uallOWAY WANTS TO SEE PROPERTY BACK IN HANDS OF OWNERS (Co>Ui/uie"iieve that most o/ you will agree 'iviih mo that it is unjust that the state or county should collect ten to twenty per cent interest out of its citizen > who are really unable to pay their taxes promptly. I am opposed both to usury charges by the county and state -:s \v;|| as placing a penal ty oti tin "poverty" to the people. These interest charges and penalties -should be corrected or wiped out en tirely. "I am. personally, strongly in favor of a constitutional amendment that would make valid a statute' under which every citizen of North CaroAna might own a home to the value qf? say $11)00.00 or $2000,00 that is (en tirely free of all taxes. Then he would be assured that, come whay may, |ie would have a shelter for his head^n * his declining. years.' ' ? "Such a law would, in my humakj' opinion, do more to raise the standard'1 of our citizenship than all the laws}1 now in operation within the state. I And under such a law the present] land owner would soon begin to find i v sale for his now worthless acres and , , literally millions of homes would soon be established. "This, you may say, will require a radical departure from the beaten ? patiis of the paat Grant that is does, may we not ask if we haven't already J followed the leadership of present 1 and past regimes to the very brink < of political ruin both local, state and 1 ; national? Then why should we not about face, look fop new leadership 1 and try to salvage what we may from ?his- political wreckage before the t tides have swept it all beyond our \ , reach? i "I shall appreciate the support of j '' every voter tor this nomination, and[J shall also seek and appreciate your j advice as to those things that might / help us most should I be nominated L and elected your representative. "Respectfully, . , "ft!. W. GALLOWAY." | Brevard, N. C. May 10, 1932. BOWLING SCORES Brevard's crack bowling team took two out. of four games during the \v>'ok. They defeated Canton here Thursday night by -12 pins in a ten >?:n contest and by 63 pins in a duck pin contest. They lost to West Ashe ville by 5 pins in a duck pin contest. Box scores: Canton at Brevard May & Ten Pins Ci'.nton Totals C. Paxton 177 164 185 526 J. Paxton 244 166 101 571 Henderson ...191 190 147 528 Parris 152 112 132 396 Clark 133 125 105 423 2444 Brevard Totals Trarithmn ....167 149 198 514 Furguson 144 201 165 510 Lr.ftis 140 149 130 419 Vaughn 147 155 199 501 i Bridges 212 158 172 542. 2486 / Canton at Brevard May 5 Duck Pins i ? Canton Totals Hardin 103 98 90 291 Hawkins 114 110 82 306 Holtzclaw 101 S3 99 283 Barnett 90 7!) T8 247 ? Robinson 79 87 84 250 j 1377 ? Brevard Totals , Croushorn .... 93 98 88 279 McCoy 94 98 89 281 ' Byers 112 105 105 322 Kilpatrick 93 96 85 274' Hardin 101 94 89 284 1440 j MEETING POSTPONED On account of the play being given next week, the regular meeting of ! the Business and Professional Wom en's club, scheduled for next Monday ? evening, has been postponed to May! JVANT ADS j < 1>0S 7"4-0*e white bulldog puppy, ten weeks old, has two brindle /spots iver ^yes. Ears clipped. * Reward if Returned to Caroll Kilpatrick, Whit nire Street,. Brevard, N. C. *? M52tp r WILL ALLOW 50c per bushel for Corn on Dental work for the next lew months. Dr. J. H. McLean. Apr 29 4tc SPECIAL to the young people for the month of May with each purchase >f 10c or more we wil! give absolute y free a cone of cur delicious ice :ream. Brevard Pharmacy. Jess B. Pickelsimer, Ph. G. Prop. WANTED ? Your Shpe Repairing, j We arc equipped to do first class ;hoe repair work. We invite you to } ?ieit our shop and give us a trial, j ^riccs reasonable. Brevard Shoe ! shop, T: hono 172. 029 tf : V ANTED ? Evory one interested in ! Radios t.o call and see the wonder- ! ul Atwater-Kent Radio. Hear it and' iae it at the Houston Furniture com- j >a?y's store. J15tfc j FEWEST MAJESTIC RADIOS at Houston Furniture Company, Bre- , Guaranteed no "A C hum." K high class Radio at a reasonable ! jlySltf, FIRE WOOD. Stove Wood. Kindling, ; Sand and Gravel. Trunks and I Baggage .ind general haulinc. Rate? 1 -easonable. Siniard Transfer Co. Jhone 113. Aug 13 4tc i RADIO REPAIRING by an expert? | John Reese Sledge, recognized in Brevard as an authority on Radios '.nd Television is now with Houston j Furniture Co. Aug 27 tf j WANTED Fresh Country Eggs and! Corn, will pay highest market price. IV. L. Mull's Stores. Apr. 8 tfc ; KIWANIS DIRECTORS ARE ENTERTAINED IJY CLEMENT \ Frank D. Clement, director of the j Kiwanis Club entertained the officers and directors of that organization Monday evening at the McMinn House with a dinner meeting. Present were; President, R'v. R. L. Alexander, vice president, F. Brown Carr; secretary-treasurer, C. M. Douglas, and directors, Jerrv Jerome, f?. F. Thorp, Rev. J. H. West, Rev. Paul Hartsell, F. D. Clement. Ralph Ramsey, Dr. C. L. New'and. REV. JOHN SMILEY News was received here last Tues day of the death of Rev. John Smiley, age 88, who died at his home at Bry son City, N. C. last Monday night. Rev. Smiley was the father of Mrs. M. G. Cunningham of this city. Fun eral services were held at Cold Spring Baptist church Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock, with interment at the family cemetery near the Jack son line. FRESH MEATS BEEF AND PORK Good Home Raised HOME KILLED MEAT Round Steak, lb. 16c OftC 2 lbs for OU Tender Loin lb. 18c 9CC 2 lbs. for 00 Stew Meat, lb. 7c 4 lbs. for CiO Beef Roast, lb. 13c OCC 2 lbs. for 0 Pure Pork Saus- | OVfcC age (home made) per pound Complete line of fresh and cured meat. Fresh country butter OAC per lb.- CAJ Fresh country eggs 1 OC per dozen Good Gulf, Fresh Gas and Oils ? Cold drinks, Cigars, Tobacco, Cigarettes ? DRIVE DOWN FRANK W00DF1N 6 miles out on Highway 28, Penrose Lead in Smartness ON the Btreet, at home, on the golf course, at the paddock, smart women are wearing Enna Jettick Shoes. They're the shoes for energetic women who want to go and do, without fatigue, ? & Select ~ <: Enna Jettick Shoes Enjoy the utmost in walk ing comfort, for the scien tific design of Enna Jettick Shoes gives splendid arch support and the necessary freedom for every movement of your foot. Let us fit your shoes ex pertly. The wide ran^e of si?8 and widths? 1 to 12, AAAAA to EEE? ?re rea sonably priced at 95.00 and $6.09 ? none higher. Yoa need no longer be told that yoa hare an expensive foot* fiwM Jmidc Melotiim ?w*r < Sttndty roenimg, MO P. M. j Eastern Standard Time, over . WJZ and auociattfl N.B.C> f stations. . ALLEN-ROLLINS, Inc. 44 9 Main Street Hendenonville, N. C. ' j IUUlJUWWlJWUWUWWWWWMWVWWWWWrtWN^W?Va PLEASANT GROVE 1 Rev. T. C. Holticlaw filled his reg- 1 ular appointment at Pleasant Grove Sunday and delivered a wonderful sermon. i Rev. Mingus Hamilton of this place ( delivered a sermon at Blantyre Sun- ! day night. 1 A number of friends and relatives ' from P'easant Grove enjoyed a sur- , prise birthday dinner given for G. C. McCall and son, Henry McCall, at the home of Henry McCall at Lit-tie River last. Sunday May J. A bountiful din ner was spread on the lawn and a host, of friends from different places enjoyed it. The afternoon was spent in singing conducted by J. G. Fatter son of Crab Creek. The communion and feevwashlng'ser- ' vice will be held at Pleasant Grove May 29. One and all are invited to i attend thess; services and we especial ly invite Mr. Hix L. Mabin as he is a full believer in fectwsshing. He has been with us in this service some time ago and we hope that through the paper he will get the news and be with us qn that date. So come on Mr. Mabin we will be looking for you. Rev. J. F. Scott of Little River was Sunday guest of E. Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Justus of French Broad park was Sunday dinner guest of Richard Hamilton. TllE SUFFICING BIBLE When I am tired, the Bibie is my bed . Or in the dark, the Bible is my Tight; When I am hungry, it is vital bread Or fearful, it is armor for the fight. When I ant sick, it is healing medi cine. Or lonely, thronging irenas, I find therein. If I would work, the Bible is my tool; Or play, it is a harp of happy sound. If I am ignorant, it is my school; If 1 am sinking, it is solid ground If 1 am cold, the Bible' is my fire; And it if wings, if I boldly aspire. Should I be iost, the Bihle is my guide Or naked, it is raiment rich and warm Am 1 am prisoned, it is ranges wide; Or tempest- tossed, a shelter from the storm. Would 1 adventure, 'tis a gallant sea; Or would I rest, it is a flowery lea. Does gloom oppress? The Bible i.? a sun Or ugliness? It is a garden fair, Am I athirst? How coo! its currents run ! Or stifled? What a vivifying aii ! Since thus thou givest of thyself to me, How should I give myself, great Book, to thee! AMOS R. .WELI-S, Contributed by Beulah Tins ley. II. D. C. LIBRARY NOW S SOME 6F K ?. 0F4 (Continued from paye one) ;ard is one of the cheapest and most efficient methods of tourist advertis- j J. ing known at the present time, This' ? method was used last year and ac- J :ording to civic leaders here proved . to be very successful. ! Jerry Jerome, president of the t Chamber of Commerce announced the * working committees for the year c Friday evening. The list read: Executive and Survey Committee ? i W. E. Breeste, chairman; R. L. Alex- t ander, Dr. C. L. Newland, Pat Kim- 1 zey, Mrs. Carl McCrajy, Mrs. L 6- i dfma Robertson. j, s Tourist Committee ? John Smith, j J chairman; Mayor Ralph Ramsey, F ,1 D. Clement, Miss Florence Kern, : I Miss Katharine Griffin, Mrs. J. W. 1 Smith, Mrs. O L. Erwin. t Hiking and Camp Committee ? K. c H. Morrow, chairman: A. H. Kizer, 1 H. Ni Carrier, Fred Miller. t Roads Committee ? Duncan Mae Dougald, chairman; W. J. Wallis, S.' R. Joines, R. L. Gash, T. W. Whit- i mire. ] Industrial Committee ? J. M. Cain- ' BR, H. H. Patten, E. P. McCoy, T. G. j Miller, L. P. Hamlin. Publicity Committee ? Charles M. i Douglas, chairman; James F. Bar- i vett, Mrs. Beulah Zachary. i Finance ? 0. H. Orr, chairman; J. i S. Bromfield, A. H. Houston. Agriculture ? J. A. Glazener, ? chairman; J. F. Corbin, W, W. Brit-: tain. Membership ? S. M- .Macfie, chair man; J. M Gaines, Joe Vigodsky, Pat Kimze.v. Officers of the organization are: Jerry Jerome, president; Pat Kim zey and J. M. Gaines, 1st and 2nd vice presidents, Miss Alma Trow bridge secretary; 0. H. Orr, treas urer.. WKUN tiSDA y HOOK Cll'li IS MEETING Mrs. Louise Simons was hostess to the Wednesday Book Club yesterady afternoon, entertaining the members at the home of Mrs. 0. L. Envi? Seventeen members and several visit ors were present. Mrs. David Ward was in charge of the program. '' n turinij one of Elbert Hn board'" "Little Journeys," and the program was tfcoroungly enjoyed by member ?< and visitors. At the conclusion of the program light refreshments were served, and Mrs. Simons entertained hf>r guests with several musical selections. The next meeting will lw> held or. May 25, at the home of Mrs. David Ward, with Mrs. J. 8. Silversteen as pro gram leader. iPEOAL PROGRAM M MGMR'S DAY Beautiful, inspiring Mother's Dsy rercisee were .observed at the Bre ard Methodist Church Sunday morn ng when the entire Sunday SchooF oined together in the church for the bservanee. Prof, J;; F. Rufty, Superintendent if tfce-J?fai$day School was in charge >f the ,pro?*am and* a number of in eie.fJIriR' tfcljte were, made by members if the Surioay School. Mark Taylor Orr, secretary-tress irer of the Sunday school led the de votional exercises, this being followed ly a_ sotvg; by the Primary depart nsnt? Sirs'. J. SI Pickelsi&fr made a .fctjrt talk on "The Children in the Some ar.d Miss Floyd of Brevard r.stitute gave the history of Mother's 3ay. The Sunday School program c^rvr inued until' the opening of the .11 1'tlock hour of worship when l>r ?arr ?delivered a masterful sermon >efittiag Mother's Day. Prof. J. A. Glazener left Wednes iay morning to attend the Southern iaptist Convention in St. Petersburg, flcrida. The Lake Toxaway baseball club will neet the Penrose team on the Pen rose field Saturday afternoon. All in crested baseball fans are invited to ittend. EVERY DAY IN EVERY WAY / We are equipping our Cafe to serve you better and better. Your comfort and convenience is all that we have in inind while making our Cafe the Boat equipped and most comfortable in Brevard. You will always find Good Food Cooked Right At I The Canteen j Doc Galloway, Prop. I ?V Summertime and Sunshine | Warm Weather & Hot Days 1 IB CALL FOR | ICE BOXES and REFRIGERATORS | AND THAT CALLS FOR j The Houston Furniture Co. J RIGHT AWAY j We have Ice Boxes, from the smallest, compact size to ?| the largest Boxes, and Refrigerators, too, in any size sgj that you may need, in |? Both Wood and Steel 1 If you prefer an Electric Refrigerator, then by all means, see the FAMOUS MAJESTIC The ONE perfect product in Electric Refrigeration. And do not fail to ask us about our New Plan that re places your Furniture, FREE, in event of Fire. ( HOUSTON FURNITURE COMPANY H Brevard, North Carolina. . 2? Get This, Too ? Furniture is Selling today at the Lowest Price known to the present ?= generation