m BREVAMW5 ficfl#aiOU Ktexy Thursday by ^?XHE TRANSYLVANIA PUBLISHING CO?, lac. tnieif l at the Postoffice in Brevard, N. C.# as Second Class Matter 4*u?es 7. Barrett Mark T. On- Associate Edlto? SUBSCB1PTION RATiSS (Payable hi Advance) ? _ Que Year *f?? Six Months Three Months M Thursday, March 31, 1932 LOYALTY TO TRANSYLVANIA CITIZENS MARKED HERE. ' This county has gained some repu iaiou a.-, containing some pretty bard fighters in local affairs. 'In fact, some .people have declared that there is too much spirit of this kind here. But be that as it may, and we're not say ing these critics are right or wrong, -there is one tine spirit always in evi dence in i his good little old county. It matters not how hard one group hero may tight another over local af fair;:, when it comes to a Transyl var'a county man against the out si:: world, every man here will line up it lmediately for the local man. We hav. witnessed this splendid mani festation of tine citizenship on many occasions. . ast now we are thinking of the splendid work being done by the county's citizens for the selection of Lewis i'. Hamlin for District At torney iw till the place made vacant bv Charles A. Jonas, rejected by the United States Senate. Without any thought "f past political alignments <>y local nature, the men and women have lined up behind Mr. Hamlin i'rt most splendid manner. The local bar association, whose president, Wm. E. Breeze, is chairman of the opposftje political party to which Mr. Hamlin belongs,. is doing great service for Kami in in his efforts to obtain the ? oVeted place. it is characteristic of this com munity to stand for a Transylvania county man when he goes up against f.he outside world, and it is a mighty /"nw -community trait. k OUR OLD FRIENDS ARE 9 l ; CALLEQ . HOME, * And now Uncle Jasper Orr is gone. We have recorded the news of tho. /^jassinjr of so many friends' during tho fiast few years that much of the' joy Jn publishing a newspaper has been removed1" The-'tt&t'h rate among our older citizens ? men and women who ? ''?'?"tiaiV'toad all to. do with the msiflng o? our community ? has been especial. '. : .V : ji ?. ' <Jf rf, We:' Eno*r , Of . fe?d.-.w??en -reach "fbfc ripe " old age of three., score and ten, twenty, thirty, that thqir places over there have long been prepared for them and their friends on the ?other side have been patiently await ing their coming. Yet we sorrow at their going. They have meant so much to the community that something seems to. have been taken out of our life when they leave ??? h 48i Look on every side, and one sees the evidences of the active life and ldyal work of Uncle Jasper Orr. The ?same is true of the life and work of all others of the older g.-uup who have laid down the working tools of life as they were called 1 rum labor to eternal refreshment. We who are younger If. ok upon the passing of the older citizens with sor row ami regret. We forget, it seems, thai with each passing year we, too, are growing older, and ere we know it the time comes when another generation will be looking upon us as the older citizens, standing by, awaiting the summons to come to us even as that summons is now calling ao many of our beloved citizens into the New Land. . May we not improve our time and opportunity while the years go by? Can wo not look into the face of en feebled age and see therein the re flection of our own faces as they shall appear ere we are aware of its near ness ?The long shadows of age that have cast their long lines down the pathway of our old friends will soon be falling across ours. What are we doing? Are we spend ing our time is personal imprevement, as so many of our older friends have <luiie,"?so &s to be" when the ??all conies to receive the sweetest of all benedictions in the whispering voice of algelic tone: '"Well done, good and faithful servant, enter , thou injo the joy of thy Lord"? Or do waste the golden opportunities as in dulge in trifles, in discord, in hatrSd, wnvy, jealousy, spite? , | Viule Jasper Orr is gone. . _ \/ I Soon, very soon, it y/ift be You, and You, and You ? the warnhig comes to ?S. , Tramp (at" door) ? Is your husband at home? ' l| t JMYx. W?>llbre<fc? Gracious. A tramp ? >>KJi a < ?>!!? ge -education. ?ti En-? . U. COURSE IS. ! UIOST SUCCESSFUL ' ^ ? ? ? ? ? - Tho'B. V. P. U. study course wWich orfCVlfcid.at 4he Baptist church dur 'V\? ~t m; ic-ek of March 21, tnrough lift, aCxiiwaa.- entirely successful, ac v"?fn|to Ralph Ramsey, director of .a- &? X. 6- U. work. ' \fl rik<dh|iey said that 50 persons (?.-JfipTefcJ tiie study course during he week. The : instructor for Seniors union as Rev. Paul Hartsell; for the In rmedisrtee, Mr. Ramsey, and for the . unior?, \5Siss Marjorie Garren. 1'imri^kvSH WRITES LETTER .. . "?-Of INTEREST i ~ ? ? >ear Patron of the Rosman School: With the spirit of friendliness a hK'Vi' Kfe's characterized our every impaction with you we are agam ailing Vour attention to some of our uinil# Avho' arret not studying hard . noughci Students do not have suffi ?cnt time to adequately prepare their fssons at school. Home work must )c done, in every subject to insure .atisfactory marks. If the promotion >f your child is in grave danger please ?? quire your child to study more at icrne. If your child has failed to make he passing mark on any subject this ,a.v be due to a lack of study, or too liiny outside engagements, irregu arities in attendance, or to some -use which may be removed. I sug -:st that vou talk this matter over vith you.r child. The teacher will be ,'!ad to give the child make-up work it any time to help pull him up to massing grade. You have done well to bear the xpense of your children's schooling his year. You are to be congratulat ?1. We have one more month of icjtiool. I hope that you can send your " h,ild to school every day this last :'.jojith. For commencement I hope ou will be as economical a3 you can t ttsofar as clothing is concerned. Let .?6ur children wear the clothing which Key already have to commencement. ' l has been "hard on you to send your bildren to school this year, and we iave done our best in every instance nijike situations which were con u<;five to your childs learning. I You have given us your hearty co peration, for which we thank you; ;ith your continued loyalty to the chool there is no reason why we ?jinhot have a good commencement? ' ''osin^'a-successful school year. G. C. BUSH, Principal, 'arch 22nd, 1932. Of lb ? li^The DEMOCRATIC VOTERS of Transylvania County: 1 hereby announce to':-the ' Demo " latic' Voters of Transylvania County hat I will be a candidate for nofe ?X-.attoh for County Treasurer, sub A-M tg the action, of the Democratic .'.^im?ry. ' 0. L. JSRWiri.-" m-m &-*? ? ? , , About 750 rural bojte and girls of ?D'?isia- county joined the 4-H clubs -?'Tganjaffii ig the ^cwnty thy -spring. LnrrLERIVER news" mr% ? jMr. Tom Drake and son R?lph ^sited the former's sister, Mrs. G. C. ?icCall last week. Evelyn and Carl Jr., small children >f 'Mr. and Mrs. Carl Couch of Ashe vi He 'spent the Easter holidays with heir prandparents Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Elkins. ?v 'JRsatB- .Flora Allison .and Julia Wood teachers here spent the Easter 'loliday's at their home in Brevard. Mr. Ralph Holtzclaw of Hender sonville is visiting his brother Rev. ? W. P. Holzclaw at Cascade power ;lant. Mr. and M?e. Tom Couch visited heir parents Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jlythe of Pleasant Grove Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Amos McCall and hildren Ralph and Ruby spent Sun lay in Gloucester section. Mr. W. L. Couch made a business trip to Charlotte Tuesday. Miss Unice McCall of Brevard visited her aunt Mrs. Virgil McCrary last week. Julian Allison moved to his new ;nc near the McCrary saw mill .'uesday. Helen McCrary entertained the "unior B. Y. P. U. members at her iome last Saturday afternoon with n Easter egg hunt. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Mackey and ?hildren visited Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Webb of Brevard, Sunday after noon. Misses Nell McCrary Lovella -Merrill and Ruth Holtzclaw were ?hopping in Hendersonville Tuesday. Award Wyatt Avie Wyatt and Wil !iam Dill of Balfour, visited Vernon Gosnell,. recently. . MAYOR'S COURT Conrad Killian charged with as saulting Henry Thomas and Katie Thomas was fined $10.00 and costs by Mayor Ralph Ramsey. "Doc" Lloyd charged with disorder ly conduct was sentenced to serve on Ihe city streets for 15 days. The case of Bob Goodson charged with public drunkness was continued jntil Saturday April 2, at 4 o'clock. Tom Bagwell charged with assault ng his father, resisting arrest and 'or public drunkenness was tried before Mayor Ramsey Wednesday naming and bound over to Superior court. ;; * At tl Rfc time Bagwell was, ^rested ho was Being sought for having es caped before serving a 30 day sen* fence "which had been given him- by Mayor Ramsey for public drunken ness. While' under the influence of whis key Bagwell assaulted his father and slashed Officer Chr.rch Morris on '?hs hand with a vatnr wV.is h* aN | i.l him. llSiaSf QUEB1C NEWS vi?L_ Mr. Lyle. Henderson -. of Asheville, ? spept several daye last week visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Henderson... Mrs. Lej?oy McCall has been sick with l'.u or coid the past week, but is improving,. ' "Mrs. Cecil Whitmire spent several days last week visiting her grand .parents at Oakland. ' Mrs. ' Richard Harrison and littlo son, Junior, are staying with W. B. Henderson and family. Mrs. John Robinson and Mrs. Jack Smith visited Mrs. C. W, Henderson and Grandmother Henderson Wed nesday. Miss Jessie Fisher of Reid's Sid ing, left Saturday for Canton, where .:he intends to work. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Whitmire and Uncle "Jack" made a trip to Green ville, S. C., to visit Mrs, ^ora Whit mire, who is very ill. Miss Susie Miller, who has been visiting her brother, Mr. Gideon Miller, left for Enon last week, where she expects to spend some time with her sister, Mrs. Laura Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. Woodfin Miller of Sapphire, visited Mr. and Mrs. Gene Moore recently. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Owen and family Sunday. Mr. Homer McCall and Cecil Rob inson attended the baptizing in Glou cester, Sunday. Rev. Z. I. Henderson of Travelers Rest, S. C, spent the week-end visit ing relatives here. Mr. T. C. Galloway of Asheville, was the guest of Mr. M. 0. McCall on Sunday. Little Rebecca Smith spent Wed nesday night with Irene Owen. Miss Mildred Henderson attended the baptizing in Gloucester, Sunday. Mrs. Jack Smith and Louise Owen were Rosman visitors Thursday. Madge Jones and Garland Jones are reported to be on the sick list. Rev. A. J. Manley was the supper guest of W. B. Henderson and fam ily Sunday night. Mrs. Walter Whitmire ol' Rosman, and Miss Vera McCall of Greenville, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. 0. McCall, Sunday. Mr. Gene Moore made a business trip to Gloucester Monday. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Sitton, Miss Louise Gillespie and Mrs. R. L. Hog and visited H. A Southerlin who is ill ir. the Tylor hospital of Greenville, S. C., Saturday. E. G. Glazener and R. L. Hogsed visited H. E. Whitmire of East Fork. Sunday. Jack Wildey of Brevard Institute attended the funeral of his grand mother. Mr3. G. C. Loftain in Ashe ville,' Thursday. Miss Jennie Aiken of Newton .spent the week end here. Misses Willie Kate and Rutb W?fcers spent tlje Veek end in Green ville, S. C., with friends. Miss Annie Shipnian was a Green ? ville visitor, Monday. Miss RutJj,. Qantrell spent Monday in Asheville. Miss Mazie Shipman of Henderson ville is visiting Miss Nan Kilpatrick Miss Janie Strickland was visiting in Asheville Saturday. Mrs; Tom Osborne, Miss Carolina Kinjsey, Mrs. Martin Kinizey, of Mills River attended Jasper Orr's funeral which was held here Satur day. Mrs. E. E. Brown and little daugh ters, Annie, Nell and Madge, anil Mrs. J. H. Wilson and children of Sylva visited Mrs. A. A. Bridge? over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Fisher, Miss Vieda Butte, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Noland, Mr. and Mrs. Black attend ed the funeral of Jasper Orr here Saturday. Louaillier Orr and Louis Orr of Chattanooga, Tenn., attended the funeral of their father, Jasper Orr, held here Saturday. NOTICE OF SALE Under Chattel Mortgage State of S'orth Carolina WHEREAS on the 24th (Jay of March 1931 the Brevard Hardware & Furniture Company, Inc., executed a chattel mortgage and note to the Belnap Hardware & Manufacturing Company, Inc., on property described in said mortgage, which is recorded in Book 24 at page 472 of the records of chattel mortgages in the office of the Register of Deeds in Transyl vania County at Brevard, and where as the said Belnap Hardware & Manufacturing Company, Inc., by proper endorsement has transferred all its right,' title and interest in the mortgage and note, above referred to, to Donald Lee Moore; , NOW, THEREFORE, under and by virtue of the power contained in said mortgage, I, as assignee of the Belnap Hardware & Manufacturing Company, Inc., of Louisville, Ky., will on Mondav the 25th day of April 1932 at 12 o'clock M. at the store of the Brevard Hardware & Furniture Company at No. Ill West Main Street in Brevard, N. C., -offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash all of that certain property now situate in the store of the Bre vard Hardware & Furniture Com pany, Inc., as is described in the chat tel mortgage above referred to, which is recorded in Book 24 at page 472 of the chattel mortgage records in and for Transylvania County, N. C.. and iefe.-fence is hereby made to said ?book and page for a complete de scription, of the property to be sold 'under this power. Said sale made to satisfy indebtedness due the on dersigned assignee and cost of sale I and any surplus will be paid to the Brevard Hardware & Furniture Com pany, Inc. i This the 30th day. of March, 1932. DONALD LEE MOQRE. Assignee. . 4tc Mar 31 Apr?, 14,21 WANT m SALE ? Fine frcah -miik cow, I or will swap for fat beef cattle. See j W. L. Aikee. Jfar31tfc WANTED ? Your Laundry Work ? New and up to date machinery, bast ,of work ? Prices reasonable for. cash ;and carry. Rough dry, starched, for J 5c lb. Miss Sadie Nortii, W. Probart street. ltp ' FOR SALE ? 2000 Juniper trees, | three to eight feet high, 20 cents per foot, W. W. Orr, Etowah, N. C. Mar 31 4tp, FOR RENT ? Hinton Lodge, Depot i Street, for the season or by the year. Furnished or partly furnished. Rent Reasonable. Mrs. A. N. Hinton ^ Sylva, N. C. I , FREE BEAUTY CREAM The season's final free goods deal on Beauty Cream. Bring this ad on any Thursday in April j^^et abs&lutely free trial size of liquid beauty cream, j Brevard Pharmacy, Jesse B. Piekel simer, Phg. Prop. ' J VICTOR RADIOS . . victor Phono graphs . . Victor Records . . li it's a Victor, it's good. For sale at , Houston's Furniture Store. M12tf FOR RENT ? Six room house, all furnished, also garden with house. Will rent cheap. See 0. Duclcs or call Brevard Plumbing Co., Tele phone 125. Mar23 tfc SPECIAL I FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN During the month of March we will give one Ice Cone FREE with each cone purchased. Brevar-d Pharmacy, Jesse B. Pickelsimer, Ph.G., Prop. i FOR SALE AT ONCE ? Fla-.io and bench, $75.00; four burner oil stove and oven, $9.00; dining table, 810.00; six chairs, $3.00; wood heaters. ( J. F. ZACHARY, Maple Ave. 2t. FOR RENT ? Weli i oca ted business property, splendid locations for merchandise establishments. See Jud son 'McCrery, Tinsley Building, Tele phone 172. 029tf i ! FOR Sal f. ? Cabbage, Tomato, and Bermuda Onion Plants, $1.00 per 1000. Pepper, Sweet Potato and Egg Plants $1.S0 per 1000. Prompt ship ment D ORRIS PLANT CO., ; VALDOSTA, GA. 4tp. i ' MEN WANTED ? to establish and conduct Rawleigh City business in Cities of Brevard, East Flat Rock, Ilazelwood, Waynesville, Sylva. Re liable hustler can start earning $35 weekly and increase rapidlv. Write , immediately. Rawleigh Co'., Dept. NC-6-V, Richmond,' Va. ltp WANTED ? Every one Interested in Radios to call and see the wonder ful Atwater-Kent Radio. Hear it and see it at the Houston Furniture com pany's store. J15tfc i NEWEST MAJESTIC RADIOS at Houston Furniture Company'. Bre vard. Guaranteed no "A C hum." . A high class Radio at a reasonable . K" fly 3Ltf /IRE WOOD, Stove Wood. Kindling, Sand and Gravel. Trunks lind Baggage. and. general haulir.g;- Rates ; reasonable. Siniard Transfer Co. Phone 118. Ang 13 4tc ; RADIO REPAIRING by an expert ? , ' John Reese Sledge, recognized in Ere vara as an authority- on Radios ,and Television is now with Houston ? Furniture Co. Aw 27 tf ' I 5 : ENGLISH BROTHERS, Shoe Rs | Builders? Anything in Shoe repair ing ? We satisfy. Rose Building, Fourth ave., Hendersonville, N. C. ' , W e pay postage, so mail your shoes to us. Junll 4t | Smokey Joe ? Want to go to the show, honey? I've got two seats. Fanny ? Then why aren't you in i the side show? | A Few Specials ON INTERNATIONAL FEEDS FOR THIS WEEK & NEXT 100 lbs No. 2 White Oats $1.40 100 lbs 17 per cent Pure Wheat Shorts 1.35 100 lbs 24 per cent Dairy Feed 1.75 100 lbs Special Dairy Feed 1.50 100 lbs Make Meat Hog Feed 1.85 I We have all kinds of POULTRY FEEDS at Special Prices 24 lbs Silk Floss Flour . . 65c 24 lbs Wichita's Best Flour 80c Good Coffee, 2 lbs . .25c Drop in and see H. GARREN 143 E. Main St. Brevard, N. C Phone 108 W. a W. DISTRICT "NEWS ITEMS - | (TF. H. Grogan, Jr., District Mgr.) \ ' ' . Vvji " Applications last week: Rosman No. 298, 7; Brevard' No. 116, 2; Sylva No. 560, 2; Ku'rphy No. 891, 1; and Canton, No. 391. 4? Total 16. Big Ftcd n? Sylva Monday noght, April thl' 4th,, mem bers of tsylva Camp No. 560 will en joy oysters and chicken. Sovereign T. F. Dillard is chairman of arrange ments committee, which will provide music and spoafeer for the evening. Thi3 Camp has had two teams out for new members during past two months, with Soverigns Dave Dillard and . Mack Ashe as captains. They have already added J.3 new members to roll book. New Officers at Canton Over at Canton No. 391, a new set of officers have been elected. They were installed the 25tn by W. H. : Grogan, Jr., district manager. E. L. Aiken, a past Consul Commander of Brevard Camp, was elected Consul Commander; N. B. Rhodarmer, j President of Western N. C. Log Rolling Association, is a member of this Camp. Watch this Canton Camp roll in new wood choppers. Camp Records Wanted A few Camp Secretaries failed to .give us their Camp record. We can ' riot pass on this information without, the facts and figures. W. N. C. Log Rolling The following committee: A. M. j Paxton, chairman, I. S. Sanders, J. ; B. Hfenderson, R. C. Stewart and G. IL. Watkins, have been appointed by i Rcsman Camp No. 295 to make all ! arrangements for District Convention | to be held there on Aprii 28. This i committee will give us their program ' next week. Get Enough Protection i Sovereigns ! Springtime is here ' the time to clean up, paint up, patch up and plant for future hwrveit, knd whi)e you pie at it, get out your In surance Policy and see if > you have enough to really protect your de pendents, pay yct*r debts :J(nd provide fo? your aelf when you grow old. Sovereign Bev. W. M. Grogan, a student at Wake Forest College, spent the JEaater holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Grogan, | Jr., at Brevard. Mc is well known to Woodmen in* Western N. C., having preached W. 0. W. Memorial Ser mons the past two years.' Mc is 20 years old and graduates at Wake Forest this spring. Read This at Meeting Sovereign and Secretary: As you read this, remember you are to also v read it at your next Camp meeting v You know a little match can /tart a big .fire and sometimes a fev^jford? start a big campaign. Brevard Camp Review Balsam Camp No. 110, Brevard, was chartered Sept. 22, 1904. One hundred forty-two members are en rolled in the Camp, with $247,500 Insurance. There have been 2? deaths in the Camp, survivors being paid $39,600 Insurance. Brevard is the home of W. H. Grogan, Jr., District Manager. This Camp has entertained the Western N. C. Log Rolling Association five times, sends "delegates to all State end District Conventions; cooperate!" at ail times with State and National Officers, and donated $100 to equip a bed in the War Memorial Hospital (Free treatment for tubercular mem bers). A. B. Galloway i3 Consul Commander and W. H. Grogan, Jr., is Financial Secretary. Want Ada Are Good Selling Aesat* Willi THE COUNTY'S COLORED PEOPLE! .( BY J. M. HARRIS) CHUKCHtS Easter was a high day 'amohg the j 'colorfed churches. All rendered Easter programs. $C flOUi<S j The schools are now looking to- j ward closing exercises. At Rosenwoid school, Brevard, Tuesday night, April! 21, the first through the sixth grades jwill hold their exerciscs. On Thurs iday night, April 21f the seventh j through the ninth grades will hold ; their exercise. MAXWELL HERE TONIGHT W'. C. Maxwell, o f Orefervville, S. C'.. noted. lecturer, magic and picture show man will give his magic and ; moving picture show at the Rosen jwold school tonight. | . CIGARS A XD FUR COA TS | Some colored people must change j their way of thinking and living. If the eolered people o* this 'country | are to escape starvation' and rise out of poverty into comfort' and ease, they must change their way of think ing and living. Not long ago a young colored man was seen in an office looking for a' job, He was well bedecked with jewelry and fine clothes, and white, waiting for his turn smoked several high priced cigars. A young colored lady on the samfi errand was all diked up in a fur coat i that cost into the tens of dollars, and while waiting in the employment of fice all of her talk was about new hats and spring coats. Think of this type of young man | and Hvoman in 'a /poverty stricken group. This undesirable attitude toward life results in bad outcomes for the race. Colored people must learn to THINK. WAYS RESIGNS I Raleigh, March 30. ? Rev. Warren; I W. Way, for 14 years rector of St. j ! Mary's school, Raleigh, the largest ; Episcopal school for girls in the United States, has resigned to re enter parochial work, his resignation, accepted by the trustees, becoming effective after the present school year, j No successor has yet been named. On This Spot 1 Each week there will ap pear in this corner of the Editorial Page of The Brevard News a little mc.a ? l sage that will interest you. THIS WEEK We want to call your at tention to the fact that YOU live in Brevard ? Of courses you knew that all along ? or did you? There are people here who STAY in Brevard and i LIVE in other towns ? In which class are YOU? See you next week, Under the Eyes The Fashion "Where Quality- and Price Always Prevail" THE RIGHT WAY TO TRAVEi ?is by train. The safest. Most corn fort?.ble. Most reliabl6. Costs less. InCjWre of Ticket Agents regarding grnatty reduced fares for short trips. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM ? 1 We Are Here GE "You can tell we appreciate your business by the service we give" GEORGE SIMPSON, Prop. Phone 104 -*? w- C MAIN ST. JUST BELOW PLUMMETS

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