EXTRA SPECIAL Wo are changing our lino of men's hats. In order to do this wo are offering our entire stock of men's hats at WHOLESALE PRICES. These are aaw hats bought early this Fall and we are only do ing this to change our line. EXTRA SPECSAL? men's surra As you know we hara not ?a old style suit in our store. All bought this Fall* What is nicer than a new suit for Christmas. Men's All Woo! Worsted Suits Men's Ail Woo! ^19 ?fl Homespun Suits ?fri??Olw These are $20 Values $9.95 FAMOUS FATHER GEORGE BROWN SHEETING, PER YD. cents JUST A WORD AS TO THE POLICY OF R. H. PLUMMER AND COMPANY We intend to carry good quality merchandise at all times and we guarantee our price on quality mer chandise to be as low, and in many instances lower than our competitors. ROBERT H. PLUMMER FULL SIZE COTTON BLANK ETS, EACH. Men's Heavy Covert Full Cut Riding Pants QQc pair Men's Blue Stripe Overall PANTS 7Cjc pair I v ENGLISH PRINTS Permanent Finish Fast Colored English Prints 19c Values, Yard ? 15c LADIES' UNION SUITS Ladies' Winter Weight Rayon and Cotton Union Suits, pair ? 39' PRINTS 36 inch Vat Dyed Fast Colored Prints. New Style Yard? 9< TURKISH TOWELS Extra Large Size Turkish Bath Towels, each ? 10c . n ? ? ii urn mm 'iMumn wwwn TrmnfWMnHKTTiin CURTAIN GOODS 36 inch Fast Colored Cur tain Goods, Yard-~ 5" GOWNS Ladies' Heavy O u ting Gowns ? 59c LADIES' HOSE Ladies' Cotton Ribbed Hose, pair~ 10' PRINT DRESSES Ladies' Fast Colored Print Dre3se3f each ? 49?' UNION SUITS Childretis Winter Weight Union Suits, Ankle Length and Long Sleeves, pair ? 29? Men's BROWN BUILT Ail Leather Work Shoes, pair $1.49 Men's Ti-Top Leather BOOTS, pair ....... $2.69 BROWN BUILT Childrens All Leather Shoes Age and Oxfords sizes 5 to Big Two, pair .... vO BROWN BUILT Men's All Leather BROWN BUILT Ladies' AH Leather Ox- d?1 QC fords. Straps and Pumps, pair BOY'S BOOTS Just a few of these left in sizes as follows 11 to 13 1-2 and 4 to 6 'J'A To close out, pair