EDITED BY MARK T. OPR. under the supervision $i J. A. Giaztner, J. F. Corbin, and the Farmers of this county. Devoted to the interests of Transylvania Farm ers and their problems. LIVESTOCK MARKET TO BE ESTABLISHED FOR W.N.C. FARMER ( Continued from pagu one) velopment of tho livestock market in this . ..? ion. wl.:ch will mean a new 10 ' 'I'vuir of wealth for the mountain furnscs. were conducted* with Mana ger K. S. Papy of the White Provi mo;i company in Atlanta. Mu. P|py made a trip to Western Norte ' arolina for the purpose of ma'.:i:ig a. careful survey of the situ ation. lie visited Buncombe. Hay wood, Yancy. Mitchell, Burke,' Mc T'owel'. Macon, and Jackson counties, lie was already familiar with Hen do t -rf Transylvania and plans to return later for a chuck in Ruther > r.i, I'olk, Swain. Graham, Clay, Cherokee and Avery counties. t-- xv i it ami Company operatss or conf.ds ti rough its subsidiaries four pin-: ig plants in the Southeast. They are the Swift and Company plan in Moultrie-, Georgia; the Swift ar.i C"mpany plant at Montgomery, .V. ' ansa : tho Neuheff plant at N'ash vill". Tennessee, and the White Pro vision Company plant at Atlanta. 1!. ? McDowell. manager of the Sw I jiiaiif i.i Moultrie, is also South; ' ;; .livestock promotion man aa-ti the comparfy, and he and *?:??. i' have been working to ?i preparing plans for the de vi ,?-;>:>;e.nt of better livestock in this ' ; t necessary to secure quantity production- of the 'beef type' animal in e 'dor that the fullest returns from this o\ I'ment may be realized," Mr. Papy said during the visit here v 'on he was conducting his survey. Jas. L. Robinson. II. Arthur Os borne, Harry L. Nettles, Lenoir liv.ynn and Brue Webb inspected the. ilwynn farm with Mr. Papy and se loote ! i' for the field day, with the approval of die N. C. State Exen sion depa Intent. The Gwynn farm I; located 10 miles from Canton on r hi- Rust Fork of the Pigeon river. Tin demonstration will include ex hibition of fine grade and poor grade animals, in order that the farmers may know just what type produces the best results and yields the biggest retu rns. Mr. Papy is enthusiastic over the i .ispects for development of live '?oi !n this section as a result of his trip and he feels with the 5-10 Year Farm plan organization already .'j! 'ra'ion. tho promotion plan can i'e realized effectively and -with ??'<f:u*tor.v results. He believes that such a develop ment would provide the foundation stone for permanent prosperity in Wisttrn North Carolina. "ft is an historical fact," declared Mr. Papy, "that no farming section has ever been permanently prosper ous tin loss livestock was included in it- fainting program. The reverse is a' o true, that no section has ever lucked prosperity permanently that (lit! include livestock in its program." IN A WRECK? ji ? i We hope you do not have any trouble but in event you do, all you have to do is to ^ ; j Q PHONE 27 And we will be there. BEST WAY To treat wrecks, how ever, is not to have them at all. The thing to do is to let us keep yoifr car in. repair, and wrecks will be rare AUTHORIZED A. A. A. STATION HAYES MOTOR COMPANY Brevard, N. C. M r. . Papy said I hut ho was much I by the s^noral attitude of he ueuple oi this miction toward a .regressive development of the live ioek industry. "i whs impressed with (the ftu-t !ial the people seem to be. live stock .liiu! if 1 may use that term." Mr. ,'apy declared, "The main thing that ?. >:? to have held <i ; .n the livestock production in this section was the .encral feeling that, then.- was no ml let or mar- ?>' f ?+'<? st?':k. "Atlanta is the e? titer of a large v.nsuming area and can he reached > h - -.eci ? t ? t h- ;? bj truck or ailrpad at a minimum expense, and he market prices tli.av i re attrac ive in relation to the big markets >f this section." "Cur experience he ?hown us Ural, :ny live ifxk iKve'c.-pnn n( must let ? ! receded by and dep. si' up -n co>pci ticii between the city bus'ne-s man, :inker and farmer. We think the <iti ns of /i'.heville and surrounding ?Vv-ns should be made to understand hat their country brothers can't no.-per without th'.lr cooperation." ' I think that this is unquestion ably live stock territory," Mr. Papy .. n'dnued in discussing' the possibili ty of* developing a new source of ait'i for the .mwin'Ji" hrough increased live stock produe mn in Western North Carolina. "It probably be necessary to in :-.e the corn "acreage. (.specially huugh increased yield per acre un .?r cutltvatiol for profitable ho>c v unction; Although this section al .>:v'v lias a great deal of pasture and. according to the observations he.v> made in my trip through the . r -'us counties, it will be necessary 1 1 ineicast and improve this acreage gval for cattle and sheep. After 11 no animals can be better than '? food that produces them and in thinning for increased live stock pro. 'ueliop, the hardest part of the work ? to provide an adequate food sup ily for the animals." He watJwerv much impressed with he wide-awake attitude of the fann ???? and the manner in which they reacting to the program for agri I'lfunil development in Western rth Carolina. "\V( stern Morth Carolina news papers should be complimented for 'lei:- efforts in aiding the agricul ure of this section and for what they ire doing to restore prosperity to the nrnicrs of Western North Carolina. The live stock program is the road to termanenf prosperity." Detailed plans for the operation of he live stock market so as to pro note this industry in the mountains ?f Wis tern North Carolina, will be inn unced from time to i infra as they a1-;" shape, is was explained. .lust v the effort is being directed lo ve rd enlisting the full support of he farnlrs and securing their co 1); ration in producing a high quali ty of live stock in sufficient quanti ses to make adequate handling and narketing prolftable and to insure tin- future stability and prosperity ?' the market for t&is section. Motorcades are being organized in all the counties and it is expected that between 1,000 and 1,500 of the nost. progressive farmers in Western North -Carolina will attend the meet ing at the Gwynn farm on May 25 in see ji>"t what type of animals are most desirable and just how the plan ' to promate a new source of wealth ! for this section is to be developed. In addition to the agricultural ex jneits front Atlanta, Raleigh and ; uthet points, county agents and agri cultural leaders from all the West j era counties will be present so they lean carry back to their own eom ! munities the message that will herald I a new era in agricultural prosperity j in this region. I FOR SALE: A splendid home lying on the waters of Crab Creek in Transylvania county, adjoining lands of As. Orr,s farm ? Has 5 room house, barn, crib and young orchard of 35 or 40 apple trees. Ice cold spring near house. Contains 50 teres more or less. Worth $3,000. Can be bought for $800.00 cash. No en cumbrances except two years taxes, Ca'l at Brevard News office for fur j ther information. j | FOR SALE: Sweet potato plants, ; Porto Ricos. Thousand ready to trans plant now. See or write T. P. Gallo way, Jr., Box 148 Rosman, N. C. < ? ? EVERY DAY IN EVERY WAY We are equipping our Cafe to serve you better and better. Your comfort and convenience is all that we have in mind while making our Cafe the Best equipped and most comfortable in Brevard. You will always find Good Food Cooked Right At The Canteen Doc Galloway, Prop. \ ? ^ ^ A Lake T 'oxaway News j Mr. and M rs. Berlin Owen, and children, Miss Marjoria Johnson, R. V. Jones, Martin Arrowood unci Vtr ner II ail attended the all day singing at Brevafd last Sunday. Mack, Cecil and Roy Robinson and Paul Mr Coy if Quebec were visitors ? \?. week. Mr. and firs. Arrowood 1-ej ::;:d n. Ho." , vi .'led Mr. and Mrs. Ode I. to last Sunday, Mr. Oliver 0 >t of Brevard, wj'..-; .n Toxaway last Friday on business, Mrs. C. W. Henderson and son T rumen of Quebec were here last Wednesday visiting relatives. Mrs. F. V. Wilibanks was the guest of Mrs. Cope Lee last Thursday af ternoon. Mrs. Bill Hall of Rosmnn is spend ing; several weeks with her sons Her bert and Kcrmit Hall. Miss Mildred Williams who has been visiting Mrs. I). C. Scruggs at I'endcraonvi.lle. returned home Tues day. ? Mrs. Car! Molt/, left Tuesday for Rochester, Mitjn. to visit her daugh ter, Mi.-. Johnson. Rev. E. E. Yates of Rosman filled his regular appointment at the Meth ? (list church Sunday and Sunday night and also at Xamur at. three o'clock in the afternoon. Harrison Hall and Lyle McCoy n iuined home last Sunday after spend ing a week in Greenville. S. C. with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Gillespie and daughter. Virginia, spent last Sun day in West Asheville. The Box supper given at the School house last Saturday night for the benefit of the Quebec-Lake Toxaway baseball team was well attended. V." ? do not know at this time how much was made. Quie n number of Rev. S. B. Mr Calls friends spent last Sunday with him. it being his birthday. Little "Tyniuie" Henson of West Asheville is visiting her grand par ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Gillespie. Rev. E. E. Yates and sons of Ros man were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Hall last Sunday. Chris Fisher was n Brevard visitor last Saturday. Recently .'!50 head of dairy cattle were retested for tuberculosis in Burke County and not a single realt or was found. WANT ADS i ? j LOST ? One white bulldog puppy, ler weeks old, has two brindle spots over eyes. Ears clipped. Reward it returned to Caroll Kilpatrick, Whit mire Street,. Brevard, W C. M52tp '/ WILL ALLOW 50c per bushel foi Corn on Dental work for the next ' few months. I)r. J. H. McLean. Apr 29 4tc SPECIAL to the young people for the I month of May with each purchase I of 10c or more we will give absolute I ly free a cone of our delicious ict | cream. Brevard Pharmacy. Jess B | Pickelsimer, Ph. G. Prop. , WASTED ? Your -Shoe Repairing We are equipped to do first class ! *hoe repair work. We invite you to . visit our shop and give us a trial. Prices reasonable. Brevard Shoe Shop, T. E. Waters, Owner. News j Acrade. May 5 tfc VICTOR RADIOS . . Victor Phono graphs . . Victor Records . . If it's a Victor, it's' good. For sale at Houston's Furniture Store. M12tf FOR RENT ? Well located business property, splendid locations for merchandise establishments. See Jud son McCrary, Tinsley Building, Tele phone 172. 029tf WANTED ? Every one interested in Radios to cajl and see the wonder ful Atwater-Kent Radio. Hear it and see it at the Houston Furniture com pany's store. Jlotfc newest majestic radios at Houston Furniture Company, Bre vard. Guaranteed no "A-C hum." A high class Radio at a reasonable pr*~o. jiy 3 :ti FIRE WOOD, Stove Wood. Kindling, Sand and Gravel. Trunks and Baggage and general hauling. Rates reasonable. Siniard Transfer Co. Phone 118. Aug 13 4te RADIO REPAIRING by an expert John Reese Sledge, recogniz.ed in Brevard as an authority on Radios and Television is now with Houston Furniture Co. Au?r 27. tf WANTED Fresh Country Eggs and Corn, will pay highest market price. W. L. Mull's Stores. Apr. 8 tfc SAVE $25.00 . Mail this Coupon to Rlan ton's Business College, Ashe ville, N. C., and learn how to save S25.00 on any Standard Business Course. Name ddrc POPPY DAY TO BE OBSERVED MAY 28 i Plans for Poppy Day which occurs on Tuesday May W, wen; perfected by members of the local Post of Vei- . i-rahs of Foreign war.i when they met . in regular session at 'h: county court j hc.'.se Tuesday eveno--. According tn Noah Miller, secretary, cf the local Post, Popples will be on ? sal ' at Brevard, Pisgah Forest ana Rosman on the 28th By girls of each town. : -\ committee of three was appoint ed to have eriarge of trie saies, John ; Rufty, W. H. Allen and Ralph Duck I worth. The proceeds of the poppy ; sales are to be divided three ways. ; One for the veterans who made- the I poppies, one for the V. F. W. Home and one way for local welfare work. LITTLE RIVER^EWS Lowie George who has been quite ill is improving rapidly. Little Jacqqualine McCall, .mall daugghter of Mr. and Mrs. L. !.. Mc Call, i? very sick. .Mr. and Mrs. Butler McCall of Charlotte spent the week-end with '.ii. and Mrs. \V. M. George. ! aura Turner of Kasley is visiting ; her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Turner. Mr and Mrs. Carl Couch of Ashe- 1 Wile were guest of Mr. and Mrs. W . ! . C Sunday. VI r. and Mrs. I.unie McCall and children of Gloucester visited their, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Amos McCall la si week-end. Miss Flora Merrill visited friends in Brevard last week. . Miss Sallie Merrill, teacher at. 1'airview is spending her vacation . with her mother, Mrs. B. P. Merrill. Mrs. G. C. McCall is visiting her brother. Jack Drake, near Henderson ville. who is very ill. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Couch are spend ing the week-end with their parents. Mi. and Mrs. Carl Blythe Certha Shipnian of Brevard was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. I.. Ham ilton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Volney Orr and chil dren, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Allison of Brevard Sundav. About 200 acres in new pasture lias been planted in the cotton and tobacco growing county of Johnston this spring. \ FARMERS' ti1 j EXCHANGE FOR SALE ? Sweet potato) plants., 20c. per hundred. Ton.ato plans, ncv-|l oral varieties 40c per hundred. See or 1 write i; 1 igh vVaicirop, ChjirryfieLd; ' section, Brevard. N. 0. Route .'i. 5 1 FOR SALE ? Fresh sweet milk 25c ; J per gallon, butter milk 10c per gal-!] Ion at the house. Mrs. J. K. Mills, ;i Brevard Route 2 Hendersonvilie 1 Highway. I \ CORN CRUSJL. I) AND GROUND: jj The old Duckworth mil1, now known j as the Lipsy Mill has resumed opera - j i tion of crushing and grinding corn, i Mill equipped for sanitary, rapid ser- ? vice. See Earl Parker, miller. FOR SALE: Sweet potato plants, five varieties: Porto Rico. Shipwreck, Southern Queen, Philip Yam and Gol i!"t- Beauty. Cabbage plants. Ruist's Early Jersey WafefielcL Each year ' jc demand is becoming greater and it is jnore largely grown than all other early cabbaeo combimd. T he heads are extremely solid. Also toma to plants. Plants will be ready to* transplant by May 25. See C. M. Sin iard. Brevard, X. 0., Route 2. FOR SALE: 25 bushels potatoes. Irish cobblers selectf <i seed. Prices reasonable. See jlarold Kilpatrick. TRUSTEE'S 5ALE Stati- of North Carolina County of Transylvania. By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a certain deed in trust ex ecuted by H. (i. Rogers to Ralph Fisher. Trustee, securing a note in the sum of 5(518.00. made payable to Gilmer A. Jones, Commissioner, which 1 said deed in trust is recorded in Book No. 2S. at page '>7_ of the records of ? deeds in trust for Transylvania Coun ty, N. ('.. and default having be- I made in payment of said note, after same having become due and the holder of the said note having called upon the undersigned trustee to ad- i vertise and sell the land herein de scribed for the purpose of paying said i indebtedness ; I will on MONDAY, the 20th day | of June 1932 at 12 o'clock noon at , the courthouse door in Brevard. N. C.. j offer for sale at public auction and > sell to the highest bidder for cash the land described in said deed in ' trust, to-wit : Lying and being in the Town ?>( FARMERS CLUB MEET HELD AT TALLEYS (.V. L. Ponder) The following committees ,of the Industrious Farmers Club wJY rep resented by a eh&irrtsn in a meeting leld at Mr. L. F. W.-day'x Monday light. Crop, by C. W. Talley; Truck. >y W. 0. Moore; Marketing bv W. L. Tailey; Fair, by Mr?. C. W. Tal ey; Canning, preserving and cook Tig, by Mrs. J. H. Greene; Flowers. >y Mrs. Ada Reed; Public grounds and improvements, by C. W. Talicy; Entertainment and Welfare, by N. L. Ponder. Plans for preparing exhibits for a bounty fair were discussed, each separate corgmittee to be jeaponsible for a certain line of work. Informal discussions we^vhean! ori the possibilities of marketing for Western North Carolina. Plans for visiting the livestock ex hibit in Haywood at the Gwynn farm were talked and it was decided t > make upwpartie* ana several visit if possible. A very attractive farm project came into the community this last week. Some man or firm is fijrishing fertilizer and Irish Cobbler seed po tatoes for planting, taking a lien oti the crop only and guaranteeing u market of 72 cents per bushel. Mr. C. F. Wnodfin took advantage of this and planted something over 32 bushels. There is to be an effort in this project for the growers to pro duce a good quantity of seed potatoes. Brevard, Transylvania County, beit.jr five lots on Railroad Street deeded to H. G. Rogers (Harvey Rogers) by J. A. Miller and wife upon which lot are located two residents, one four rooms; the other six rooms. Also all the land described in a deed from Gilmer A. Jones, Commis sioner, to H. G. Rogers, said deed bearing date of 23 August 1930, said tract consisting of approximately 5' j acres at Lake Toxaway, N. C-, form erly owned by R. A. Jacobs. This sale is to the highest bidder for cash and will be reported to the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court as i t done in sale of land by trustee if there is no raising of the bid within the time prescribed by law, which will be confirmed by the Clerk of the Superior Court nnd deed made to said successful bidder. This the 12th day of May 1932. RALPH FISHER. Trustee. M 19, 26, J 2. 9.. ||lllll!llllllllllllllllllllll!|||||||||||!l[!llil!|||||ii|||||||||||||||!|||!i!!!|||i||||!||!!!|||!l||||||||!l||||U!||||!lllll>llll||llllll!llllll!IP | PLANTS | | T omato ? Potato ? Pepper ? Cabbage | | AND PLANT NOW | jj We have them, in the very best varieties, and have =? H been filling orders at rapid rate. f? EE A Complete Stock of Seed . . . Everything J WE ARE STILL BUYING CORN j H Paying Cash, 40c Bushel ?? Springtime Is the Best Time To give your best attention to Poultry and Stock. You know there is nothing better anywhere than PURINA POULTRY AND STOCK FEEDS. B. & B. Feed The Store with the Checkerboard Sign' III! illltlli!

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