ROSMAN SCHOOL NEWS I Promotion List ! Millia Allison, J. E. Burt, Bill Dockins, Russell Duncan, Margaret Glazener, Annie Gillespie, Frank Mc Call, G. C. McClure, Woodrow Mast ers, Mary Morgan, Inez Oats, Mae Owen, Laura Pharr. J. D. Powell, Myrtle Raines, Howard Reece. Nor man Singletary, Pauline Sutton, Earl Whitmire, Everett Whitmire, Lois Whitmire, Richard Whitmire. Ruby Whitmire, Dorothy Wilds, Oneda Wilds, D. S. Winchester. I Seventh Grade Perfect Attendence j Record Laura Pharr. Inez Oates. Pauline Sutton. Millie Allison, Mae Owen, J. E.Burt. ? ^.sadB Sixth Grade Attendence Honor Roll Fiances Galloway, Hilda Galloway, Annice Whitmire, Helen Summey, Earl Duncan, Herbert Woodard. Fifth Grade Honor Roll Lucille Galloway, Eula Mae Morris, I"< Pangle, Dovie White, Margaret White. I Kuy Etdridge, Alfred Galloway, Robert Oatos. Clarie Petit, Allen Sisk, Ray Winchester. Font tli Grade Perfect Attendence Eva Israel, Mirriam Stewart, Ger ald Allison, A. P. Bell, Earl Powell, Clvde Rice, Frank Whitmire. Robert Whitmire, D. H. Winchester. Third Grade Laura McCall, Kathlene Wilf n, Dona Mae Smith, Ruth Lewis, I a (JVk.way, Ellen Morgan, Inez Paxtwi. W. B. Jones, Elbert Chapman, Looney Sisk, . Second Grade Perfect Attendence Albert Israel, Fred Powell, Ruel Whitmire, Lucy McCall, Ola Butler, Ester Galloway. First Grade Honor Flora O'Shiolds. Children in Switzerland In thr> summer the Swiss children look after the cattle and goats and help harvest hay for winter feed. When their work is done they play among the rocks and gather beautiful flowers that' grow near the ice fields. In the winter they spend most of their day, from sunrise to sunset, a ? school. During the long evenings tne boys help their fathers who are carv ing figures and making toys. On holi days everyone goes" skiing or coasting on the steep mountain slopes of skat- , ing on the lakes. Theirs is the hap py, carefree life. . . I HERBERT WOODARD, 6th grade, j Spring Spring here and every one' is happy. Th" flowers are blooming and the apple tr<o buds uiu swelling; in ?'Vet the buds ate on most all of the | 'rees are showing signs of awaken- ' ing. Many bovs and girls are glad when spring arrives because school will soon be out but I think they should be happier because it brings bird songs and growing things. ? HAZLE MOORE. 6th grade. April Showers When I was small I hated rain. Hut never now do I complain I'm old enough to own a coat, cap and umbrella for the wet. And in my bright shade of red. It's very rosy overhead. When the rain drop3 pelt and patter Upon my coat it doesn't matter. When April showers come you see, It's just, a lot of fun for me. GENEVA PETIT, 5th grade. What I Shan id Like to L)o I would like to visit Australia, and to see how the people dress, work and live. Australia is about the size ol' ( Europe. The chief industries of that continent are agriculture grazing, and mining. They raise many sheep, cattle and hogs. j One other thing I would like to see j would be the animals of Australia, among them being the kangaroo. It lias a long tail to help it run, two : short legs in front, and two long legs | behind. It can run very fast, ' RAY WINCHESTER, 6th grade. , Vacation Time j Vacation time is almost here. I am expecting lots of fun. There are sev eral trips I would like to take during my vacation, and fishing often. I don't like to think of parting with my teacher and schoolmates, but I hope that we will all have a good time this BAYER aspirin is always SAF E BEWARE OF IMITATIONS Genuine Bayer Aapirin, the kind doctors prescribe and millions of users have proven safe for more than thirty yean, ctn easily be identified by the came Bayer and the word genaine. Genuine Bayer Aspirin is safe and sure; always the same. It has the unqualified endorsement of physicians and druggists every where. It doesn't depress the heart. No harmful after-clects follow its use. ? Beyer Aspirin id the universal antidote for pains of all kinds. Neuritis Neuralgia Lumbago Toothache Headaches Colds Sore Throat Rheumatism Aspirin is the tit de-mark of^Ba^er mtnufaeteiw of moaoacotieacidotw fTO'ira iioiiciiieniGii.cniciiiciiicineiiieiiieiiiGiiiciiieiiiciiiGinoiiiGiiieiHcuiGi 1SH OFFICE SUPPLIES BURT. L. OWNBEY & COMPANY ARCADE BUILDING Phone 2105 Asheville, N. C. ror.^ii SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM SPECIAL EXCURSION Thursday, April 28th. Washington, D. C $12.50 Richmond, Va. . . .* 10.50 Norfolk, Va 11.50 Baltimore, Md 13.50 Limit 5 days in addition to date of sale. Rates quoted from AsheviHe. Equally low round trip fares from other Western North Carolina points. For additional information, ask your local agent, or write: .. J.H.WOOB, Division Passeager Agent, Asheville, N, C. ?\tmrrtpr, sinri im": in scnool again nex,, 'tOtt; feeling reated and ready foi work. D: H. WINCHESTER, Jr., 4th grade April April days are here again, Golden sunshine with the rain. Flowers blooming on the hills, Violets nodding by tho rills, The robin sings in the apple tree, He's glad 'tis spring, , It is plain to see. I The butterflies rest <n the ear flowers, And use them for umbrellas To keep ofF the showers. LUCILLE GALLOWAY, Oth grade Good Things Good thing to eat, Good things to say, Good things to do, 'Most every day. ? f * Good things to do They're good for you. * But don't do anything that's wrong ! jj It doesn't make you good and strong. ' v Good things to love ? j '' Our mother r And be good to one another. , Good things to do in every way, ' Is mind our teacher cverv day. GLADYS CLARK, 3rd grade. I " Ahj Rooster I I have a rooster. He has very short legs. I call him Duckleghorn. ? One morning I went out to feed the * chickens. I looked for my rooster but ? he wasn't there. Then I went to look * for Duckleghorn. First I went to the > chicken house but he wasn't there. n Then I went to the back yard and 11 there he was. I got my feed and fed " him. " 1 My rooster will run after me. He v will sit in my hand, too. I have made " him a roost in the chicken house and - every night he roosts there. GLADYS WHITMIRE, 3rd grade. * ButterYies 1 There are many kinds of butterflies. ^ They are coming north again and we s ' know it won't be long "until summer j !"is here. Butterflies are very pretty. ( 1 They look like flowers sailftig around v i in the air. It is hard to find them i i after the flowers bloom. They are like t ; the flowers in colors, ( All children like to chase butter- J ! flies, but it makes them sad when s the butterlly gets away and they have f 1 only a part of its wing. j 1 Wouldn't it be grand if we little \ ? children could keep our suits clean j , like the butterflies? KATHELEEN WILSON, j 3rd grade < My Mother'* l)>>ckt> 1 j | My mother has some little ducks. 1 ' They have yellow web feet. < I like to watch the little ducks ( ! swim in tho pond. ; I ORA OWEN, 2nd grade. !< WITH THE COUNTY'S COLORED PEOPLE (By J. M. Harris) CHURCHES All the churches held regular ser vices Sunday. Sunday school interest iis increasing in all the churches, ?s 1 gecially at Bethel Baptist church, i Brevard. I schools The schools are closing this week. Monday night exercises were held at the school. Tonight (Thursday night) will be class program at the Rosen wald school a I The following are among those to receive certificates from the Seventh Grade: Walter Anderson, Elizabeth Mills, Charles Deloney, Ruth Erwin, Helena Hall, Nathaniel Hall, Bessie Ellis, John Jeter. From Junior Hlffh School: Ruby Johnson, Llelwen Mills, and William Hunt. NOTICE TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE TRANSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY: The Annual Stockholders meeting of the Transylvania Railroad Com pany will be held at the general of fices of the company in the McMinn Building. Brevard, N. C., on Wednes day, the 4th day of May 1932, at 10 o'clock a. m. for the election of of ficers and directors to serve during the ensuing year, and for the trans action of -any other business that may come before the meeting. A. K. ORR, Secretary. Brevard, N. C., Aoril 13, 1932. April 21st, 28th. EXECUTORS NOTICE Having qualified r.s executor of the estate of Chalmers D. Chapman (de ceased) . late of Transylvania County North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Brevard, North Carolina, on or before the 7th day of April, 1933, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will' please make immediate settlement. This the 6th dav of April, 1932. DAVID G. WARD, Executor. April 7, 14, 21, 28, M5,12. ADMINISTRATRIX'S Notice Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of Ethel Townsend, de ceased, late of the County of Green ville, South Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Brevard, N. C., on or before the 16th day of March, 1933,- or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AD persons indebted to ?aid estate will please make immediate prfvmenl. This 16th day of March, 1932. RACHEL BAGWELL, Aiitnir.ietr&. txte. of of Hihrf Twnwi, Mar. 17, 24, 31, A;;r. 7, 14, 21. ,1 mil 1 1 if ?mill in in i ii ii ... W. O. W. DISTRICT NEWS ITEMS W. O. W. BANQUET MENV . , 'ruit Cocktail .... Cranberry Saucd iu Gratin Potatoes . . Sweet Pickles tring beans Celery Au Gratin Last week Head Watchman C. P. [nforth of Kings Mountain and your )istrict Manager delivered 33 service ins to members in Cleveland County. 1 11 thirty three members have beer Voodmen twenty-five years or lonpct, 1 went to Grover Camp No CI, G to [ings Mountain Camp No. 15, 3 to 'atterson Springs Camp No. 143 and 3 to Earl Camp No. 66. Several of hese honor service pins have been de ivered to Shelby Camp Any member ,-ho has been a Woodman 25 years or 3nger can get one of these beautiful ervice pins by writing to President eraser, W. 0. W. Building., Omaha, Nebraska. hrimp Salad ?ound Cake . loffco Itewed Corn lot Rolls . . . Sliced Tomatoes . . Corn Muffins Drinks . Hot Chocolato Tea Milk I Tk? Rosman Camp and Grove have | arrangements almost completed for j the large delegation that will attend 1 District Convention thero April 28th. At Brevard Jerry Jerome and his committee will have everything ready for banquet Wednesday night ? P. 51. the 27th of April. Remember to get your banquet tickets from Jerry be fore it is to late. (See program in last ?weeks Brevard News). Mr. and Mrs. Odoni of Wadesborr will accompany Head Consul tr.d Mr-. Hill to Brevard for W. O. W. banque: the 27th. Judge will deliver an address at banquet. I attendee' Meetings ut Cliffsido, Hickory and Catawba last week Cat awba Camp and Grove will hold their Spring Social Get Together meeting! the 3rd Saturday in May. I I wonder how many soverigns will get one application and bring it to convention as evidence of your inter est in Woodcraft at home. NOTICE OF SALh. Under Chattel Mortgage 'taie of North Carolina WHEREAS on the 24th dny of larch 1981 the Brevard Hardware & 'urniture Company, Inc., executed a hattel mortgage and note to the; Selnap Hardware & Manufacturing lompany, Inc., on property describe-! i .-.aid mortgage, which is recorded ; Book 24 at page 472 of the records f chattel mortgages in the office of ho Register of Deeds in Trsnsyl ania County at Brevard, and where s the said Belnap Hardware & lanufacturing Company, Inc., by iroper endorsement has transferred 11 its right, title and interest in the lortgage and note, above referred to, o Donald Lee Moore; NOW, THEREFORE, under and iy virtue of the power contained in aid mortgage, I, as assignee of the ?elnap Hardware & Manufacturing Company, Inc., of Louisville, Ky., rill on Monday the 25th day of April 932 at 12 o'clock M. at the store of he Brevard Hardware & Furniture Company at No. Ill West Main street in Brevard, N. C., offer for ale and sell to the highest bidder or cash nil of that certain property iow situate in the stor? of the Bre rard Hardware & Furniture Com ;any. Inc., as is described in the chat el mortgage above referred to, which s recorded in Book 24 at page 472 )f the chattel mortgage records in ?nd for Transylvania County, N. C . md reference is hereby made to said >ook and page for a complete de scription of the property to be sold mder this power. Said sale made :o satisfy indebtedness due the on iersigned assignee and cost of sale wd any surplus will be paid to the Brevard Hardware & Furniture Com pany, Inc. This the 30th day of March, 1932. DONALD LEE MOORE, Assignee. 4tc Mar SI Apr7, 14,21 NOTICE of Sale of Real Estate Under and by virtue of power. ant) authority contained in that certain deed of trustj dated July lstj 1928 and recorded in Book 1, Page 14 Transylvania Cooftty Registry, an<i executed 'by Carl H. Case and wife, tc the -Citizens National Bank o1 ?iimn?rii ? i i ? niimiiii ii?ii ? >11111 II Paleigh. N. C., Tvustw, and assumed j by J. 3. S. Mcintosh, the present owner," default having bee;* made in | the payment of the indebtedness se- | cured thereby, whereby the entire i amount of said indebtedness became ; due and peyable and demand having , been made by the holder of said note ] upon the trustee named therein to ' advertise and sell the property des- ' eribed in said deed of trust, the I undersigned will offer for sale for cash nt public auction ai the Court- i house door in Brevard, Transylvania ; County, N. C., at noon on Wednes day, May 11th, 1932, the following J described real estate: Lying on the East side of Buena , Vista Drive, beginning at tha corner of Lots No. 4 and 5 and runs with the east margin of Buena Vista Drive South 30 degrees West 145 feet to ? stake; thence South 5S degrees 04 minutes East 240 feet to a stake in a branch ; thence down with the cen ter of the branch North G6 degrees East 137 feet to a stake in the branch at 0. H. Orr's corner; thence with his line North 59 degrees 30 min. 140 feet to a stake at the Northeast corner of Lot No. 4; thence with, the North line of Lot 4 North 59 degrees 04 minutes West 200 feet to the beginning. I Being all of lot 4 and 70 feet of lot 0 in block 3 and the laid to the rear of lots 3 and 4 of subdivision of the G. T. Glazener property by Lawrence Land Co. Said lots being located in 1 Lakeview section of Lake Lawrence !as surveyed and platted by Eagle j Engineering Co. March, 1926, which plat is registered in Book 1, at page 5 of the deed records of Transyl vania County, N. C., Bounded on the East and South by O. H. Orr, and on the West by Lawrence Land Co. Property. This, the 8th day of April, 19?2. i NORTH CAROLINA BANK snd I TRUST COMPANY, successor to j Citizens National Bank of Raleigh, V TriiRfrp** !i By: H. M. CORBITT, Vice-Presi ' ' dent. i1; TERMS OF SALE? C/lStf. ,1 PLACE OF SALE? C O U ft T , HOUSE DOOR. BREVARD, N. C. I I TIME OF "SALE ? NOON, WED ) NESDAY, MAY 11, 1932. I Apxil 14, 21, 28, May 5, Your opportunity to put on new Goodyear All-Wauther Tirea at LOWEST PRICES EVER KNOWN! *?~~ Frier fcec5? Full of !n OtchImi Rtch j P*lr? Low Prices! Lifetime Gtiaranteed GOODYEAR SPEEDWAY CASK PRICES 2Sx4.40-21S3.9S: 29*4.50-20 4.??i 30x4.50-21 28x4.75-19 - 29x5.00-19 30x5.00-20 30T3'iB?8Cl| 3?S7| Tune In On GOOD YEAR RADIO PROGRAMS Every Wednesday and Satur day night over station WWNC I ED. McC0Y'S SERVICE STATION'S j Pisff&h Forest Post Office I Phone 107 Brevard? Corner Broad and I Jordan St. Phone 109. lrou know, this is an Enna Jettick Shoe! Smart, and I'm glad to say, reasonable!" * Smartly Styled Enna Jetticks enable tbe discriminating woman to enjoy splendid foot support, for their scientific design conforms to every movement of the foot ! They're for energetic women ! Make your choice from our wide assortment ranging from the season's smartest lasts to the more con servative aristocratic models, priced at $5.00 and $6.00. You need no longer be told that you have an expensive foot. Be fitted expertly ! Walk in comfort ! Enna Jettick Melodic a every- Sunday evening, 8:00 P. M. Eastern Standard Time, ovtr , WJZ and associated J N. B. C. stations, r ALLEN. 449 Main Sfcreet

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