DR. C. ?. CUNNINGHAM AND C. L NEWLAND HEADING MOVEMENT {Continued fro* t mge one) county. Dr. W. M. Lyday immediate ly announced, when informed of the desire to dedicate the hospital to the memory of his" father, that he would equip and furnish a ward to contain some half dozen beds. Indications have been made that other citizens, and groups and organizations would be glad to furnish a room in the hos pital. Four generations of Lydays have served humanity in the medical pro fession. The old pioneer, Dr. Andrew J. Lyday, his sons, grandsons and great grandsons, have been and are now practicing medicine. Dr. W. M. Lyday is now one of the outstanding physicians of the county; death re moved a few years ago Dr. Ell Lyday, a brother, who was one of the beat loved men of his day. Naming the new hospital "The Lyday Memorial Hospital," in commemoration of the great work done by the old pioneer and his descendants, is pronounced by all citizens to be one of the most beautiful tributes ever paid a citizen of the mountain section. With all the summer camps in op eration here, and with the hundreds and thousands of summer visitors, ad ded to the county's fine citizenship, the community's greatest need is that of a well organized and operated hes hospital. Announcements that this need is to bo filled will prove most interesting and pleasing to all citizens < t the county. A little booklet that may Save You from an Auto Accident It's b,-ief. It's interesting $ It contains the high. Sights from an extensive study of a class of accidcnis that cost 34,400 lives last year ? nearly a million in juries There's no charge for it The facts are sei forth strikingly ? some in pictures clearer than words, some in charts v/Sich can be 5r."p?.-i ?f a or a cof/ cf "Tremen dous TriRcs." If the demand exceeds the supply, we will order additional copies end send you yours with as little delay as possible. H. R. WALKER INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. Phone 67 Brevard, N. C. For INSURANCE SERVICE CALL Mary Jane McCrary DR. ANDREW J. LYBAY WASCOUNTYS GREAT PIONEER PHYSICIAN ( Continued from pane- one) of him that he was not only physician for physical ills, but was the adviser to the families in whatever their troubles' might be. Of course there were no hospitals, and the doctor had to go to the homes of the sufferers, where he diagnosed the case, wrote the prescription and filled it himself from his supply of drugs and medi cines which he carried with him. Kis stock was replenished at stated inter vals in the wholesale drug stores of Greenville, S- C. Dr. Andrew Lyday performed the first operation in this section with the method which was then new, that is by giving anaesthetic. It was a thigh amputation, and created tre mendous discussion at the time. As physician, friend and citizen, Dr. Lyday's life left its imprint upon this whole section. His life was so interwoven and intertwined with the people of his day, that his influence is to this day felt throughout the com munity in which he lived and luboreO and loved. I The great good of his life's work I was not the only heritage left by Dr. | Andrew Lyday. He left a fine family ? whose influence lias grown into a tre- j mendous factor for good over a large part of the country. In 1859 he mar- ] ried Miss Elizabeth L. Clayton, and j t;) them twelve children were born? i six son's and six daughters. Three of ! tho daughters and all six sons are ! still living, and in addition to these j sons and daughters of Dr. and I.Irs", j Andrew J. Lyday, there are 63 grand- ? chiUTren, 70 great-grand-children and i 18 great-great-grandchildren. K, in this mad age of speed, jazz ! and discontent, impatience, rivalry, envy ?nd restlessness, the citizens 5 who settled this great mountain re- 1 gion, and established here the civil- ? izftiin which should be enjoyed by ?ths present generation, there would if. it is safe to assume, more thor ough appreciation of the manifold conveniences at the beck and call of ?!i the citizenship. Dr. Andrew J. Lyday, and all the men and women of his day and generation served for tho sake of service itself. They faced great obstacles and overcame tremen dous handicaps and fought through great difficulties. Life, to men like Dr. Lyday, was to serve. Death came to him while in actual service, attend ing the sick. It was a great life ? likewise it was a great death, to step from his actual duties here across the River that leads to eternal rest which this county's first physician had so richly earned. WOMANS BUREAU TO SUPERVISE WORK ? ? ? Pians were perfected for beautify ing and improving the vacant lot at corner of Caldwell and Jordon streets and other glaring spots of the town, by the ladies of the Woman's Bureau when members of that organization met at the Chamber of Commerce rocm, Monday afternoon in regular monthly session. Work is expected to start in the near future with Mrs. C. E. Orr chairman of the vacant lot bcautification committee and her co workers, Mrs. Wm. McK. Fetzer, Mrs. C. C. Yongue, Mrs. J. C. Wike and Mrs. Oliver Orr in charge. The Bureau jjlans to operate an ex [ NEW HOME i On the Corner that Everybody Passes During the Day ? Better prepared to serve you than ever before. Full Line of DRUGS ? STANDARD REMEDIES ? PERFUMES AND TOILET WATERS ? SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND DRUG SUNDRIES. ? Prescription Work A Specialty ? All Prescriptions Compounded by a Registered Pharmacist of Long Standing. We cordially invite all of you to call at our Store for ? anything you may need in the Drug Line. A cordial welcome awaits you all. ? 0 The Brevard Pharmacy J. B. Pickelaimer, Ph. G. Manager In Our New Home ? Corner Main and News Arcade. ^ * ' 1 "[ " "? * M . * Lucky Fisherman With 9 Fine Trout j , f \ Jess A. 0|llovay, above, Transylvanin county register of deeds, won a priio that many tlshciraeu dream of last week when So cajjifht nine sptck ! led trout besuties in a mountain atreain near Brevard. ' ? I li,. rSf iTiiini-Timps. Laurels for fishing prowess go tc Jess A. Galloway, Transylvania coun ty register (>i deeds, who Thursday aftornocn crowned himself with glory when he caught nine speckled trout beauties in a fisherman's paradise near Brevard, totaling 11 1-2 pound.?. Six of the troui were 17 inches in length while one was 13 inches long end two, were 12 inches in le-igth. It is believed that the fi o wexv three years old. Mr. Galloway, an ardent and /killed fisherman, landed the nine prizes within one hour and a half fiom the moment he first dropped hi ; hoolc. The nine specimens were perfect examples of a fisherman's dreams and Mr. Galloway explained that there were many more in the streams, where he caught the prizes, yearning for a hook to bite. The mountain streams in Transyl ? vania county abound with such fish, land although it is unusual for speck led trout to reach 17 inches, fisher men this year believe them to be greater si;:c than usual in the local streams. Mr. Galloway, register of deeds here for the past term has announced his candidacy for reelection. He .-.panels his leisure time wading the mountain waters, fishing for such prize.-' as he caught Thursday. Sine- the fishing season opened April 15. the streams of Transylvania county have given up a very small percentage of the fish within them although u large number of local and \\; if l. fishermen enjoy their fav orite .-.port each day. A iarge number of fishermen have reported large catches and it is the general opinion among fishing circles that the water prizes arc running in unusually large .numbers and of greater size this year than ever be fore. Such veteran fishermen as J. W, .Smith, Brevard barber, and the three Simpson brothers, George, Orville and Leonard, of the Simpson barber shop, Claude Glazener, of Rosman, and "Doc" Galloway report prize catches for the early season. change bazaar during the summer months, Mr3. B. F. Beasley being chairman of the committee leading the work. It is planned for ladies of the Bureau to furnish the articles for sale; the Bureau getting 10 per cent and the contributor the remainder. The exchange sale is open to all the ? ladies of the town. The Bench committee including, I Mrs. W. E. Breesc, Mrs. C. E. Orr 'and Mrs. Roy Long was requested to I investigate the matter of placing I benches along the business streets of, the town for the benefit of tourists, benches to be made by local carpen ters. After the business session, Mrs. Roy Long read one of Edgar Guest's poems, "In A Garden." PROPERTY NOT TO BE ADVERTISED UNTIL j NEXT FIRST MONDAY! i ( Continued from page one) should have the benefit of the exten-i sion boing asked of the county com missioners. A le^er to. the Board from W. E. Ercesc, County attorney was read, in which he suggested that the tax sales bo postponed. The letter read: Board of Commissioners Transylvania County Brevard, N. C. Gentlemen : i In reference to extending the time for advertising property for delin quent taxes, I will say as 'follows: J I have written to the Attorney ] General and he gives me no definite! answer but says that it is my duty to advise the County Commissioners as ' to what they should do in the premi ses. but he adds that the next legis lature can validate any sale that isj continued, as same has been done in the past. I Sir. Chas, M. Johnson of the Local Self Government Cohimtesion says we should not extend the time. In my opinion, it may bp best for the financial condition of the county to. proceed with the sale on the first Monday in June, but after talking: with n large number of the citizens of the county and being well aware of the financial condition of the county, I believe it would be for the best interest of the people of the county to extend the time, as there is no money in the county at present. I am therefore going to assume the responsibilty and advise the Board under the present conditions to ex tend the time. If the President of the United States and his Advisors by and with the consent of Congress see it proper to extend the time for Germany and other debtors of the United States to have an extension of time in the pay ment of their debts to the United States and to give said debtors a Moratorium, I think that an extension of time would also be beneficial to the citizens of this county. Your3 truly, W. E. BREESE County Attorney The Commissioners made a cereful investigation of the financial condi tion of the county, the closing down of several plants and the fact that there is no sale for farm products ai::l live stock and the general condi tion of the county and in view of thfjir findings voted to' postpone the tax sales, the sheriff being notified to act accordingly. One hundred dollars was set aside for the Welfare Bond to be used in the most useful manner. 16 CONVERSIONS NOTED AT LITTLE RIVER REVIVAL Rev. Carl Blythe and Rev. W. P. Holfzclaw concluded a revival meeting at the Little River Baptist Church Sunday, when the 16 conversions of the two weeks meeting were accepted into the full fellowship of the church. According to persons who attended the services the meeting was well at tended every evening with excellent sermons delivered by tho pastor in charge. YOUR BEST FRIEND IS MOTHER GIVE HER A TREAT BY VISITING George's Lunch Room Below Phimnrers, George Simpson, Prop. | COMMERCE BODY S f RE-OEGANIZID HERE li FOR SUMMER WORX I, {Continued frt-m pag" one) , nounced later made by Presitfeju ' Jerome lasf. year were accepted for J the new year in view of th?ir splendid I work and accomplishments. The list, fur 1931 follows: Agriculture ? J. A. < Olaiener, Chairman; Fred Johnson and ft". W. Brittain. ' Tourist ? John W. Smith, chair man; S. M. Macfie, Roy Long and Carl Hardin, Miss Florence Kern and \ Mis;: Kathcrine Griffin. . | Finance? 0. H. Orr, Chairman;,' Mrs. O. L. Erwin and Mrs. John W. ? Smith. Industrial? Mayor P.. H. Ramsey, : ' chairman; T. G, Miller, E. P. McCoy,; J. M. Gaines. R. H. Morrow. i Publicity? James F. Barrett, chair-: man; 0. M. Doug Roads? Duncan MacDougald, chair- 1 man; W. J. Wallia, S. R. Joines, A. H. Kize?. Mrs. 0. L. Erwin, president of the ' Woman's Bureau of the Chamber of Commerce deel ed that there is no amusement pro/ided for our summer visitors. They come here and when! they do not find amusement they lo-j cate elsewhere for the summer ' months. I Mr. Kimzey appointed a committee;] of six persons to work out satisfac- j tory plans for providing more amuse- ' nient during the summer as well as ' to work out plans of publicity. A. H. 1 Kisser, chairman; C. M. Douglas, Mrs. O. L. Erwin, Fred Miller, J. W. SiuilSi and I-I. NT. Carrier. j The Industrial committee led byi Mayor Ralph Ramsey was instructed ! to confer with Hendersonville Cham-' ber of Commerce officials to work out ! plans whereby the two organizations! might work together for the welfare; of both towns. The read committee led by Duncan ? MarDougald was instructed to lead j the work in regard to repairing the) golf, course. The tourist committee with John W. Smith as chairman was instructed ta, hold a meeting and have a discus sion of ail plans suggested at the mass meeting and work out plans for (he development of them. A. H. Rizer, county accountant and j one of the most enthusastie citizens at the meeting suggested a plan I hat may be developed into a plan of ac tion to bring countless tourists to this county. Mr. Kiz? believes that if two I' men were to make a tour of several i of the larger cities of Eastern Amer ica, talking camp that a large nnr.v, ber of people could be induced to ; spend their summer's here. He said! that if the campers were enrolled at the local camps, their parents, would follow and spend their summers in ! the county also. I! was also suggested that the Post: Card day be held again this season ! and that the members be encouraged to send ten each. By popular conscnt it was voted to held a second mass meeting Friday May 7 at the court house and ail citizens interested in the welfare of | this town and Transylvania county! are urged to be present. BREVARD BOWLERS 1 WALK CANTONS LOG I Brevard's crack bowling team de-! feated Canton Rollers on the latter's' alleys Tuesday evening in a duck pin contest by 1G5 pins. SEVERAL CHANGESMADE j IN REGISTRAR LISTS: The following changes have been' made in the list of judges and regis- ! trars, according to chairman of Board of elections, G. C. Kilpatrick: Clarence Norton appointed Regis-] ter Hogback No. 3 in place of E. A. Reid who resigned. ELsie Cash ap Bccauae MILXIONS more people buy Goodyesre. these 5 quality tires cost -cu Uttie. GOO DYE & ft PATH FINDER Supertvr.'st Cord Tires Lifetime Guaranteed CASH PR":n?S Full O7C?'Si70 Tub? Price [Each in of F.:;f ?'l Pcirs I5.4SI14.93 17.10 16.60 X&.SOZ'J.SC 29.30 2S.2C J6.4G 35.3? 39.60 38. 4C 50?ntcd judge in ptecc of (Jlaretve Morton. Will Moore appointed Judge in ]Juco of Walter 1. Reece who resfgn sd. for Rcsm&n precinct. BOX SUFFER FOR B. B. ? For tha benefit of the Sylvsn Val :y Baseball ieague a box supper wili m; held Friday evening May 13 at ho Fnon School house, according to *1. L. Ponder, secretary of the Enon earn. Broadus Henderson of Quebec ,h?? ir^anizcd e b^eoball team of Lake foxaway ?nd Itosiran men and en . red his team as the fourth team for iw Czuiguc. The iirst game will be played Sat jrday when Enon will play Pisgafe forest on the PiRgah field in a prac tice tilt. * ?lisS?s? m '1 r H. S>. Track 'fires CASH PR1CF.S TRADE your old tires for NEW 1932 | sSyear All* ' ! -WM.tU.ri Tune In On GOOD YEAR RADIO PROGRAMS Every Wednesday and Satur day night over station WWNC ED. McCOY'S SERVICE STATION'S Pisgah Forest Post Office Phone 107 Brevard ? Corner Broad and Jordan St. Phone 109. WEEK-END In order to introduce superior Blue Bird Ice Cream to the people of Brevard, we offer these specials ? Pint Brick Quart Brick ?'At BLUEBIRD Ice Cream Store ?TINSLEY BLDG. BREVARD, N. C. ? - . -