i?LADE CREEK NEWS We are very sorry Connestee has j dried up. We would like to see them 1 appear again. Mr. Joe Reece of Cruso, N. C., vis- ! itt-d his sister, Mrs. S. M. Reece Thursday. Mrs. Lonnie Holden and Mrs. John Pressly visited Mrs. Harter Camp field Monday. Mrs. O. D. Reece and Mr. J. A.] Reece were callers on Mr, W. D. Deaver Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Deaver and daughter Margaret have returned to their home in Florida after spending the summer with Mr. Deaver's sister, Miss Julia Deaver. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Orr, a son, September 13. Dr. R. L. Stokes attending physician. Mrs. Jigjler Campfield and son Ralph, visited the latter's mother, Mrs. C. E. Campfield Saturday. Miss Annie Mae Patton of David son River, visited Miss Julia Deaver Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Capps visited Mrs. Harter Campfield Sunday. Mr. George Sharp of Cruso, N. C., visited his sister,, Mrs. Sallie McCall Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed1 Davis and chil dren, Grace, Lee, Charlie, Luther and Margaret of Pisgah Forest visited Mrs. Davis' mother, Mrs. Maggie Parris, Sunday. Mrs. Jim Neal visited Mrs. S. M. Reece Monday. Messrs. Lee and Luther Davis spent Sunday night with their cousin, Mr. Frank Parris. Mrs. Fate Mahaffey of Silver Creek visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Orr Tues day afternoon. Dr. R. L. Stokes of Brevard visit ed Mrs. Sharp's sister, Mrs. J. A. Reece. Mrs. Joe Curto and Mrs. Jessie Mackey were business callers on Mrs. H. Hedrick Wednesday. We are very glad to report that East Fork church in Haywood had 100 people profess in two weeks. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE Under and by virtue of the power of Sale contained in that, certain Deed in Trust from A. C. Garrcn and his wife, to D. L. English, Trus tee, bearing date of July the 23rd. 1929, registered in Book No. 23 on Page 83 of the Record of Deeds in j Trust for Transylvania County, N. j C., securing certain indebtedness ; therein named and default having \ been made in the payment of said in- ! debtedness whereby thfe Power of I Sale contained in said Deed in Trust j has become operative and all notices 1 required as to said default having j been given and said default has not ' been made good and the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness ' having demanded of the undersigned Trustee the foreclosure of said Deed in Trust; NOW, THEREFORE, the under signed Trustee will, on Monday October the 10th. 1932 at 12 o'clock M. at the Court House door in the Town of Brevard, N. C., offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder TRAIN TRAVEL I BARGAIN FARES I Saturday, Oct 8, 1932 B $5.00 town $5.00 From all stations Mur 8 phy to Asheville, Saluda to Ashevilie, Lake Toxa way to Hendersonville, Hot Springs to Old Fort. Tickets good going on all regular trains October 8. Return limit Oct 11th. Stop-Overs at Norfolk Usual Half Fares For Children Check your baggage Rcduced Round Trip Pull Man Fares. Last of Season's Seven hour Cruise on Chesa peake included in above lare. See your agent or J. H. WOOD, Dpa Southern Railway System TOXAWAY NEWS L. C. Case was in Brevard last Saturday attending the teachers meet ing. - I Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Sanders was at Oakland last Sunday visiting Mr. Sanders parents. MiSs Louise Williams spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Williams. Mr. Ben Owen and son, O'Neil were at Cullowhee last week. Mrs. Carl Moltz is spending thi3 ' week in Savannah, Ga. I Mrs. Payne is visiting in Asheville 'and Waynesville, N. <J. Miss Ruby Whitmire was in Bre j vard attending the teachers meeting. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Scruggs and | daughter, Elaine, of Her.dersonville, j spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. ! W. W. Ray. ! Mrs. D. F. Gillespie returned home | last Sunday from Asheville where she jjiud been visiting her daughter. | C'lcon Williams went to Savannah, I Ga. Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Ray were in I Brevard Monday. I Rev. and Mrs. Norris and daugh ter loft last week for their home in Bradenton, Florida. Miss Mable. Walter and Harold ? McNeely spent the week-end at home. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. McNeely were in Brevard last Saturday. Mrs. F. Y. Wilbanks returned home last week from Ware Shoais, S. C. where she h$is been visiting for the past ten days. Oscar Whitmire and Mack Reed from Reed's Siding was here Monday. H. D. Lee and son Thoma3 and i O'Neil Owen was in Brevard last Sat | urday night. ; for cash the following described prop erty to-wit: Lying in the Town of Brevard, on the South side of French Broad Avenue, being all of Lot No. 6 of the J. A. Galloway tract of land, refer ence being hereby made to said Deed in Trust for a description of said land by metes and bounds. The proceeds of said sale to be ap plied upon said indebtedness, cost of ysale etc. This 9th day of September, 1932. D. L. ENGLISH, Trustee Pub. Sept. 15-22-29 Oct. 6 NOTICE OF RE-SALE OF REAL ESTATE North Carolina, Transylvania County. By virtue of an order of re-sale made and entered by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Transylvania County on September 9, 1932, the bid of a former sale having been raised as required by law, the said sale hav ing been made by the undersigned trustee by virtue of the power and authority contained and granted in a certain deed of trust dated Septem ber 1, 1926, executed by Sutton Wil son, unmarried, to The Raleigh Sav ings Bank and Trust Company, Trus tee, (the undersigned trustee having succeeded to the rights and title of the named trustee, under Chapter 207, Public Laws of 1931,) which said deed of trust is duly recorded ir>. Book 11, page 120, of the Transyl vania County Registry, the undersign ed trustee will on Wednesday, Oct ober 5th, 1932, at or about twelve o'clock noon, at the Courthouse door at Brevard, N. C., offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash this following described property, the bid commencing at $1,598.63: AH that certain piece, parcel or tract of land containing forty-one acres, more of less, situate lying and being in Boyd Township, Transyl vania County, State of North Caro lina, just off State Highway No. 28, leading from Brevard to Henderson ville, about five (5) miles almost ' Northeast of Brevard, and having such shapes, metes, courses and dis tances as will more fully appear by reference to a plat thereof, made by A. L. Hardin, C. E., on the 1st "day of September, 1926, and attached to the abstract of title now on file with the Atlantic Joint Stock Land Bank of Raleigh, N. C., the same being bounded on the North by the lands of Sutton Wilson and Julia A. Wilson; and on the East by the lands of J. L, Wilson; on the South by the French Broad River; on the West by the French Broad River and being the identical tract of land conveyed by Agustus J. Osborne et al of date Oct ober 18, 1905, to Sutton Wilson; said deed being duly registered in Book No. 23, at page 210, of the Transyl vania County Registry of Deeds; to all of which reference is made for a more complete description of the same, and also All that other certain piece, parcel! CHRISTMAS PORTRAITS It is not too early to have them made. ^ During the month of " October we ' give a 20% discount and during Nov ember a 10% discount from our reg ular prices on all sizes, in half Dozen ^ or Dozen lots. We are doing this in your interest and also to help us distribute our work so that we may avoid the last minute rush that comes in December. With portraits ordered in dozen lots we shall allow a 50% discount on any swing easel you may choose. Have your portrait made now and save the dif f THE PRAYER CORNER* {Front the files of long ago ) S\! ? & u. - "THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD" "The Lord's my Shepherd, I" not want, He makes me down to lie; In pastures green, He leadeth me the the quiet waters by." i "For me,' writes Mr. S. R. Crock- j et, the popular writer, "there is no hymn like 'The Lords my Shepherd, I'll not want.' I think I must have stood by quite a hundred men and women as they lay a-dying, and I can assure you that these words ? the first learned by the child ? were also the words that ushered the most of them out into the QUIET. To me, and to most among these Highlands, there are no words like them." Dr. John Ker says, "Every line of it, every word of it has Been engrav en for generations on Scottish hearis, has accompanied them from child hood to age, from their homes to all the seas and lands where thye have wandered no man can number the rod and staff of which it speaks, to guide and guard through the darkest." "Of its helpfulness in times of crisis many instances are given, of which that which appeal most to me is the story of Marian Harvey, the servant lass of twenty, who was eve cuted at Edinburgh with Isabel Ali son for having attended the preach ing of Donald Cargill, and for help ing him escape. As the brave lassies were being led to the scaffold, a cu rate pestered them with his prayers, "Come Isabel and Marian, let us sing the Twenty -Third-Psalm" ? and sing it they did, a thrilling duet, on their pilgrmage to the gallows tree. It was rough on the Convenanters in those days, and their paths did not exactly, to outward seeming, lead them by the green pastures and still waters. But they got there some how, the Twenty Third Psalm helping them no little.' ' "This was the psalm that John Ruskin first learned at his mother's knee. It was this which Edward Irv ing recited at the last as he lay dy ing. Even poor Heinrich Heine, on his mattress grave, in one of his lat est poems recalls the image of the Shepherd Guide, whose "Pastures Green and sweet refreshed the wand erers feet." "The magnificient assurance of the fourth verse has in every age given | pluck to the heart of the tired and strengthened the nerve of heroes. "My table Thou has furnished in presence of my foes, My head Thou dost with oil anoint And my cup overflows." When St. Francis of Assini weni alone bareheaded and barefoot, to convert the Sultan, he kept up his spirit, on his solitary pilgrimage by chanting this verse. The Moslems did him no harm, and instead of tak ing^ off his head, returned him safe and sound to the pale of Christen dom. or tract of land containing two (2) acres, more or less, situate, lying and being in Boyd Township, Transyl vania County, State of North Caro lina, just off State Highway No. 28, leading from Brevard to Henderson ville. about five (5) miles almost Northeast of Brevard and having such shapes, metes, courses and distances as will more fully appear by reference to a plat thereof, made by A. L. Hardin, C. E., on the 1st day of September, 19:26, and attached to the abstract of ! title now on file with the Atlantic Joint Stock Land Bank of Raleigh, N. C., the same being bounded on the North by the lands of A. D. Lyday; oil the East by the lands of A. D. Ly day; on the South by the lands of Z. B. Jackson; and on the West by the. lands of Z. B. Jackson, and being the identical tract of land conveyed by T. E. Blythe (unmarried) of date December 9, 1925, to Sutton Wilson (unmarried), said deed being duly registered in the Transylvania Coun ty Deed Registry in Book No. 55, at page 156; to all of which records, books, and pages reference is made for a more complete description of the same, and siu All that other certain piece, parcel or tract of land containing Three and One Third (31-3) acres, more or" less, situate, lying and being in Boyd Township, Transylvania County, State of North Carolina, on Stat? Highway No. 28, leading from Bre vard to Hendersonville, about five <5) miles almost Northeast of Bre vard, and having such shapes, metes, courses an distances as will more ful ly appear by reference to a plat thereof, made by A. L. Hardin, C. E., on the 1st day of September, 192G, and attached fo the abstract of title now on file with the Atlantic Joint Stock Land Bank of Raleigh, N. C. the same being bounded on the North by the lands of A. D. Lyday; on the East by the lands of C. L. Pickelsim er; on the South by State Highway No. 2S, and V. M. Owenby; on the West by the Boilston Road and V. M. Owenby; and being the identical tract of land conveyed by deed from C. L. Pickelsimer and wife. Ila Lee Pickelsimer of date August 14, 1926, to Sutton Wilson, (unmarried), and being filed for Record September 1st, 1926, at 11:25 A. M. with the Regis ter of Deeds for Transylvania Coun ty: to all of which reference is made for a more complete description of the same. Terms of sale, cash, and trustee will require deposit of 10 percent of the amount of the bid as his evidence of good faith. This the 20th day of September, 1932. NORTH CAROLINA BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, TRUSTEE. Successor to The Raleigh Savings Bank and Trust Company, Trustee. J. L. Coekerham and ^ Robert Weinstein, Attorney*, Raleigh, N. C-. Pub Sept 22, 29. Want Ada Aro Uortd SeUinj? Agent* The Rev. D. P. Alford write*, "When I was chaplain of the Scilly Island, one of my leading parishion ers, a Scotchman, when dying, found the greatest consolation in the met- ? i"ical version of this psalm. His wife said tc me, "It is no wonder that psalm tomforts him, for he has said it every night before going to bad ever since I have known him." They were eiderly people, and had been married many years." A PRAYER 0 Lord Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd of the sheep, who came to seek the lost and to gather them to Thy fold, have compassion on those i who have wandered from Thee; feed [those who hunger; cause the weary to lie down in Thy pasture; bind up those who are broken in heart; strengthen those who are weak, that we relying on Thy care, and being comforted by Thy love, may abide in Thy guidance to our lives' end. God of the sunshine and of the spring, who dost clothe the earth with beauty and hast put laughter in the heart of man, we raise Thee, as the author of happiness, we ac knowledge Thee to be the Lord. When our steps and our hearts are heavy, when all our world grows dull and sad, may we look up to Thee, giver of gladness, that in the brightness of Thy presence we may find the re newal we need. Thou who art Thyself light and life and joy, grant unto us Thy children, the gift of happiness, that with thankful hearts we may praise Thy Holy Name. 0 Shepherd of the sheep, who didst promise to carry the lambs in Thine arms, and to lead us by the still water, help us to know the peace which passeth understanding. Give us to drink that heavenly draught, which is life, the calm patience which is content to hear what God giveth. Have mercy upon us, and hear our prayers. Lead us gently when we pass through the Valley of the Shadow of Deathfl Guide us till at last in the as sembly of Thy Saints, we may find rest forevermore. Amen. ?CDC W. 0. W. NEWS W. H. GROGAN, JR. Dislritt Manager District Convention News Plans for our October District Con vention were discussed at regular meeting of White Pir.e Camp No. 213. Hendersonville, Thursday night, Con sul Commander Allard Case appoint ed the following committee to make all arrangements for convention: ! Chairman John T. Wilkins, M. N Orr, Captain E. F. Lyda, District Manager W. H. Grogan, Jr., Mrs. Lula Shipraan, Mrs. Jerry Boling and Mr?. J. B. Carroll. There will be a night session end morning session. The night session will include ban quet, music, speaking and usual square dance. The morning session will be devoted to regular convention work with free dinner. Full program later. Sylva Camp New* Secretary B. E. Harris tells me by letter that his Camp enjoyed s fii^e supper last week. He says, "We hari the most women that I have ever j seen in the Camp." Wei! ! That sounds good to me, because when ihe women take an interest in woodcraft it's sure to grow and prosper. He also said, "I'll have 3 or 4 applications ready for you next week." Note ? The Camps that have suppers are the i Camps that get applications. Why not have a supper in every Camp within | the next thirty days. Camp Wo. 116 Brevard ' The claim of one of our deceased I members who carried $1000 insurance ' was paid last week. The check was ! for $1,045.33 or $45.33 more than cer ; tificate called for. A former member also died this month. He had been on suspended list two years. His family failed to get I check because he failed to pay his I premium. Soverigns! Be sure yours is not overlooked or forgotten. Waiies&cro Celebration. OctoberGth Sovereigns: Remember the big day at Wadesboro October the 7th. Head Consul Hill says it will be the biggest W. O. W. Celebration ever pulled in N. C. Why not make up a party and attend this big Woodmen nally ir. Hills home town. The program will begin at 9:30 A. M. and will be filled with fun, amusement, acts, drills, PLEASANT GROVE Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Scott and sons Otho and Ddell were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Hamilton. Clyde Garren and Clyde Blytbe spent Saturday night with Earl Gray of this place. Mrs. D. R. Justus and srr.ai! daugh ier, Beulah visited the former's sis- ? j ter, Mrs. W. H. Gray Sunday. | Paul Xilpatrick of Hendersonville ! visited friends and relatives here last ' week. | Rev. Willis of this place made a business trip to Blantyv^fcuiSaturday ~ evening. ' Mrs. R. M. Blyth* of Etowah spent Friday of last week with her daugh ter, Mrs. Creed Banks. Mr. J. C. Orr attended the fun eral of his sister, Mrs. Martha Ship man at Henderscnville Friday. ^ Rev. T. C. Holtzciaw filled his reg ular appointment here Sunday. Mrs. Jane Hambright of Little Riv er called on Mrs. E. Hamilton Sun day. A number from Pleasant Grove at tended the old time singing at Eto wah Sunday. Mr. J. H. Drake and 0. S. Gray w. have been working some at their old trade building and repairing houses "in end around Hendersonville. Frank Wilson said the depression was about over for he and Albert Williams had both gone to work and getting pay days. 3turits, features and entertainments on through the mamouth street pa rade at 10:30 A. M. and on into the free street dance at night. Hendersonville Cc-ntp Seven Candidates will be initiated by White Pine Camp N<;. 213 Thurs day night at Hendersonville. That will be a good time to visit the Hen dersonville Camp. Mr. Leivis. says "Get Busy" State Manager E. B. Lewis "Says Get Eusy" up there in the mountains and show me something. You know we have always done our stuff with out having to tell us to, it seems we are behind with our quoto so lets all start to getting applications and show him something by time to meet in Hendersonville October 26th. OCTOBER 3rd to 15th ^ r ' ' ' '' - A Three Plain Dresses, Ladies Coats, Topcoats, Suits DRY CLEANED and PRESSED 00 Cash and Carry Cash & Delivered ?????IHHHHHHf Ji * Fur and Pleated Garments Extra Miller's ea ? ? Edwards Street HENDERSON

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