M BREVARD NEWS Published Every Tharsday'by THE thamsylvania PUBLISHING CO., Inc. hiiterai at the Postoffice in Brwar^i N. C.. *s Second Class Mattel J.imes F. Barrett Editor I Aiurk ?. Orr Associate Edits* S INSCRIPTION lATfifi (Payable In Advance) V'ri? Ye*ur $&M, Six Mvrntbs 1441 i tiree Months J Thursday, May 12, 1932. W THE WOMAN'S LEAGUE I OR REPEAL NON PART I SAN t Announcement in Wedneaday'a Ashevillo Citizen that "Repeal Week" will be observed next week, beginning Wednesday, is interesting. Statement is made in the announcement that a "drive" for new members and con tributions will be made. Further statement is that the organization of women, under Mies. Sourne and Mrs. Mclnturff, "is non-partisan." Is it non-partisan? If it is non-partisan, why did Rob ert R. Reynolds, candidate for the United States Senate on a wet plat form, make all the arrangements for the appearance here a few weeks ago i>f Mrs. Mclnturff and former Con gressman John H. Small? It is said that Mr. Reynolds is the gentleman who called ladies of Brevard, and made arrangements for the repealers, pleading with this one and that one to act as chairman of the meeting and introduce the speakers who were com ing here under auppice3 of this same woman's league which is now de clared to be "non-partisan." Looks to us like this league is moat partisan ? in Mr. Reynold's behalf. If not, why is that gentleman taking the lead in making the dates for the speakers who go out for the league. Senator Morrison is also candidate for re-nomination and re-election. He is not in favor of repeal, and he is not making dates for Mrs. Mclnturff, John Small, and so on. Tain Bowie is a candidate for nomination, running against Mr. Reynolds. He is not mak ing any dates for the Mclnturff group. Frank D. Grist is also a can didate against Mr. Reynolds. He is not making dates for the Mclnturff group of repealers. Mr. Reynolds is the only avowed "wet" candidate among the Democratic aspirants to the Senatorship, and he is the only one of the number engaged in calling over long distance telephone, urging first this person end then another, to sponsor these wet meetings. Far be it from us to dispute the word of a woman, but when the state ment is made that the league is non partisan while Capt. Bob Reynolds is doing the stage directing, there is at least a very serious doubt created in the mind of the average laymen as to the accuracy of the statement. HIGHWAY 284 PROMISES MUCH FOR THIS SECTION. Brevard is not alone in appreciat ing the promises of increased busi ness as a result of competition of Highway '284. Waynesville sees good business for that section coming by way of this popular route. The Waynesville Mountaineer, always alert tc the advancement of llaywood county, in speaking of this route this week, said: When Highway 284 is paved, lead ing into Waynesville from Brevard and South Carolina, we will be con nected with the section of the country from where most al! the tourists come, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. This new improved highway will save approximately 70 miles for the tourists and will bring them over one of the most beautiful scenic high ways east of the Rockies. Waynesville is destined to become the highway center of Western North Carolina. We already have Highway No. 10, "Main Street of North Caro lina," passing through here. When Highway No. 284 is paved and the Soco Gap road completed into the park, with Highway No. 209, which leads to Knoxville, and has always proved to bo a popular drive with the tourists, these highways are certain to aid in bringing many tourists to Waynesville. Very few cities the size of Way nesville can boast of as many leading highways entering and passing through their city as can Waynesville. Where there are lots of good roads and scenery as found in and near Waynesville the tourists will be found in large numbers. Ruffin Wilkins is telling of a good customer who came into the Blue Bird last Saturday, ate 20 cones of cream, one after another, and then called for a pint of cream to take along with him, to eat on the way home. And that's the ice cream eating record. North Carolina is again the lime light Gaston G. Means, of Concord, obtained $18,000 from Mrs. McLean, promising return of the Lindbergh baby- . mw ' Pisgah Forest Newt | P. K Mnckey and his baseball nrti wi>h to thank the people for their hearty cooperation at the iooa ,ale Mondav evening. A neat sum was netted and the team wiU endcavor to show their appreciation for ^ com munities loyal support by playing good ball this season. Misses Eva Whitmire and Elizabeth Morris and Miss Nell Lipe of Bilt more were Tuesday afternoon of the formers grandmother, Mrs. Emma Colburn. Mr Orr Smathera of Canton spent several days last week with i?? grandfather, Joe Orr. R. L. Capps made a business trip to (Greenville, Tenn., Friday. Miss Rosie Cray of Pleasant Grove spent last week with her brother, Cur tis Gray. Mrs Mat Allison returned to ner home at Little River Thursday after spending tin two weeks with Mrs. Jim Allison. Miss Ella Hollingsworth who is em ployed in Brevard spent the past week with her mother, Mrs. D. w. Hollingsworth.. Mr. and Mrs. Tilden Corn and chil dren of Spartenburg. S. C. spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Scntell. Mrs. Sentell who has oeen suffering with pneumonia continues very ill. Mrs. C. C. Morris and daughter, .Audrey of Siltmore spent , the week end with Mrs. Emma Colburn. Mrs. Andy McKinney of Hender sonvtlle was a Saturday guest of her :iunt, Mrs. Sarah Orr. Misn Annie Jean Gash and Miss Julia IDcaver of the Women's Auxili ary attended the Asheville Presby terial meeting in Swannanoa last week. Mrs. William Duncan entertained -.vith a party Saturday afternoon honoring her daughter, Billie Jean's ;-o"enth birthday. Many games were rnioved during the afternoon after which dainty refreshments were ser ved to the twenty-five little guests present. Mr. Jim Allison and Mr. and Mrs. G. Parker and children of Ruther ;ordton spent the week-end with Mrs. Allison and daughter, Dollie. Mrs. A. B. Owen of Brevard who '.as just returned from a two weeks visit with Mr. Owen in Atlanta, sncnt Sunday night with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Albert. Mr. Delius Lyday who has been 5!1 at his home near here remains about the same. Miss Mattie Davis of Raleigh is visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Patton, Jr. Mrs. James Carter and children at tended the Lance reunion at Mills River Sunday. The B. Y. P. U. of the Penrose and '.oral Baptist churches enjoyed a weiner roast in the Pisgah National Forest last Wednesday evening. Va "ious and amusing games were play r.i throughout the evening, while the roasting of the weiners added much pleasure to the evening. Mrs. M. M. Feaster and Miss Lena Allison of Brevard and Miss Mary Allison of Canton were in thfs section Saturday afternoon. Mrs. John Sentell of Mt. Under wood spent Sunday night with rela tives here. Mir. and Mrs. Homer Marcum and daughter, Lucille, of Hendersonville, .spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Campfield. Mrs. Carland and Mrs. Carl Fndy and children of Brevard were recent guests of Mrs. G. T. Frady. Miss Elizabeth McCoy spent the week-end with scouts camping at Laurel Fork. Ralph Lee Corn is on the sick list. Several people from this section at tended the singing at Cruso in Hay wood county Sunday. R. E. Mackey attended the Lance reunion at Mills River Sunday. Miss Eva Whitmire of Biltmore spent Monday and Tuesday of this week with her grandmother, Mrs. Em ma Colburn. Mr. Osie Sentell and daughter, Beatrice of Mt. Underwood spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sentell. Mr. Dock Sitton of Etowah is visit ing Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lyday. Mrs. D. H. Orr spent Sunday after noon with her sister, Mrs. Jud Mc Call at Silver Creek. Miss Edna Lyday who is attending school in Asheville spent the week end with her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lyday had as their guests Sunday, Misses Feral and Thelma Morris and Mr. Bill Ed wards of Stanley, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boggs of Turkey Creek. A large number of pre-schuol child* von took the diphtheria vaccination Monday. Better do all you can for the trolf course. You may not play golf, but the fact remains that your summer tourist business depends largely upon golf. Not many people are going to a resort town where there is no golf course. There is direct connection be tween the golf course here and your business, that is, if you hope to do business with the summer tourist. Summer is upon us. Have you writ ten to any of the people who were last year, or the year before, asking them to return to Brevard for the summer? There is no other method quite so ef fective as direct personal appeal to the summer tourist. You can help yourself and your city by taking the time to write a few letters to the people who have been with you be fore. SEE "COOL KNIGHTS" May 19 and 20. QUEBEC NEWS j The B. Y. P. U. rally met at Osk ind church Sunday evening. The Bosnian rr.enVbers gave an -interesting Mother's Day program and the Cal vert B. Y. P. U. rondered the regular program for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sanders of Lake Toxaway called on Mr. and I Mrs. Paul McCoy Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McCall and| family attended the prayer meeting, at Balsam Grove Wednesday night. Mrs. Geno Moore and Mildred Hen-, derson visited their aunt Mrs. Charlie | Hall, of Lake Toxaway Tuesday. Mr. Loyd Allison of Brevard was a visitor to Mr. M. O. McCali Sun day. Mr. John Robinson and son, Cecil, and Mr. M. O. McCall made a bilsr-, nes trip to Ashevillfc Monday. The Quebec baseball team and Toxaway won in a game 26-13 over Rosman and Balsam Grove played on( the Quebec ball ground. Mrs. T. T. Miller and daughter, Elsie, visited th Mrs. J. W. Robinson called on Mrs. R. T. Fisher Tuesday. Mrs. H. N. McCall and Rebecca! Smith spent one dav last week with: Mrs. J. D. Golden. ' Mrs. Emitt Owen spent Saturday! night with her parents Mr. and Mrs.' Mack Reid. Mrs. Gene Moore visited Mrs. T. T.! Miller of Lake Toxaway Tuesday. | Mrs. T. A. Smith was dinner guest; of Mrs. John Reid Sunday. Rev. J. E. Burt, Mrs. Burt and; children; Margaret, Hope and Joe,j were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. I C. W. Henderson Sunday. I Mrs. Mack Reid is on the sii* list with flu. Superintcndant J. B. Jones and the Welfare worker called on Mr. W. B. Henderson. Mr. Richard Whitmire of Green ville, was a Quebec visitor last week. Misses Lucille Henderson and Gus sie Whitmire exchanged visits Sun day. Mr. T. A. Smith and little son, Tommie, visited Mr. Smith's mother, Mrs. Louise Smith, of Rosman. Fay Brooks spent Sunday night with Rebecca Smith. SEE "COOL KNIGHTS" May 19 and 20. I Lake Toxaway New? j 1 Mrs. Cole Lee and children spent the week-end with. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Owen at Wolf Mousi-^ tain. Mrs. Ernest Pangle of Rosman is. "eal sick at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Rogers. L. C. Case, Jr., spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Case. ?Tames Yates of Rosman sper.t last Friday night with Martin Arrowood. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Sanders arid( daughter Miss Edith Sanders, and: O'Neil Owen attended the Sandera j reunion at the home of "Mr. and Mrs. ] Saw Sanders at Oakland last Sun-' day. | Miss Virginia Arrowood has beer., very sick for the past ten days. ' J. F. Corbin of Rosman was hero last Saturday on business. Lyle McCoy spent last week with Hnrri3on Hall. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hall and daughter Lucy, visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry Arrowood last Sunday after noon. O'Neil Owen spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Owen. Miss Doreen Lee returned to Cullo whee Monday after spending the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H* L. Lee. Mr. Robert MfcNeely of Tryon wa