MR.WHU1RE GIVEN PROMOTION BY A A A; T. W. Whitmire has been promoted to position of district manager for the Carolina Motor Club, with terri tory from Forest City to Murphy, ex cluding city of Asheville. His work for the club has been spectacular, and a message was sent out this week from the headquarters in Greensboro '?-?Ming' of Mr. Whitmire's success.. The message was in the form of & telegram, and was to all repreae&ta nvfcs oi the club in the two CaroMnas. The message was headed "Whlt-O Gram." and reads as follows: "C. W. Roberts, President "P. D. Clement, Gales Manager "All Division Managei-s * "All Branch Managers "All Representatives "All Carolina Motor Club Employees: "V< u'vo read considerable about "Whit" in recent Carolina Motor Club bulletins ? and you're gonna read more. But this bulletin is dedicated solely to T. W. Whitmire, Brevard. . , "Reason? "Today "Whit" sent in seven mem berships, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, some full (?ash. part cash on all of them. "Record for the week? "NEW: 1. 2, 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14. 15, 10, 17, IS, 19, 20. "RENEWALS: 1. 2. 3, 4, 5, 6. Yes ? ti'i < mint cm. 20 & C ? 26. "When you get this you start an other week. Cease WHITLING and go to WHIT-ing. It can be done, is be ing done and must be done. "A nd to you. Mr. Whitmire, CON GRATULATIONS! Keep up the good work. May you continue to lead all division managers, district managers, t eh managers, representatives, "J. H. MONTE." LITERARY ADDRESS ft Jam*? F .Barrett, editor of the Brevard News and the Western Caro ? ? i . will address (o coe Seventh Grade grad ua'i.:- " Little River School, Friday aftet ni-ott at 2:00 o'clock, according t > H. I'. Nicholson, principal of the school. Oliver H. Oyr will make the dip loma presentation address to the stu dents and other interesting features, have been scheduled for the afternoon program. ? a WANT ADS S O QUESTIONS will be asked if the, party taking a browr. rain coat with fountain pen in pocket from the Bre vard Athletic Field, Monday if the articles are returned to the Brevard News office at once ltp WANTED ? Information concerning the whereabouts of Robert M. Pow ers, who has given several bad checks to me and other Transylvania County Citizens. D. L. Green, Fruitland, N. C. ltp WANTED Fresh- Country Eggs and Corn, will pay highest market price. W. L. Mull's Stores. Apr. 8 tfc FOR SALE ? Fine fresh milk cow, or will sw?.p for fat beef cattle. See W. L. Aiken. Mar31tfc FOR SALE ? 2000 Juniper trees, three to eight feet high, 20 cents per foot. W. W. Orr, Etowah, N. O. Mar 31 4tp. , ? '??? ?? ? I FOR RENT ? Hinton Lodge, Depot Street, for the season or by the year. Furnished or partly furnished. Rent Reasonable. Mrs. A. N. Hinton Sylva, N. C. FREE BEAUTY CREAM The season's final free goods deal on Beauty Cream. Bring this ad on any Thursday in April get absolutely free trial size of liquid beauty cream. Brevard Pharmacy, Jesse B. Pickel simer, Phg. Prop. VICTOR RADIOS . . Victor Phono graphs . . Victor Records . . It it's a Victor, it's' good. For sale at Houston's Furniture Store. M12tf FOR RENT ? Six room house, all furnished, also garden with house. Will rent cheap. See O. Duclos or call Brevard Plumbing Co., Tele phone 125. Mar23 tfc FOR RENT ? Well located business property, splendid locations for merchandise establishments. See Jud son McCrary, Tinsley Building, Tele phone 172. 029tf WANTBD ? Every one interested in Radios to call and see the wonder ful Atwater-Kent Radio. Hear it and see it at the Houston Furnitffre com- , pany's store. J15tfc NEWEST MAJESTIC RADIOS at; 1 Houston Furniture Company, Bre vard. Guaranteed no "AC hum." : A high class Radio at a reasonable PT*""e. jly Sltf; FIRE WOOD, Stove Wood; Klndlipg, j Sand and Gravel. Trunks and i Baggage and general hauling. Rates reasonable. Siniard Transfer Co. Phone 118. Aug 13 4tc RADIO REPAIRING by an expert ? John Reeso Sledge, recognized in Brevard as an authority on Radios i ; and Television is now with Houston jl Furniture Co. Aug 27 tf ENGLISH BROTHERS, Shoe Re ?i?'Wers-- Anything in Shoe repair ing ? We satisfy. Rose Building,! y?irth *ve., Hentjersopyille, . N. Q, ) ! We pay pcrtnge, so rotil your shd?? i feus. Junll JAMES NOMINATED I] : BY REPUBLICANS Canton, "April 20 ? C. F. James, prominent manulucturer of Marion, vas nominated here today in the Re publican convention ps that party's candidate for congress. Col. C. J. Har-i lis, of Dillsboro, and Guy Hipps, of! Canton, were named as delegates to ; the national convention. Jame3 F. ? Barrett, of Hendersonville and Bre- ; vard, was nominated as presidential elector. I A delegation from Tranyslvania county was present, and voted to the1 last ballot fojr Barrett, who, with Mc kinley Edwards, of Bryson City, were in the race for nomination for , congress. Several ballots were taken before a nomination could be had in the very spirited contest. BUILD WPONDS I AND INCREASE CASH Raleigh, April 20. ? ''The present is the most opportune time for the con- \ struction of fish ponds," said VVayllan j Jones, of Smithfield, Johnson c.'iuly I game and fish warden. "Cost of con- ; stiuction of such ponds is lower at ; this time than for years. The amount of relief of the unemployment situa tion which could bo provided by be ginning such projects immediately ! would be considerable. "A resident of Johnson county has | recently completed- a tish pond which .save employment to 10 men for a total of about live days. The benefits of the tish ponds, in addition to the ; immediate service of providing work, are immense. These ponds provide in ciilei- facilities for constructive .-port, new sources of food supply and ? Hcvease the value of property on ? ' ' h they are constructed." Mr. Jones said seven new fish ponds have m?cn built in Johnson so far ->i\ o n a r > :v\ ??>!?; vied and still others planned. Johnson was one of the leaders in fish pond con struction last year and is expected to be a lender a fair: this vear, the game and fish warden said. COMMWON MA Y MAKE DEEPER PROBE Raleigh, April 20.? The North Carolina Corporation Commission, vested with additional authority by the 1931 General Assembly, has under contemplation a more thorough in vestigation of the investments oi' public utilities in the State, on which is based the authority for making rates that will bring a sufficient re turn on investments. Recent reports of 12 public utilities companies, gas and electric, show total valuations of ?362,817,611.23. on which earnings last year were $29,502,OSO. The Commission has authority to investigate to see if the valuations of the property investments are justified thus justifying the rates charged for gas and electricity. There is no in timidation that the values are far out of line. The Commission may have trouble in securing sufficient funds for its investigation, during this period of cutting and restricting ex penditures. SCHOOLS IN COUNTY OPERATED FOR LESS ' ? I Raleigh, April 13 ? Nearly $4,000, 000 have-been saved during the past year, the first under State operation, in the cost of the six months consti tutional school term, based on a cost of approximately $22,500,000 for the year 1930-31, as compared with $19,183,642.83 budgeted for 1931-32, some of which will be saved, accord to figures announced by LeRoy Mar tin, secretary of the State Board of Equalization. The 10 per cent cut in salaries ac counts for $1,300,000 of the reduction while the remainder results from reductions in numbers of teachers paid extra ;from county and local funds and savings through all of the operating costs of the public schools, Mr. Martin's figures show. Figures by counties show that the total expenditures from county and State funds for the public school six months period in 1930-31 waj $21, 642,765,62, in addition to funds from local district levies used in meeting .operating costs of 'the six months term. Based on the $1,367,031.58 shown in the present year budgets, Mr. Martin places a conservative for last year at $900,000 from local tax levies, which estimate would show a total cost of approximately $22,500. 000 for the six months term in 1930-31. The total so far allotted from State and Federal funds for 1931-32 is now $15,958,529.16, which Mr, Martin estimates will reach $16,000,- ' 000 when all estimatecmfwypmfwyp 000 when all allotments are complet ed, including audits. The counties and local districts budgeted $3,223,103.67 from county and local levies to sup plement the State funds, of which : $1,858,012.09 is derived from county- : wide ad valorem levies, fines, forfei tures, dog tax and part of poll tax 1 levies, and $1,367,091.58 is expected i to be derived Jrom local district . levies for 1931-32 six month costs. 1 Although the amounts budgeted for 1931-32 show a decrease in cost of i only $3,300,000, the actual, rather i than the budgeted, expenditures), will 1 bring this decreaso in cost to nearly ?4,000,000, Mr. Martin estimates. j Transylvania county spent $81,- i 326.99 on"" the six months term for 1930-31-, as compared with $66,377, B2 budgeted for this year, deluding : ?55*377.82 in State and FfrfernI fapds ind1 $SS!;<W0.C<) hi ewinrty and local ?t is showr.. 1 NEWELL NOMINATED FOR THE U.S. SENATE Charlotte. April !9. ? Hon. Juke F. , Newell, leading lawyer, Sunday school teacher of note, and one of the state's ! outstanding citizens, was nominate! here last Thursday by the Republi cans as candidate fort the United States senate. In his speech of accep- j tance Mr. Newell declared, if elected, i he would stand to and abide by the \ Eighteenth Amendment and all laws ' in support of the same ; that he would use his influence to prevent the ap- ' pointment to public office of any man who violates the prohibition law, or HON. J. F. NEWELL ? any other law, niui wili urge removal from public office any man who via' lates the law. Mr. Newell's speech was received by thy five thousand men and women leathered in the Armor? building, where the convention was held. Fol lowing aie extracts from Mr. Ne well's speech: "I am deeply moved by this spon taneous evidence of your confidence in me. resulting in bestowing upon me your nomination as your candidate for United States Senator. I would be on true to myself if I did not tell you that I appreciate your confidence and the great, honor you have done me. "Standing before this great conven tion, composed as it is of patriots from the mountains to the sea and from the boundary of the Old Dominion to the Palmetto State. I feel almost over whelmed at the responsibility the ac ceptance of your nomination involves. But it is not possible that patriots should be cowards, nor is it possible that one called to lead or serve in the country's hour of need and peril should falter and fall back. "In marching forth into this battle of the ballots, I am going to ask you to let me walk beside of you; to let me share with you the burdens of our undertaking: and, if need be, to let me suffer with you for the cause of our country. In going- forth I make you some personal promises: "I shall strive at all times and everywhere to carry your banner with dignity to myself and honor to you. I shall not besmirch it by dipping it into the pots and pits of abuse. No opponent or enemy of mine shall be libeled, slandered or abused by me. Not even when he abuses me. If my shield is the shield of truth, his darts though with poisoned points, shall unharm me. "I shall strive always to speak the truth. The day has passed when men may win their way into the hearts and minds of the people of this coun try by false representations. No de ceiver can long masquerade as a pat riot. Jt shall strive to give to every mau his just rights. Even my enemy, though he deny me mine, shall have his. There is no other way to make this Republic secure and perpetual. It must be founded on the rock of jus tice, and a passion for justice must be the spirit of our people. "I shall carry your banner un afraid. I may walk through barren wastes, cheerless valleys and hostile hills; tut I shall not be alone. These principles shall sustain me and your confidence and prayers shall comfort me. ?'I shall not forget that Lincoln and Roosevelt are looking down uron our efforts here, and I sh r>. ! 1 ever stand under the flag hallowed by Lincoln and glorified by Roosevelt ? the Stars and Stripes forever. "I shall help you to build a party that will have an ear to hear :> id a h.".nd to help every honest business, giwt ov smtill, and the cry of a child, whether the baby of Lindbergh or th<^ baby of th\? mother for whom there is no room in the inn. "With these promises to you, and expressing my gratitude to you, I ac cept your nomination and dedicate myself, as your representative, to the service of our great country ? tho hope of a broken world.'* LATSON ARRESTED ON ASSAULT CHARGE! Members of the Henderson county ' sherriff's department early Monday morning arrested Bill Latson, of the Mills River section, who was wanted by Transylvania officers "for an alleg ed attack 011 Tom Wood, Jr., son of Deputy Sheriff Tom Wood, in a Bre I'ard cafe Sunday night. Latson was arraigned before Mag strate W. P. Whitmire Monday morn ng and gave bond for a preliminary learing Friday at 11 o'clock. , New Jersey was once called New. Spain. I Alaska is larger, than Norway, Sweden and Finland combined. Peafte aVe the bane of on oyster's /:? .0$ Jnriors Hear Powerful Semon At ' Brevard Bapfti Onj, "Unless your organizatitjn is mak ing contribution to the welfare of mankind, it. has lto right to exist, and will not long exist," said Rev. Paul (lartsell in a sermon last Sunday, Speaking especially to membars of the junior Order. Word had been sgnt to Brevard from Aslieville tha1, dele gations of Juniors were to bo in Brevard from Anheville and other nearby towns, and a lew came. A laige crowd of BrivarJ J::aioi had gathered for the purpose of attending services at the Brevard Baptist church. Rev. Mr. Hartsell preached one of the strongest sermons ever heard in this country. He would not, he said, rehearse the good deeds that had been done by the order: nor spend the time in praises of past itchicvements, but preferred to talk about what could be done by the order in the present and future. The Junior Order, like other frater nities, Mr. Hartsell said, is the result of the progress of the human raec. At. first, individualism prevailed, but when people multiplied upon the face of ? he cai'lh there came first the tribe as man's original organization; then came the elan, and from that, the nation. Yet, iri all the tens of thous ands of years that have gone by, and even with the brotherhood siirrit brought into the world by Jesus Christ, and the two thousand years that have followed, brotherhood is* still in its infant stages. Mr. Hartseli said. People have banded themselves to gether through co-operative move ments this far because of the necessity ?f such grouping, the self-interest t" be promoted by such co-operative effort. The thing that remains to be done is the promotion of the spirit of brotherhood which is prompted by a dwire to help one's fellow man, > at her than being actuate* by a de sire for self-help, ' This, the praacher declared, is 1 slowly coming to pass. lie pointed to : the great work that is beir,g done by the Junior Order and kindred organi zations for the advancement of man kind, ard declared that, this work was once done only by the church. He :iW th" activities of the state which , result in elevation of mankind am: promolioii ui ti,e welfare oi the hu j man family as evidence that the j spirit of real brotherhood is now coming into force and effect. Many organizations justify their existence ' through the good work done, and 'among these the preacher catalogued [the Junior Order. He predicted its | continued growth so long as It served I humanity, but declared that when ; this service to humanity was no Sort er the purpose of the order, then it ' ! would have no right to exist, and would cease to exist. He claimed thn same for the church, or any other 1 organization of men. vowing that onl\ ? through scrvice cculd an organization ! remain intact. ! "God pity the man, be he parson nr politician, who would hinder the . growth of the spirit of brotherhccl ! or prevent its boneflcicni: effect b in* 1 iV'.t in any community, " Mr. Hartsoli said, in closing, declaring that onh;; in Jesus Christ can b* found the l m" ' spirit of Brotherhood, as then? can t ' no brotherhood except there be first a fatherhood, and there must, there fore, be the one Path'.-,* over all, an.' all those who are His sons are 1 brothers to His only Son ? wherfc is : found the true brotherhood ot' njavj under the Fatherhood of God." Members of the order present, as well us the congregation, dclared Mr. HartsclJ's sermon to be one of strenj appeal and lasting impression. BRBMMnr QUOTES ; LAW ON TAX SALES I Raleigh. April 20. ? Attorney Gen era! Dennis G. Brummitt has issued a letter in which he s-els forth thai ' the answers to inquiries to his offict j from city and county officials or at- j torneys, relative to sales of land for < delinquent county and town taxes.. are ; simply statements of the laws on tho : matter, and not opinions or orders from his office as to what the officials should do. ! In a letter to J. W. Price, of Price, Mr. Brnmmitt refers to letters sent previously to B. L. Fentress, county attorney of Guilford county, and J. E. Brown, clerk and tax collector of Vaneeboro. in which he points out that the definite dates for action ty the governing body of city or county and for the sale of property for de linquent taxes arc to be followed, ac cording to law. "These letters," writes the Attor ney General, "simply state the law as | w'c find it in the statutes. But thc-y are not rulings or official opinions of this office. They are not binding or obligatory upon any board of county commissioners or town governing body. The letters were written as a courtesy, in response to request from these inquirers, in an effort to aid them in the performance of their public duties. "This office has no control over , a board of county commissioners or a town governing body with respect to action taken bv such boards in re-, gard to the sale of land for delin quent taxes. There is no requirement of law that local officials should take or _ follow advisory opinions of this 1 office on that subject. A board of county commissioners should rely up on the advice of the county attorney. A town governing body should do the . same with respect to the town at torney. "The General Assembly makes the laws. This office cannot change the law as so made. Nor can a county or town attorney, a board of county com missioners. or a town governing body. It is for your board to determine within the law what your action shall be with respect to any matter pro- j perly coming before it. If mistakes i have been made with respect to the I passage of legislation, it is for the j General Assembly to correct such rnis- 1 takes. Not even a court can do other wise than follow fhe law as it finds it to be. , "Th? executive and administrative officers of the State may wish that the I nv were otherwise than it is, but none of them have any legislative y>ow?r. None of them can change the j' law, I "In the final analysis, it is for your . county attorney to advise you as to ' ' your duties under the law on this ! subject,'' Attorney General Brummitt ? writes. : j plans bMMade j; TO TREAT CHILDREN ? I1 Plans are i>eing perfected for thej annual summer round-up, sponsored ! < by the local Parent Teacher associa- j ' tion, of children who have not had the j ' Diptheria toxiold treatment. f Dr. Newland, county health officer < and a state nurse will bo in charge of the work, giving all treatments, t The toxioid is furnished free of charge to the county and the injec- ! s tion is also to be done free of charge. I ( In this manner tho valuable treat- ? I jnent may be obtained by any child a Sn the county. I The round-up begins May 9 and parents are urged to see that their d children have the treatment in order ( } to make them immune from diph-.h theria dangers. Complete plans ftr the round-up will be announced next week. ? ? VELVET BEAMS GOOD Hundred Day Speckeled !:? Recommended By L. J. Case, Expert. An economical way to winter ox' fatten beef cattle is to graze them on, velvet beans planted in com. A double purpose of improving the soil and fattening the animals is thus served. L. 1. Case, beef cattle expert at State College, recommends the Hund red Day Speckled as the best variety for this purpose. This bean is also known in some localities as the Early Speckled or Ninety Day Speckled. The bean seed may be planted in the f irn when it is first planted or be tween th<- corn rows at the first culti vation. The latter plan allows the corn to make some growth ahead of the beans and is therefore not pulled down by the bean vines to such a great extent- later in the season. The best method of using the beans in cattle feeding is to permit the ani mal to graze the two crops. If the corn should be needed for other pur poses, it might be wise to snap some of the ears prior to putting the beef animals in the field. In some cases too, the mature beans are gathered late in winter to secure planting seed for another season. Some growers gather the beans for feed. Mr. Case suggests that grazing start following the first hard frost and be continued through the winter. When the fields are grazed by cattle hogs may be used to follow them and pick up such corn and beans as should be trampled down. Both vines and beans will remain edible throughout the winter exposure. In fact, say? Mr. Case, weathering makes the beans more palatable by softening the pods. Mr. Case tells *f instances where beef animals have gained as high as 200 pounds each in 90 days by graz ing in this way. They may not have the best finish, but they do make good beef. DURHAMl RACE AUDITORS PLACE Raleigh, April 20. ? State Auditor Baxter Durham formally announced today that he will seek the Demo cratic nomination for State Auditor in the June 4 primary. Major Durham has served in that capacity since 1921, having been nominated and elected in November, 1920, when Col. VV. P. Wood voluntarily retired. He had been in the auditor'3 office sev eral years. "1 am asking the _ Democracy of ; North Carolina to renominate me as State Auditor in the primary to be held on June 4th," he states in nisi announcement. "I am deeply grateful for the ex- [ pression of confidence and faith thai ' i.he people of the State have given me , in the years past. I have tried to live and serve in such a way as to merit .he continuancc of this confidence. J'I am happy to have been priyileg- | ?dj to serve during the period cf the State's greatest development. I hope j hat I may have the opportunity to 'ontinue to serve through the strenu- 1 >u6 days that are ahead of us." i Major Durham is expected to have,j wo opponents in the primary, Chest- 1 ! i- O. Bell, auditor and assistant ; ] :uperintendent of State's Prison, and Jeorge H. Adams, Charlotte, certified p rnblic accountant, both of whom have 1 i innounced. J < Not a single dairyman, trucker or 1 :iversiflod farmer has yet even made ? nquiry about government seed loans { s Catawba County. ) i Corn is the outstarwHrig crop of > < interna. t SEVENTH GRADE 16 PRESENT PROGRAM Graduating' exercives for the Bre vard Seventh Grade will be held Ftt 1jy afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, accord ing to' Prof. J. E. Rufty, principal of the elementary school. The program for the afternoon reads: " Song ? Commencement Song. Invocation ? P.ev. Paul Hartwli. Song ? Keep on Hopin'. Salutatory ? Dorothy Everett. Clafs History ? Nell Scruggs. Class Poem ? Betty Loftis. Class Prophecy ? Lewis Barolm. Class Grumbles ? Yvonn4fcRubinson. Last Will and Testament? Ora Holt Long. Valedictory ? Malva Tharp. Presentation of History Medal ? Vice Regent of D. A. P.., Mins Annie Gash. Presentation of Seventh Grade Cer tificates ? Principal J. E. Rufty. School Song ? Class. Motto ? "Strive for Higher Ideal*." Cl.isu flower ? I'ansy. Officer* President? Lucian Deaver. Vice-president ? Dorothy Everett. Secretary ? Ora Holt Long. Superlative Types Most Popular, girl ? Dorothy Ev erett. Most Popular boy ? Edwin Hunt. Most Studious girl ? Malva Tharp. Most Studious boy ? Lucian Dcaver. Clown ? James Cartoonist ? Ivatherine English. SOCI AL SERVICE Raleigh. April 20. ? Race track betting, the State's election laws, the short ballot, taxation, 'ok failures, blind ordering of motion pictures, child labor on farms and other liv? subjects will be considered in special reports at the 20tl> annual meeting of the North Carolina Conference for Social Service at Durham, April 24-26. Rep-:-,a: prepared after ,-pccial study include such subjects as Work men's Compensation, by Prof. H. D. Wolf, U. N. C. ; Tuberculosis, Dr. L. B. McBrayer: motor vehicle acci dents. Prof. Harry Tucker, Stat.' Col lege; marriage laws, Dr. W. L. Po test, Wake Forest; ordering motion pictures blindly, Mrs. Ada J, Davis, N. C. C. W.; race track betting, E. M. Perkins, U. N. C.; election laws. B M. Perry, Henderson; short ballot, Robert Frazier, Greensboro; Social welfare and the money system, Dr. C, B. Hoover, Duke Univ.: preventing loss to bank depositors. Dr. J. B. Woolsey, U. N. C.; child labor on farms, Prof. C. H. Hamilton. Stat' College; ?5-hour work week for women. Prof. H. D. Wolf, U. N. C. Taxation in several phases will bo discussed by experts at cwo sessions, including a session on "Taxation and Social Welfare," with talks by S. R. Hobbs, Jr., U. N. C., on Wealth and Income in North Carolina ; Prof. Clarence Heer on Cost of Government in N. C. ; Dr. A. S. Keister, N. C. C. W., State revenue sources; Dr. Fred Morrison, N. C. Tax Commission Property taxes and Relief: Dr. C. K. Brown, Davidson College, the N. C. Public Debt; Director C. M. Johnson, of Local Government, centralization and local finances in the State. The Tuesday evening session wiil be a aimposium on taxation with talks by A. D. MacLean, Washington, on income and inheritance taxes, Frank Coxe, AsheviI.e, genera! sales tax; W. G. Query, S. C. tax commissioner on selected commodity tax; Attorney General D. G. Brummitt, taxing foreign corporations. CUT WORMS COMING TO PESTER FARMERS Poison Bait Only Successful Method of Exterminating Wasteful Crusaders. Cut worms are comiijg! That is the word of agriculture experts who base their prediction on the mild winter. There has been no cold weather U> freeze out these pests, and agriculture research men are .predicting that they will cause more damage this year than in many years. The lady-like winter left them alive; the early spring is going to prove equally encouraging. They are apt t<> be a real menace to garden and truck crops, corn, and tobaeeo. The worms, it is said, are especially fond of crop# growing in freshly turned sod where the ground is soft on the feet and easy to bore into. The only effective remedy for these pests is a poison bait which is scat tered over the ground, easiest way to prepare such a poison bait, and one that will spread far, accord ing to B. & B. Feed and Seed Com pany, local Purina Chow distributor, is to dissolve three pounds of paris green in three gallons of water and sprinkle it on 100 pounds of Purina Bulky Las. The mixture is then shoveled over and 'there is enough bait for five acres. At sundown the poisoned bait is scattered on the ground. The cut worms come up at night to feed, attracted by the odor of the r.ioistened Bulky Las. It tastes good. The worms eat heartily. . .go home happy. That will be their last public appearance. Mnnv carloads of Bulky Las are used each year in the United States and Canada, Says the local Purina ieaier, for thi3 purpose. It is the ?aaiest way of preparing a poisoned >ait, because Bulky Las ig already sweetened and when mixed with paris jreen and water makes a bulky mix :ure which is easy to scatter ever hz ground. It may bs either broad rast at scattered along the rows at he haw of the plants. iBUn

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