WINTER SCHEDULE FOR V. D. C. LIBRARY Announcement is made o I the win ter schedule to be maintained at thi U. D. C. Library, beginning wex week. The library will b? ipen two afternoons each week, these days be ing1 Wednesdays and Saturdays, and the hcurs to be observed are from 3 until 5 o'clock on these afternoon:. Miss Satie Parker will be in charge ?s librarian. New shelving is being added to the library, and officers of the organiza tion express the hope that many new books will soon be added. It is also hoped that many new- members will be added to the list. The U. D. C. Library has long been serving the community in splenditl manner. It is one of the most popu lar places in the, town during the summer season, and a little army of readers are enabled to have new books to read throughout the winter months because of the fact that the library is maintained here. The ladies' who have so patriotically served the community through their work in the library will welcome all aid that can be given them by the citizen sof the community. V. W. A. ENROLLS FOUR , NEW MEMBERS i The V. W. A. of the Brevard Bap tist church met with the Misses Ash wcrth Monday evening with the larg est attendance ever known. Miss Geneva Neill, chairman of the Program Committee lead an interest ing discussion of "Romance of Black and White," which took in the A. B. C.'s of Mission work. Several of the officers elected a committee to help them in their work as foltows: Geneva Neill elected Caro lyn Ashworth and Marie Galloway to help her on the program. May Garren and Mrs. Norwood to help Launa Clayton with the Personal Service work. Ruth Cunningham and June Grogan to help Beulah Garren with the Mission Study. Two new committees were formed. Membership which consists of Helen Allison and Beryl Morgan. Social Committee which consists of Nell Duckworth, Clara Garren and Lillie MeCrary. The club was delighted to have four new members, namely: Ruth Cun ningham, May Cunningham, Nina Burrell, and Christine Joines. The social hour was immensely en joyed in which delicious ice cream and cake were served. GLEANERS SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS. The Gleaners Sunday School class held 4} regular business meeting last Tuesday evening with Miss Mary Nicholson. No special -irogram was yivert, .the mfigjjflg beiffg taken up with the regurarousiness of the class. FolRhving the business session there was a social hour. Refreshments were served. l^Sfl THE IDEAL SOLUTION FOR HOME SANITATION FOR HOUSEHOLD CLEANING. Cleans, deodorizes and disinfects bath tubs, sinks, toilets, and drain boards. Ideal for cleaning and deodorizing refrigerators. Whitens and sweetens dish cloths and mops. MANY OTHER USES FOR I The laundry * ? The toilet. "HI The medicine cabinet. Gtneral sanitation. A safe, non-jpoisonous, powerful germicidal cleanser that disin fects as it cleans. At Your Favorite Store MRS. DORSET? IS GIFTED POETESS. Mis. Carolyn Thrash Dorsett, oi '?.i^hirgto-?. who i? spending the "??T.ier in Asheviile and often visits friends in Brevard, is bccofning widely known for her literary talent, ma ot' her work' has been publish ;i in the News and bccausa of n\im i ous requests from readers the fol ding contribution is being reprint ed: I NOSTALGIA i see the hill? ? high, far hills nat shadow th? sleeping plains; ' cas see the mountain brush and pine \pping in the wintry rains, ! ht ruggnd bridle-trail ? '<i:o T lide in th-3 city street. To catch a song from a spoken word, Or sit at a pagan's feet. can feel the whip of the mountain winds And the sting ? while I choke Tn the fog and smoke. I hear -the songs of the mountain streams ; I bartered for the babble of the city 1'pik; r lore Art grip on the God I know To stumble among the creeds. Oh rocks and pines and far high hills? M:ar the cry of a broken reed. And the following is her latest -cntribution: AMOR MORT '.can to me lips I love Phantom? lips, red lips of peril my lifer has kissed me l^nbw, ^ more, Their mad and avid bliss Before I shall travel hence upon that s'dnless trail "Where only ghosts may tryst. Fcr long and lone I've wandered By a plangent stream rn starlit hours of ? an empty dream. W. M. U. IN REGULAR MEETING The regular meeting of the Worn n's Missionary Union of the Baptist hurch met in the woman's parlor of he church Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. The subject taken up at 'his session was "Entrusted With the j?spel." The scripture reading was ?ken from 1 John 3: 1-11. Those taking part in the exercises 1 .'^ere Mrs. B. F. Beasley, Mrs. Alf lampton, Mrs. Thomas Dodsworth ; and Mrs.. Roy Long. The special meeting announced was ?postponed until next Tuesday and ! will be held at 3:30 in the Woman's Tarlor by the Livingstone circle. A ?u'gc attendance is expected and those nterested in missions are especially nvited to attend. : HI NT ON McCLEOD HOST AT DANCE. A most delightful affair of last Friday night was the dance at which linton McCleod, prominent young .nan of JJrevard, entertained a large umber o'f friends in the pavallion !t Beautiful Camp Illahee, a charm ng setting for the affair. In addition to the dance a number -f the young people took advantage t the occasion to enjoy boating on he beautiful lake. At a late hour the ?{uests were served refreshments, -(insisting of punch and many various '-?nds of cake. D. A. R. MEETING The Daughters of the American Revolution wiil hold a meeting on Monday, September 12 at 3:30 o'clock. V. D. C. MEETING .The first meeting of the United ;17augTiters "" of the Confederacy held since the summer vacation period was vie!d on Saturday afternoon, at 3:30 Vclock. ' A report on the work of the library :yas read and a vote of thanks given '?jrs. Smith in recognition of the work he has done in the library. She was ?lads a life member. M'.S3 Kern has b?en acting temporarily in Mrs. ! Smith's place. Announcement of tho ANNOUNCING The Opening Of A COMPLETE Battery and Electric SERVICE You Can liafeiy Forjc) Your Battery i? DOING All kinds of Electrical work on Batteries, Radios and Electrical Appliances. you call on us eyery two weeks for our free inspection ser vice. When the time comes to buy a new battery . . , just remember ? WHEN ST SAN SELLING The Famous EXIDE BATTERIES tOP.YA. ??>? tL&Cfarc BTOftAOS <as. SHERRILL BATTERY AND ELECTRIC Msin SERVICE i The following legal transfers were made during the past week: T. H. Hampton to Miss Grace Col lier. Mary H. and husband to Winifred H. Mill#. B. W. Trantham and wife to A. A. Trantham. Sewell Davia. ,to F. L. Chambers, jet al. i L. P. Wilson and wife to Mr?. F. L. Wilson. hours will be made later. Delegates were elected to the Greensboro convention to be held on 'he eleventh of October. Th'jy were Mrs. Zachary, Mi?s Gash and the al ternates, Mrs. Parker and Miss Allan. The nominating committee for the elections in October included, Mrs. .imedberg, chairman and Mrs. Parker Hid Miss Patton. HUBERT HIS' TON HOST AT PORCH DANCE. Hubert "Pug" Hinton was host to a number of friends of the younger social set at a beautiful porch dance }t his home on Depot street last Wed nesday evening. The porch was at tractively decorated with Japanese lanterns and wind chimes and potted plants. The living room and the spa ?ious hall were thrown open to ac commodate more than 25 guests for dancing. Miss Kathryn Case and Miss Wilhelmina Hinton assisted the host in serving refreshments to the guests, throughout the evening. WILLIAMS REUNION What was reported as one of the most enjoyable re-unions of the year was held pn Monday, Sept. 5, Labor Day, by the Williams Clan at Fair view. Many fine speeches and scngs were heard and enjoyed, one of them being a talk by Mr. Neal Sales, one of Fairviews oldest and well-known citizens. A picnic dinner was served and i,rames were enjoyed by the three hun dred people attending. A most nota ble fact was that there was no drink :ng, nor was there one drop of whis key on the grounds. Brevard folks attending were: Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Carter and family, Mr. Martin and Miss Elizabeth Price. This re-union is an annual affair and is held every year on Labor Day. HART REUNION Mrs. Flora Hart entertained a number of guests at dinner at the Hart reunion last Sunday at her home, "The Pines." Members of the Hart clan and several guests were present, Seventeen in number. The guest list included, Mr. and Mrs. Airawtus Hart and theix- threa children and Lila Hart all of Green ville; Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Haift and daughter, Marie, Miss Inez Hart, of Greenville, Mr. W. F. Hart of Brevard, Mrs. Rowena Summey and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Jerome and a number_of guests, not members' of i.he Hart clan. WANT ADS WANTED ? Radio Repair work. All kind of Radio Repair work done at reasonable prices. Work guaranteed L. K. Ratchfield, Rawleigh Products Man Garret House, Turnpike Rd. ltp tfc FOR SALE ? 1 good work mule, weight 1000 pounds. Work any where, price $75.00. See J. C. McCall Brevard Route 2, Turkey Creek sec tion. WANTED ? Uuse of a piano during winter months. Will take good care and keep m heated house. Must be good piano. See Mrs. Charles' Pickel simer, Brevard. N. C. HINTON LODGE wants more board ers. Good things to eat and plenty of it. Also apartments for rent. Mrs. A. N. Hinton. S-8tf i WANTED ? Your Shoe Repairing. We are equipped to do first class shoe repair work. Men's soles and , rubber heels $1.00. Ladies soles and j rubber heels 90 centsv Brevard Shoe : Shop, T. E. Waters," Owner. News Arcade. May 5tfc i F O R REN T ? Attractive 4-room apartment, furnished, private bath, hall and glassed-in porch. Must be seen to be appreciated. Bagwell Apartments, No. 11, Caldwell. FOR RlSNT ? Well located business property, splendid locations for merchandise establishments. See Jud son McCrary, Tinsley Building, Tele | phone 172. 029fc? FIRE WOOD, Stove Wood. Kindlipg, Sand and Gravel. Trunks and Baggage and general hauling. Rates reasonable. Siniard Transfer Co. Phone 118. Aug 13 4tc WE ARE WELL EQUIPPED to do do your laundry by hand. Reason able prices. Give us a trial and be convinced. We call for and deliver. CAROLINA HAND LAUNDRY, Phone 119. Mrs. Joe Corbett. ? Prop. SI, 3tp. WANTED middle age woman or one who can care for invalid at once. Edna Brown, Davidson River, N. C. WANTED to rent or buy on instsH ment plan a typewriter in good con dition. May Jenkins, 201 Maple ave nue. Phone 187. WANTED ? Standard size piano box. j Will per reaecahblo ajaoinL fieg&rj TBL, Npws fie*. r Local and Personal Items Mrs. E. D. Murray ie back at her ?umiuer home, "Peter Pan" cottajje after a six wwk'i visit to Chicago, whore she took a course in voice and attended numerous lectures. 0 Miss Ruth Vaughan has ieft for Gaffuey, S. C., where she will teach in the Cherokee Avenue school. 0 Elza Gillespie spent last week in Cohanbia and Greenville, S. C. , Messrs. Paul Glazener and Arthur [ Gillespie and Misses Blanche Scruggs and Nola Gillespie attended preach ing services at Mars Hill Friday night* O Messrs. Elza Gillespie and John Collins and Misses Gladys Gillespie and Anne Moore spent Sunday after noon at Kizers Lake. Miss Dorothy Shipman of Raleigh wha has been spending the summer months with her parents here, left Monday to enter Mars Hill college. Several boys from the Brevard In | stitute made a trip to Ashsville on I Friday. O ! ! Joe Schachner aad Mark Taylor : Orr made a "flying" trip to Hender j sonville Saturday. John Carrington left here Friday ? for his home in Spartanburg, S. C. 0 Barnard Schachner left Monday for Charlotte where he will visit rela tives. Miss Sarah Helen Smith and par i ents, whd have been spending the j summer months at their cottage here j have returned to their home in Fort ? Lauderdale, Fla. I 0 j Mark Orr, formerly of the Brevard I News staff, ieft Monday for Mars j Hill college where he will take up his studies for the coming year. j O Miss Clarice Smith spent the week' end visiting her parents in Columbia S. C. i . , ? r? ? Clifford Monteith left Monday foi Mars Hill college where he will b( a student this year. He was formerlj an employe of the Brevard News. 1 Mr. and Mrs. James Siniard ant family, of North Brevard left todaj for Ocala, Florida where they wil spend the winter. j 0 I Mr. LaMar Lewis has returned t< Raleigh after spending a few days ir Brevard with his family, I Mrs. JFrank' Henry and Miss Re becca Sommey spent the -week-end in Franklin with Mrs. Henry's mother, Mrs. Franks. She was eecomponifW home by the Misses Ada Trotter and Margarite Frank who spent the week end with her. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Love and daugh tro, Gloria, of Jacksonville, Fla., are spending their vacation at the Mof xett hcuse, Mr. Love is connected with the Citizens National Bank of Jack sonville. . 0 Diek Zachary, Atlanta, Ga., is vis iting his mother, Mrs. R. H. 7.ach-' ary for a few days. ? -? 0 . Mr. Bob Deaver, of Florida, is ia j Brevard visiting and making repairs j on his home on Broad street. 0 Miss Rowena Orr spent several days last week in Highlands with friends. Mr. Joe Vigodsky manager of the Fashion is in New York buying fall goods. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. English and sons, Dan and Lucian spent Saturday in Asheville. 0 Mr. Fred Holt has returned home for a visit in Graham, N. C., before , j entering his senior year at Chapel 1 Hill. 0 Miss Kathleen Erwin of Washing ton, D. C., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Erwin. -0 Mr. and Mrs. "Cap" Mahaffey and daughter, LaVerne, of Greenville were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Waters. 0 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Duckworth of I Charlotte are visiting friends in Bre i vard. i 0 i Mr. Walter Cobble spent Sunday as the guest of Mr. H. A. Plummer. . ; 0 , Plato Allison of Asheville spent the v week-end with his parents, Mr. and | ! Mrs. S. F. Allison. I 0 . 1 : : Mrs. Egbert Stowers of Washing ? ton, D. C., spent several days the "first of the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cloud. Sammie Barnett and .Harry Clay ton and friends spent the week-end in Roxboro with friends. j. 0 Mi. Frank Murk, of Jacksonville, t Fla., stopped at the Clayton House I enroute to Asheville to visit his moth. MONTVALE news Wood and James Hickle were viB ?rs at Jocasse and Salem Friday nd. Saturday. Homer Chappell attended the* Fish r Reunion held at Lake Side Sat rday. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Chandler ;ad as their guest Friday and Sat irday, Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Chandler rom Newry, S. C. Mr. Cady from Hendersonville nade an interesting talk at "Travel rs Rest" church Thursday night, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Chappell and flora Hinkle visited Mrs. Thad Guy i&Shortoff Wednesday. , Mrs. R. R. Grant call on Mrs. r^ofjd Hinkle Saturday afternoon. ; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Roqkjn were ri si tors in this section IWsday. ' Gcorgt Beddingfield and- daughter Sadie, were visitors in Brevard Fri lay. Coleman Lyda called on Wood Hin kle Thursday night. Walter Hubbard and Mr. Mull from Brevard visited Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Lyda one day last week. Russell Fisher arjd L. Siler were jusiness visitors in this section one lay last week. Rev. Prue H. Kelly, Rev. Clyde Smith and Mr. Sanders returned to :heir homes at Pelzer and Williara ?ton, S. C. after conducting one of he most interesting Revivals' ever neld at "Travelers Rest" church. Mrs. J. C. Cash and family were the 3unday guests of Mrs. W. H. Hin de. Horace and Avery Hinkle were Brevard visitors Saturday. Miss Mamie and Emily Hinkle were :al!ers at the home of Mrs. W. H. Hinkle Tuesday. ?r, Mrs. Hullinger. Mrs. Bessie Reynolds and daugh ters of Asheville were visitors in Bre vard Sunday. 0 Mrs. Azalea McKinnie of Washing ton," D. C., and daughter are visiting Mrs. McKinnie's father, Mr. P. S. King. 0 34rs. DeVane of. Tampa, Florida, who has been stopping at the King home returned to her home Monday. 0 Miss Rebe-ica Sue Goamar has re turned to her home in South Bend, Jnd., after visiting Miss Madeline Reynolds. 0 Mrs. Ed. Gillespie and sons, Elza and James and daughter Nola, motor ed to Mars Hill and Asheville last Tuesday. LOST: 5 ma II black fox terrier with collar. Finder please notify Bill Fetzer and receive reward. ASK the PRICE of PURINA BEFORE you decide on any laying mash this fall, ask the price of' Purina. Perhaps you haven't heard how low che Purina Laying Chow price is today. You'll be surprised at how little it costs to get the best. * Today's bargain price on Purina is so welcome just at this time. If your hens and . pullets ever lay, they must do so these next few months when eggs will make money. The family pocketbook needs that egg money a good mash will provide. * Any old mash or just grain might get a few eggs in summer but it takes a mash built to make eggs to get eggs from now on. You know, just as your father before you knew, that Purina Laying Chows have always been built to make eggs. But your father never bought Purina at such a low price or got so many eggs in the bag as you'll get this fall and winter. A WORD TO THE WISE :*p Looks like the full egg basket will be wfcrth reaf^rnoney. The Bureau of ^.gTicultu^ai Economics reports . '< '* the following favorable signs: More than two million less cases of eggs in cold storage than last year. 7% less hens and pullets on farms than 5-year average. Farm flock production 6.7% less than 5-year average. PURINA CHOWS uqcmmcmd*** FREE! A new bulletin, "Care and Manage ment of Hens and Pullets in Fall and Winter." Shows how to make every bird pay r you a profit. Write for a copy. Purina MHIs, SOI- L Checkerboard Square, St. Louis, Mo. PilRIHA CHBW5 -wry W TEE STORE WITH THE CHECKERBOARD SIGN

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