MiMlfES OF BOARD i MEETING RECORDED To Be Regular Feature In Fu ture ? All Minutes Te Be Published Following is copy of the minutes of this week's meeting of the mayor and board of haldermen, as prepared by . Clerk II. H. Patton. These reports are to be given to the press each week, and published in their entirety in ac cordance with a resolution adopted at Tuesday's meeting of the board. Th? proceedings were as follows: Regular meeting. Monday, March 7, 1932. Present: Mayor Ramsey -and Aldermen Clement, Galloway, Mac fie and Wallis. Minutes of regular meeting of Jan uary 4th read and approved and tfia board proceeded to transact such business as might properly come De fere them. Reports of Committees Alderman Wallis reported that City Engineer Morrow had worked out a plan to improve conditions at the Kings Creek Intake and would aui? mif same to the Water committee at nn early date. On motion duly seconded and adopted Clerk was instructed to noti fy local manager of the Standard Oil i . '>any of tne conuition of bridge ae; s Kings Creek just above Rail way trestle and explain to him that ? ? warning the public of this tion had been placed at each ap ch to this bridge some several w.i :s ago but that the said signs ii.: i been destroyed. A letter was read to the Board by t!:c Mayor which he had received firm 1). L. English complaining about ;:iat were made by the water t ?' <? ? on his Ladsonville tenant h (>n motion by Alderman (." r.;ent, seconded by Aiderman Gal loway, a resolution was adopted auth or:v:r~ regular water charge against t:-;\--e houses in the absence of any rmeh'l contract with said D. L. English. Cierk read a letter received from 0. I1'. Poole in which he proposes tu pay to town the sum of $5.00 per f!"n?sand feet for all the- merchant :'"le saw timber on tne Norton's C -I: -.rater shed and fifty cents per co'-.i for the acid wood. Alderman A ['.worth and the Clerk were ap ted as a committee to investigate this matter and make a reoprt to the at next call session. On motion by Alderman Clement, see? :i('ed by Alderman Galloway, a resi -.-.tion was adopted rescinding solution of January 4th authoris ing Treasurer to accept certain Town ? Is ?.ward bonds in payment of street ?*v srssments and interest thereon and to .-"mend resolution of same date : teg nroperty advertised for sale ' "? first Monday of March for delinquent street assessment, by post wMiVisri??3 ANNOUNCED FCR CHILDREN'S LUNCHES Mrs. A. B. Galloway, chairman of ho food committee, has announced hat the schedule for week of March i though 18 to provide lunches for :io JO undernourished children of A-vard Elementary school i$ as fol '?ws: Monday, open; Tuesday, Mrs. J. ' . Mills; Wednesday and Thursday, as. Carl McCrary and Mrs. Ralph yday; Friday, open. LL CANDIDATES IN FAVOR SCHOOL LAW ualcigh, March 9. ? All of the three tive candidates so far for the ::nination for Governor have advo Uvl operation of the six months il-.oal term by the State and from ?: venues other than on property ? ?1'itiuiation of the 15-cent ad valorem '?x. The next problem for them is i find revenues to take the place of "t and the several millions spent ?; supplemental funds to the State ipport. All have denounced the snort ballot." All have called for ncmy in government. Mr. Maxwell': ??'?ggestirm that the ate supply school books to patrons n modest rental, as an economy ;>ve, and Mr. Ehringhaus' advocacy ?' the State maintaining streets, des :nnted as State highways, through ties and towns, have struck respon se chords and give promise of be g important supplemental issues in ! eir campaigns.' Mr. Fountain is dvocating the present standard of ''.oils as a minimum standard, to be t. proved upon as conditions permit. Over 6,000 pounds of pasture asses and lespedeza seed have been dered by Harnett county farmers i the last few days. Farmers of Clay county have uanized a county board of agri ulture to make plans for better ?iming in that county. <n:ng the advertising of the pro ?--rty to May, at which time property ill be: advertised for the non pay ivnt of 1931 taxes. Alderman Macfie offered a resolu ti to amend ordinance which pro nits skating on the streets of the ".vti of Brevard wherein skating v-itl bp allowed on all streets except !? ? designated as follows: -lain. Caldwell, Broad, Gaston, : .-.iviile Road and Jordon from .r.^i^nd to Gaston. Xri order was made authorizing <c publication of the minutes of the ? voting of the Board of Aldermen in i? local newspapers. Motion adopted to adjourn. Ckrk. Attest Spring Is Here!! We have on Display a Large Selection of NEW DRESSES -- PRICED LOW Lots of New Hat Styles in Our Spring Showing ? Turbans, Beret and Brimmed Styles. 98c to $2.95 SILK HOSIERY NEW SHADES in a Varied Selection. 50 c to $1.00 America!! Sales Co. 1p~ ' ' ~ v v S | Local ana Personal Items j Geoigs N'Json who \>as sent to ihe Bi'tmorc hospital last week fol lowing a serious accident in which he suffered a broken arm and shoulder is reported to be improving tapidly. Misses Gladys English and Eliza beth Ramseur of Angiers, were the week-end visitors of Dr. and Mrs. E. S. English. They had as their guest Miss Maxine Watson also of Angiers. Mr. R. L. Nicholson returned from the Biltmore Hospital Monday, fol lowing treatment there for several days. She w..- accompanied by her nurse, Mrs. Brittain. who will re main with her until she has recov ered. Miss Clarice Smith has returned to her home in Columbia, S. C., after spending several weeks here with her sister, Mrs. George Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. George Mayback of Greenville, S. C., were Brevard vis itors, Sunday. Mrs. S. M. Macfie has returned from a visit to Charlotte and David son College. . Ei-nest McFaul was a businfcss visitor to Asheville Wednesday. Mrs. Harry Sellers and Margaret Miller were Asheville shoppers Wed nesday. , . ' Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pickelsimer and L. P. Hamlin were visiting in Ashe ville Saturday. Mrs. Carl Mott of Asheville, is spending several days here as the guest of Miss Rowena Orr. W. F. Swan, of Tryon, was a bus iness visitor here Tuesday and Wed nesday. W. W. Owen of Hendersonville, was a Brevard visitor Tuesday and Wed nesday. Mrs. Mamie Verdevy has returned from an extended visit in Charlotte, Augusta, Ga., and Columbia, S. C. Sneed Sihiard was taken to the hospital at Hendersonville for an ap pendicitis operation Sunday. He is reported to be improving. Everett Simpson of Weaver Col lege, spent the week-end with his sis ter, Miss Eunic Simpson. "Speedy'' Jones left last week for Charlotte", where he was called to re sume his work in the Ford plant. Harry Clayton and Joe Vigodsky were visiting in Newberry, S. C? on Sunday. J. M. Allison and W. E. Breese were visiting in Kings Mountain, Shelby and Fassifern, Sunday, Mrs. A. H. Harris has returned from a visit in Charlotte with her son, Kenneth. Mrs. Lewis Cobb has returned to her home in Belton after spending a week here with her husband, Dr. Cobb, at the Clayton House. Mrs. Ann Geer, Mrs. Mary Whit lock and Master James Cobb, Jr. of Belton, spent The week-end at the summer home of Mrs. Whitlock at Cedar Mountain. Ashe Macfie of Davidson College, is spending several days here with his parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. S. M. Macfie Miss Annie Yongue, Mr. and Mrs T. J Moody were week-end guests of Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Thompson ir Shelby. Miss Elizabeth Shipman, Misses Annie, Rose and Mamie Shipman were shopping in Asheville, Friday Sheriff T. E. Patton. Jr., was vis iting in Charlotte, Sunday with Mrs. , Patton and daughter, Rebecca, who are speeding some time there with relatives. Harold- Kilpatrick of the Univer sity of North Carolina, spent the week-end here with his parents. Jay Neely has returned^ from a week's visit with his sister, Mrs. Guy ; Nicholson, in Savannah, Ga. Miss Roberta Bryant of Green ville. S. C., spent the week-end with her aunts in West Brevard. W. E. Breese left Tuesday for : Memphis, Tenn., and will return Sat I urday. ! \ CARD OF THANKS I U e wish to express to our many ; friends oui deepest gratitude and ; sincere thanks for all acts of kind i ni'ss shown ;<s during our recent be : reavement, and for the beautiful jlloial offerings. JAMES GARREN and Children. j REMEMRFR-ZSahirday is the hist : day for Easter Orders. T. 11*. Whit ? mire. Frank Tcrley, -who has bean spend ing- the winter months at the Chero kee Inn, Ashevillc, has returned to his summer home in North Brevard. Miss Sarah Louise Chadwick of ' Saluda, S. C., is visiting her aunt, ;Mrs. Maggie Owsnby. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Joines left early Wednesday i .orning for North Wilkesboro, where they were called ;on account of the serious illness of j Mrs. Joines' father. I Miss Helen Galloway, daughter of J Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Galloway, has been confined to her homt for a week. 'She is leaving Thursday for Frank lin hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smathers were Asheville visitors Wednesday. | BREVARD 1 NEWS 1 NINTH GRADE BOYS PRESENT MOCK TRIAL * "Tiust Miss Fuett to do something ?to dispel the gloom of a rainy day,' remarked a High School student las1 j Thursday, as it was announced tha; the sophomore boys, under the direc. 'tion of Miss Juanita Puett, woulc present a mock trial, "Deacon Fiip iper's Pullets." The case was that o; ? Deacon Flipper versus Frizzle Fraz zle. It involved the stealing o ,scme chickens on "last Sattiriaj night." As you have probably a! .ready surmised by its name, the cas was of "blacks and tans." Part of i' ? was as follows: Lady Rosebud. Harold Duckworth Lawyer Lapear, Ed Clayton; Lawyei Tailfeather. James Deaver; Deacoi Flipper, Charles Dickson; Frizzli Frazzle, Eugene Dickson; and th< judge, Mack Allison. I And so the students forgot thi ,rain outside, while the mock tria progressed merrily to the delight o' | all the listeners. FUTURE FARMERS OF AMERICA'S PROGRAM Tuesday's chapel program wa? conducted by the Brevard Chapter of the Future ? Farmers of America, supervised by Prof. Glazener. The program was formally introduced as a regular meeting of this organiza tion, for the purpose of initiating a dozen or so would-be-members. Hav ing satisfied themselves on the score of their worthiness, the members pro ceeded to "initiate" the applicants. The initiation consisted of "scooting-' between the legs of a line of boys, who were privileged to give each vie. tim a hearty "wallop." SENIOR-JUNIOR ACT IV I TIES Vague rumors are circulating about school relative to the Junior-Senior banquet. It is unauthoratively stat ed that various committees have al ready been appointed to bepin lengthy preparation for the arrange ments and details. In any event, we have reason to believe that this ban [quet is to be the "biggest and best one yet." | ' GIRLS BASKETBALL TEAM OS i CAMPING TRIP j That long-talked of and eagerly awaited occurrence ? the girls' bask etball camping trip ? is now a thing of the past. The haphazard manner in which the affair was planned bod ed no good, but the festive spirit of the group soon dispelled any doubt of gloom that threatened to oppress the campers. The site selected for this glorious occasion was the hunt ing lodge of the Sutton Creek Game j Club. All the two days and nights were "chock full'' of intense frivol- j ity and hilarity. Sunday afternoon it was a tired but deliciously contented group that wearily turned their foot stens homeward. The participants of the gala affair were: Ella Mae .Scruggs. Ruth Pick elsimer, Emma Dcaver, Mildred Nor ton. Mickey Mcintosh, Mabel Mc N'eely, Ecrtha Jean Hampton, Jane Pearce, Charlottq Patton, Langdon English, Walter Clayton. Dick Aiken, Joe Schachner, Rob Pearce, Ruffin Wilkins, Barney Schachner. Tommy Whitenire and Mose Macfie. The honorable chaperones were Miss Nancy Macfie ar.d Mrs. S. M. Macfie. The most economical food in the world is Milk. Money spent for Milk cannot be matched in any other food for value in strength and life-giving vitamins. Health SUNNY SIDE MILK is tested every day for its purity and strength. Our Dairy is regularly inspect ed by the State Board of Health and has their ap proval. Sunny Side Dairy PHONE 185 PAUL GLAZENER WALTER GLAZENER BURKE TO PREACH AT ST PHILIP'S CHURCH The Rev. James Preston Burke, Secretary of the Diocese of Western North Carolina, will preach at St, Philip's Episcopal church Sunday evening Mrach 13 at 7:80 o'clock. Everyone ia invited tc attend the ?ervices end hear this great church man apeak. HIGH TYPE OF MEN COME FROM SECTION Lieutenant John- L. Reynolds, U, S. !' Navy, Officer in Charge of recruit-' ing activities in the Carolinas, has completed his quarterly inspection of the Asheville recruiting station. The recruiting officer stated that he was well pleased at the results attained here during the past year, also that the young men recruited from this district were of the highest type be ? ing enlisted through Raleigh. The ! standard quota per month for the ! ensuing year it thirty-six (36) men. : ; consequently a number of young men ' , who have been waiting for the op t portunity to enlist in the Naval L | Service will now get their chance. - j During his inspection of the Ashe 1 , ville station, Lieutenant Reynolds ? paid calls on the mayor, the . post master, and the heads of the Ameri can Legion in Asheville. C. J. RHINEHARDT, CSM., U. , S. Navy, Recruiting officer, j LEGAL TRANSFERS I L. W. Wilson and wife to L. P. I Wilson and wife. D. L. English, tr., to Brevard j Building and Loan Association. Mary Woodfin Osborne to Julia M. [ Moore. * ' I DR. ZACHARY AND FAMILY DEPARTING Wii3 Leave This Afternoon for ^ Seattle, Wash., to Make Their Home Dr. J. F. Zachary and hi? interest ing family ore leaving Brevard thie;J; afternoon for Seattle, Wash., where they will make their home in the fu- - turc-. Dr. Zachary will open offices in " the Western city and follow his pro fession there. People throughout Transylvania and adjoining counties will regret v the decision of the Zacharys to lsavi^gP Brevard. Both Dr. Zachary and Mrs. Zachary have friends everywhere ,je these mountain counties, and both are popular in tfee religious, sQgttbri and fraternal '4j&les here. flBra Zachary has longbeen one of tf^H most active women in the town in jj church work and club activities. Dr..? Zachary is Past Master of Dunn'S^f Rock Masonic Lodge, its present secretary, and past Deputy Master of this district. He is a mem ber of the board of stewards of the Methodist church; has been superin tendent of the Sunday school and was formerly chairman of the board of stewards. During his long practice^ here in dentistry Dr. Zachary haf w made an enviable reputation in his * profession, his ptofiency in that work being one of the strong influences in his decision to go to a larger field. Mr. and Mrs. Zachary and their children will take with them the best wishes of all the people of the community for a happy and pros perous residence in the home of their adoption. HOW are you going to feel tchen you nee everybody else with a NEW EASTER SUIT? Be sure and come Saturday and it will be here on time. T. W. Whitmire. Eni Meni Miney Mo Is one way to make your choice. A few magic words, and your decision rests on the "Mo"? You wouldn't use the "ENI" system when choosing -your electric refrigerator ? for you are making a life-time investment and expecting propel refrigeration for years to come. We boldly suggest a better method of selection which will clearly show true value and assure your getting the best elec tric refrigerator to be had ? comparison ? compare feature for ft?ature ? vaiue for value and your choice too will be ? KELVINATOR Southern . Public Utilities ?o? "ELECTRICITY? THE SERVANT IN THE HOME" Day 'Phone 116; Night 'Phone 16 3 E. Main St. BREVARD, N. C.

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