court house, beginning 7:30, at which time the Victory Fund Campaign will be officially launched here. N. A. Miller is chairman of the drive for tht'3 county. 1 Mr. Jordon, a grandson of the lata Rev. F. M. Jordon, long n prominent figure in tho religio is life of Transyl vania, spoke at length on the economic situation existing through out the world, and traced its cause I " the Republican administration's high tariff measures, He traced the Repub lican party's policy of high tariff down through a long period of years from 1 82i?, deciar'-p that afte- cacli Republican admin! "ration with i*s high tariff policies and resultant panics or depressions, that a Demo cratic victory followed and pveoic*' 1 that this would be the case with President Hoover, that there was no 'question in his mind but lhat the -populance of the United States wouldKS turn to the Democratic party as a source of relief from "the hard times brought about by the Republican ad ministration through its mismanage ment of affairs." Declaring that "it was time the Democrats of Transylvania county .woke up and fought." Win, E, who" introduced the sneaker of the evening, scored the Republican ad ministration of county affairs in the (Continued on pane eight) MOTMr BREVARD SPEAKER ' Following a short program by tho (Penrose Girl Scouts on last Friday. I Mrs. Flax Lawrence of Brevard grv-? an address. The speaker had the ; theme of vision in education. That Uu? world is now as always, having plmty p. People are looking said, who has a ahead in spite j of | hi 3 fellow an#?*i*5lEiSI?HwiougBfy (prepared. Her message was a cha? jfenge to any parent to do the best to thu child, and also a challenge to th ? child to ciimb the highest. The Girl Scout program was give '? (under auspices of the Penrose P. T. IA., and was managed by Mrs. In.v 'Rustin, Captain, and Miss Fleets Fweman, Lieutenant. Girls rendering the program were: Beatrice and Hazet Green, N/a Lou Rustin, Mrs. Callie TaHev, Dofothy Alma Tal ley, Edna Blythe, and Martha Coxe. The program showed good prepara tion and presented well the type of work a loyal Scout member, is sup posed to do, Governor Gardner Is Made a Full Fledged Kentucky Colonel In Form Raleigh, Feb. 24. ? Property taxes in North Carolina have been reduced 113,000.000 or 20 per cent of the total, as a result of State mainten ance of county roads avid State op eration of the six months school term, Govenor O. Max Gardner told the members of the Kentucky Legislature last week, at which time he and for mer Governor Harry F. Byrd, or Virginia, were made "'Kentucky COI OI^W Bringing in tho operation of the Locnl Government Act, Governor Gardner said in his speech : "In fact, we have gone a long way toward putting our house in order." He said that out of a fcotai tax bill of about $25,000,000 in North Carolina, real estate pays about 37 1-2 per cent. "Government must listen to heart throes, i?ther than precedents," the Tar Heel Governor told the Ken tucl:ianw, and cut expenditures in line with dried-np revenues, as every gov ernment today is under the closest iwrutfny end "wicasy lies, the hi-sd tb?t v?ear* thv- crown of rrsponsibiL Sty ? the awr*ge- -ic wonder whether -bfc^ewiment' has XK-. not caved in on him- from the top, he said, adding: "A great many people are thinking that we are over-fee at the top; they know we are un<ter-fed at the bottom . . . One of the pri mary reasons why governments con tinue to show increasing deficits and businesses show increasing losses is that our conception of deflation haa not reached a solid basis in fact. We must wipe 1929 off the slate of our minds. It's gone." i Pointing out that government had to fall in line with individuals and business and saw ''the iworne antic ipated from the futuse that know no cftecks and was believed to be en dowed with perpetual and increasing prosperity. W? not only anticipated tbfl future ? we spent it." Showing that government cost 18 rbiUi?n dol lars in 19 29, wheb the nation ei in come waa 29 billions, fovettioirlSar&v RW said that "today we ?t baying nearly 13 buSotB gt. govern ment out Of a social income jjt- tmbi 60 or GS billions. The ? toward the return o i norms l peritjr will have been taken *-Ks& ; nearly eight millkn , unea^lay-vi ?put back to productive* .. nrfd,. fi.rm and jWf'-'ry." * ??*** tL " . ? '*

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