jii? BREVARD NEWS Published Every Thursday by THE TRANSYLVANIA PUBLISHING CO., Inc. Entered at the Postoffice in Brevard, N. G\, as Second Class Matter James K. Barrett- .' Editor Mark T. Ore Associate Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES >,( Payable In Advance) One Year $2.00 S;x Months 1.00 Three Months .60 Thursday, May 26, 1932. XAM1XG MRS. JUSTUS TO SUCCEED LATE HUSBAND. No action of county officials in all past years ever received more genera! approval that that act this week in naming' Mrs. George M. Justus to succeed !ier late husband as county treasurer, to fill out the unexpired tctrii. Precedent for such action has been established in many counties, states, and even in national offices. In fact, there was nothing else that could be done, under the circum stances, that would have been ap proved by the people. Mr. Justus was give:: the place hi unusual manner. In the primary two years ago he failed of nomination, and H. C. Aiken, the successful candidate in the primary, withdrew in favor of Mr. Justus, because the latter had been in ill health for many years. That illness had not been re moved, but lingered on, with attend ant increasing expenses attached to the household. Then, when tho ????. ?an finally succumbed,, the family needed the income from the ? sFice even more than ever before. Mrs. Justus is well qualified to perform the; small- amount of work that the office requires, and the salary will be a real blessing to the widow nnd orphaned children. it was fitting and proper that she be named to the post, and the county i iVieials who gave the appointment to Mrs. Justus are to be commended for resisting the campaigns waged for appointment of others, and, following the dictates of their own consciences, gave the place to the woman who has borne the brunf of the battle during the long years of illness suffered by her late husband. THAXSYLVAX1A COL' STY'S GREATEST OPPORTl '\ITY. Figures given out from the United States Bureau of Census shows that there are more fishermen and hunters than there are baseball fans, footbal! fans, goif fiends or tennis sports. That statement might be passed oyer lightly by people in most sections of the United States, but it is a most significant statement for the citizens of Transylvan'a county and other counties in Western North Carolina. The actual figures show that there were 2, 426,373 baseball fans in 1930, and 1,218, It5 4 football admissions in the same y?ar, owith 908,640 gulf t'einds paying green fees, and 363,16j tennis players. But look at this: There were 4,420,S76 men and women paying fishing and hunting license in that same year ? more by far than all other major sports ad vocates combined! T ransylvania county, with intelli gent and devoted treatment of its fishing streams and hunting grounds, '??juld soon be receiving a great in come of cash money. With its hun dreds of miles of mountain streams, and its tens of thousands of acres of forest lands, this county could at tract a great amount oi that four and one-half million of fishermen and hunters each year. It is a known fact that fishermen at;d hunters will spend more money, and spend it more freely, than any other sportsmen on earth. High ad mission fees to see baseball games, or football games, or a willingness to turn loose to see or play golf, are piker things compared to the crazy spending of a fool fisherman or a crazy hunter. If the man in this county who owns land through which a stream passes would devote one-tenth as much time to stocking his stream with trout, and tending them as he does to his corn field, he could take in ten times more from his stream than he can g^t from his cornfield. Both the state and federal governments are ready and anxious to give to any man any amount of young fish necessary to stock his streams. We ^suggest to the Chamber of Commerce that definite attention be paid to this phase of our county's natural resources, and development of our forests and streams be one of the objectives of the commerce body. Mr. Randall W. Everett has long been urging the community to capita lize upon this great natural gift. He knows how freely men spend money for the privilege of fishing and hunt ing?providing there are fish and i game in the vicinity. /? t THERE IS HAPPINESS, IF PEOPLE WOULD EARS IT. , Obedience to that great command uttered one day some two thousand years ago, when people were told to bear oye another's burdens, would re move most of the human ills in any community. Every man has his bur dens to bear today, and they ate heavy, indeed. Instead of doin? as we are told to do in this natter, and bear one another's burdens, isn't it a fact that we do the very opposite, in many instances, and add to one an other's burdens instead of bearing them and shaving them? There are but few men in any com munity today that arc free from the terrifying thought of failure. His business is about gone, or his income from his professional work is insuffi cient. or his farm products are not bringing sufficient money with which to carry on, or he is not getting reg ular employment or any employment at all, his wages have been reduced to the minimum. Even those we look ed upon as being rich are suffering, because their storks and bonds are not bringing in the returns that once enabled them to live in ease and com fort. Not a man, perhaps, has escap ed the penalty of the times, in this country or in any other country throughout the world. As a result of this p'nch that is felt by everyone, each man takes his accounts that he holds against the other fellows, and starts out with them, or turns them over to a law yer, for collection. At the same time this same fellow is bothered to death with collectors from the houses I'nnt he owes. And so it goes, from one to another, all day long, every day. Night conies, and with it a greater, more depressing, restless, sleepless night than the horrible one that pre ceded it. Morning comes, and the grind of the daily rounds starts all over again. Wonder if the application of the spirit of that injunction to bear one another's burdens would be of any help'' Wonder if there is anything in the commands and promises of the Book? Wonder why we pay so little attention to these commands and promises? Wonder if our attitude is not responsible for much of the ills we are suffering? The United States government, with the governments of Europe agreed, all of them, to call a halt for a while on this practice of one pres ing another for debts, in order that each might have time to do some con structive work in re-building a fund from which the debts might be paid. If all of us would agree to bother the other man just as little as possible, do you not believe that all ol us would be materially helped? OAKLAND NEWS Mrs. Lee Norton returned home Monday after spending several weeks in Brevard. Mrs. llazei McNeely has returned home. Miss Evon Sanders spent Saturday night with Miss Myrtle McCall. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Arrowood cal led 011 Mrs. Mary Burgess Monday afternoon. Myrtle McCall and Evon Sanders called on Mrs. Maggie Nicholson Sunday evening. Mrs. Orfie Galloway is staying with Mrs. Maggie Nicholson. Evon Sanders and brothers, Lane atjd Cecil, called on Mrs. Mary Burgess Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Sanders and Mrs. Clarence Norton were Brevard visitors Mondav. Mrs. E. D. Reid visited Mrs. S. L. , Sanders Monday. 1 I.. C. Senders spent Saturday night j with Ray Sanders. Lensy Sanders spent the week-end I at homo with his uarents, Mr. and j Mrs. S. L. Sanders. MV and Mrs. W. F. McCall were | Brevard visitors Saturday. Lensy Sanders is helping build I Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Whitmire a home ! at Quebec. ! EAST FORK NEWS Farming seems to be on a go in our section. Some are right up with all farm work, others way behind, but next fall at frost all will be right together. Mrs. Boyd McGuire and son, Frank, are spending this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Gillespie. Jake Gravely of Pickens, visited relatives in this and Connestee sec tions last week. ? Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Reynolds have moved to this section from Brevard. 0. M. Cassell is reported very sick at the home of B. B. Hcndrix on Up per Ehst Fork. Atmer Hubbard of Calvert, visited his father, Leon. Hubbard, of the Carson Creek section Sunday. Taylor Jones of Pickens, visited his j uncle; H. E. Whitmire, last week. I Elmer Gillespie is spending this j , t- A i j Coats Cassell of Calvert visi-? ' ! I 'i father, 0. M. Cnssell Sunday am1 Monday. j Pisgah Forest News 1 I There will be preaching services at the Davidson River Presbyterian church Sunday. morning at 11 o'clock! by the pastor Rev. R. L. Alexander. I Everyone in cordially invited to at- 1 tend the serives. ( Miss Rose Wolf spent last week ! with friends in Asheville. ' Mr. Carl Conley of Liberty, S. C. was a caller in this section last Tuesday. i Mr. and Mrs. Jack Arnngton have' | had as their guests Mr. Arlington's mother, of Ohiu. Mr. Leonard Williams has re | turned to his home in Tennessee after impending (he- past month with his 1 sister, Mrs, W. Duncan. I Roy Carter has been on the sick list. Several friends and relatives from this section attended the funeral and 1 burial of Aunt Epsy Lyday at the | Davidson River cemetery Thursday | morning. Aunt Epsy who resided, at ; Turkey Creek has often visited here ? and has many friends who will miss ; her visits and familjar face. ' Mrs. Raleigh Allison of Boy Is ton wav a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. i Jack Arrington. ' Sir. C. L. Corn spent several days last week in Blautyre where he was i mnlovod. ' 0. T. Frady was a Brevard visitor Saturday. ! Mr. Minyard Stepp and son, Em ; mit, of Shelby, spent Saturday with : friends and relatives here. R. L. Capps spent several days las' i week near Canton. Mr. Harvey Radford is visiting his J brothers. Deiier, near Pickens, S. C. Miss Ruth Boggs of Turkey Creek i spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. W. A. Lyday. Miss Anna Patton spent Sunday ??'Ith Mr. ar.d Mrs. Fred Miller in Brevard. Mr. and Mrs. Tilden Corn of Spar tanburg, S. C., were callers of rela tives here Sunday. I The local baseball nine defeated the Penrose team by a score of 11-5 1 on the Penrose diamond Saturday afternoon. Mr. Edd Sitton of Pleasant Grove was a Sundav guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lyday. Miss Frances Walker with several of her little friends enjoyed a birth day party at her home Monday after | noon in honor of her fifth birthday. Mr. R. K. Mackey and son. Henry, and Mr. MeKinley Ross, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Tipton at (he Clougli Farm Sunday. Mrs. Rickman of Blantyre snent last week with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Scruggs. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wyatt and daughter have been on the sick-list. Miss Nettie Townsend of Penrose spent Monday afternoon with her grandmother, Mrs. Sarah Orr. Miss ' Townsend reports that Mrs. Susan Fowler who formerly spent some time here, remains about the same. The heavy rains last week and , cool weather have delayed garden making. C, ossett Heads Textile Group B. B. Gossett. Charlotte, was elect ed president of the American Cotton Manufacturers association in annual meeting in Atlanta Saturday. 2,500 in Primary Contests A record number of over 2,500 candidates is in the field for nomina I ion to political offices in the 100 counties of the state in the June 4 primary. There are 80 candidates for state and congressional offices. : ADMINISTRATRIX'S Notice Having qualified as administratrix ? of the Estate of M. N. Moore (De ceased, late of Transylvania County, i North . Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the | Estate of said deceased to exhibit I them to the undersigned at Rosman. i N. C., on or before the 7th day of May 1 1933, or this notice will be pleaded in I bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make ! immediate settlement. This the 7th day of May 1932. MRS.'M. N. MOORE, Administratrix, MRS. W. II. ORR, Co-Administratrix. ; May 12-6 T, pd. ! ~ADMIN ISTRAfcR7S Notice Having qualified as' administrator of the estate of M. J. Orr, deceased, I late of Transylvania County, North | Carolina, this is to notify all persons ; having claims against .the estate of j said deceased to exhibit them to the ! undersigned at his off/:e in Brevard, I N. C., on or before the 20 day o. , May, 1933, or this notice will be pleaded 7h bar of their recovc ry. All persons indebted to said estate j will please make immediate payment. This 20 day of May, 1932. T. C.' GALLOWAY, Administrator OF M. J. ORR ESTATE. May 20. June 2, 9, 1G, 23. 30. TRUSTEE'S SALE By virtue of the power of sale con- j tained in a certain deed of trust ex- ; ecuted by T. H. Case and wife Sallie J. Case to the undersigned trustee to , secure certain indebtedness mention- 1 ed therein, which deed of trust is dated 2 day of March, 1925. and re- j corded in the office of Register of, deeds for Transylvania County in Book 14, page 390, ef the deed of trust records of said' County, sa.:d | indebtedness having become due and : default having been made in the pay ment and all notices as required in | said deed of trust, having been given j the makers of said note and deed j of trust to make good the payment j and default not having been made i giod, and the holder of said note and <'"ed of trust having demanded that 1- .1 r?;,j 0f , trust be sold to satisfy said indebted- ' ncss and cost of sale. I .viil offer for sale ar. 1 sell to the THE PRAYER COM! From The F-ilcx Of Long Ago . THE TEACHER AND THE CHILDREN We can imagine the tender Savior watching the children at their games in thi- m.nrket place at Jerusalem. He took an interest in the ar.ties of these little mimics as they played at wed dings and funerals. {Matt. 11:17, Luke 7:32.) No wonder that they loved auu followed One who could sympathize , with them, even in their play. Con sequently we find that when the 5, 000 men followed Jesus Christ round to the other side of the Lake of Gal lilee, ami remained with Him for three days, there were little children there too. The Evangelist did not ? trouble to count them, because* he regarded them as of little impor tance, but he mentions their presence (Matt, 14.21). Children counted in the estimate of the Savior however (Matt. 18:14 Mark J0::5.) ic-s, child] en were His most pronv ising pupils. After lamenting over 1 the unbelief of Corazin and Bethsai da. v.- here most of His mighty works had been done, He lifted His' face to Heaven and cried (Matt. 11:25.) | And so to the very end of His n:in : istry it was the children who re sponded to His teaching. On Palm ? Sunday when the grey-bcarded theo logians from the Sacred City, came un with shocked and annoyed faces, and drew His attention to the fact that the children were crying out be fore Him (Matt. 21:16.) The lesson which Jesus Christ taught the deciples of old is one of the first that teachers should learn if they would obey the Master's com ? mand : Suffer the little children to eome unto rne. We must believe in these little ones, who impose such confidence in us, their instructors. It is only when we realize what won ders can be wrought with this most promising of materials (the soul of a child) that we are able to achieve marvels. (Be sure and look up the refer ences.) A PRAYER FOR THE TEACHER AND CHILDREN 0 Thou great lovei of children, who dearly loved to see them at work and at play, and whose most prom ising pupils they were, of whom JI? said: "Whatsoever shall not receive he shall not enter therein"? Bring home to the minds and hearts of our teachers the lesson which Thou didst teach Thy disciples of old. one of t he firs t that teachers should learn if they would obey the Master's com mand: "Suffer the little children to come unto me," and which is as an pucabJe to the day schools as to the Sunday Schools, that they must be lieve in their pupils who impose such confidence in them, their instructors. Open their eyes that they may see what wonders can be wrought with mind of a child. {Grant to them Thv mind and Thy heart, so shall Thy that most promising of materials, the . blessing rest upon them, and upon heir work and the fruit of their labors shall be peace and enjoyment lorever. with gladness of heart here i h,c' Joy of their Lord hereafter, ask it in His name. Amen. ? C. D. C | NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE I- nder and by virtue of the Power of Sale contained in that certain !Deed in Trust from W. B. Stanberv i wife et al. to D. L. English, Trustee. ? said Deed in Trust bearing date of the 27th day of November, 1928, and registered in Book No. 23 on Page I 33 et seq. of the Record of Deeds in ' Trust for Transylvania County, X. ; C., securing certain indebtedness therein named and default having , been made in the payment of said in debtedness whereby the Pov.t- oi' Sale contained in said Deed in Trust has become operative and all notices required as to said default have b"en given and said default has not b?'cn made good : I Now. Therefore, the undersigned , Trustee will on Saturday June the | 11th. 1932, at 12 o'clock M. at the 'Court House door ir. the Town of Brevard, N. C., offer for sale sth! sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described lands to-wit: Being all of lots Xos. 3 and 1 ?>' the A. M.. Verdery, Jr., and -1. W. Duckworth lands as fully set out and described in the Deed in Trust afore said, refever.ee being hereby made to said P"ed in Trust and the record ? thereof for a description of said lands by metes and bounds. ! The proceeds of said sale to be ap plied upon paid indebtedness, cost of | sale, etc. i This the lith dav of May, 1932. D. I, ENGLISH, TntisTf.T. j May 19, 2fi, June 2. 9. highest bidder for cash at the Court House Door in the town of Brevard, N. C? on Saturday, June 25, 1932. at 12 o'clock Noon all the following des cribed land. BEGINNING on a stake on the south east margin of the public road, the south west corner of Let No. 4 of the subdivision of the. J. J. Sh.pman estate, and runs wi.h the line of Lot No. 4, south 85 deg. cast 117.5 feet to a stake in corner of Brushy Creek; then down and with the center of said Creek, south 33 (leg. east llfi feet to a stake at the corner of Lot No. f> of said subdivision above mentioned: then with the line of Lot No. (5 north 80 dcg. west 1 8S feet to n stake on the south east margin of the public road; then with the south east mar gin of said public road, north 6 deg. .05 east: 75 feet to the beginning, be ing- all of lot No. 5 as laid down on plat of the subdivision, made bv J. R. Regan. Thin 23 dav of Miv, 1932. T. C. GAT, LOW AY, TiiUSTfX 31;:; ? 2'J, 2, 9, jr.. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT To the DEMOCRATIC VOTERS of Transylvania County: I hereby announce to the Degio-, crutic voters of Transylvania County j that I will be a candidate for com- j iiiation for Cwunty Treasurer, sub-, ject. to the action of the Democratic ? Primary. I 0. L. ERWIN. , I NOTICE To The Democratic Voters c! ' Transylvania County I hereby announce myself a candi- - date for the Office of Representative of Transylvania County, to the 'Stare Legislature, subject to action of the Democratic Primary. S. P. VERNER. FOR LEGISLATURE I hereby announce my canrudacy for j nomination on the Democratic ticket ! for Representative in the legislature from Transylvania county, subject to ( the action of the Democratic pri mary. W. M. HENRY. FOR REGISTER DEEDS I hereby announce mysely as candi date for nomination and reelection as Register of Deeds of Transylvania county, subject to the will of the Dem ocratic voters in the June Primary. My record for the past two years is my platform. JESS A. GALLOWAY. FOR SHERIFF AND TAX COLLECTOR I hereby announce my candidacy for nomination in the Democratic Primary for the office of Sheriff-Tax Collector of Transylvania County. I will appreciate the support of all citizens who believe that I would make an efficient officer. JOHN L. WILSON. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE North .Carolina, County of Transylvania Under and by virtue of Ch<? power am! authority contained in that cer tain dew! of trust executed by J. S. Talley anci wife, Julia C. Talley. to The Raleigh Savings Bank and Trust Co.. trustee (the undersigned trus tee having succeeded to the rights and title of the named trustee, under Chapter 207. Public Laws of 1931) which said deed of trust is dated April 30. 3025. and recorded in Book 14, Page 4.'19. of the Transylvania County Registry, default having been made in the payment of the indebted ness the: by secured and in the con ditions th rein secured, the undersign ed trustee, will on Thursday, June Hi, 1932, at or about twelve o'clock noon, at the courthouse door at Brevard, N. C., offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property: All that certain piece, parcel and tract of land situate, lying and being in Little River Township, Transyl vania County, and State of North Carolina, and adjoining the lands of E. and L. D. Davenport and Lee Bay nard on the North; the Nesbit land on the East; the land of M. E. Alli son on the South: the French Broaa River on the West, and containing Sixty (60) acrts. more or less, and being situate about one and one-half (1 1-2) miles Southeast from the town of Blantyre, North Carolina, and having such shape, metes.i courses and distances as will more fully appear on a plat thereof pre-1 pared by A. L. Hardin, Civil Er.gi- ' neeer, under date of May 15. -4025, ! and attached to the abstract of title' now on file with the Atlantic Joint Stock Land Bank of Raleigh, N. C., and being the same lands com- > prised in the following deeds, to-wit: That deed from Evan Talley and wife: to John Talley, dated in the year, 1S94, and recorded in tie Records of. Deeds of Transylvania County. North I Carolina, in Book 24, page 4C: also' that deed from Evan Talley and wife; to John Talley, dated in the year: 189-1, and recorded in said Records; in Book 24, at page 39; also that deed' from TV. L. Talley and wife to J. S. Talley anr! wife, dated July 5, 1901,, and recorded in said Records in Bookj 18 at page 88; also that deed fromi \V. Talley, (widower), to J. S.! Talley, dated April 20. 1922, and re corded in said Records in Book 46, at page 9,r>; to all of which said deeds, ! Racords, and Books and pages ret I erenc-e is hereby made as a part of this description. I Terms of sale cash and trustee .vil' j j require deposit of 10'.' of the amount! i of the bid as his evidence of gocd j faith. i This the- 16th dav of May, 19.12. J NORTH CAROLINA BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, Trustee. Successor to The Raleigh Savings Bank and Trust Company, Trustee. J. I.. Cockerham and Robert Weinstein, Attorneys. Raleigh, N. C. May 19. 26, June 2, 9. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE : North Carolina, I County of Transylvania I ! Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that cer-j ] tain deed of trust executed by Mrs. , Syble C. Anderson and husband, M.j R. Anderson ; J. A. Anderson and wifej Nina Lorena Anderson, to T'nej Raleigh Savings Bank and Trust, Company, trustee (the undersigned j trustee having succeeded to the rights j and title of the named trustee, under, I Chapter 207. Public Laws of 1931 ) . j ; which s" : '-f-d'of tr '' is dn<"?'!j ! .Tilly 1, 1925, and recorded in Book, j 11, Pnge 106, of the Transylvnr.:.: ; v Registry, default having -be-' ji FOR TREASURER I hereby announce my candidacy for nomination as Treasurer for Transyl vania Count;', subject to the action, of the Democratic primary. G. M. JUSTUS. FOR LEGISLATURE To the Citizens of Transylvania County: I hereby announce my can didacy for nomination as Representa tive of Transylvanyi county in th'_ next session of the Genera! Assembly of the State of Xorth Caroliisa, sub ject to the action of the Democratic primary. T. C. HENI^ftSON FOR SHERIFF I hereby annqpnce my candidacy for nomination on the Democratic ticket as Sheriff of Transylvania county. Any support given me will be i appreciated. T. S. WOOD. FOR LEGISLATURE I wish to announce to the voters of the county that 1 am a candidate for I the nomination for Representative in I the lower house of the next General 1 Assembly, subject to the action of the democratic primary. M. W. GALLOWAY. FOR TREASURER ! I hereby announce my candidacy for nomination, on the Democratic ticket, 'for office of County Treasurer, sub I ject to the will of the voters in the June Primary. MRS. T. H. GALLOWAY. FOR SHERIFF 1 hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Sheriff of Transyl vania County, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary to he held on June 4. I shall appreciate the sup port of every one. E- c. aike;n. made in the payment of the indebted ness thereby secured and in the con ditions therein secured, the tinder signed trustee, will on Thursday, June 1G. 1932. at or about tvrelw o'clock r.oon, at the courthouse door at Brevard, X. C., offer for sate and sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of la-nd containing Seventy-one (71) acres, more or less, situate, ly ing. and being on the Brev?ird-Blan tyre public road, about seven '7; miles almost Northeast from tho town of Brevard, in Boyd's Township, Transylvania County, State nf North Carolina, having such shapes, metc-s. courses and distances as will more fully appear by reference to a pit t thereof made by A. L. Hardin, C. K , on the 18th day of July, 1025, and attached to the abstract of title now on tile with the Atlantic Joint Stock Land Bank of Raleigh, North C'nvc lina, the same being bounded on the North By the lands of the Woodfin heirs; on the East by the French Broad River: on the W?st by th lands of J. T. Justus and Ada Reed, and being the identical traci: of land conveyed by deed from S. A. Sims, widow, to Mrs. Syble C. Anderson and J. A. Anderson, of date, Septem ber 8, 192-1. said deed being duly re corded in Dec-ci Book No. 48, at Page 221. in the office of the Register of Deeds for Transylvania County, State of North Carolina, to which refer ence is. made for a more complete des cription of the same. EXCEPT from the above describ ed boundary of land as not being con veyed by this instrument, th; follow ing boundary of land, to wit; a cer tain tract or parcel of land contain ing four (4) acres, more or less, and being the identical tract of .land con veyed by deed from S. A. Sims to Ada Reed, of date. February 8, 11323, said deed being duly recorded in Dr^.t Book Xo. -16, at page 244. in the olfir ? of the Register of Dc-eds for Transyl vania County, State of North Caro lina, to which reference is made for a more complete description of the same. Terms of sale cash and trustee will require deposit of 10% of the amount r.f vhe bid as his evidence of good faith. This the l'jth day of May 1 032 XORTH CAROLINA BANK AXD TRUST COMPANY. TRi'STfcE. Successor to The Raleich Savings* Bank and Trust Company, Trustee. J. L. Cockerham and Robert Weinstein. Attorneys. RaMg'n, N. C. May 19. 26, June 2, 9. We contribute to your good looks. You cam get a Vitalis treatment here, the vegetable oil tonic, also the Fitch product#. It Pays To L>ook Wall SMITH'S BARBER SHOP

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