I I Society News and Cm Activities '3c; ? MISS WATERS REPRESENTING BREVARD AT GREENVILLE Miss Rath Waters, popular Bre vard gl'I, who was designated by Mayor Ralph Ramsey to represent Brevard at the Greenville Cotton and Household show which is being held i iviunection with National Cotton Week celebrations will leave today to enter the contests. Miss Waters will compete in a con test, in which prizes will be awarded to the girl wearing the most attrac tive cotton ^ss. Thursday evening, the program at the Textile hall will include a New York Fashion Show and Cotton Ball to which the public ?! inviud. Friday evening a parade will be held on the streets of Green ville, with street bands, floats and other interj;ting features. Although Miss Waters will have to compete with beautiful young ladies from many North Carolina cities it :s , xpected that she will do honor to Hrtvard with her own charm and gra cibusness. Many citizens of Brevard have been heard to praise Mayor Ramsey for his excellent choice in choosing Miss Waters to represent Brevard. Ml SIC ALE AT ASHE I ILL.ti FRIDAY EVENING Mrs. \nme Sanford Donahoo of the Wednesday Morning Musieallp of Ash<>villc announces this program for Kran.fiszek Zachara's invitation con eert to he held at th\ David Mallard Junior High School Friday evening. May 20 at 8:.'!0 o'clock. Mrs. Louise Simons has thirty tickets for Brevard musicians and masic lovers. I ? Orgel by Wilhelm Friedemann Bach. Maestoso Pesante, Grave, Can ? : hiie. Fuga. It ? Pastorale and Capriccio by Searlatti-Tausig. Sr. 'ata in A- Major by Mozart, a. Andante Grazioso. b. Menuetto. c. Alia Turca. Ill? Impromptu in F-Sharp Major, Etude in C-Minor Opus 10, No. 12; Xicturne F-Sharp Major; Scerzo B ft:; Minor. I'pus 31. IV Sonata del Pet r area. b. Pag anini I'tude, Xo. 'J. e. Liebestraum. d. l:h->.n,- )(lie Xo. 2. C-Sharp Minor. uilii si m i s rt\f. t'AKf: t- < nt CAM!' TO liF. HELD EARLY IN JUNE ' Scouts of Troop Xo. II have b. n preparing for their training caiv.p to be held early in June, ac cording to Miss Helen Galloway, scribe of the troop. At a meeting last Wednesday the Scouts made plans for the trio to be complete at a meet ing this Wednesday. ULANCHE HARRI S CIRCLE IN REGULAR MEETING Th Blanche Barrjis Circle of the . :.d Baptist church met at the elm eh Tuesday afternoon for their regular meeting with eight members present. Mrs. Brown Carr, program leader for the afternoon spoke on the His tory of Spain and the mission work that has been done there during the past few years. GIRL SCOUT FUND IS GROWING The Girl Scouts b*.ve realized only SS.'jO from the pennies in the penny jars, said one official of the Business am' Professional Women's club and it is necessary that they have more, if they expect to attend camp this summer. 1 he # mbers of the Business club urge yr# to drop a penny in the pen ny jars whenever you pass one. You will find them in all the principal business- houses of the town and in various business offices. The Girl Scouts of Troop No II will hold a eall meeting at the home of Miss Lillian Jenkins Monday after noon at :!:00 o'clock. All members are 'irif'-d to be present for this important session. i T. E. L. CLASS GUESTS OF MRS. GEORGE GLAZENER Mrs. George Glazener entertained the members of the T. E. L. Class of the Baptist church at her home Tues day afternoon for their regular meet ing. flans were perfected for the cake salt which is to be held at .Austin's Studio Saturday. The class holds a cake sale every first and third Sat urday, the members being divided into two groups each group having charge of one cake sale a month. Members of the class are urged to bring home cooked cakes only, bought cakes are not desired for sale. MRS. ./. .'/. GAINES HOSTESS TO MA NHA T A SI AN CLUE Mrs. J. M. Gaines entertained the Mathatasian club at her home on Maple Street, Thursday afternoon at ?" :30 Wvlock. Guests present for the mcctRg Vere: Mrs. Roland Gooch of Oxford. N. C., Mrsi Anthony Tran tham, Mrs. Ralph Ramsey and Mrs. lI';Ty Sellers. Mrs. C. L. Newland, program lead er for the afternoon, spoke on the "Evolution of Plant Life" in a most interesting and instructive manner. Mrs. Newla\d's discourse revealed to the club members some very interest ing facts about plant life to be found locally. The final meeting of the club year ? ill be held Thursday May 26, in the form of a business session at the home of Mrs. Harold Norwood, presi dent of the organization. At the conclusion of the program, the hostess served a delightful salad course. MUSIC LOVERS CLUB IN SESSION The Music Lovers Club met Mon day evening, May 16 at the home of Mrs. Frank Jenkins with Mrs. Bean and Misf Mary Jenkins as' hostess. During the business session the club voted unanimously to give Prof. Alvin Moore 9, present as a token of appre ciation for his faithful and excellent work with the Cantata, "Mon-dah min." The president, Mrs. Frank Jen kins presented the gift later in the evening. Two committees were appointed. Program committee consisting of Mrs. J. M. Allison, Mrs. J. B. Jones and Mis& Mary Jenkins. Committee for the selection of music week 111a i rial including Mrs. J. E. Loftis, Miss Lillian Jenkins under the sup ervision of Prof. Alvin Moore. The club members were glad to lave v/h them, a guest, Mrs. Har old Norwood and two honorary mem bers, Mrs. Louise Simons and Donald Lee Moore. Mr. A. B. Carter and sev eral members of his orchestra, Miss North, Mrs. Jones, Mr. Martin, Don ald L(;c Moore, and Charles Moore v. re also present. A most interesting program upon the opera, "Martha" by Vox F'laton ivas presented by Mrs. Grady Kilpat rick and Mrs. J. B. Jones. Mrs. Kil lalriek discussed the opera carefully and several selections fronv, it were performed. Mrs. J. M. Allison sang most beau tifully, "The Last Rose of Summer" with a violin obligato by_ Mr. A. E. Carter. The club heard with unusual pleasure "Ah So Pure" sung by Prof. ? Mcore. The orchestra concluded the program with several selections from "Martha." i-.iitful refreshments were ser ved by the joint hostesses at the close of the meeting and the club adjourned inect again in September. ?fenswfi G. C. Morgan of Seneca, S. C. left ? Wednesday after a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. John Lyday of the Enon section. Ten students of the senior class of State college at Raleigh arid one in structor were the guests of Walter mire hotel Friday night. The young men were returning from Clayton. Ga., where they went on a field trip. Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Frady of Pis gah Forest were the Sunday visitors of their son, Mr. Carl Frady. Roscoe Henderson of Pickens, S. C. was visiting his brother, Henry Hen derson here Friday. C. M. Douglas was a Gloucester ,'isitor. Sunday afternoon. Mr. Ross Xelson and L. J. Peacock of Hendersonville, were Brevard vis itors Friday. Mr. Branch Paxton of Greenville, S. C. was visiting friends here last week. Mr. and Mrs. \V. A. Looper of Fas ley. S. C. spent Thursday of last week with their daughter, Mrs. B. H. Free man. They were accompanied home by their granddaughter, Jaunita, who will spend some time with them at their home in Easiey. Miss Ruth Snelson of Asheville, spent Friday with her father, Mr. .. f.. Snelson. Mr. Mac Sitton of Asheville, spent '.h- weekend in Brevard. Miss Mary Alta "Barnette spent Friday in Asheville. Mrs. C. B. West is spending a few days in Greenville with relatives. Miss Myrtle Barnette is visiting friends in Jacksonville, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Jones and chil dren of Asheville, spent the week-end with Mrs. .Jones' mother, Mrs. A. W. Barnette. Miss Rowena Orr was shopping in Asheville Friday. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Freenjan left Monday for a weeks vacation at Eas iey, S. C. They will be with Mrs. Freeman^ parents while there. Mr. Samuel Barnette, Mrs. A. W. Barnette and Mrs Philip Price and children, spent Tuesday in Hender sonville visiting Mrs. Barnette's sis ter, Mrs. John Morris, who has been verv ill at her home in Henderson ville. Miss Dorothy Fetzer of New York is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fetzer. Mrs. Tom English and Miss Mary Osborne Wilkins are spending a few days with Mrs. English's daughter, Mrs. Earl Twigg of New York. ] Mrs. Ethel Owen is recovering from a serious attack of flu. Mrs. Lucy Hoi; of Graham, N. C. is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Roy Long. On returning home Mrs. Holt will be accompanied by her daughter vhI gi Jhddaughter, Ora Holt, both of whom will spend a month in Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Johnson and Mr. Ernest Miller spent Monday in Ashe ville. Miss Emma Bagwell who has been spending several months in Ocala, Fla. returned home last week. Mr. #linshaw of Taylorsville, N. C. spent Monday in Brevard. Mr. Frank Duckworth of Virginia is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Duckworth. Dr.' Charles Newland spent Tues day in Rosman. Miss Virginia Mason of Henderson /ille spent" Monday in Brevard. Miss Sil>lr of Franklin, N. C., is taking Miss Annie Yongue's place at '>.e state highway office while Miss Yongue is spending her vacation in Mew York. Mr. Loalia Tinsley returned home with Dr. Will Scruggs for an extend ed visit. M?-. P ' returned :o the Biltmore hospital Monday morning for treatment. Miss Hobbs, State health officer left for Statesville Wednesday after conducting a pre-school clinic in Transylvania county. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johnson have ?jiov.'d to Forest Hills where they in B.& P. WOMEN'S am TO PRESENT COMEDY ???.1 ? (Continwd from page one) ! and many people who Jjave watched 1 the great w-rk being done by the Business and Professional Women's tiub for the girls in the scout, move ment have expressed the opini ;n thai it is, indeed, one of the most con strucj/.'e and far-reaching pieces of constructive work being done in the community. The large cast taking part in the play are working hard to make Uie entertainment exceedingly enjoyable. Their time and talent are being given most freely in helping the Busine- - and Professional Women's clu1 t" make as much money as possible, to the end that just that many mot Transylvania county girls may enjoy the benefits to be derived from '<'? days in the camp. In the cast a ? many men and women, young : . and young women, working luird ? rehearsal and giving their time t! ' is most valuable to themselves. nio\ in simple desire to be of txi.elU . the girls under the sponsorship the Business and y?fof:;ionr.. Women's club. MISS BEDBINfiFIE'D I TO BE ON THE AIR i I Miss Rh ue m ma Beddingt'ield. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J- Bcd dingfield and one of Brevard's young est and most accomplished musician wil! broadcast over Radio Station V W. C. Thursday afternoon fr m 2:30 until i* : 45 o'clock, according to announcement received here Monday. Miss Beddingfield has brought sev eral honors to Brevard in various mu sical contests in North Carolina She won second place in the state contests held at Greensboro, April 2Sth and! 29th in piano solo competition, this being her second consecutive win in | the state contest. It is expected that a large number j of Brevard people will tune in on sta tion W. W. N ,C. this afternoon at I 2:30 when Miss Beddingfield/ makes her etherial debut. SINGING CONVENTION HERE GREAT SUCCESS! More than 500 peopie gathered at ; the County Court House Sunday | morning for the annual 5-county j singing convention with Arvi! Simp- j son, noted Transylvania musician, j and president of the convention, pre siding. According to a number ol persons who at/nded the all-day singing con vention it was one of the best ever held. Rev. C. C. Reese opened the morning session with prayer. Musicians who led and participat ed in the morning services included: | Mr. Raijjsey of Asheville, Prof, liar- | mon of Lynchburg, Tenn, Mr. Ward of Henderson County; Mr. Allen of Madison County; Shelton Brothers Quartet of Haywood; Mr. Kilpatrick of Hendersonville; Mr. Bishop of Ce dar Mountain; Mr. Joe Orr of Pis gah Forest: Mr. Anders of Hender- j sonville; Pisgah Forest Choir; Pis- * gah Forest Mixed quartet and Mr. Lewis of Rosman. Closing prayer for j morning session by Rev. Hogsed. J The afternoon session was opened : with prayer by Mr. Ward of Hender- j sonville. Leading musicians included: j Mr. Allison of Shaws Creek, Lloyd j cantreil of Setiea, Mr. Ramsey aiM ' daughter, a duet, of Asheville, Ros- ! man ladies quartet, Judge Patterson of Crab Creek. Shelton Brothers quar tet of Haywood county, Ben Orr of Mt. Hebron, Pisgah Forest quartet, Mr. Allen of Madison county, Pisgah Forest quartet, Bishop Duet of Cedar Mountain, Mr. Henderson of Green ville, S. C. Buncombe county quartet, Little River quartet and East Flat j Rock Quartet. An interesting number ; on the program was the group sing ing of Henderson county followed by a group song by Transylvania county members. The closing song was a solo by Mr. Allen of Madison county, followed by the closing prayer of W. B. Hender son. I PROF. JONES ATTENDS ASHEVILLE MEETING Prof. J. B. Jones, city-county sup erintendent attended a meeting of Western North Carolina county sup erintendents in Asheville Wednesday. Eighteen superintendents from the eighteen -western counties gathered at the George Vanderbilt hotel at 10:30 o'clock Wednesday morning for the session, to discuss plans for the school work throughout the western section of the state. tend to make their home. Mr. John son is connected with the State Highway commission. M. M. Nicholson is reported to be seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. Spaulding Mcintosh and family were visiting in Hayes ville and other points Sunday. Mrs. Roland Gooch of Asheville has been spending several days with her sister, Mrs. Oliver Orr. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Mills and child ren, Elizabeth, and James, and Mable returned last "Monday from Davidson and Concord where they visited relatives. Paul Schachner of Weaver college spent the weok-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A". Schachner. Barnard Schachner and Edmund Orr returned Sunday from a visit to New York City. Ashe Macfie of Weaver college spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Maefie. Mrs. Oliver Orr and Mrs. Roland Gooch spent Saturday visiting in Asheville. PLUMMER ? b We "ave d8cided