THE BREVARD NEWS Published Every Thursday by THE TRANSYLVANIA PUBLISHING CO., Inc. Entered at the Postoffice in Brevard, N. C., as Second Class Matter _____ L James F. Barrett Editor Alark T. Orr ..... Associate Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Payable In Advance) One Year $2.00 Six Jlenths ? ?L 1.00 Three Month?' W Thursday, May 19, 1932 f ORD PLANT AT (JHAULOTT& . DEOIXS ACTIVE WORK. That was great news coming out of Charlotte last Monday, when it was announced that the Ford plant had started up, with 900 men at work. It ' means about ?5,000 a da> to the working people of that commounity, who, !!! short order will turn it over tu h merchants in the several lines. When working mcu can be put to w.>rk. it means prosperity. The woriirng group and the farmers of th United States are this country's K customers. Ninety per cent of ? farm and factory products are by people of this country. It' ;'Ls everywhere could start up, v jing cht working people, enabl - 1 t!v.m to buy from the merchant a:W th'? farmer, business would soon le creatv-J and customers found for ? the products of farm and factory. t, ,;>rce of 000 men in the F .(! plant will work ;v tvlers for the Queen City and tho i irmers of Mecklenburg county. I :i.[;'p;ax Pi PRE COMPANY r ACTOR IS THE STATE. !a ?; nkin;; '>!' Made-in-Carolina -.ateriais, people in this section , a rally think of the Champion t\ o mpany at Canton. While the c : t i this section have always I:: 1: ;h cegaird for that big institu te ?: full appreciation of its great u : ; u was not had. however, until the past few years. While factories of every di cription were at first cut tailing, then ceasing activities altogether, the big plant of the Champion Fibre company k r>- going ( : a the i.'Y< .i tenor ol its way, 24 hours a day. N'.it o^.y has the plant been run ning full time, hut announcement is made that it has just now completed an addition to the institution costing upwards of a million and a half dol lar:. Its main product ? paper ? is shipped into every mart of the world, and its local operations reach far back into the mountains, even into the heads of ihe coves, where numer ous men are making their living by cutting timbers for the big concern. It.-, regular force in Canton, being made up almost entirely of native citizens, consists of men who are ac tive in ?.h( civic, fraternal and relig ious life of Western North Carolina. All Western North Carolina is proud "f Canton, as is evidenced by the manner of s|>eech employed when a is telling of the progress of tr.i. section. There is in such telling a pardonable spirit of boastful pride as patriotic citizens of this section tell strangers and visitors of the bigness of the Champion Fibre com pany and its force of fine employes and officials. LI CKE RITE'S DONATING TO FUXDS OF CANDIDATES The secret is out. The Association Against the 18th Amendment admits having sent money into North Caro lina to help Robert R. Reynolds in his campaign for nomination on the Democratic ticket for the United States Senate. George DePriest, o? Shelby, is quoted as having said that the liquor interests of New Jersey are backing his campaign for nomi nation on the Republican ticket for the same office. In the Reynolds case, dispatches from Washington are to the effect he anti-prohibitionists have it in Wt Senator Cameron Morrison, because he is a bone-dry, hence they are helping to nominate Reynolds, because Reynolds stands for repeal of the ISth Amendment. In the DePriest case, it Is some what similar, providing DePriest is telling the truth. Hon. Jake F. Newell, o? Charlotte, leadirg dry, was nominated at the Republican convention fur that party's candidate for the United States Senate. De Priest was not even at the conven tion, but injects himself into *!ie contest by tiling his entrance in the June primary, necessitating all of N'ewell's friends now going to the : primary and casting their vote for ; him again. IX' Priest is quoted as say-: ing that the licker interests now; backing him have promised to spend : a million dollars on his election, inj event he is nominated by the Re- 1 publicans. Of course, there arc few j peoj\.' .y/hn b-Ii'-ve this fantastic . story that the wets would spend a cool million for election of DePriest. He would not be worth a tenth of that amount to any movement on the face of the earth. Many people have long; been im pressed with the belief ttiat the wetj organizations of national import are, contributing to the campaign funds j of announced wet candidates. These ! j statements coming from actual head j quarters verify the truth of these j ; things. The liquor interests are be- ; I hind the whole movement for repeal | ] of prohibition laws >it is now general- ; ! ly understood, and are working in ' and through both political parties. I j BROTHER DAN TOMPKINS FOR THE LEGISLATURE Newspaper people throughout the statu are tossing their hats into the political ring in larger numbers than, ever before noted here. The latest 1 scribe to enter the conflict is Brother l>:tii Tompkins, editor of that up-to-i date paper known far and wide as, Th;' Jackson County {Journal. Mr. Tompkins has announced for nomi nation in the Democratic primary. | Time brings changes in men and things. Two years ago Brother '! > .npkiiw expressed a desire to know in in the eternal a newspaper man col ? !c! afford to run for office. Now he is in the swim neck deep, -^..u! for the sake of the fraternity thut Mr. Tompkins is not to be pitted against a certain lady of his good ii.unty that we know. ;tter he busy bringing ,'iCKtsTS TO COMMUNITY. Tf we are wise in our day, we will leave nothing undone in an effort to r : ? ? ... summer people to Brevard. It . . . . our only opportunity of ob taining any ready money. Conditions in manufacturing, business and nuance are such that our ony hope of ?net-easing the money crop hen is to bring tourists into Brevard and I. ansylvania county. Boarding hi uses, hotels, people with houses and apartments for rent, merchants, auto places, fanners, dairymen, all should be vitally interested in this summer tourist business. i Some of our industrial plants are : closed down, while others are curtail ing at alarming rate. Work in the woods is off. Farmers are finding at present but poor market for their i products.- Liquidation of bank debts, I payment of taxes and assessment. , mortgage loans and other things, present an alarming picture in tho amount of money beinu sent out oL' the county each and every month. The county and the (town governments are facing most difficult situations in the public phase of our community life. We ought to take in at least one ; hundred thousand dollars in new money from the summer people. We ? can take in that much, if we will all work together. Each and every citi zen (of the community who knows some one away from here should take the time, immediately to write such person or persons, and invite them and their friends to come to Brevard : for the summer season. Each one added to others coming here will count in the sum total of business to be done here. It is YOUR business, just as much as it is any one's else, so let us all work together to bring just as many people to this : community for the summer season as ? can be induced to come here. j Pisgah Forest New? | I I A large crowd from, this section attended the five county singing con vention in Brevard Sunday, Miss Jo Whitaker of Brickton spent several days last week with her cousin Miss Florine Carter. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lyday and son ami Mr. Jule Orr of Penrose were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs Jo* Orr. Misa Elizabeth McCoy was a re cent Asheville visitor. Mrs. W. D. Deaver and Miss Julia Deaver were Thursday afternoon callers of Mrs. H. Herlrick and daughters. V. 0. Orr made a business t?rip to I Ohio last week. j Miss Eva Whitmire of Biltmoiv ' spent the week-end with her grand ' mother,' Mrs. Emma Colburn. Mrs. Alice Meadows of Greenville S. C., spent Sunday with Mrs. James Carter. 1 Frank and Prances Allen spenr several days last week with their parents at Swananoa. Mr. and Mrs. George McCall of New Mexico, are visiting the for mer's mother, Mrs. Sally ?McCall. Roy Frady spent Saturday night with his uncle, Mr. Lace Fradv at Penrose, Tom Barnett has been on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Young ami children of West Asheville were cal lers in (his section Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Young will be remem bered as the former Miss Rheba Tip ion, of tl|s section. Rev. and Mrs. H. F. Wright and ?ramiscm. IU.i !. of fcVwqi, Turn, wen o.' riends here Wednesday. SELICA NEWS We have corn planted and are just waiting on the showers and sunshine. The Union Sunday School is doing nicely with a good average atten dance under the able leadership of Superintendent J. Wade Dickson. Misses Inez and Ruby Dunn were visiting Miss Mary Mann of Carrs Kill last week. Sherman Pearson of Brevard was a church visitor Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walker Galloway have a new grandson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Galloway of Gloucester. Uncle Joe Dunn is building a new bam. Mrs. John Mann, of Carrs Hill, was visiting her sister, Mrs. Rod White who has been very sick for some t>ie but is improving. Mrs. Roxie Dunn was visiting her sister. Mrs. Will Parker of Etowah Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Huston Barton and children went to visit the latters brother, Adger Capps, near Etowah Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Brooks and son, J. 0., of Brevard, were visiting in the Selica section Sunday. Dili and Ida Parker were visiting their aunt, Mrs. Ed. Wilson the week end. The next Community Prayer Ser vice will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Breedlove, conducted by Kntherine Barton. Mr. and Mrs. Crate McCall of Cashers were visiting in our section Sunday. Albert and Nellie McKinna were .?.?tilers of their uncle, John McKinna, Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Wayman Galloway and children of the Double Spring - ? ?ft ion were week-end visitors of the formers sister, Mrs. Luther White. Gordon Biggerstaff of the Cherry field farnr* was a pleasant caller of Otis Bryson Sunday afternoon. Rev. Pearson will preach at the Methodist church next Sunday even ing at eight o'clock. Rev. Frank Gaither preached a very interesting sermon last Sunday morning at the Methodist church. Manning Waldrop and Furman Whitmire of Calvert were in our sec tion Sunday. William Thomas of St. Petersburg Florida, sp< nt a few days with Mr. and Mrs. David Orr recently. Jeter Barton and sons, Derral. and Albert were visiting in Hickory the week-end. Misses Myrtle, Helen, Katherine, Alice, Lela, Dicie Barton visited Ruby Dunn Sunday. The Union Sunday School song practice was held at the home of Mr. ?and Mrs. Harclus Barton lasl Satur day evening will meet next at tho honj, of Mrs. Roxie Dunn next Sat urday evening at eight o'clock. David Orr is visiting in Cincinnati Ohio at this writing but will return soon. Como again Connestee and let. us hear your breezes once more. COUNTY RANKS 24TH IN STATE'S AVERAGE FARMS j . According to Miss Lena Mae Wil ' luims, of the department of Rural Social-Economics of the University ?.of North Carolina. Transylvania county ranks 24th in the average size of farms operated by white farmers, .covering all farm land with the size , 'if negro farmers. Miss Williams' statistics show that Transylvania county has 1 19.8 aver age size farms, all land of white farmers and 4D.8, negro farmers. Av erage acreage in all crops; white owners^ 22.G, Negro owners, 12.8. Av jerage \f all crops: White tenants, I 17,2, Negro tenants, 19.3. j . | Mr .Wright is a former pastor of the ? local Baptist church. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Daniels enter tained with a dance at their home ! Friday evening. | Miss Edna Lyday of Asheville j spent last we|k with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lyday. We are glad to report that Mrs. Arthur Sentell who has been suffer ing with pneumjnia is greatly im proved. Mr. Delius Lyday who is also ill remains about the same. Several fans from this section at tended the Penrose Q. R. T. baseball game at Penrose Saturday after noon. Roman Section of The Brevard News MRS. CLAUBE GbAZENER, Editor PERSONALS Prince Cannon and E. A. Hanson of East Fork section were Rosmanj visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hands of Eas-j ley, S. C., Mr. end Mrs. Marion Gla-i zener and Mrs. Edd Harbin attended | the five county singing convention in i Brevard Sunday. ! Mrs. Maggie Hall, after spending several weeks with Mrs. H. G. Stop hel, left Sunday to visit with Mr, andj Mrs. Xermit Hall at Toxaway. Prof, and Mrs. W. L. Harmon 01; Chattanoga, Tenn., arrived here laat i week for a visit with the latter'# par-j ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Sigmon. ?Mrs. Harmon was before her mar-1 I riage, some time ago, Miss Bonnie Si frm or.. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Henderson, of ? Pickens, attended the singing in Bre I vard Sunday. 1 j Miss Eva Pharr wan a Sunday 'dinner guest ')f Mrs. Bill Stroupe, ' Mr. and Mrs. J. M. [land-. and 1 children," Reba and Levie, of Easley. S. C., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Marion Glazener. I W. I. Recce visited Bi!i Rummey and Mack Powell of the Middle Fork section Sunday, Mr. and Airs. W. C. Glazener of 1 ITendersonville, visited the former's mother. Mr. J. P.. Glazener, Satur day. Boyd Moore, who was very ill for several days, is much improved. Mrs. Arthur Whitmire and ciii !<? rers. of GaTV"-*. Trers Rosman visit ors Tuesday afternoon. E. A. Glazener and daughter. Louise. Mrs. Claude Glazener, and Miss Marv Moore wers shopping i:' Brc-vard Friday. A. G. Towns, ?f Picker - <=nei" '' week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Town.-;. Miss Dollie Masters, of Eas4 Fork spent Thursday night with Mr. and M>s. S. A. Brvson. Misses .Alary nn.1 Arnie" ef Toxaway. spent Wednesday night with Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Moss, and i also visited Mrs. Eddie Towns. ; Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Morrison snent Saturday night in Bn-var-i guesis of Mr. and Mrs. Memory Mull. I They attended the :"ve cr.nntv singing convention. Miss Viola Mull accom panied th-r.i home to spend a v. Mr. and Mfs. J. ,f. Cline spent Fr: . day night in A^heville. Mrs. Fred Nicholson and babv i r.pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Moore. Miss Geneva Mull and Mrs. Jose phine Allen of Brevard visited Mr. and Mrs. D. \.. Glazener and family . Sunday. Miss Ruth Moore was a Sunday dinner guest, of Miss Edith Clark. Mr-:. Frank Fisher and small ?daughter, II "t ty June, of Oakland, , spent Monday with Mrs. T. P. Gallo wav at Calvert. i Carrol Manly visited Mr. and Mrs. . 1 R. Station Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. C. J. Eldridjre and 'jfani!.'.' visited in the L.itt!s River ' so- tion Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Crafi anil dntitth. Iter, Martha, and Mrs. Annie Whit , miie and daughter, Dorothy, of ; Givenville. S. C? visited Mrs. S. R. .Glazmer Sunday. Mrs. Whitmire and 'daughter, remained for n week's visit I with Mrs. ,T. P. Glazener and family. ; Mrs. -T. A. Cannon, of Pickens. : visited her mother. Mrs. S- E. Whit i mire, and Mrs. H. P. Whitmire, Mon day. ; Avery Morcran, of Old Toxavay, i was a Rosman visitor Saturday. ?' Mrs. Marion Glazener visited (Aunt Martha Gilliespie on East Fork Monday. I Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Galloway, Jr., , and family of Calvert, visited Mr. and J Mrs. Frank Fisher at Oakland Sun I day. I W. I. Reece and Mrs. Edd Jones j made a trip to Franklin Sunday. Mrs. {Jones' daughter, who underwent an | appendix operation sometime ago, re turned home with them. I C. H. Glazener and son. Walter, spent the week-end at Crab Tree ?with Mr. and Mrs. Steve Fnrgison. I Miss Inez Glazener returned home jwich them, after a two week's visit there. I Mr.-j H. P. Whitmire who has been [ill for some ''me, is improving. I Mrs. Sarah Galloway has returned DR. AND MRS. J. 6. WILKERSONi LEAVE ROSHAN J i * 1 Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Wilkerson and I family and Mrs. J. K. Cross left | Thursday jMay 12 for Stanton, Tenn., i where they expect to make their \ future home after residing in Rosmani for the past eight years. At present, the to\m is with out a doctor. It isj expected that in the near future aj physician will locate here. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our kind friends | and neighbors for all of their helpfulness during- the jllncssi and, death oi our son and brother, Bill . Rice. May the. Lord bless each one of; you. , GEORGE RICE and FAMILY ; home after spending: several days iii Brevard with Mr. and Mrs. Jess A. Galloway. Weldon Golmwy, of Old Toxaway spent Tuesday night in Lenoir, N. C.j Mr. aiTd Mrs. J. F. Corbin and son. John Frank, spent the week-end with Mr. ami Mrs. E. W. Corbin, at Wal halla, S C. Miss Belle Fisher spent Saturday cigh: at Oakland with Mr. and Airs. Frank Fisher. Mrs. Edwin St a ton and daughter, Marveila. returned home Tuesday after .-pending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. \Y, E. Galloway at Old: Toxaway. .Mis* Betty NVison of Calvert was a Thursday night guest oi I.ula Man-' l.v Albert and Booth Price oi' the Gloucesti r section, visited Mr. and Mrs. \V. S. McLean lost wt.k. Rev. S-'asco Manly spent the week end in DiJ'aVd. Ga., as the gufst of friends. W. I. Reece visited Mr. and Mrs.: Will Raines at Toxaway Sunday. Mrs. Zrb Stroupe and Mrs. Will : grandma Byrd Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Woodard and ! family and Miss O'Dell Aiken altend ? ed the singing in Brevard Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Thad Miller oi' ! Senica, S. visited Mr. and Mrs. ?A. M. 1'axton, Sr.. and Mr. and Mrs.j D. L. Glazener and family Sunday. I Coy Fi.fier spent Friday ni.;htl | with Charle-j Glazener. ] Prof, and Mrs. G. C. Bush, visited ; M r. and Mrs. Den Paxton and fami , ly at Calvert Sunday. I Mrs. Charlie Moss and son, Harold. | arrived home Wednesday of last [week after spending several months jin Tallavaste, Fla., with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hutches. Mrs. Charlie Jones and son, Reid. jot' Asheville, visited Mr. Jones hen Sunday. Rev. Wiibern Galloway, of Calvert, filled Rev. J. E. Burt's appointment at Zion Baptist church Sunday at 11 o'clock, a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hutches and children of Tallavaste, Fla., arc spending several days here with Mr. Hutches' parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hutches. Mrs. C. E. Leathers who has been ill for some time is much improved. The Rev. and Mrs. C. J. Eldridge and family visited Mr. ana Mrs. Jule Chapman at Tryon Sunday. : Mrs. Lee Nicholson and family ofi Oakland, are spending a few daysj with Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Collins. i Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Moore and son, Billie, returned to their home ir. Lenoir, last Tuesday after a severa days' visit with the latter's parents. Mr. a.*) Mrs. Wi E. Galloway at Old Toxaway. i Mrs. H. N. Blake and daughter ' Mabel, and Frances Bryson, of Selica. spent Tuesday with Mrs. C. J. El | dridge. I Mrs. L. M. Watkins and daughter. ! Mrs. Claude Kilby, spent Monday in Asheville with Mrs. Watkins' daugh ter, Mrs. Robert Zachary. Mrs. W. E. Galloway and daughtei Daisy, of Old Toxaway, visited Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Staton Saturday. Mrs. Lee R. Fisher spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fisher and family. Mr. and Mrs. Taft Owen and son. Paul, of Cherryfield, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Giazener. Mr. and Mrs. Craig Whitmire and WILLIAM RICE DIED THURSDAY NIGET William Rice, 26, died Thursday night at 9 o'clock, May 12, at his home at Rosmari. His death w8.s caus ed by an infection located in his right leg 'alter being wounded when a shot gun with which he was hunting ex ploded and injured hie leg. The accident occurred January 27. Two days later he was taken to the Angel Bros. Hospital at Franklin. He remained there until April 13. when he came home. Little "hope of recovery was held for h:vt>. Bill was member of the Zion Bap tist church and an active member of the B. Y. P. U. His mother died one year 7 months before him. Surviving are. His father, George Rice, three sisters, Mrs. Clyde Miles, Misses Vinette and Viola Rice, and one brother, Richard. Funeral services were preached by the Rev. G. E. Kel ler of Brevard. Interment was mad. at the Whitmire cemetery Friday 18, at 12 o'clock. ??wrhter. Nell, visited Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Bauknight, nfc Easley, S. C. Sunday. Mrs. Edd Harbin, of Calvert was a Sunday dinner guest of Mr. ami Mrs. Marion Glazener. Mr. and Mrs. YV. R. Lewis an'! children attended the live county singing convention at Brevard Sun day. Hugh and Vivian Glazenet. child ren of Mr. am) Mrs. J. W. Glazeiter, have been quite ill bat are now im proved. B. B. White, son. Boice, Alton White, Everette Whitmire, Vando Morgan, accompanied Mrs. Vando Morgan to the Angel Brothers Hos pital ;it F ranklin. Sunday. Mrs. Mor gan will undergo a several days treatms'nt at the hospital. Hold 'three for ^hoor-n^ . """" ?lack Thomas, Elwood Johnson and Lawrence Armstrong were bound to the higher curt in preliminary trial at Chapel Hill, Friday. Thomas, re cently taken in N'ew York, was named by Ashby Penr., university student, I as the man who shot at him. Penn [aided in an eflort to arrest four men I for an attempted robbery Robert i Thompson is the man not yet caught. ? ??/ When ; .J; FOOD SOURS i ABOUT two hours after eating many people suffer Irom sour stomachs. Tney call it indigestion. It means that the stomach nerves have been over-stimulated. There is excess acid. The way to correct it is with an alkali, whichneutralizes many time* Hs volume in acid. The right way is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia?just a tasteless dese in water. It is pleasant, efficient and harmless. Results come almost in stantly. It is the approved method. You will never use another when you know. Lie, sure to get the genuine Phillies' Milk of Magnesia prescribed oy physicians for correcting cxcesa acids. 25<: and 50c a bottle? any drugstore. The ideal dentifrice for clean teeth and healthy gums is Phillips' Dental Magnesia, a superior tooth paste that safeguards against acid mouth. His Mother Knows His Food is Safe with a Kelvinator To him it is only a bottl* of milk that gives him a satisfied feeling ... at peace with the world. To you it is a combination of food elements that will build a strong healthy body, if properly cared for. If handled carelessly It msy become contaminated and cause serlouS illness ? even death. Don't risk his precious health. ? -let Kelviaator ?uard his food. Smell, sight and taste w>il seldom detect llie presence of microbes in milk and other foods. There's only one way to be sure ? always keepB his milk below 50. This can be done auto matically with a Kelvinator. You Susy Health Protection When You Buy Kelvinator.

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