CLOBCESTER NEWS Maxie end Flemon McOall, Colon and Cora Bell Anderson, Manuel and Mc Kinly Steamy visited Mrs. Coiey McCall Friday night. Mrs. Laura Hammond and children returned to their home at Piedmont, S. C. Sunday after spending a week visiting relatives in Gloucester. Mrs. Darcus Galloway and daugh ter, Mrs. Zelma Sloss, are visiting at Cruso, N. C. this week. Miss Cora Bell Anderson spent Fri day night with Misses Maxie and Georgia McCall. Wiley Devore was a visitor at W. M. MeCalls one day last week. Coley McCall spent Friday night with Arthur Whitmire at Cherry field. Otis M. Galloway was a Brevard visitor one day last week. r Merritt Galloway was the dinner guest of G"r Galloway Sunday. Friends ^^Ranzie Owen was very glad to see him able to be at church Sunday. Mrs. Ailie Galloway spent Sunday, nlsht- with her daughter, Mrs. Calev ; McCall. Flemon McCall visited Ranzie Owen Friday night. Ralph Smith and Jess McCall were the dinner guest of Flemon McCall Sunday. j Maxie McCall spent Saturday irgh? with har brother Coley McCall. Mr. and Mrs. Obie Fisher returned' t.: their home after spending several we ka visiting the latters parents, JMv and Mrs. Judson Coren at Bre- , vard. Lucy Nell Coren visited her sister, Mrs. Boyd McCall Saturday. Thelma and Georgia McCall visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Otis Galloway Sun day. Talmage Kilpatrick and Jenning Fisher visited W. M. McCall Sunday afternoon. i | W ANTED ? Bronze Turkey eggs for sotting. See J. H. Wolfe, Bre vard Route 2. ^ FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE: 23 thoroughbred Black Minorca chick ens. Will exchange for thoroughbred Rhnd*> Islam! Red:, or Rocks. See ? Mrs. .V. H. Galloway, Brevard Route 1 ^ i FOR SALE ? All varieties of late cabbage plants, 16c hundred; $1.25 thousand. Tomato plants, 20c hun dred. All kinds of flower plants. MRS JOHN TINSLEY. Phone 96. Maple street. MASONIC MEETING \y " FRIDAY NIGHT 8:00 O'CLOCK MASONIC HALL Visiting Brothers Welcome ft We contribute to your good looks. You can get a Vitalis treatment here, the vegetable oil tonic, also the Fitch products It Pays To Look Well SMITH'S BARBER SHOP J . rl =\ AS USUAL We are trying each day to im prove our service so that we may better serve you. We believe that we now have the best cook's in Western North Gaiolina. Come in, give us . trial and decide for your sc-lt". You will always get Good Food Cooked Right At The Canteen Doc Galloway, Prop. rff OPEN (pyn 3:00 ^.45. un,tj?-2:,OfcA. AIL ^ " "" 'LATE FALL SAHDEM ! POSSIBLE FOR ALL i Carefully preparing the soil ana 'using partially shaded seed beds vill permit the gardner to have a supply of vegetables for the late fall garden. ? "In starting plants which need to be transplanted, it is better to seed hem in partially shaded seed beds .uther than attempt to plant in the pen field," recommends E. B. Mot ow, extension horticulturist at State Jollcge. "A lattice work of small slats makes an excellent covering for such a bed but if slats are not available, ?line brush or other material may be jsed. However, this covering should if placed high enough above the rround to permit free circulation of *he air and to give room for watering and weeding. If the soil is dry when I the seeding is made, water it ' thoroughly and then cover with old sacks to retain the moisture. Remove the sacks as soon as the seedlings be gin to push through the earth." Young plants grown in this way must be hardened, however, before they are exposed to the hot summer ; *un. This may be done by gradually "moving the shade. In planting garden seeds directly n rows, j?et the seed down in the noist earth. For instance, beans and orn need to be planted in rather deep '"??UiTows, Morrow says. Cover more 'f?ply than when spring planting is ?'???no. especially with the large seed ed crops. Small seeded crops will require ?onsiderable attention when planted 11 the open field. This means a care 'ully pulverized seed bed and possib "y boards or old sacks laid over the '?ow. When boards are used, raise 'inn as soon as the seedlings push hrough and place each end on a rock >r brick. Harden to the sun gradually by removing the boards in the early corning and late afternoon for the Irst few days. Mi's. J. C. Salter, who has been at French Brnad Park, has returned to nr home, at Atlanta, Ga. WANT ADS FOR SALE ? Furnished log camp ?car Toxaway. Fruit, spring. Cheap, 'ash or terms. 330 Hillside 'St., .Isheville, N. C. ltp., J. 21 I WANT to exchange forty gal '? ns of good Syrup for 40 bushels of corn. V. H. Galloway, Pcnroo2, N. C. 'CI OR RADIOS . . Victor Phono graphs . . Victor Records . . If -? ;i Victor, it's' good. For sale at ?uston's Furniture Store. M12tf WANTED ? Fresh country eggs, | utter and country ham. See Mrs. J. .. Salts at the Waltermire Grill. \KANTED?Evary one Interested ia Radios to call and see the wonder ful Atwater-Kent Radio. Hear it and see it at the Houston Furniture com pany's store. J15tfc WANTED ? Your Shoe Repairing. We are equipped to do first clas3 hoe repair work. We invite you to isit our shop and give us a trial. Prices reasonable. Brevard Shoe ihop, T. E. Waters, Owner. ^.News Acrade. May 5 tfc i FOR RENT ? Well located business property, splendid locations for merchandise establishments. See Jud son McCrary, Tinsley Building, Tele phone 172. 029tf I !RE WOOD, Stove Wood. Kindlijig, Sand and Gravel. Trunks and Baggage and general hauling. Rates reasonable. Siniard Transfer Co. Phone 118. ' Aug 13 4tc RADIO REPAIRING by an expert John Reese Sledge, recognized in Brevard as an autherity on Radios nnd Television is now with Houston Furniture Co, Aug 27 tf NEWEST MAJESTIC RADIOS at Houston Furniture Company. Bre vard. Guaranteed no "A-C num." k high class Radio at a reasonable ir^o. jly 81tf FOR RENT ? Furnished flat or apartment with garage. Reasonable rates. See MRS. A. N. HINTON. FOR SALE ? 50 li>. all-metal refrig erator. Excellcn model. For furth er information cn'i Brevard News. FOR SALE ? A splendid heme lying on the waters of Crab Creek t in Transylvania County, adjoining 'As. Orr's Farm. Has house, barn, crib and 35 to 40 ycung apple trees, cold spring near hou.n* Beach Calif I LONG'S DRUG STORE i Brevard, N. G. 1 Blantyre Breeze? i I J Mrs. U!a Blythe visited her siater in-law, Mrs. Fred Owenby Thursday. Mr, A. W. Davis who has been upending some time at his farm in (Georgia has returned to his home here. Mrs. D. E. Bell of Druid Hills has been spending some time with her sister, Mrs. C. B. Hollingsworth. Mr. J. S. Maxwell visited his daughter, Mrs. H. E. English, of Boylston one day iast week. Miss Mary Ellen Reed had as her ','uest Sunday Miss Geneva Drake. Rev. F. H. Kolden visited Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Allison. Mr. and Mrs. Terley Just. is visited Mrs. Justus' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Orr, Miss Mary Banning, of Boylston, -pent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. David Holliday. Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Duncan and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Orr recently. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Lance visited Mrs. Lance's parents, Mr. and Mrs. \. F. Justus, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Witt Nicholson and amily visited Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Davis Sunday. Mrs. Charlie Nesbitt visited Mrs. A. C. Ri.ckman Sunday. Mr. Raynel Morgan visited Miss Beulah Allison Sunday. Miss Fred Maxwell who has been pending some time with her sister, Mrs. J. E. Talley, has returned to her hom i : J Miss Ads Hedrick and Mrs. Emma . Aiien entertained with"1 a niiscel , laneous shower Friday afternoon at ' the home of Mrs. Emma Allen in hon or of a r?cent bride, Mrs. Claud Ray, who was before har marriage Miss Tina Hedrick. The bride received many pretty and u^ful gifts. Refreshments were served to the following; Misses Eva Whitmire, Harriet 'frost, Jessie Mackey, Doilie Allison, Helen Garland, Beatrie Wyatt, Nellie Mackey, Orlena Capps, Mildred Lyday, Ada Hedrick, Florinc Carter, Mildred Barnett, Minnie 1 Galloway and Mesdames Dewey Ed- 1 wards, Charlie Roller, Frank Allen, | Waverley Morris, Emma Ailen, Claud Ray. Miss Edna Lyday motored to Ashe ville Wednesday evening. Miss Eva Whitmirc has returned here after spending the past week with friends in Sumter, S. C. Mr. Barrett Taylor of Winston Salem was a rccent guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lyday. Mr. and Mrs. McKinley Ross, Reu ben and Henry Mackey and Valry Carter spent Thursday ani Friday at Ravens Ford with relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Ross. F. M. Trost of Jacksonville Fla., | is with his family here. Haroid Carter of Brevard was a recent guest of his aunt, Mrs. James' Carter. Rosman was defeated here by the local baseball nine Saturday after- 1 noon, 5-3. Mr. Robert Whitnvire of Sumter, S. C., is visiting his grandmother, Mr-. | Emma Colburn. Friends and relatives of this sec-' tion attended the funeral services for j Caldwell C. Case, 83, Thursday after noon at the Oak Grove Methodist ( church at North Brevard. His daugh ter, Mrs. H. L. Souther, resides in I this section. Mr. and Mrs. Fleet Galloway and daughter spent Sunday with Mrs Gailowav's father. Mr. Osie Sentell, ? on Mt. Underwood. I Mrs. Martha Sling of Asbeville has jbeen visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. I W. Pruett. 1 I Uncle Butler Brown of the Turkey Creek section was calling on friends here Monday. Messrs C. E. Campfield, C. L. Corn. A. L. Morgan and Kie Hollingsworth enjoyed a fishing trip in the Green River section Monday and Tuesdav I The small son of Mr. and Mrs. Jethro Sentell is on the sick list. I Mrs. Sandy McGregory and Child ren of Greenville, are visiting in this section. Miss Nell Lise of Biltmore spent Thursday with Mrs. Emma Colburn. Mrs. Claud Ray of Little River spent Friday with her parents, Mr. tHtHlWW Marie. email daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Kai Hart is reported to be im proving after undergoing a tonsil op eration at the Lyday Memorial Hospital lust week. Dola and Dorothy McCrary spent lest weekend with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson McCall, of Enon section. Miss Ruth McCall of Brevard visit ed her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. McCall, Sunday. Evelyn, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Corl Couch of Asheville, is spending a few weeks with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. 3. C. Elkin. Mrs. Amos McCall and children, Ralph and Ruby spent last week-end with relatives in Gloucester section. Ralph Holtzclaw of Hendersonville is visiting his brother Rev. W. P. Hoitzclaw. Miss Mary George visited friends in Asheville last .'.reek. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Morgan and children of Hendersonville spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, T, L. Pickelsirner. Miss Flora Merrill of Brevard visited her mother, Mrs. Lula Mer rill, last week-end. Mr. Henry McCall made a business trip to Asheville Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Merrill ar.