I m RAOIL ORR DIED WEDNESDAY ?*? .. 1;- .???? Mvs.- Rachel .'Orr, ; 73, died at'her ?! home t>r. Lamb's Creek, Wednesday mfternooH at 4 o'clock after an illness of. two weeks. Funeral services will be held at the Brevard Methodist ehurch today (Thursday) at 2:30 o'clock with- R?v. J. H. West, pastor of the church in charge. . . <a Mrs. Orr was widely known in Transylvania county having been ac tive for a number of years in church work. She had a wide circle of friends and the news of her death will sa3 der. the hearts of a multitude of friends and relatives. She was a con scientious, wholesome individual and admired and respected- by all with whom she came in. contact Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Cult Case and Mrs. Vine Beck of Brevard Route 2. One son, Oliver Orr of Bre vard and one daughter, Mrs. J. M. Meece. Brevard Route 2. SATURMY IS FINAL DAY FOR SEED LOAM Applications for federal seed and' fertilizer loans must be mailed in timr to be received by B. W. Nix, Farmer's Seed and Fertilizer Loan Ir.SDactor no later than Saturday Ami' 30. Mr. Nix is headquartered at Hendersonville at this time, he hrv'.ng supervision of Po'k, Henderson and Transylvania counties. Farmers desiring to jnake applica tions for seed or fertilizer loans must do' so at once, for no applications will be accented after Saturday. "Fh- Central loan committe for Transylvania county includes: S. R. Joines. chairman; P. A. Morgan, Brevard, and E. 0. Shipman, Pisgah Forest. Mrs. Roland 0 w e n and Mrs. Ira Gal'oway who have been in, charge of the work here with offices at the Joines Motor Co. building have made out over 50 applications for Jeed and fertilizer loans. Parties interested are requested to see them immediately. A filing fea of 50c is charged for each application. ; f- ^ " KIVVANK CLUBBIDS ! MISS CALL GOODBYE With an inspiring address by Joe Brown Love, of Nashville, and a fare well expression to Miss Eva Call, club pianist, the Brevard Kiwanis club held a most enjoyable meeting at the England home iast Thursday. The i-lub attendance was at its usual high standard. Mr. Brown is a college visitor from the General Board of Education, of the Southern Methodist church, .with headquarters at Nasheville. He. is visiting the schools and colleges in North Carolina, making contact "with pupils, and studying school problems. ' His address was an inspiration to the members of the dub. Miss Eva Call, pianist for the club, was leaving for her home in Mocks vi le /or the summer vacation, and ttibute was paid to her faithful work ' thioughout the past three years. Miss' (" ill yas declared to be the most loyal, : aithful. efficient member of the Ki wanis club. MAYOR'S COURT J. Heath charged with public drunkness, fined ,$10.00 anl costs. De fendant appealed to Superior Court. T. J. Cantrell, violation of prohibi tion 'aw, bound over to Superior court. V" : Cf&rence Duckworth, nublic drunk: lies?, $10.00 and costs, <'-'fendant ap pealed to Superior cou't. BR. R. L. MOORE ROSMAN SPEAKER Delivers Literary Addre*? To The. 16 Seniors Of Rot man High School. Dr. R. L. Moore, president of M#W > Hill College, and a speaker of note, delivered the literary address to tfta as ! > R. L. MOORE 16 seniors of Rosman High School, Friday evening April 22. The program for the evening read: Piano solo A. ftf. White,- Jr., In vocation by Rev. J. E. Burt; Saluta tory by LaVerne Whitmire; Valedic tory by Irene Pharr; Baccalaureate address by Dr. R. L. Moore; Presen tation of Diplomas and Honors for year by Prof. G. C. Bush; Benedic tion hy Rev. E. E. Yates. Ushers were Ruth Jordon. chief; Dot Wilson. Junior Stroup, Le a Owen, Inez Owen, Pauline Moore, : Frances Morgan, Helen Owen, Louise Glqzener, Mae Cash and EM White. The list of seniors includes: La Verne Whitmirfe, Irene Pharr, Virgin ia, ? Oates, Willie Cantrell, Frances Edens, Evon Saunders, Alfred White, Jr., Robert Gravely, Harrison Hall., Mcntaree Ga'loway, Elsie White, An^ nete McClure, Claxton Henderson, Ralph Galloway, Myrtle McCall and Buby ,Qwen. . Rev. J. R. Owen delivered the Bac calaureate sermon, Sunday April 17th at 8 o'clock P. M. in the high school ailditorium. The program for this occasion read as fol'ows: Prelude," "The Largo," Processional Hymn (audience standing,) "Onward Christian Soldiers." Doxology by .audience, Invocation by Rev. J. K. (Henderson; Anthem, "Thy Mercy" by Girls Junior Glee Club; Introduction by J. W; Glazener; Sermon, Rev. J, R. Owen; Recessional Hymn, "Coma Thou Almighty King; Benediction by Rev. J. E. Burt; Postlude Serenade. ? Ushers for the evening were; Ruth Jprdcn, chief; Mary Gillespie, Alene G azener, Mildred Henderson, Thelma Ga'loway, Beatrice Woodward and Ruth Moore.' I The Seniors staged their Class Day , oxercifcei, '"Thursday evening April ?!? ' The class colors are Pink and Rose, while the class flower is the Pink Rose. Class. Motto, "Tonight we Sail Where shall we land?" | The class day program read: Address by President, Robert Grav ey; History by Claxton Henderson; Statistics by Myrtle McCall : Prop hesy by Ruth Owen ; Poem by Virgin- - a Oates; Advice to Juniors, Montaree Galloway! Jester, Ralph Galloway; Giftorian, Evon Saunders; Class Song, hy class. Ushers were: Ruth Jordan, chief; Annie Laurie Singleterry, Thomaa Lee, Fannie Morgan, Ophelia White, O. W. Glazener, Mae Cash. ???? w a i. When you take Bayer Aspirin you are sure of two thing*. It's sure relief, and it's harnjless. Those tablets with the Bayer cross do not hurt the heart. Take them when ever you suffer from Headaches Neuritis Colds Neuralgia. Sore Throat Lumbago . ; Rheumatism Toothache ?? When your head aches ? from any cause ? when a cold has settled in your joints or you feel those deep-down pains of rheumatism, sciatica, or lumbago, take Bayer Aspirin and get real relief. If the package says Bayer, it's genuine. And genuine Bayer -Aspirin is safe. AspiHn is the trade-mark of Bayet manufacture of monoacetio acid ester of salicylicacid. . mmms : i Itf JjlMmcr DEP&f'y GUARD I *5! MASkON TO VtSIT EASTERN ! ? Iff) STAR. W?tSh Chapter No/' 198,' Order ; of th?$abiern Star, wtli meet Tuea- , day evening, May 3rd, at ' 8 o'clock J in the .Masonic Hall. The degree team ?' whieK consists . of members from I Esther, West 'As'hevillD, and BHtmore,1 ?haptere 0f"O".~E, "S. will present the program. Mrs. Minnie K. Lewis, dis trict deputy, will be""in tharge.of th? meeting. * | BUSINESS SESSION OF WOMAN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY I -r~, ? : ? The Womanj8. Missionary society of the Brevard Methodist church met in the Ladies parlor Thursday after noon, April 21 for their regular busi- ' ness session. " ' \ Plans were perfected for the anf nual Bible Study Course which ii scheduled, to begin at the Methodist church Thursday May 19, with Rev. J. H. West, pastor of the church in chargeV Mrs. J. C. Wiite was appointed chairman of the Local Service com mittee to fill the vacancy of Mrs. R. L. Nicholson, who recently resigned. Suggestions were offered and plans discussed for the Erevsrd Institute Junior-Senior banquet which the so ciety is to serve, in the Masonic Hall. Mr/NTOSH AND McNEEI.Y HOSTESSES AT DANCE Misses Mi'dred Mcintosh and Ma bel McNeely entertained a number of their friends of the younger set with a delightful dance Monday evening at the home of Miss Mcintosh in Forest 1 Hills. ! The young folks danced until a late ' hour, during which time refreshments of cake and ice cream were served. i ERNEST McFAULS ENTERTAINS WITH DANCE Thursday and Friday evening, ' April 21 and 22, Ernest McFaula en tertained a number of the seniors of Brevard ? High Sfhool and other in- . vited guests with: two enjoyable leap year dances at the home of H. A. Piuromer on East Main Street. , Sbwiutc uLAsa Lakv& invits DAY FOR ANNUAL ESCAPADE Brevard High School seniors are leaving todays for Camp Burgess Glynn where 'they will camp until Sunday. ???. !? \ It is expected .that a large number Of the senior vlaSs Wi'il go on the. trip -together with ? a number of es pecially invited- .ffaists. i I MRS. NORWOOD AND MRS. S JENKINS ARE HOSTESSES I TO 'PARTY ? ; V. An error wefc 'hinted in the ficcount appearing in last week's News of the P^rty- given for 'Mr. Alvin Moore on April 19th. Hostesses on that occasion were Mrs. Harold Norwood and Mrs. Frank Jenkins, not 'Miss Marv Jenkins as reported. ' HiNTOK. McI.EOD PRESENTS SCOUTS WITH : - TENDERFOOT PINS M rs. |j lrfton 'M I'fcieo'd, Scout CapUir. of the local troops of., Girl Scouts, presented 10 girls of Troop 1 with their Tenderfoot " badges ' Wednesday afternoon at the Primary School buttling. ' ???|! ? T$e Scouts ''Hi' this troop having' Dten, preparing-- for several months in anticipation for' this event. The pre sentations of ? badges 'officially made the >troop girls members of the National oigganization, with rights and privi'eges due its members. The trtxtpi.in cooperation with Troop No, 11, ist planning for a Scout, camp to. bo- held within the next few weeks and definite plans' are being rtade for this occasion at 'the present time. ? , . m 4;l . . . - ?*' ? ? ?> H. yl. R. MEDALS WON BY i TE!i PUPILS Ten I). A. R. History Medals were gi evented to honor .-students- in that subject ? during the closing exercises tff (he sohooJ^rj) k:'"> ;? Ffve ;of the aehoo's have reported the wiping (stadents. RosmAn, Ever ett Whitmiifc; Beerrard, LacSart: T>ea,v- *' er ; Davidson Rirver, Reba ' Nteholkta ; Penrose) Dorpthy Talley ; Little Rivar. Malyin IMcGah&Ji The winners' from Pisgah forest, Siiversteen, Liike Tett away, gelic^ and Balsam Grove schools \|ill be announced later, ' ? SEVENTH GRADE GIRLS BNTERTA1N FRIENDS WITH . V. GRADUATING PARTY a ~ * fr- - VJ . 1 . ? Seventh Grade girls of the Brevard Grammar school entertained a> large number of their young friends with i party Saturday evening at the home -f L. P. Hamlin, Jr. . TJta Seventh gtaderg were : graduat ed recently ip commencement exercis at the school and thi.Vwas planned for'their last .class "get-to-gether'' of the;year. ; .. . ! fmm ^ ? ?: ? ! t Mr.-.. jLeattr Hush has rcturniSto, Alamo Gordo, New Mexico, uftt*r spending some time at Lake 'fo.wvtyty. Robert and Waiter Duckwortte of flarstjalT'were visiting their ptmiSts,! Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Duckworth: Sffcii- j <lay. ? ? I Ashe Macfie of Weaver College spent ihe wesk-tnd with hia parents, ' Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Maafie. ? | Charles BJor-gran of MajB Hill Col- ? lege spent the week-end in. Brevard, ! Mrs. L. E. Brown, Miss Florence . Kern and Mrs, A. R, -Gillespie and Edgar Loftis attended a meeting in ! Spartanburg, Wednesday. B. T. Egerton has returned to Lake i Toxaway to resume his duties with the railway company after spending several months in Orange Lake, Flor ida. C. D. Mull, Sales Supervisor of the Carolina Baking Co. with headquart- | ers in Greenville, S. C., was visiting in Brevard Wednesday. Mr. and. Mrs. L. A. Holt were 3up- 1 per guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl i Frady, Monday night at their home | on Frank in Avenue. The supper was ] given in honor of Mrs. Holt's birth- i day. Mack Johnson of Chicago, 111., is visiting his wife in Brevard for ser rul ('/s. ? _ Mr/ Alfred Milter, mother of N. A. Miller is reported to be improving .slightly from a recer.t illness. The condition of Mr. Cul! Case, who recent y suffered an attack of paraly sis, remains unimproved. Ed Jones of Charlotte spent Sunday in Brevard with friends. Franklin Jennings of Greenville, S. C. spent the week-end as the gueat of Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Feaster. , Mrs. G. T. Frady was ca led to ( Shelby Tuesday on account of the ' serious illness of her mother, Mrs. P. M. Thrift. Miss Jackie Clayton left Monday for a two weeks visit in the capitol city. George W. DePriest of Shelby was a visitor in Brevard Tuesday. Joe Brown Love of Nashville, ' Tenn. has been visiting at the Bre vand Institute for several days. M\ W. H. Allison has returned to ?her home "Deerpark Home" or, North Brevard after spending the winter irf Arizona. , ; ! i . , PATRICIA HARRIS HOSTESS I TO PARTY Patricia Harris, your.g daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Harris of Choriotte, N. C. celebrated her fourth birthday a: the home ol her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Harris. 520 Country Ciub Road, on Monday ? April 25th. Miss Ora Hal! Long assisted in en tertaining the children alter which they were served ice cream and birth day cake from a picture table in a col or scheme of yeliow and white. The favors were balloons and tiny jrel ?lpW baskets of mints. Many dainty and useful gifts were received by the little hostess. Those present were: Nar.-v Jane Loftis. Carolyn Kjmzey, Marjorie Cantreli, Jean Glenn, Caro lyn Kizer, Mary Norwood, Patricia and Marilyn Harris. OFFiCERSlAPTURE f L ARGE DISTILLERY Transylvania officers led by Sher iff Ed Patton captured a large dis tilling outfit Tuesday afternoon on the waters of Batson's cree< near Connestee Falls. The still was operating in full , swing at the time. Two men fled and were chased for a long distance. It is understood that Sheriff Patton has i issued 8 warrants for suspects iu the j case, V F. W. TO MEET i FRIDAY EVENING | Local post V. F. W. will hold a called meeting Friday evening at j which time delegates will be instruct- j ed as to procedure at the State "Con- j vention to be held in Charlotte on : Alay 1, 2, 3. Glover Jackson and How- J aid Wyatt are delegates with R. F. Co* and Frank Woodfin as alter nates. ^COMPENSATION CASES TO BE HEARD Raleigh, April 27. ? Forty-eight workmen's compensation cases, two involving deaths, are set for hearing in the piedmont and mountain-, area the next two weeks before Chairman Matt H. A'len, of the N- C. Indust rial Commission. ? L*. . The calendar contains four cases at Spray, four at Winston-Salem, one at Taylorsville, five at. Lenoir, c?? at Boone, three at Bakersville, two at Marion, one at 'Marshall and ,12 at Ashevil'e, where Chairman Allen will finish the first week. In the second Diplomas And Seventh Grade Certificates Framed _k .?* > ; < . , vr t* Wsrhave- several choice lines of mouldings to select - from and $Hces are reasonable. f 7th Grade Certificate 90 cents ? Diploma $1.05 ? the diplomas are framed with glass on front and baek so that both sides can be seen- Protect them from get ting soiled or damaged by having them framed. 1 - AUSTIN'S STUDIO 22 Broadway . tu L. i mm mm % \ wmm plan Ay, ' ? ? ? ? Gtjfflrga ??? F. Wooifin of Penrose, Commander of the local Post of tha ( VeU&uis ?if Foreign Wars, Post 2428 . i t??*reccfv<:d a letter from Congress- i wan Zcbulon Weaver in regard to his i position on the payment of the ad- ] j lasted servies Certificates. , ijThe letter reada: * !j JJr. George F. Woodfin, Commander, ' : Pjsgah Post 2428, Veterans of For-!; efgn. Wars, ! 1 Hrc-vard, N. C. ( Dear Sir: 1 l have read with interest your let- 1 ter of the 21st !n regard to the po- i srtion of your Post on the payment i o{ tha Adjusted Service Certificates, i I am hopeful we can secure legis'a- 1 tian that will retire these certificates, I oelieve the Ways and Means Com- ? mittee will be able to report ont a , i bill which will be entirely saiisfactory > 1 and will not be harrnfu; and will at I the same time take care of this situ- 1 ation. 1 I have always voted for legislation ? favorable to the veternKs and hope to be able to do so in this case. I am; sure you know of the difficulties we' are laboring under at this session of t Congress on account of thi depression throughout the country, but I believe if a proper bill is reported that we could accomplish two things. First, retire these certificates and second,' help our financial situation. I wish to assure you and other vet erans that I am not only friendly >0 , you, but anxious to accomplish some-j th^Jn this way. Very tru'iv yours, J. ZEBULON WEAVER. ! week he will hear four cases at Way- i nesville, four at Sylva, two at Frank. ; lin, two, at Brevard, one each at j Hendersonville, and Columbus, two at , Rutheriordton, one each at Shelby, ; Lincd'nton and Newton, and five at ? Alberaarte. The two Brevard cases, to be heard May 3 at 3:S0 p. m. are Herbert Hal! ; v?- Gloucester Lumber Co., and.F.L. Johnsfo Y&. Pfeg&h .Mills. Kp --a -mmmm t. '.''if- L E' C. , Mpc?Q ot AubcviUe, can^i- . late Tor the sfete Corporation coife mission offers tS? -tolvvring an nouncement in making known his jandidacy for nomination by the Democratic rafty: ? "To afford the . peojJe the op Bertunsty to secure better service from the CORPORATION COM MISSION and also to give the people an opportunity to expran titer opiaSan upon the service ihey have received heretofore from the CoftiniisSioh, I am offering myself for noifiitiit'Qta by the Democratic Party in tha J\ine Primary. The entire membership of the Corporation Com mission Were Indicted a few months ago by a Buncombe County Grand Jury and I am offering my services in opposition to one of these mem bers, If the people feel that they -4*?ire more efficient Service and vnW" to change, I shall be glad to have their support.- and assure them they will receive the very highest type of ser vice. North Carolina History shows what can be expected of a Macon. The only metltciJ of showing your approval or leek of approval is at the ballot bos; therefore the opportunity to your diesire is given and I shall appreciate your favorable consideration" INTERESTING PROGRAMS AT MASONIC MEETINGS Dunn's Sock Masonic Lodge is en joying unusually interesting meet ings these days, and plans have been adopted that assure greater interest than ever before. At fhe meeting iafit Friday night ;r. program of Masonic instruction wi&ns. planned, with Jerry Jprfftiw, Senior Warden, in charge. Beginning with the next regular com munication on'the second Friday uight in: May, a oj&'-spbftite period will be dasroted to were jn instruction, and it is believed t'hat many members of the lodffe wiU be present to enjoy this Crushing; upVi , OLD FIELD TVPE U.S? tSk, 4X 6&Q-MUJD. 6,?0-2B#;TX 7.00-20K.D. 1 T8UGC AND BUS TIRES fl IJM'W II *0f fi ?? ? 3&S 32*6 EJ>._ *$.?# ?K.M S4r?s4.0_: "3&4? 7?-??? 6tM.23&& &*??? mt4 i80^W?if^3M? 3S.fe3 r.9e~2oiiLt?. iM( ' sx.6? 9^-20aj>+;.4?ug? ??,4? 9'.75?2$E.?. <M.*S ???.?<? Nh 4-.40-21 4.50-20. 4.50-21 4.75-19 5,00-19 5,00-20 5.25-18 5.-23-21. 3J50-18 5,30-19. 1C0-3SH.D, CmcbViUm S ?oh $4.79 ?.*S ?.43 ?*t5 *.7$ 7.S* 6.SS I.M 1.41 CmA PrJ?e F ivroit * 9*30 I0i38 ie.54 S&3? aau*? 13.10 14^* U'*& i&.ta ja.?4 si.it 7?.4?? S&14 3X.M S1.M i?a?.K? ; 4tl 0*J<?r 3t00* as ?*? ?*??? * BATTERIES Sevan exclusive feature* make Firestone the most powerful sn'd longest -life batteries ever btilt. , - $C9S ?od up ??_ (*ritfa ypUT cJdtsM^?) I ? sMntific ' . "BRAKE \ i ADJUSTING - u. .v..-.-. Beprepwradfer sny emergency * #itfc ^ojod bi^jW certified oar oa^FU??toaelDynsak Tester. Have you eversfopped lorij^ ?ioii?1ltv think of what might happen if your br*k*s^$M<VB you?. ( Well, just stop long enough and picturerinfaw miad the sor row that comes to people every' dayCcauietS by faulty brakes, such' as wornout drums, Ijad'lnimg and connec tions. Keep your brakes lined ?tpd a^ustfd. We give you the world's finest brake lining mt <*. very small cost ' ? ' "r. ?'?? ? i We carry a very complete lip<e of Fgot. and Chev rolet parts in stock Also a nice ato$;f^,-o?hfc.r makes of cars. But if we do not have the defied in atoclc^ we can get the same for you iifS'^eif few Murs- V"' ?.?5 v. ?' ;. ? void || ? ' \ We are now doing a general 'auto repair business and at any time you nedid any, of th?S following k-epairs for your car, we will be glad to' do V^iur.work. We in stall piston rings, valves, conriecban rpds, rebush springs, spindles, repair transnwasiona,.. clutches and differential parts, straighten fenders,etc.. >x MAY WE SERVE YOU?WE SAVE YOU MONEY AND SERVE YOU BETTER. " PHONE 290 BREVARD, N. C.

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