LJ8.MIAKD TALKS ! INTERESTINGLY OF I GOLD FOUND HERE (Continued from jxige oni) alyz.-d and each test proved it to b# valu lble. The late. Tommie D. Clayton, whila blasting rock in the rock quMrry o? Sugar Loaf, many years ago, Mr. Siniard said, found several nuggets of JUST WANTED to "arrest" YOUR at- | fi tention. We'd like a & to acquaint YOU I ii with our Auto Re pair service and our Battery Service. Anything in Auto Repairing HAYES MOTOR CO. " ' MASTER'S DEGREE i i AT MASONIC LODGE! Work, in the Master's Degree ; will be" given at the regular communica tion of Dunn's Rock.. Masonic Lodge this Friday evening! The" meeting is scheduled for 7:30 o'clock. C. K. Os borne will confer the degree with T. G. Miller acting as Senior Deacon. All members of the Degree Team and all Masons who can assist in giving the work are requested by the Master to be at the hall at 3 o'clock Friday afternoon for the purpose of prepar ing the work. Visiting Masons are invited to attend the meeting Friday night and witness the work. sold for which he received a hand some price. Mr. Siniard told of an interesting inc-.dent which occurred during the Civil War and which he vouches to be trv.e. A man and his son were hiding in the cliffs of Sugar Loaf Mountain in order that they counld not be found | and made to enter the army. During ; the time thev were hidden away, Mr. ' Siniard asserts, the two men panned cut of a small branch near the mountain, over 5400.00 worth of gold dust. "During the year of 1920 I took my wagon to a small branch near Sugar f.oaf." Mr. Siniard said, "to get a load of gravel. After I had finished loading, I noticed that my rusty shovel had changed into a shovel of gleaming yellow." Further examination revealed to Mr. Siniard that these yellow parti cles were gold, and that they had lodged in the rusty crevices of the shovel in sufficient quantity to make it look yellow. Mr. Siniard said that it was after he showed the shovel to his father. Mr. L. G. Siniard. that he toid him of the two men mining $400. worth of gold dust near Sugar .Loaf. Mr. Siniard said that he returned to the same stream and managed to got a nice run of gold dust, which he -ent to the late Capt. Chas. French Toms, a prominent resident of Hend rsonville, who replied by letter that he believed Mr. Siniard to have made a valuable discovery for the gold was almost pure. Further investigations by Mr. Siniard and others revealed that Sugar Loaf and vicinity was rich in gold, the deposits being found in the >ld rock quarry where stone was se cur-d for building purposes, free gold n the nearby streams and a rich , coating of gold in the flint rocks and clay banks. Several nuggets were found on the Northwest side of the mountain where a landslide opened up the soil and rocks. Mr. Siniard believes that the gold vein which begins on Sugar Loaf mountain leads through Brevard, pas sing beneath the Brevard High school ; building in its course. Efforts are being made to secure several specimens for examination and it is expected that Mr. Wood, mineralogist at the Boylston gol<j mine, will examine the Sugar Loaf oin on his return here. , iiiiiiiiiiii "Insist on a proper fitti ng of your foot. It is easy to be misfitted without realiz ing it at the moment," says radio's most popular voice, and winner of the Gold Medal award for perfect diction, when he an nounces the Coast-to-Coast Broadcast of Emia Jettsck Melodies Evrry Sunday Night at 8 o'clock E.S.T. over \V]Z and associated N. B.C. stations. He also says? KjEfBiP SHOES FOR WOMEN |? Are manufactured in a wide range of sizes and widths AAA AA to EEE ? Sizes 1 to 12 Enabling Enna Jettick Dealers to fit any normal foot perfectly and stylishly , at moderate cost Y pur Style, Your Size, Your Wkfci in Qpr " ALLEN-ROLLINS, Inc. 449 Main Street Henderftonville, N. C. MMLm STATE TAX MEN COMING . For the convenience of those who i are required by law to file Federal | Income Tax Returns, J. W. McEn oy, . a Deputy Collector of Internal 1 Revenue will be at the Waltermirc Hotel on Friday. Feb. 26, from ten o'clock A. M. to 4:30 o'clock i-. AL, to assist tax payers in preparing their returns, an announcement received here Monday revealed. C. R. Kamrick, deputy commission er of Revenue, has announced to The Brevard News that he will be at the Waltermire Hotel here on March 7 and 8 for the purpose of assisting those persons who desire his aid in filing their state income tax returns. All persons with incomes of over $1000 and all married persons with incomes of over $2000, and all corpor ations and partnerships, regardless of amount of income are required to file returns on or before March 15. OAKLAND NEWS We learned through a letter from Mrs. Jimmie Brown, of Asheville, to her sister, Mrs. E. A. Reid, that Mr. Tull Glazene'r, their brother, who has been seriously ill for several months, is slightly improved, ami it is now hoped that h" will eventually regain his health. Mr. Glazener has many friends who read The Brevard News that will be glc.d to hear from him. Mr. Glazner is a Transylvania man who left here a few years ago, and settled in Chase City, Va. Mrs. Brown recently spent a week wifh-'her brother in Chase City. Mr. and Mrs. George Miller, of Sapphire, called on Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Sanders, Wednesday evening. Rev. S. B. McCall visited Frank Revis Wednesday, and report him most weil again. Mr. ar.d Mrs. W. F. McCall made a business trip to Mills River last week. Fred Nicholson, of Rosman, visited hisparents.Mr. h3d...,o cmfwv mm his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wade Nicholson, Friday. Mrs. S. E. Alexander called on Mrs. S. L. Sanders Saturday morn ing. Clarence Norton and Charles Reid made a business trip to Reid's Sid ing, Saturday morning. The many friends of Dan Reid will be glad to know that he is home again, Mr. and Mrs. Holden and family of Pickens, S. C., spent tlje week-end at Mt. Toxaway Lodge. H. D. Lee and Rev. S.- B. McCall made a business trip to Cullowhee Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Whitmire spent Sunday with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Sanders. Mrs. Dan Reid and Howard Alex ander were in Hendcrsonville on business last week. E. A. Reid and son, Lee, were pleasant callers at the home of Rev. and Mrs. S. 3. McCall last Sunday evening. We learned through his mother that Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sanders will leave Florida for North Carolina about the first of the month and will visit his sister, Mrs. Lewis Lyday, in Georgia on the way, arriving here j about the fifteenth of March. Gus Galloway spent the week-end | with his 3istei', Mrs. Mary Burgess, j Ralph Alexander, of Highlands, is ; visiting his grandparents, Mr. and ; Mrs. S. L. Sanders. j T. E. Reid of Brevard, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T B. Reid, on i Sunday Mrs. Henry Alexander spent Mon day with her mother, Mrs. S. L. San ders. J. C. McCall spent the week-end with home folks. Notwithstanding the rain and bad weather Sunday, every class at the Baptist church was represented ex cept the card class, and the B. Y. P. U. had a splendid congregation Sun day n:ght. Lane Sanders and his grand mother, Mrs. Norton, each planted a cherjy tree on the twenty-second, to , take place of the one George Wash- ' ington cut down so long ago. We would like to be present and help hiss down Mr. Small when he starts speaking against prohibition. Next Sunday is our regular preach- ' ing day. Let's all be on time for Sunday School, too, NEW ARRIVAL Born to Mr. and Mrs. Judson Mc Crary, on Saturday, Feb. 20, a son, Judson, Jr. FOR YOUR HEALTH'S SAKE . . . ? ORDER OSBORNE'S PURE MttK & CREAM Rich in the vitamins that build u? Health. Pasteurized . . . cfean . . . sealed in sir-tight bottles .... and delivered fresh daily. EASTV1EW' FARM DAIRY WOULD ELIMINATE ' ? POIMS IN COUNTY ( Cowtinncd frotfi page one) to take care of the. county affairs. Put the proposition up to fOck and some of the other go-Td home boys. He .says to use common sense, now lets use a little. How do you expect the good far mers to burn their 30 cent corn for fuel and pay these salaries. Just figure a little. It would take around 60,000 bushels of, corn to pay the county expenses or salaries. Mr. Editor, how much would there be left? We must consider that all tax payers have had from 50 to 75 per cent re duction in the last three of four years. So why not live artd let live. Don't take it out on the little kids. Now let me make a proposition to remove the cause. First, we all know that dirty politics is a bad policy in county government and has hurt Transylvania county more than any one thing. Let's call a mass meeting of the taxpayers of the county ; divide the offices between the two parties, then nominate two candidates of one party for each office. Allow each party, for example, say two candi dates for sheriff (Dem.) and two candidates for Treasurer (Rep) and so on. Put these all on one county ticket. Let the voters sclent the officers. This would eliminate politics in the county affairs. Another thing this would take it out of the hands ot! political bosses. This would really be better for the officer for he wouldn't have to buy his officc. Send a representative to the legis lature who will .represent, the tax payers and not the party who sent nim. Let him fix all salaries. Let's all shore the burden together and save Transylvania county, the best little spot in America. Yours for success, MOTOR CLUB NAMES NEW ASSOCIATE Carolina Motor Club officials were in Brevard this week in interest of the organization. McCrary's Service Station has long been authorized representative of the Carolina club in Brevard, and while here the officials signed up the Hayes Motor company as an additional station. T. W. Whit mire was named by the officials as active representative of the Motor club, being authorized to accept new memberships and new members ii< thr club. The Carolina Motor club has special inducements to offer members that are most valuable. Full information may be obtained at the Mc Ovary Service Station, the Hayes Motoi company or from Mr. Whitmire. i JfASONS TO HAVE LADIES AS GUESTS ? - v! Members of Dunn's" Rock' 'Masonic ; Lodge have everything i.*i readiner>;: ? for entertainment of members of ihd Eastern Star and ail ladies eligible to membership in that organization. The social meeting will be held this Thursday evening in the Masonic Hall. Dr. J. F. Zachary, S. F. Alli son and 0. O. Robinson are member* of the committee on arrangements Refreshments will be served during the evening. COWARDLY TO ROB SCHOOL CHiLDRE! ( Continued from, page one ) rather folks didn't know about, bui here's one that is thankful for the fact that we've never had quite as low down a thought as the one the Pen rose Citizen expressed. That is to rob not only the other man's children but our own as well, of their birthright. We wonder why it is that when a fel low's taxes come due ? I mean the b; grudging tax payer ? he hops 011 th. idea to taking the schools away f: :i: the children. Some folks in offering a solution to the depression ? A depression that i world wide ? seems to blame it all on the schools, and would rather go tars free than have the children schooled. The State's guarantee of a months school would do this count:, no good for any thing but schools an.-: the extended school tax this count;, has could not be taken to use for a: \ thing but school. We'li venture to say that at least two thirds of our county's sclvx children will hr/' no further edu cation than the high school affords, and we think it's a shame to want even one day of that taken from the-1 or to even put off getting of their education. We've read several suggestions and heard of several more, 011 this sar: . question but we believe the one to roi our children the most unworthy one If we'd ever thought of that w couldn't look a child in the face. Its rather funny, that idea. whr r our county has just adopted the 5-1 farm program and decided to ha. thoroughbred cattle and hogs an pure bred poultry and certified see:' etc. Isn't it rather inconsistant t turn our youngsters into an ignorcn. bunch. We're wondering why the Veterar of '18 and Mr. Barton of Selica woul'" let their wage comparison stop be tween our County officials and '1 rent corn. Why not have our federa' officers splice up on their wages. The United States Government is in r mere serious condition than North Carolina or Transylvania county. '- XSontinuad f period two years ago, asuertin, uffcct that they, the' Repub. ? officials who were in power at that time, had grossly mismanaged county affairs, and that the present flnr?"i?I condition of the coonty was di'. traceable to their rejpme. A total" i> $378,000 was borrowed by the comnr.isiiipners of the previous boaW when they Had skS right to do sc, the political IcftiJSfcfl eclared, and part of this monejf 4?lKivL'd was put InttV' pockets ef mem'f'fs of the narty: He expressly charged that *??? former Republican officials coRttmei money and pocketed same to which they were not entitled, and declared that records in the county account ant's office would prove this assertion. He further charged that "false state ments had been circulated by Repub licans regarding the Democrats. Party harmony was asked forUw Mr. Breese, and an outline of orgfRlF zatior. given, in which each precinct would be a vital part in the- organi zation of the executive committee, and the election of a chairman. T. C. Galloway, former state senator, pre sided at the meeting. sheer and clear SILK HOSE a pr. More than 500 pair just in. Favored Spring shades. Full fashioned. 45-guage. Sales Co. Brevard, N. C Proof Of The Pudding We will reproduce each week in this newspaper a letter from a satisfied Chevrolet owner. Original of these let ters may be seen at our office where they will be kept on file. ALEX. H. KIZER Comity Accountant TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY BREVARD, N. C. February 24th, 193? The Auto Sales Company, Brevard, N. C. Gentlemen Some time ago I was confronted with the problem of replac ing my automobile, and being desirious of securing the most economical transportation consistent with reasonable comfort and appearance, I made a very careful investigation of light care snd purchased a Chevrolet. During the past ten months I have driven this car mure than twelve thousand miles and find that my choice was wise. Although this car was purchased prior to the opening of your business in Brevard, I am grateful to know that any and all service can be had on the car right here in Brevard. I am very glad to recommend this car. Very Truly yours, ALEX H. KIZER "YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER" West Main Si.

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