Society News and Club Activities SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES ENJOY HALLOWE'EN PARTY The Philathea class of the Brevard "sptiat Sunday School entertained -the Barnes class with a Hallowe'en party at the home of Miss Margaret iiosse on French Broad street Friday night Many games were played and a number of contests and other fea tures were enjoyed. Among1 them be ing a number of mind-reading stunts performed by Mr. Alvin Moore, which were especially interesting. Refreshments, consisting of punch and cakes were served throughout the evening. Mrs. P. H. Galloway and Mrs. L. H. Bosse assisted with the entertaining. Those present to enjoy the delight ful occasion were: Misses Lucy Fullbright, Opal Full bright, Thelma Ashworth, Jewell Ashworth, Marjorie Garren, Helen Allison, Mary Francis Biggers, Let itia Foster, Carol Walton, Alice Bow en, Hassie Tinsley. Marie Galloway, Ruby Whitmire, Margaret Dickson, Ruth Cunningham, and Mrs. P. H. Galloway, Beulah Garren. Messrs. W. S. Drake, Eugene Dick son, Jesse Dickson. P. H. Galloway, Marvin Garren, Dean Whitlock, Roy Nei'. Charles Morgan, Alvin Moore, Kar Bosse and Knox DeLong. I'. NCR AT CAESARS HEAD WELL ATTENDED The masquerade dance given at Caesar's Head Friday night was well attended. A large number of the young people from here attended and many from the surrounding commu- ! liities. Music for the occasion was ' furnished by Fisher's String Band. CARL K1 LP AT RICK HOST TO FOOTBALL TEAM A delightful affair of last Friday , evening was the party given by Mr. ' Carl Kilpatrick at home in Brevard honoring the members of the local football team. Forty young people were present to enjoy the event which consj^red of dancing and games of various kinds. ' MISS groom ENTERTAINS 11777/ PARTY Mi>.- Zebbie Groom entertained about thirty-five young people with a delightful party at her home on the Country Club Road Tuesday evening beginning at 8:30 o'clock. The young people danced and played numerous games until a late ' hour. j QUICK SERVICE AN1) c-.?. -^SJ?T\"tTT$RY~ WORK on all Laundry, from the finest silks to work cloth es. etc. One day service when desired ? Satisfac tion guaranteed on all work at these reasonable prices? t a. WET WASH, lb 5c ROUGH DRY, lb. ... .6c ROUGH DRY LINEN Finished, lb . .8c When its hand-launder ed you can be sure its done right. fjfi, We call for and deliver. PATRONIZE YOUR HOME LAUNDRY CAROLINA HAND LAUNDRY Phone 119 Mrs. Joe Corbette Prop. MISS PONDER HOSTESS AT PARTY IN PENROSE On Tuesday night, Miss Bess Pon der, prominent young lady in tho social life of Penrose, entertained a number of friends at the home of her oarents, Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Ponder. The evening was spent joyfully participating in various games which <ept the party functioning properly throughout the evening until a late hour. There were about twenty-five guests in attendance at this affair, .some from Brevard and various parts .l this section. , SWANGIM-OWEN A wedding of cordial interest to 'heir wide circle of friends was that f Miss Edna Louise Swangim to Mr. Ulen Van Owen, which was solemn ?scd on Wednesday, October 5, in the presence of Probate Judge, Hudson f Pickens, S. C. with only a few in "r.iate friends present. Mrs. Owen is ho attractive daughter of Mr. and Trs. E. S. Swangim, of Asheville. She has made many friends in Bre vard, having visited here quite fre quently during the past few years, 'he- bride wore a costume of brown ind white. Mr. Owen is the elder son of Mr. ind Mrs. W. L. Owen of Maple Ave., Prcvard. The bride and groom are now at home in Brevard. MR. HAM IJN ADDRESSES SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS Mrs. Oliver Orr's Sunday school heurd a splendid address on the sub irct of Law Observance delivered by Mi. Lewis P. Hamlin last Sunday at the Methodist church. There were about twenty members of the class present. EASTERN STAR MEET The regular meeting of the Order of the Eastern Star was held Tues day evening at eight o'clock in the Masonic hall. The meeting was de voted to routine business matters, no snecial program having been sched uled. MISS HENDERSON WEDS MR. McGAHA Miss Mary Henderson and Mr. Phillip McGaha were married in 1in nformal ceremony Monday after 'con at the residence of Rev. F. H. folden in Pisgah Forest. Immediately after the ceremony Che young couple were entertained with a wedding dinner at the home ?f Mrs. Allie B. Harlee. Mr. McGaha resides in the Cedar Mountain community and Miss Hen derson in See Off. - PENROSE SCOUTS ENJOY | cAiomrf. urs " I r (By Leslie McGuire) i The Girl Scouts of Penrose enjoyed | i two day camping trip at John's ! Reek last week-end. After arriving at 1 the camp grounds late Friday after : icon, "a busy time was had by all" j getting ready for the night. When j darkness fell, our tent was up, packs i were unrolled and sufficient wood j gathered for the night. The weather I was rather cool for camping out, but t Girl Scout is always prepared. Each ?irl took several blankets and every one slept warm and cozy. When old Mr. Sun peeped up over John's Reek Saturday morning (an impossibility until Alma Talley was Dut under cover) he saw a busy troop of Girl Scouts. And before he could blink his eyes many times all camp kapers were finished. At 10 o'clock the girls assembled for trcop meet ing. Then we started on a hike to the top of John's Rock. "With Miss Fleto Freeman in charge of the Nightingale patrol; Mrs. Ina Rustin, the Bob-o links: and Mr. Frank Merrill leading the way, we started out with light steps and a light heart. After a iong, hard climb we reached the top of the mountain. The view was wonderful aVid all were ready to sit down and rest. Of course no one was hungry but the lunch disappeared as if by magic. The real trouble started when we decided to return to camp by a dif ferent route. We finally did find the way back* but our honorable guide had almost convinced us that we were lost. Going down the steep slopes we rolled about four-thirds of the way. COLD WEATHER IS HERE IS BOUND TO ADVANCE Better Buy NOW, While you can get best .grade Egg or Lump at Low Prices. 0 . M. Bromfield Phone 44 Fleeto Freeman was on the verge of ?) heart failure ?when she almost stepped jj on a snake. But no serious accidents ? .>coure<l and we returned to camp J ready for supper and a good nights i ?vst. In spite of being tired we en- < joyed a campfire program followed ' by a candy pull. On Sunday .several parents and friends were present for Scout's Own. j A delicious lunch was prepared and | served by the Nightingale patrol, af- j ter which preparations were started ; for returning home. This trip will ( long be remembered aa one of the , most enjoyable events ever sonsored , by the Girl Scouts. MR. AND MRS. FRADY ENTER TAIN WITH SQUARE DANCE Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Frady enter tained a number of their young friends at a square dance Friday evening beginning at eight-thirty .'clock and continuing until 12, 12 couples took part in the dancing, music for which was furnished by a string band. j The room used for dancing was most attractively decorated for the occasion, the spirit of Hallowe'en be ing carried out in every detail. UlSRARY TEA HELD SATURDAY The U. D.. C. Library tea which was held last Saturday afternoon, be ginning at 2 o'clock was a very successful affair in every way. Ad mission were secured by contributions of books. About 90 books were re ceived. The library building was most at tractively decorated for the occasion, autumn leaves and chrysanthemums being used along with other decora tions carrying out the Hallowe'en spirit. Miss Sattie Parker Librarian, received the books. Mis3 Ethel Mc Minn played the role of fortune tell er, which \?as one of the many in teresting features of the occasion. Those receiving the guests at the door were: Miss Florence Kern, re tiring president of the United Daugh ters of the Confederacy, Mrs. T. E. Patton. Jr., Miss Annie Gash and Mrs. Beulah Zachary. Those assisting in the serving of refreshments were: Mrs. C. L. New land, Mrs. Roy Long, Miss Gash and Mrs. C. C. Yongue. Mrs. 0. L. Erwin was unable to at tend because of illness. MATEATASIAN CLUB MEETS WITH MRS. GLAZENER The Mathatasian Club met Thurs- j day afternoon at the home of Mrs. j Tulian Glazener. A program of un- 1 usual interest was enjoyed. Mrs. J. B. Jones, who was in charge of the program, gave a splendid talk on "Folk Music" which was thorough ly enjoyed and was further carried out in a vocal presentation of these scngs by Prof. Alvin Moore, who act ed as his own accompanist at the piano. Refreshments were served follow ing the business session which was presided over by Mrs. Harold Nor wood, president. In the absence of the etary;~'$irsr ii. L." 'Witesn-, the minutes were recorded by Mrs. An thony Trantham. The next bi-weekly meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. C. L. New land. FORTNIGHTLY CLUB IN REGULAR MEET s The Fortnightly club held, its regu lar bi-monthly meeting last Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. S. Nicholson. Communication received by secretary, Mrs. Goode Loftis, were read to the members of the club and other routine business was transact ed. The regular program was in charge of Mrs. A. R. Gillespie who gave a description of her recent trip through the state of Virginia, after which a lovely salad course was served. One new member, Mrs. W. W. Babb, was welcomed into the mem bership of the club. The club will meet again Thursday Nov. 10 at the home of Mrs. A. R. Gillespie. Ensilage in the trench silo dug in Chatham County thi^ fall is keeping well and additional silos of this type will be constructed in the county next season, says the farm agent. rTm ads ~! | FOR SALE ? Two Hound Dogs. One Male. One Female; one black, one brown. 11 months old. Cheap for quick sale. R. R. King, East Fork section. HINTON LODGE wants more board ers. Good things to eat is fid plenty of it. Also apartments for rent. Mrs: ! A. N. Hinton. S-8tf j WANTED ? Your Shoe Repairing. We are equipped to do first claaa shoe repair work. Men's sole3 and rubber heels $1.00. Ladies soles and rubber heels 90 cents. Brevard Sho^ Shop, T. E. Waters, Owner. News Arcade. May 5tfc FOR RENT ? Well located Dusineas property, splehdid locations for merchandise establishments. See Jad eo n McCrary, Tinsley Baildifljf, Tele phone 172. 02Scf FIRE WOOD, Stove Wood. Kind^ng. Sand and Gravel. Trunks ana Baggage and sreneral hauling. Rates reasonable. Siniard Trnnsier Co. Phone 118. Aug 13 4tc RADIO REPAIRING Satisfactory work at reasonable prices. Let me put your Radio in shape to receive the many good pro prams that will be on the ai? this fall and whiter. L. K. RATCHFORD Turnpike Road, Brevard, N. C. tic . I HANGING OUT ON | [ MAIN STREET | * ' By A. Loungor J Wonder what Miss Keels is think in' of when she has that far-away ook in her eyes?- .. .Another fsBt ind furious football game in which Efc Clayton Bays he, with the help of i few of the others on the team, iowned the Bryson City boys with a wore of 25 to 0 ? you did pretty well, Eb, oh boy And somebody says that Walt Clayton, on being told he ;ou!d not play in the aforementioned pramc, begged Prof. Jones with big, sparkling tears welling up in his eye3 to let him play and said he'd give him five dollars if he would Howard Whitmire likes a certain one-way ? trcet because he does not have to ;look out for the cars" and can give undivided attention to the second floor of the Post Office building as he passes along ? we can't say what the attraction is but that's his and her business Ruth Waters says that kissin' may make a boy a better man but there ain't any U3e tryin' to get to heaven in one evenin' .... Seen at the revival at the Pres byterian church Sunday night ? just about everybody in town and that included Pat Kimzey, Rev. Hartsell, Rev. West, John Smith, Ruth Picklesimer, Charlie Brown and so on. . . .Bromfield has clos ed his laundry and a lot of other things'll close here if those who have money to spend insist or. spendin' it out of town Rev. R. L. Alexander goin* out to play a round of golf at the country club Arthur Brisbane says people know very little about money but Ed Wike says he's willin' to learr. Marjorie Young is gone so we ain't got no body to throw brick-bats at us' ....George Bromfield invited Dick Poole over to the house he and Archie occupy together and after he had shown him the place asKed him what he thought of the room as a whole. "As a hole its fine," said Poole "But as a house not so good.". .. .And still it rains. Annie Yongue and Mollie McCall droppin' into the News office to post some Red Cross posters ? Mollie keep in' up a hearty round of conversation and Annie sayin' nothin (Oh, yeah) ...."Look out for worms" said Ruth to Billie as she gave him an apple. "When I eat an apple" said Billie "The worms canvlook out for them selves". . When Jr. Simpson returned from the minstrel after havin' put up a successful performance in which he was encored his mother asked how he got along. "I thought 1 did very well," he sajd, "But they made me do it ever" And they're still honor in' the bride-elect. . . .Quite a shin-dig out to Caesar's Head Friday night, most everybody and his brother goin' out.... Doc Galloway and a number of other good Democrats listenin' to a Republican speech over the radio r-.JPead Owen wagin' a man-sized fight for Register of Deeds office. Somebody says the applesauce we feed others doesn't hurt us but when we take large doses our selves the diet is dangerous ? wonder just what that party is insinuating Nothing will ruin an interesting intellectual argu ment quicker than the arrival of a pretty girl on the scene Nancy Macfie says that the only question on which most every body is absolutely agreed is that an automobile is a necessity. . . . "The youth gets together his ma terials to build a bridge to the moon, or perhaps a palace or temple on earth and at length the middle-aged man concludes to build a woodshed with them." The foregoing being quoted from Thoreau. . . .and this from a local young modern (now WHO said Willie Kate Waters coined it). Oh, the divine thrill, the consum ing ecstacy of osculation. May it always endure The old time business man who took the cash to the bank each day now has a son who employs a secretary to sign his personal checks. A stranger in town asked George Simpson if yen have to see a doctor to get liquor in Brevard and. George told him that you do not ? you have to see him afterward. .. .Bobbie Kellar is so mushy when he writes to his girl that he uses a pencil with soft lead ....Times ere so hard that even those who never pav have quit buv ing. . . , SMITH'S BARBER SHOP We contribute to your good looks. You can get a Vita lis treatment here, the vegetable oil tonic, also the Fitch products It Pays To Look Well Local and Personal Items ? ? ? ? w -?? * ? ? T ? . . Miss MyrWe BMCtfirand Miss Evon " Sanders, of Oakland community, vis ited friends in Brevard Friday,. They spent Friday night with Mrs. Ciaud Reid. 0 Mrs. Tillie B -Currie and son, Glen, and Mrs. H. N, Blake and children, Mable and Harry and Miss Frances Bryson were Sunday guests of Rev. ? and Mrs. J. W. Owenby at Balfour, j 0 J Mrs. Henry Alexander and son, of I the Oakland section were in Brevard Friday on business. Mrs. Hansel Bently waa the truest, ] last week, of her sister, Mrs. Ralph I Benson, of South Carolina. 0 | Mr. and Mrs. Roy McCall and son, Samuel, of Oakland, were Brevard j visitors Friday. 0 Rev. Carl Blythe was the Sunday J dinner guest of Rev. J. W. Owenby at Balfour. 0 ( Mrs. Cos Paxton and son, Wood, of j Greenville were visiting in Brevard Tuesday. Frank Duckworth, of Wilson; Mr. and Mrs. Russell, of Canton; Mr. and Mrs. Style, of Asheville and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Duckworth and Robert Duckworth were called home here due to the death of their sister, j Mrs. McKay. 0 Dr. Tatum and Mr. Ernest Loftis, j of Asheville were Brevard visitors over the week-end. 0 Mr. John Duckworth, of Hender sonville, spent the week-end in Bre vard. Miss Roberta Bryant and friend, Miss Holmes have returned to Tam pa, Florida after a two weeks visit in Brevard. 0 Mr. Welch Galloway, of Asheville, spent Saturday in Brevard. Mrs. A. H. King, Mrs. Hugh Smak ey, Mrs. N. Poole, Miss Elizabeth Mills and Mr. John Walker have re turned from a trip which took them to Portsmouth, Va., Baltimore, Md., and Washington, D. C. 0 Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Kitchen spent Sunday in Walhalla, where they at tended the funeral of Mrs. Kitchen's uncle. 0 Mrs. Mabel Kellar and daughter, Louella, of Asheville, spent Saturday in Brevard. O ! Ralph Parker, of Savannah was in j Brevard on business on Wednesday. Mrs. Robert Kilpatrick and little j son have returned to their home on ! Maple street. Miss Gladys Wood spent several days last week visiting friends at Cedar Mountain. Dick Zachary, of Atlanta, was vis iting his mother over the week-end. 0 Mr. and Mrs. Louie Houston and friends of Greenville spent Sunday ia Brevard. ? 0 R. J. Vansant, of Rome, Ga.( was in Brevard Wednesday. 0 Georgia Lardncr, Kate Price and Maureen Daniels, of Columbia were in Brevard Sunday. 0 Mias Josephine Clayton expects to spend the week-end in Shelby as the |j guest of Miss Kathleen Hoard, 0 ' Mr. and Mrs, Jerry Jerome and Mrs. Hart have moved from their home, "the Pines" to the Patton place on Main street for the winter. 0 Plato Allison, of Ashevitle, spent the week-end in Brevard. Mr. J. B. Jones left on Monday for a business trip to Raleigh. 0 Mr. R. J. Poole was in Greenville over the week-end visiting his parents and friends. 0 Mrs. H. N. Blake and children, Mabel and Harry and Mrs. Tillie Cur ry and son Glenn Curry and Miss Francis Bryson spent Sunday in Bal four. They, with Rev. Carl Blythe were dinner guests of Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Owenby. Mr. Howard Whitmire had a very busy week attending to his social af fairs. On Friday night he attended a very important party at Cherryfield, and on Saturday night he attended a party at Selica. Bobbie Kellar spent the week-end | in Brevard visiting friends. 0- ? Miss Hazel Gillespie, Mrs. J. C. i Coats, Mr. Richard Holbrook and Mr. i William Greene of Greenville, S. C., were visitors of Mrs. Dee Gillespie I Sunday. 0 Miss Edna Allen spent part of last week in Greenville, S. C. 0 Dr. W, C. Goldsby and Mr. Rainey Roper of Hartwell, Ga.t spent three days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Dee Gillespie. sea Mr. Howard and Miss. Mollie Mc Call spent Sunday in Asheville. CARD OF THANKS To our many friends who shewed | such loving sympathy in our bereave ment, we extend our heartfelt thanks. Also for the beautiful floral offer ings. MR. AND MRS. DUCKWORTH and family ? Mr. G. C. McKay, C. Few Lyda and C. Few Lyda, Jr. You Will "LIVE TO EAT" When you breakfast on Delicious Golden Brown Waffles. Waffles that melt in your mouth with a taste only Corona Electric 8 Waffle Irons can im- 1 part. With those waffles all you need to com pletethe perfect meal is a cap of pure piping hot cof fee. Not boiled but dripped the Famous "Universal Way/' No bitter taste but with a flavor that is long remem bered. . t,sil ii These appliances are lower in price than ever before, and they may be purchased for only a small Cash Payment, with the balance in easy installments along with your monthly electric service bill. Southern Public Utilities Co. "ELECTRICITY? THE SERVANT IN THE HOME" Day 'Phone 116; Night 'Phone 16 3 E. Main St.

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