NOTICES Srecloaure of the Power in that- certain a D. P. Kilpatrick 'and wife, to the undersigned Trustee bearing date of March the 8th, 1929, and registered in Book No. 23, on page 48, Record of Deeds in Trust Lpr Transylvania County, N. C-., se Wtying certain indebtedness therein "?Trained, and default having been made iB payment of said indebtedness, . BBkwhereby the Power of Sale contained v in said Deed in Trust has become op erative and the of the note >;> evidencing said iMpJe<!nes3 having requested the una^JSigiied to fore close said deed in Trust and all no required as to said default in payment having been given and said default has not been made good; NOW. THEREFORE, the under signed Trustee will on Saturday, March the 5th. 1932, at 12 o'clock M. at the Court House door in the town of Brevard, N. C., offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash following described real prop erty to-wit: 1 LYING in the Town of Bre vard, N. C., on the South side of Whitmire Street and being described by metes and bounds, both in said Deed in Trust and the record there of, reference being hereby made thereto for the description of said property. The proceeds of said sale to be ap plied upon said indebtedness, cost of sale, etc. ' This the 1st day of February, 1932. D. L. ENGLISH, Trustee. i BB&L Feb ll,18,25,Mar3c j NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE! SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES, State of North Carolina, County of Transylvania. Town of Brevard. versus I SAM THOMAS, IDA THOMAS, J.' F. W. WILLIAMS, and WELCH; GALLOWAY, Trustee, and all other persons claiming any interest in the lands herein described, v Under and by virtue of Interlocu tory Judgment of Sale, by Fore closure, liad in the above entitled cause in the Superior Court of Transylvania County of date Novcm-i ber 23, A. D., 1931, and of order I made therein 11-23-1931; the under-! sijju '! Commissioner will, on Monday, the 2! st day of March, A. D., 1932, at Twelve (12) o'clock M. at the Couvthcuse door in the town of Bre vard, North Carolina, offer for sale at ntiblic auction to the highest bidder for cash that, certain tract or lots or parcol or parcels of land lying and being in Brevard township, Transyl vania county, North Carolina, and more particularly described as fol lows, to wit: ? Lying in Brevard. "Beginning onj a stake in the east margin of a 20 foot street a corner of lots Nos. 26 and 27 and runs with the line of lots 26 and 27, north 36 1-2 deg. east 108 ft. to a stake, corner of lot No. 28,' and 27 ; thence south 59 1-2 deg. east j 50 ft. to a stake corner of lots Nos. : 25 and '20; thence with line of lots j 25 and 26 south 26 1-2 dep. west 113 I ft. to a stake, corner of lots Nos. 25 j and 26; thrnce north 53 1-2 deg. west i 50 ft. to the beginning. Being all of : lot No. 26 of the R .L. Gash sub-' division." Being the same lands described in ^ the pleadings in the above entitled v cause to which reference is made for-) a more complete description of the same. (Sam Thomas). Purpose of sale to satisfy said i In-.. y Judgment of Sale by; Forcclosue, including all penalties, in.J tor _ : 's -rv| expenses of same. < This the ISth day of February, I A. D? 1932. " A. F. MITCHELL, Commissioner, j Appointed by The Court. 4tc Feb.l8,25,Mar3,10 Notice OF FORECLOSURE SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES State of North Carolina, County of Transylvania, j Town of Erevard. versus ANNIE DAVES and IRIS WILKIN SON. and all other persons claim ing any interest in the lands herein, described. Under and by virtue of Interlocu tory Judgment of Sale, by Fore closure^ had in the above entitled cause in the Superior Court of Transylvania County of date Novem ber 23, A. D., 1931, and of order made therein 11-23-1931; the under signed Commissioner will, on Monday, the 21st dav of March, A. D., 1932. at Twelve (12) o'clock M. at the Courthouse door in the town of Bre vard, North Carolina, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract or lots or parcel <y: parcels of land lying and being in Brevard township. Transyl vania county, North Carolina, and mor? particularly -described as fol Brevar^* "First tract. *t a si&ke in the north rench Bros* Ave. south -jorth 31 deg. east 160 ft. to a stake in line of lot -No. 75; thence with line of lot No. 75 south 58 deg. east 50 ft. to corner lot No. 57; thence with line of lot No. 57 south 31 deg. west 100 ft. to a stake in the north margin of French Broad Ave.; thence with said Ave. North 58 deg. east 50 ft. to the beginning. Being lots Nos. 55 and 56 as shown on the map of the Siniard property. Second lot. Beginning at a stake in the north margin of French Broad '"T jjWg, the southeast corner of lot Np. Wand runs with lnte of lot No. 56 north 31 deg. east 160 ft. to a stake in line of lot No. 75 ; thence with line V lot No. 75 south 58 deg. east 50 ft. to a stake in the margin of Sin iard street; thence with Siniard street sooth 32 west 160 ft. to J stake in the north margin of French Broad Ave.; thence with said Ave ! north 58 dtg. west 60 ft. to the. lbeE^lotr, No?. 57 and 58 of the1 Siniard property ^^*?5 of !the?deed S&* f Vff?SL?? ' I 41] the r.bove lands being same . Davies) . . catisfv said Purpose of sale to s$ti y sassy as?* jay ! 4tc Feb.l8,25,Mar3,lO NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES ^ State of North Ca ilina, ! County of Transylvtnia, J I Town of Brevard. versus . w T GASH, MAGGIE L. Mc- , I CRARV T. J. WILSON, Trustee, i BREVARD BANKING Co. W f, i WRVF.SE Trustee, and all otru pS?^in, inC any inlet... ? ?? ands herein described. | S? anil to virtue of Intrf?V ?;'? ?ke abiw ' entitled closur , ' Superior Court ol Transylvania Count, of date Novem Ibcr 23 A. the under 8* M. ?3 Courthouse door m the town of ' for cash that "vta^ tiaet or ? >t> in SSltSiP. Transyl SSf cp?SciSth toffii. foi- ? Lying and beuig in . Brevard on \eailroad . ad- ? ?5,1 JSXS ??Jt. J. ? ?"????? ? ? <? <* s?s ' Of Main street and in the cent pSS'er's' ?>??? f??n? ! Jog. w03t 313 ?. ? ??f past 129 ft. to a stake in the lentei of' Transylvania Railroad; then . i center of said railroad 4-1 RmSe or less to the beginning,; containing 83-100 ot an acie i_ Second tract Bein| ?1 fto ^ 27 ] of'* the Hamlin Hill." subdivision M J shown bv map made by A. L. ,Ha^" < C E which man is recorded m Book ? 33 at cage 96 of the Deed records of , Transylvania County to which r'^j,5 reference is hereby made for description of the saio ? .an 1. j the R. I.- Pash lands as shown by the map made by A..L. Hardin Sept, j 1915, which map is recoiJed n . ( office of the renter of Deed, oi Transvlvania County in Book d.i. a , wage 31, to which map reference is hereby made for a full description of the said land." . ; All the above three tracts being the same lands described m the^ XL?o2ff ? Interlocutory Judgment of Sale by Foreclosure, ..eluding, all enaU - interest, costs and ?Pe"/%?lruary j This the 18th day of Februaiy, :Aa?F 'mITCHELL, COMMISSIONER, | Appointed bv ?cCovrt.J 4tc Feb.i?.25,Mar3,10 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE ISALEOFLAND FOR TAXES j State of North Carolina, I County of Transylvania, I Town of Brevard. versus : P. N. BRIGGS, EMLEY BR1GGS, R. L. BRIGGS, MAY BRIGGS, i JONES McCRORY and G. H. ; VALENTINE, Trustee, and all j other persons claiming any interest j in the lands herein described. . Under and by virtue of Interlocu tory Judgment of Sale, by Fore closure, had in the above entitled cause in the Superior Court of fransylvania County of date Novem ber 23, A. D., 1931, and of orUer ; made therein 11-23-1931; the under signed Commissioner will, on Monday, the 21st day of March, A. D., 1932, j at Twelve (12) o'clock M. at the Courthouse door in the towr. of Bre vard, North Carolina, offer for sals at public auction to the highest bidder ( for cash that certain tract or lots or parcel or parcels of land lying and being in Brevard township, Transyl vania county, North Carolina, and more particularly described as fol lows, to wit: ? Lying in Brevard. "Beginning at a stake on the corner at the southwest side of French Broad Ave. and in the southeast side of Johnson street and runs with the southwest side of French Broad Ave. S. 69 deg. east 66 ft. to a stake; thence south 28 deg. and 35 min. west 45 ft. to a stake; thence north 59 deg. west 66 ft. to a stake on the southeast side of Johnson street; thence with tho southeast margin of said street 45 feet to the beginning. i Second tract or lot. Beginning on i a stake on the southeast side of i Johnson St., It beii:gf the fourth cor ' nor of the first Jot, and runs with a . line of said lot south 59 deg. east 6? I ft. to a stake; thence south 23 deg. i 36 min. west 50 feet to a stake ; thence I north 58 deg. 66 feet to a stake ? on the southeast side of Johnson St.; thence with the southeast margin of said' street 50 ft. to the beginning." Said tracts or lots being the same lands described in tho pleading in the above entitled cause, to which refer vi! ce is made for a more complete description of the same. ( P. N. & R. L. Bnggs). Purpose of sale to Batisfy said Interlocutory Judgment of Sale by Foreclosure, including all penalties, interest, costs and expenses of same. - This the 18th day of February, A. D., 1932. A. F. MITCHELL, Commissioner, Appointed by The Court. 4tc Feb. 18,25, Mar3, 10 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES State of North Carolina, County of Transylvania, Town of Breyard. versus d^t?aE?,Jk^MIN' Admrx- of TOM BENJAMIN'S ESTATE, AND LELA BENJAMIN, and all other persons claiming any interest in ' the lands herein described. Under and by virtue of Interlocu tory Judgment of Sale, by Fore closure, had in the above entitled cause in the Superior Court of Transylvania County of date Novc^^ ber 23, A. D., 1931, and of order made thenein 11-23-1931; the under signed Commissioner will, on Monday, the 21st day of March, A. D., 1932, at Twelve (12) o'clock M. at the Courthouse door in the town of Brc vard, North Carolina, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract or lots or parcel or parcels of land lying and being in Brevard township, Transyl vania county, North Carolina, and more particularly described as fol lows, to wit: ? i ?L>Ting,in ?Br,evarc'- "Being all of lot i.o. 1G of the R. L. Gash lands as surveyed and mapped by A. I,. Hardin pept. 1915, which map is registered in oft ice of the register of deeds or Iransylvania County in Book of Deeds No. 33, on. page 31. Beginning on a stake corner of lot No. 16 and 17 and runs north 59 rleg. west 100 ft. to a stake in the line of lot No. 22 a corner of lots N?S. !G and 12; thence with the line Jf lot No. 22 uorth :J6 1-2 de". oa*t it. to a stake; thence south *59 1-4 3eg east 100 ft. to a stake; thence south 36 1-2 dcg. west 48 ft. to the beginning." Being the same lands described in the pleadings in the above entitled -?ause, to which reference is made for a more complete description of the same. (Tom Benjamin Estate). Purpose of sale to satisfv said Interlocutory Judgment of Sale bv foreclosure, including all penaitic.' nterest, costs and expenses of same. A 15 1932 ^ ^,e^ruai:i'' A. F. MITCHELL, Commissioner, Appointed by The Court. 4tc Feb.l8,25,Mar3,I0 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES State of North Carolina, bounty of Transylvania, Town of Brevard. versus 0WEN and wife KAZEI. OWEN, and all other persons claiming any interest in the lands herein described. Under and by virtue of Interlocu tory Judgment of Salo, by Fore closure, had in the above entitled ;ause in the Superior Court of Transylvania County of date Novem ber 23, A. D., 1931, and of order made therein 11-23-1931; the under signed Commissioner will, on Monday, the 21st dav of March. A I)., 1932, at Twelve (12) o'clock M. at the' Courthouse door in the town of Bre vard, North Carolina, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract or lots or parcel or parcels of land lying and being in Brevard township, Transyl vania county, North Carolina, and more particularly described as fol lows, to wit:? Lying in Brevard. "Beginning at a stake in the west margin of Broad Street and runs with Broad Street north 6 deg. 50 min. east 14.5 ^t.; thence north 3 deg. east 10.5 ft. to a stake in the west margin of Broad Street; thence north 83 deg. 57 min.' west 60 feet to a stake; thence south 3 deg. west 5 ft. ; thence south 6 deg. oO min. west 14,5 ft. to a stake; thence south 83 deg. 57 min east 60 ft. to the beginning.'" Being the same lands described in the pleadings in the above entitled cause, to which reference is made for a more complete description of the same, (A. B. Owen). Purpose -of sale to satisfy said In terlocutory Judgment of Sale by Foreclosure, including all penalties, interest, costs and expenses of same. a n th?e 18 th of February, A. D.# 1932. . A, F. MITCHELL, Commissioner, Appointed by The Court. 4tc Feb.38,25,Mar3,10 NOTICE of Foreclosure Sale UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE POWER OF SALE contained in that certain de-jd of trust mad* by Frankie Kilpatrick Weaver and hus band, Charlie R. Weaver, to Carolina Mortgage Company, Trustee, dated October 15, 192S, and recorded in Book 22 at Page 529 et seq, in the ofice of the Register of Deeds of Transylvania County, North Caro lina, default having bec-n made in the payment of the note thereby secured and the holder thereof directed that the deed of trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at the court house door in the City of Brevard, -North Carolina, at twelve o'clock noon on Wednesday the 23rd day of March, 1932, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash a certain lot or parcel of land in or near the City of Brevard, Township of Brevard, County of Transylvania, State of North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning on a stake at the inter section of Main Street and an alky leading from Main stro.t to Probart THE PRAYER CORNER i ? i ? (From the files of Long Ago) FRIENDS OF JESUS \ Washington was a friend of Jesus, Are you truly his friends? Consider these words of His carefully, and nee 'f ( you can answer them truthfully. "He who has my commandments, and obeys them, he it is who loves me." And "he who loves me will be loved of my Father and I will love him and will clearly reveal myself to him," and "we will come to Him and make our home with him." He who loves, obeys. Hold that thought firmly. It seems to me that it is a straight issue. It is either a loyal glowing friendship for the living Christ and power to bear abundant fruit to the glory of God, or it's a week sloppy disunion which has the assured pros pect of bearing no fruit, and being thrown into the fire. I love to face a square issue and this is clear as day to me, that fruit being in the Kingdom of Christ is entirely dependent on a loyal, loving union, which admits of Christ's cal ling us friends, and making known to us, the unsearchable riches of God'n love, in order that we may bear fruit and get results, in making same known to our fellow men. "I know a man, "said one, "who spoke the name of "Jesus'' in a rail road car? another heard it, and saw a great light; and the fourth gener ation of the living witness wrote recently the words to a girl friend: "You have certainly made me feel and know a living personal Christ, as never before; something that nothing can ever take away." That is a big thing to have done for a fellow creature ? How happy yon must be, and I know you are, that you are able to successfully do thi work toward the spread of the King dom. It is so different from thu idea that being as good as you can and going to church regularly is ail lhac is required.. "Thou wast their Rock, their Fort ress, and their Might. Thou Lord, their Captain in the well fought fight. Thou in the darkness dreary, the one tvue Light, Allelulia." A PR A YER FOR FRIENDSHIP WITH JESUS 0 Blessed Jesus, our human friend ships, we prize as the dearest things on earth. They are more precious than rarest gems. We would lose every thing else we have rather than give them up: Our life without there would be empty and lonely; yet we know that the best earthlv friendships are but little fragments of Thy friendship. ! Thy friendship is perfect. Its I touch is always gentle and full of healing; its help is always wise; its; tenderness is like the warmth of a i heavenly summer. If we have Thy friendship, we cannot be utterly ! bereft, though all human friends be taken away. If we can say: Thou art our Friend, it means everything we need. No want can be unsupplied no sorrow can be uncomforted, no tvil can overmaster us. For time and eternity we are safe. It will not be the streets of gold, and the gates of pearl and the river and the trees that will make heaven for us. It will be Thy companionship, Thy friend ship, J But let us never forget the other i part of this friendship. We are to be ! Thy friend too. It is not much we can J give Thee or do for Thee. But Thou ! wouldst have us obedient for Thou hast not left us in doubt, but hast told us plainly, "Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you." They who obey are Thy friends, and they only. Dear Lord, help us to obey, because we love Thee. May our will be Thine and Thy will ours. Give us that joy of life which can be found only in friendship with Thee. And, 0 Lord, cleanse us from all sin, that 119 weight may hold us back from Thee, for we long to live very near Thee. Living or dying. Lord Jesus, we ask but to be Thine, Our life in Thee, Thy life in us, makes Heaven forever ours, Amen. C. D. C. McAdoo Supports Garner William Gibbs McAdoo, a candidate for Democratic presidential nomina tion in 1824, has announced at Los Angeles his preference for John N. Garner, Texan, Speaker of the lower house of congress, for nomination this year. McAdoo is a leader of the pro hibition forces. FOR SALE" AT SACRIFICE 315- acres of weeded and timber lands in Lake Toxa way section of Transylvania 1 County for $4.00 per acre. H. G. LOVE Hendersonville, N. C. Street, and runs with the North ninrgin of Main Street North 6:? deg. \7est 43 3-4 feet to a stake; thence at a right angle to Main Street North 28 deg. East 125 feet to a stake; thence parallel to Main Street, South 1 62 rfcrr. East 43 3-4 feet to a stake in the West margin of said alley; thence jwith the West margin of said alley, South 28 deg. West 125 fe^t to the 1 (ginning, apd being lot upon whicL is loaded what is lfnown as the undertaking Building. Being the same property as convey ed to Frankie Kilpatrick Weaver by deed from C. C. Kilpatrick and wife. Rachel S. Kilpatrick, dated August 4, 1924, and Sled for registration on the Eth day of September, 1924, in the office of the Register of Deads, County of . Transylvania, State of North Carolina, recorded in Book 48, Page 213. I This, the 17th day of February, 1932. ? CAROLINA MORTGAGE COM PANY, Trusnz. Feb. 25. March 3, 10, 17. PLEASANT GROVE i ! Mr. and Mrs. C. Allison and fami ly of Boylston were Sunday guests of the later's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Columbus Orr. ! Mr. Jim Drake and family and others spent. Sunday in Greenville, S. C., with Mrs. Drake's aunt, Mrs. Fate Scott, who is at the point of death. Mr. and Mrs. Jim McCall of Hend ersonville were in this section Sun day. , Harold Orr, of Hebron, was in this section Sunday. Mr. Columbus Orr was Sunday din- ' i ner guest of H. A. Gray. I Mr. and JVlrs. Raymon Howard or Hendersonville, were Sunday guests of the later's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Hamilton. j Mr. John Anderson, of Mt. Under wood, was through this section one day this week. Mr. Clyde Baynard, of Boylston. was Sunday guest of his brother, i Lyday Baynard, of Pleasant Grove. I W. H. Gray, of Pleasant Grove is attending court at Hendersonville this week. Daisy Hamilton, of this pTace spent the week-end in Hendersonville. I Mr. and Mrs. Grady Allison, of | Etowah, were in this section Satur- 1 day. i LEGAL TRANSFERS t J. P. Hinkle and wife to Walter! Hinkle. H. C. Baynard and wife It i Thurman Bali and wife. Robert Top- { gue et al to Lcssie McGuire. T. W. i Whitmire and wife to F, E. Shufort ]: and wife. Lizzie Allison to Annie Bag || well. ' 666 LIQUID : TABLETS - SALVE 666 Liquid or Tablets used in ternally and. 666 Salve externally make a complete and effective treatmen for 'Colds. Mo*t Speedy Remedies Knows. THE RIGHT WAV TC' TRAVJSfc is by train. The safe6t. Most com fortable. Most reliable, "ests isst, Instate of Ticket Agfnts regarding sreaKSir reduced fares for short trips: SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM We contribute to your good looks. You can gai the vegetable oil tonic, also the Fitch products. It Pays To Look Well SMITH'S BARBER SHOP a Vitalis treatment here, I OFFICE SUPPLIES BURT. L. OWNBEY & COMPANY ARCADE BUILDING Phone 2105 Asheviile, N. C. WS. ^113 BAYER ASPIRIN is always SAFE BEWARE OF IMITATIONS Headaches Neuritis Colds Neuralgia Sore Throat Lumbago Rheumatism Tocthachs Genuine Bayer Aspirin, the kind doctors prescribe and millions of users have proven safe for more than thirty years, can easily be identified by the name Bayer and the word genaine. Genuine Bayer Aspirin is safe and sure; always the same. It has the unqualified endorsement of physicians and druggists every where. It doesn't depress the heart. No harmful aftcr-ellccLs foiiow its use. Bayer Aspirin is the universal antidota for pains of all kinds. Ajpirin is the trade-mark of Bayer manufa o I monoaceticaridcaU* ot wlicylicacid. SPECIAL EXCURSION FARES TO CHARLESTON, S. C. ACCOUNT MAGNOLIA and MIDDLETON PLACE GARDENS Round-Trip Fare from (W! PA HENDERSQNVILLE, N. C.t pO.Jl? Tickets sold February 19-20. 26-27 March 4-5, 11-12 Limit Wednesday Following Date of Sale Tickets sold February 14, 16, 18, 21, 23, 25, 28 March. ... 1, 3, 6, 8, 10, 13f 15. 17, 20, 22 Limit Seven Days in addition to date of Sale ASK TICKET AGENTS SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM J. H. WOOD, D. P. A., Asheviile, N. C.

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