Some Of The Finest Farms In HENDERSON COUNTY GOING AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES. SMALL FARMS IN THIS RICH COUNTY ARE ESPE CIALLY ATTRACTIVE, AND CAN BE HAD AT ALMOST GIVE-AWAY FIGURES ? ESPECIALLY IN CASES WHERE PEOPLE IN FLORIDA OWN THESE PLACES AND DO NOT CARE TO HOLD THEM ANY LONGER ^ TWO EXTREMELY VALUABLE FARMS For Immediate Sale Ideal small farm for sale. 20 acres, 120 fruit trees, lies almost level. Modern six room house, near school. Good neighbors. Five miles from Hendersonville. Apples and tobacco will pay for it in one year. PRICE TERMS 34 acres, good farm house, pasture, 125 apple trees. St&rks delicious, Starks gol den and Staymen Winesaps. Rolling, wonderful view. Ideal for grape and fruit culture. Five acres in rye and vetch. Plen ty good wood. Majority in cultivation. Fine new well. PRICE 8 TERMS $350 CASH BALANCE ABOUT $75 PER YEAR We Have Good Demands for Small Farms. List your Prop erty With Us for Quick Results. - i