IT'S UP TO THE FARMER TO ACT 7 Franklin Press In an editorial in its weekly puDli- ) 1 cation, tlie Dairymen's League Co operative Association of New York < points out (hat the signing of a con tract does not achieve organization. The contract is simply an indication . of a desire to cooperate with other producers. The real tist comes after ward. The Dairymen's League is in a good position to know what it is talking about . It is being bitterly op- j posed in its effort to perfect its or- j ganization and enlist more dairymen I in its territory in the movement to ! put agriculture on a higher plane. J The contracts that have been signed I by |ts members n\ean only part at a time like this ? what counts most is the amount of effort and loyalty the individual farmer gives to the coop erative. As the edotorial says: "The success of a cooperative organization does not depend so much upon what j is put into the contract ... as it j does upon what the member puts into I the organization after he has signed." j The cuopc f.tive movement in the) New York Milk Shed will succeed or f;iil. to precisely the degree the mem- j be s stand behind the organization. So ; v 1 any other cooperative, anywhere) <! -!ing in anything. A multitude of j cc :>omists, . public officials, farm | I' : .:ts and industrialists have point- j tv ut time and time again, that co- 1 op ation is the farmer's salvation. It ! is now up to the farmer to do the i rest. | NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL | ESTATE Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured : by a certain deed of trust executed , to the First National Company of j Durham, Incorporated and the Union j Trust Company of Maryland, Trus- , tees, on the first day of July, 1928, | by Charles M. Whitmire (single) on the lands herein described, said Deed of Trust being recorded in Book 22, J page 513. in the office of the Register of Deeds for Transylvania County, J North Carolina, the undersigned will, ! having been so requested by the hold- ? er of said indebtedness, offer for sale ! at public auction at the courthouse ; door in Transylvania- County, North ; Carolina, at twelve o'clock noon on ; Tuesday, September 27th, 1932, the | lands described in said deed of trust, I to- wit: BEGINNING! at a stake on the i west margin of North Broad Street, j said stake being the southeast corner! of the C. W. Whitmire lot and the ; northeast corner of the J. L. Whit- j mire lot, and run^ thence with said' West margin of North Broad Street, \ North 32 Vj degrees East 59 Vi feet | to a stake in said margin, corner of. the O. 1.. Erwin lot; thence with the' line of said Erwin lot, North GO V> j degrees West 117 feet to a stake; j thence south 29 degrees west 59 M; t feet to a stake in J. L. Whitmire's | line; thence with the line of the -J. L. j Whitmire lot, South CO VL> degrees, OLD TOXAWAY Miss Nora Meece spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. W. M. VIeece. Mrs. Lee Morgan, son, Elvin, Mrs. /ess Galloway and children were Thursday guests of the former's par mts, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Chappel!. Messrs. Norman Galloway and /ance Lowery of Kannapolis, N. C. ,vere Wednesday guests of the form r's aunt, Mrs. Addie Rice. Mrs. J. L. Morgan of the "Holly 'en" section is spending a few days .vith her daughter, Mrs. Carl Hen .rlx and Mr. Hendrix. Mr. Cebron Morgan of Eastatoe, C. was Saturday evening guest of Miss Ethel Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Whitmire nd children of Tryon were visiting 11 this section Sunday. They were ccempanied home by Miss Oatha : binson. Mr. Jake Cantrell of the Cane :_eak spent the past week with Avery Rice. Messrs. Weldon and Cecil Galloway 1 were Sunday guests of their aunt, Mrs. W. M. Meece. Messrs. Avery Rice and Jake Can- j trell were Rosman visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Galloway and ! 'aughter, Helen of Middle Fork were [ veek-end guests of Mrs. Gallowav's , -"her, Mrs. \V. M. Meece. Messrs. Weldon and Cecil Galloway ?> ere Brevard visitors Friday. Mr. Paul Bowie spent the week-end \ ?th his parents at Eastatoe, S. C. Rfv. Corn closed the Revival at Old T: xaway Baptist church Sunday, the \ Hewing were baptized: Cecil Gallo- i way, Beulah Rice, Dorothy Robinson, N'ora Meece and Osa Hendrix. 1 What' 8 In A Name As a freshman he was Bill Smith; is a Sophomore William Smith; as a iunior, W. Algernon Smith; as a lKcr, W. A. Smith. Confidence Exposed Indignant Father: "Do you think is fair, Bobby, after I told you there wasn't any Santa Claus, to go md tell the neighbors I laid your Easter eggs, too?" A Mirke.t Problem "Oh, Mr. Pot, perhaps you can tell me ? what does it cost to divorce one husband and marry another?" "I'm sorry ? I don't know the pres ent rate of exchange." East 113 feet to the place of begin ning. Being all of that lot of land de eribed in a deed from H. L. Whit niirc and wife to C. W. Whitmire. The purchaser at the foreclosure ale assumes the payment of all un paid taxes and street assessments against the property. The Union Trust Company of Maryland having resigned, as. Trus tee, as in said deed of trust provided, th"> sale is being advertirod and con ducted by the undersigned Trustees. This 18th day of August, 1932. W. G. BRAMHAM and T. L. BLAND, Receivers, First National Company < f Durham, Incorporated, Trustee, n p't. 1, 8, 15, 22. JGenuine SIMNQil Inner Coil M? As low. It's the "Slumber King" *and on Sale for a Limited Time Only at this Reduced Price Good News! Everyone can now afford a genuine Sim mons inner-spring mattress. For a limited time only we are offering the famous "Slumber King" at this sharp reduction ? the lowest price ever offered. Special terms for this event. Select at once and enjoy this more lux urious sleep during hot weather. Simmons Box Spring to match $18.75. HOUSTON FURNITURE CO., Inc. J BREVARD, N. C. I j QUEBEC NEWS Mr. Truett Henderson left one d?S last week for Mars Hill college where he will attend school this year. Miss Louise Owen has accepted a position in Tryon. She ltft her home here Sunday to take up her work there. Mrs. Paul McCoy, Mrs. Gene Moore and little daughter, Joretta wore guests of Mrs. E. R. Pendleton and Mrs. Jack Zachary of Brevard Mon day. Miss Frances McCall pntertained a number of small children with a party at her home Saturday afternoon. Th.i children had an enjoyable time play ing games and eating refreshments. Mrs. T. A. Smith was a Rosman visitor and dinner guest of Mrs. Lee Fisher last Wednesday. Mrs. W. D. Black and Mrs. Pierce and children called on Mrs. C. W. Henderson last week. Mr. Clyde McCall and family mov ed to their new home at Balsam Grove last week to stay during the school term. The Oak Grove Baptist B. Y. P. U. gave a demonstration program at Lake Toxaway Baptist church Sun day night. A great deal of interest is being taken in B. Y. P. U. work in both churches. Rev. and Mrs. J. K. Henderson and Mrs. Josey, Mr. W. B. Henderson and Miss Helen and Mr. Broadus Hen derson Mr. an'd Mrs. C. W. Henderson and Miss Gussie Whitmire were din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Hen derson Sunday. Mrs. J. 0. Reid of St. George, S. C. is visiting her daughter, Mrs. F. E. i Hinnant at her summer horns here. Mr. and Mrs. Homer McCall and ? children moved to Mr. Clyde McCalls ; house to live during the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Whitmire and daughter, Betty Rhodes spent last I Sunday with the latters grandparents, ? Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Sanders of Oak i land. j Mr. and Mrs. A. Rufus Morgan : and Mrs. K. G. Finley, who are spend ing the summer at Kanuga Lake Hcndersonvillo, motored to Quebec Wednesday to meet Mrs. F. E. Hin nant and her. son who accompanied I them on a camping trip to the Smoky mountains. Mrs. T. A. Smith and little daugh ter Betty Jean, visited the Devoros in Gloucester Wednesday. Mr. Cecil Whitmire made a trip to' Brevard Saturday. Mrs. Hinnant and daughters, Lucy, and Nellie visited Mrs. C. W. Hen- j i derscn and enjoyed a swim in the 1 pond Tuesday. Mr. Reid Hinnant of the S. S. Mo- ; doc which is stationed at Wilmington, N. C. is spending his leave of ab i sence with his mother, Mrs. F.- E. Hinnant. Mrs. K. G. Finley and daughter, Marion of Columbia, S. C. spent a i few days last week at the home of | Mrs. Hinnant. Notice of Foreclosure Sale Under and by virtue of the Power ' of Sale contained in that certain Deed j in Trust from W. P. Fullbright and I wife, Lula Fullbright, to Thos. H. i Shipraan, Trustee, bearing date of June 7th, 1930, -and registered in Book No. 28 on page 40 of the Record of Deeds in Trust for Transylvania County, N. C., said Deed in Trust securing certain indebtedness therein i named, and default having been made I in the payment of said indebtedness, whereby the Power of Saie contained in said Deed in Trust has become op erative and all notices required under the terms of said Deed in Trust as to said default having been given, and said default has not been made good. Now, Therefore, the undersigned Trustee will on Monday, September 19, 1932 at 12 o'clock M. at the Court House door in the Town of Brevard, N. C., offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property, to-wit: Being all of Lots Nos. 4 and 12 as Laid down on the map of L. M. Glaz ier's farm at Rosman, N. and being the same property described in a deed from Gemima Glazener to Lula Fullbright dated the 24 day of Sept. 1928, recorded in the office of the Register on Deeds of Transylvania County, N. C. in Book No C>1 at page No. 242. Proceeds of said sale to be applied upon said indebtedness, cost of sale, etc. This August 19th, 1932. THOS. H. SHIPMAN, Trustee. BY PAT KIMZEY, Attorney. Pub Aug. 25, Sept 1,. 8, 15. Notice of Foreclosure Sale Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale contained in that certain Deed In Trust from R. O. Thomas and wife, Mary M. Thomas, to Thos. H. Shipmah, Trustee, bearing date of January 1st, 1931, and registered in Book No. 13 at page 204 of the Record of Deeds in Trust for Transylvania County, N. C , said Deed in Trust se curing) certain indebtedness therein named, and default having been made ?n the payment of said indebtedness, whereby the Power of Sale contained in said Deed in Trust has become op erative and all notices required under the terms of said Deed in Trust as to said default having been given, and said default has not been made good. . New, Therefore, the undersigned Trustee will on Monday, the 19th day i jf September 1932, at 12 o'clock M. at the Court House door in the Down j )f Brevard, N. C., offer for sale and I ell to the- highest bidder for cash, the I following described property, to-wit: Being all that land described in J a deed from N. C. Thomas and wife | ro R. 0. Thomas and wife, dated Jan. | 11th, 1911 and recorded in Book 27 ?>t page 429; and all that land de scribed in a deed from J. 0. Reid and wife to R. 0. Thomas, dated the 10th day of Jan. 1911 and recorded in Book 29 at page 4*5, of the deed records nf Transylvania County, N. C. Proceeds of said sale to be applied ETOWAH NEWS Mrs. Julian Blytho who spent sev eral weeks at Jie Lyday Memorial hospital following an operation for appendicitis has returned home and is yetting along nicely. Mrs. R. E. Hooker of Tr.ton was a recent visitor to her sister, Mrs, J. J. Gray. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McKinna and small son have moved to Fruitland where Mr. McKinna has entered school. Loyd Blythe made a uusiness trip to Greenville last week. Mr. and Mrs. Tyra Duncan and family of 'Little River have moved into this community. Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Stoover and daughter, of Kansas City, Mo., Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Smith of Pen rose and Miss Mildred Smith of Hen dersonville were recent callers at the heme of Mis. J. J. Gray. Mrs. Mattie Mynders, who has been a guest for some time of Mrs. Alex kitaterson left Wednesday for Knox illo, Tenn., where she will spend a few days before returning to her home in St. Petersburg, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Bellamy and family of Wilmington, who have been guests at Bryn Avon, left Monday tor Florida where they will spend the winter. Miss Bonnie Brown who has spent several weeks here expects to leave this week for her home in Mississippi. Mrs. James Whiteside of the White side Service station is sick. Corn sold to hogs by J. G. Carpen ter of Catawba County was paid for at the rate of $1.04 a bushel in a feeding test recently concluded. upon said indebtedness, cost of sale, etc. This 19th day of August 1932. TIIOS. H. SHIPMAN, m T| 1 1*11 cf AO BY PAT KIMZEY, Attorney. Pub. Aug 25, Sept 1, 8. 15. NpriCE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power ?1 sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust executed by W. L. Townsend (Unmarried), dated October 22 1928 and recorded in Book 22, Page 538,' in the office of the Register of Deeds lor Transylvania County. North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thtiebv secured, and demand ha vine been made for sale, the undersigned Tiustee will sen at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse door in Brevard, N. C? at Twelve o'clock noon, on the 3RD DAY OF OCTOBER, 1932, the following described property, lo cated in Transylvania County, North Carolina, in Boyd Township. Tract No. 1 Being a part of the viv , gan tract of 'and. BEGIN NING on a stone on top of a hill. Townsend's corner, and runs S. j poles to a stone; then East S2 pjles I to a stone; thence North 24 poles to , a stone; thence N. 57 d eg. W. 26 poles to a stone; thence N. 45 deg E 59 | Poles to a white oak on the bank of the Big Branch; thence up and w'th j the meanders of the sairi branch 4-1 ; poles to a spruce pine; thence W. 72 j poles to a stone originally a pine; ; thence S. 10 *4 W. 25 poles to a stone; thence S. deg. E. 34 poles to a i stone: thence S. 13% deg. E. 18 pole to a white oak; thence S. 55 deg. W. -0 'poles and 20 Jinks to the BEGIN I ?'MAG, containing (54 % acres, more I oi less. Being the same land conveyed j to W. L. Townsend by deed recorded in Book 18, Page 408. | Tract No. 2 BEGINNING on a j stone, M. E. Fowler's S. E. corner | and runs N. 2 deg. E. 71 poles to a istone; thence W. 82 poles to a stone ? in Townsend's line; thence S. 2 deg vv. 71 poles to a stone; thence N. 8S I deg. E. 82 poles to the BEGINNING, containing 36% acres, more or less, I Being the same land conveyed to W L. Townsend by deed recorded in ; Book 18, Page 407. I ^o. 3 Adjoining the lands ot ; Millers, Deavers; Townsend and j others, BEGINNING at a Spanish Oak, Beck's corner and runs North 188 poles to a stake in a branch ; i thence West 2 poles to a stake i'i Miller s line; thence South 35 deg. Vest with Miller's line 50 "poles to a i stake in Deaver's line; thence with j Deaver's line East 35 poles to the I Deaver's Northeast corner; thence I with Deaver's line South 150 poles I to their Southeast corner; thence [ with Deaver's line West 70 poles tu a stake in said line; thence' South 6 poles to a stake in Townsend's line: thence East 90 poles to a stake; thence North 6 poles to the BEGIN NING, containing 34 acres, more or jess- Being the same land conveyed to \\ . L. Townsend by deed recorded in Book 41, Page 111. EXCEPTIONS There is express ly excepted from the operation of this conveyance, and out of tract No. 1 above, the following: BEGINNING on a stone in the line of David Sims being W. L. Townsend's corner, and runs' South 17 poles to the road; then with said road North 35 deg. West 13 poles to a stake; thence North ?14 deg. West !G poles to a stake; thence North 13 deg. East C>>/4 pole to a stake in Sim's line; thence with f the same South 57 dep. East 20 pole to the place of BEGINNING, con taming 130 square rods, be the same more or less. Being the land deeded ny VV. L. Townsend and wife (de ceased) to R. E. Townsend by de^ni recorded in Book 51, Page 531. There aie also excepted from the operation ot this conveyance anv rights as to the public road through said premises. This, August 26, 1932. NORTH CAROLINA BANK & TRUST COMPANY, Trustee. Successor to AIn'TK: BANK & TRUST COMPANY, Trustee. J- S. DUNCAN, Attorney, J Pub. Sept. 1, S, 15, 2g. KING'S CREEK ( i ? / The health in our. community is' very good this week. i Mr. and Mrs. Lee Pearson spent a ? few hours with Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Steamey Sunday. t Miss Maggie Steamey has been i quite ill for the past several days. I Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bracken visited t Mrs. George Smith lust Sunday. i Hubert Clayton has moved away i from Kings Creek, leaving here or! < Wednesday. A large quantity of grapes has \ been gathered in this community dur- 1 ing the past few weeks. < Mr. W. G. Reece of Country Club road visited Mr. A. P. Steamey, Mrs. I ] Reece's father, last Monday evening . Mr. Steal). oy. has an ^xseptiona^ly | ; fine yield of roiatoes this year . Mrs. A. P. Steamey wants work | j to do. Mr. Steamey ar.d his dog killed . another large snake in the field this ; week. : ' Notice of Foreclosure Sale |i Under and by virtue of the Power ? ! of Sale contained in that certain Deed ; j in Trust fro*i Carl Killian and wife, Elsie Rebecca Killian, to T .H. Ship- j man, Trustee, bearing date of June 14th, 1930, and registered in book No. 28 on page 45 of the Record of Deeds j ? in Trust for Transylvania County, i . N. C. said Deed in Trust securing cer- j tain indebtedness therein named and j ' de/ault having been made in the pay- j ; ment cf said indebtedness, whereby1 the Power of Sale contained in said ' Deed in T rust i^as become operative I and all notices required under the ; terms of said Deed in Trust as to said j default having been given and said j default has not been made good. | Now, Therefore, the undersigned 1 Trustee will on Monday, September ' the 19th, 1932 at 12 o'clock M. at the ! Court House door in the Town of | Brevard, N. C., offer for sale and sell j to the highest bidder for cash, the j following described property to-wit: i Being al! that land described in a j deed from T. C. Hamilton and wife, j Rosa Lee Hamilton, dated the 14th j day of June 1930, to Carl Killian and wife, Elsie Rebecca Killian, in the J W. P. Whitmire Subdivision as shown I in the Registrar of Deeds office in | Plat Book at page 35. Proceeds of said sale to be applied ; upon said indebtedness, cost ox sale, I etc. This August 19th, 1932. T. H. SHIPMAN. Trustee By PAT KIMZJ5Y, Attor- j ney. Pub. Aug 25, Sept 1, 8. 15. Want Ads Are Good Selling Agent* IMMUNITY PRICES IN OTHER DAYS Celebrating' its fiftieth anniversary, he Wall Street Journal presets a . W nass of historic data covering the 1 ?&3t half century of great interest o the students of finance and econo nics. Among these is one reviewing n :ommodity prices that has a great leal of significance right now. "Wheat has been down to 47 5-8 his year hut it was three cents lower ? ast year and in 1895 was down to 18 7-8. "Corn has been at 27 7-8 this year, [n 1896 it was 19 1-^2. "Oats have sold as/low as 20 l-iW this year. In the five^jKars 1895 to 1899 inclusive they at some times lower with a record drop in 1896 to 14 3-4. "Rye has been quoted down to 34 142 in 1932. In 1896 that cereal sold at 28. "Lard at 3.72 a hundred pounds is--* this year's low, but lard was $3.05 in 1896. It is interesting to rote that lard at wholesale sold for $35.85 a hundred in the glittering year of 1919, more than we are paying for butter at retail now. "Sugar was as low as $3.70 this year. In 1895 it was $3.68. "Cotton down to 5 cents for Ne\?? York Middling Uplands this year wasT at a 50 year low, although in 1898 and '99 it war, under~1> cents." The politically minded will not fail to note that the lower figures in this review hark back to the Democratic administration of Grovei Cleveland. Summer Boarder ? Oh. I'd just love to be a farmer, to live with the blue sky overhead! Farmer Jones ? Yes, that would be all right if the blue sky was the farmer's only overhead. MASONIC MEETING FRIDAY NIGHT 8:00 O'CLOCK 666 LIQUID TABLETS - SALVE Checks Malaria in 3 days, Colds first day. Headaches or Neuralgia in 30 minutes. 666 SALVE for HEAD COLDS. Most Speedy Remedies Known Crispy daintiness ef f roren salads a?d f-resiy desserts from Kelvinator k lend cknrm t? ??aple, inex- \ pensive menus. Tempting meals really cost less wher you have a Kelvinator to help you in your planning. Think of the delightful salads and dessert combinations you can make with very inexpensive ingredients. Then too, there are the "left overs" that can be turned into delicious dishes. Take the problem of quantity buying ? for just a few cents more you can pret almost twice as much in the larger cans of staple fruits and vegetables. There is no need to wear the family out with the same food one meal after another, Buy the larger cans . . . serve spinach with bacon and Jiard boiled eggs today and several days later, serve it with butter-lemon sauce. Remember? NO FOOD IS WAST- ^ ED WITH A KELVINATOR. 0 "PAY AS YOU SAVE" In 20 Equal Monthly Payments Southern Public I Utilities Co. ' "ELECTRICITY ? THE SERVANT IN THE HOME" j Day 'Phone 126; Night 'Phone 16 3 E. Main St

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