i-iCSSS PcWished Every Thursday by TEE TRANSYLVANIA PUBLISHING CO., inc. Entered at the Postofxice in Brevard, N. C., as Second Glass Matter j ? : James F. Barrett iuiiitor I SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Payable In Advance) *>ne Year $2.00 Six Months 1.O0 Three Months (JO i.| Thursday, December 8, 1932 COV STY COMMISSIONERS FACE TREMENDOUS TASK < j Commissioners W. B. Henderson, W. L. Aiken and L. V. Sigmon, in assuming the business management of Tiansyivania county, are lacing a tremendous task. County bonds are pasc due; interest payments on coun ty bonds are past due; many out standing ?i. Is are unpaid. On the other hand, business in the communi ty is at a standstill; hundreds of pcices of property have already been s'_ for taxes, and many more will yei be sold. V ut the future holds for the coun ty ? umething that no one can even .. ate. Whether the officials can finally work out from under the sit ura.on existing when the new board took charge is something that only the future can determine. What we wish to say is this: Transylvania county belongs to the pco'ii- making up its population. The problem which challenges the board ?f county commissioners is, therefore, a problem for the entire citizenship. Every one of us, then, should do all in our power to aid the commission 's in any way that we can. If the county is to be saved, and the prop erty of the citizens made secure, ac complishment of this task will require the very best thought and effort that the citizens are capable of contribut ing to the solution ef the most serious problems confronting our officials. If a citizen can do no more, he can, at least, let the county commissioners know that they have the sympathetic moral support of the citizenship. j SPARE THE ROD AND SPOIL THE CHILD I Adults are just grown-up children. T'neir training and environment have __ntaJe them what they are. ve hear a lot of complaints being "H^that children are wilful and disobeCT^i They were the sama way centuries J^^ut they had par ents who spent mV^e in "beating iCKie 3?nse into them*Wn they spent in giving bridge part^^b8zaaxs, dances and socials. They speV gnough time to get acquainted with >j,erQ. That's why children were not so VJ. t'ul and disobedient "when mothei was a girL" The time to begin teaching a child to obey is while it is yet in the cradle. !f it crie3 and you pet it and take it ap and make a lot of it. it has had its way and each time you do that you have lost. You'll have to keep it up. The longer you wait to let ihe child know who is to be obeyed, the more difficult you will find it to impress upon it that you are the one. The difference between the bright, obedient, polite or ! sweet-dis positioned child and the dull, di?-obe dient willful one jsj th/ difference in the parents. The child who is ill-mannered, cross end irritable is so because it has been permitted to grow up that way. And it is generally to be found that parents of such children do not spend , enough time trying to make fhem: otherwise. It may be indolence; it may be that too much time is de- , voted to parties, theatres, and othet "?social dntiW-Jv.it whatever the cause ! the eS^ct is the same. :he rod and spoil the child" ( to but some day it w?JS to; you do. you do s dgh interest i) them to Vou de??rv? to suffer -when put wrong. 1 VHP. I AU On th is is * SERB wenty-fiffli" dayW Deem Mr will be observed one oi ghe oldest . holidays and one of the most widely j Known. Wherever Christianity is] Itr.own Christmas dav will be ob- ! ?(frvti Oates may differ slightly and j ft:* n^?hod of observance is not every- j I where the same. But the spirit of j she occasion ar.d the motives have j remained unchanged through the ages- . J ? We have taught /hat tfep to the Day on tfiiieh Christ came Into j 1 Ihe world. T'n\.re aVc tho3>- who tell ? j as that thi.s is y.ot corjvot; that Hej< was bom in tl but that, fact 1 f makes no differe|y that we avo r.b'ie | c to If thstfig?. any jerious doubt J :3 to the ezact tUrte why cbas^a Of attempt to change it* Thar? would :ontinue to bo th? sa nte ftzgransnta. Now that that is settled conies the jueetion of the proper observance of the day. Millions of children are looking forward to it with the hop? of being the recipients of gifts and many thousands will be bitterly dis appointed. This has been the case since the day was first observed and it always will be so long as there are rich and poor. Many little hearts will be gladdened and many others will suffer the pangs of disappoint ment. We can not control this feature, lut thtre is one thing we can do. On that day, instead of telling the children about the Santa Claus who comes from the North Pole with his reindeer and sled and comes down the chimneys and leaves all good little boys and girls all the little things their hearts desire, teach them more about the little Babe who was born in a manger in Bethlehem and who did not have a home; the babe who was God's gift to man ; the great est gift that could ever be bestowed : tipon mankind. Tell them the story i of this little fellow1 who grew up I and lived His entire life for them ' that they might some day have a j home where there will be no disap- 1 pointments on Christmas day; where j little hearts will not be torn in bit- j tcrness because, for some reason that ; is always difficult to explain, Santa Claus failed to visit them. Teach them that this great gift of God to them j is worth more than all else in the j world combined and that the spirit j of this occasion is manifested more i fully in the giving of gifts than in the receiving of them. Teach them ' that even though they may be unable to give of material things they can give comfort and cheer and helpful- j ness that will be worth more than anything else they could possibly hope to give. The day should not be a day for levity and riotous living and giving no though to the original purpose of the day. Teach them that. Teach them the true spirit of that day and the purpose for which it was given. In this manner they will learn to value the day more than they had ever thought possible. WHAT IS TO BE THE END ? We sit comfortably by and read of the riot3 and revolts bein? staged in various foreign nations and thank God that we are safe from such as that. ? ^ i . But are we? Perhaps these little marches on our capital ? bonus marches, hunger mar ches, and unemployed marches ? do i not mean anything. We hope they do not. But stop for a moment ar.d think what they could amount to un i ^er proper leadership. With nearly th'?t^en million unemployed, hundreds ; of tlsiwsstidn restless, dissatisfied far mers and ex-s^jiers almost anything is possible. This na'Citi of c-urs could becom9 the scene of one oi the most devastating revolutions ever known if it were properly organized at a time : like this. Had you ever thought of it in that light? The peaceful, docile 1 American ? think what he is when aroused! There is only one thing to be done. It may seem that it is a mean way to treat those who are begging for food and for things they consider their rights but if we are to avert such & catastrophe as other nations have witnessed in times past we must , quell these disturbances before they become too large to be dealt with easi ly. They must not be allowed to gain a foothold. Our sympathies are with the unemployed, the ex-soldiers who gave their all for their country and the farmers who have always had to1 make a desperate fight for existence. But we can not countenance their ^methods of trying to accomplish their purpose. Some other method must be er.ipii'oyed or the very things for which the yare fighting will bft lost beeatwe of the methods they employ to bring them a boat, GETTING OUT OF THE RUT Have you ever driven out on a mud dy country road where the ruta were deep and the car just ran along without any effort on your pari,- the ruta sufficiently doep to koep it on its course? And when every thing was fine you met another car coming from the opposite direction? You would strain and make every effort to get the car out of the rut and over to your >ide of the road to avoid a collision. But the effort ras far Kreater than if there had bsen no ruts. And if th<? road were :co muddy or the ruts too deep the harccf are that the collision would , 1 >o inovitable unkss you stopped the : i ar and the other follow did the same. ( 1 Thuf* the conditio.:) of the govern- i uent today. It is beinjc driven r.'.onf $ in a rut on & muddy, treacherous S road. Until three years ago every- ' thing was fine. The machinery of ft srovw.ment moved along without any irreat effort. Then catno the depres- g sion. Some little efforts were made n to avert a collision and the effort has a been found of little avail for the ruts are deep and the road is muddy, r The slight effort that has been em- t ployed to avert the crash has been 8 unsuccessful. s The drivers of the governmental v machine are doing something but it i is the wrong thing. They are oper- o ating at fttU speed and trying to ? force the machine out of the rut in- a stead of slackening its speed and ap plying the brakes. In other words t they are trying to find new taxes r to levy on a people already overbur- l dened with taxes instead of cutting ? down expenses. Bureaus established when times were good have never j been abolished. Expenses generally { have been cut some but nothing to , compare with the depleted incomes of those who are paying these ex- i penses. j This can not go on. There is such a thing as having too elaborate a system ? one which the people can not afford. And this system can only be maintained for so long and then something must crash. I1 WELL, THE COMMISSION HAS j ORDERED NEW GEOGRAPHIES The people of North Carolina are the most patient, patriotic and pleas antly turned people in the world, we believe. With newspapers yelling in i>ig type throughout the past eight months that there was another change in school books, and the people were urged to get busy and write letters I protesting against the proposed, change, our folks sat by. and now | the thing is done. If a few thousand 1 | citizens had poured letters of pro ! test into the machine at Raieigh, this I change would not have been made. ! But our good-nafured citizens seem j content to "let John" do the kick- . i ing. The letters were not written, j ana now the change has been ordered and all that you good-natured folks ' will have to do now is to fork up the dough, and pay for the new books. Don't cuss high taxes and high this and high that so long as you sit idly , by and let the officials get away with : murder. There is no higher, meaner, | more hateful and unnecessary tax in j the world than that which has been ? ! paid by the citizens of North Caroli- j I na through constant changing of the . ; school books. It has cost plenty, and ' j will continue to cost that much until j 1 the citizens wake and demand that . a stop be put to the thing. The very i fact that the matter was postponed | until AFTER the election is auffi- j cient evidence that the powers that ? be were afraid to make the change. ' But after the election was all over, the next thing in order was the adop tion of the new geographies. AH that ?emains to be done is for the poor devils throughout the state to find the money with vhich to boy . the new geographies, while the old ones ate being hidden away. "WHAT A WORLD I" Life can be interesting, thrilling and worthwhile in every respect de- j j pending on the individual. It is large- ; ' ly a state of mind. ; We have the poor with us since ' the beginning of time. Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of : Eden to make their own "way by the i sweat of their, brow." We will al j ways have thfcm so we might as well j learn to care for them. We have them when; times are good and when they are /1>ad, though of course they are morcjf numerous when times are hard. ' i We lev.y new taxes to make up a deficit in o^r budget and then estab lish a nowt^SI"^ ^ to handle the in creased A; later levy a new tax. to supperajjffiL C?w bureaus. We make a iaw\*u?ainst the liquor traffic and *rhen times got hqrd and the b?ot'.e|gCT9 are gett&g all the money wc' abolish the Iawfcto get in creased revenue andjTM&S'yhore crim inals to prove. *6 us we mAtst have a law against liquor and thyliquor traf fic. Another endless chi We establish a board of ^censorship and a board of review tip see to it that only decent magazines and mov ing pictures are given the public and the censors get so jBsgrossed with their work that they ^pget where the ; line is to be drawn. the magszb.es ! and books that sib given us aro worse than if thlgibaavd of review and the various Jj$SorsMpn did not exist. Wo make r.ipr.gg&oi money, when. WEKWG TO MODERNIZE j ?) TATE CONSTITUTION tC It ia planned to "Modernise" the! forth Carolina conatiiutiou. j# It is our contention that thia is a | c ood step and briars to mind a rtfct?- j * sent msde by a prominent Georgia ttorney: "This patching up of state and ational constitutions is like trying 0 keep an old flivver running that hould have been junked a long time go. You can always make it ran iut it coats like tiie devil." Eniarg ng on this statement he said that ur legislative bodies are continually tdding new laws and new bureaus ;nd are never "cutting" anything. There are laws on our books which '/ere made for a time when the auto nobile, telephone and radio were un known. They are obsolete but they ire still on the books. Wonder what the result would bei' f the people should forget they have ' 1 constitution and should gather to gether a group of men from every valk of life ? lawyers, doctors, educa tors, business men and legislators ? ;? and have them work together on a ! ' institution to suit our present needs, i Wake laws that are designed to ap- j ply to 1932 and not 18S2. While j 1 they were doing this it is possibic i since only a few of these men would ! be professional politicians and would j have no interest in the work other than to create a usable constitution, that many useless bureaus and num erous offices which mean nothing j more than a pay check for their hold ers, would be eliminated. Other of fices would be consolidated and forces tv-ould be reduced and salaries would be revised. The reason we can t ger. ir.is aone i now is that, no man is going to per- j mit his job to be taken from under j him if he can help it and he isn't going to do a lot to help somebody else off the payroll. How can we eli minate these offices when it is those in them who have the power to do it or some of their colleeagues? Here's the way it works: Mr. Blank told us that when John Doe was elec ted to office, he would go to Washing ton. We wanted to know what he would do and he told us. That seemed | all right. Then he went on to say, "Well, there is not much to it. Won't have much to do but har.g around and draw my pay check. When John Doe was in the Senate before I had the job and it was a cinch." An exag gerated statement, you say. But not j so much after all. all know it costs too much to carrV on this busi ness of government and that it must be cat down. When people do not have the money to pay the taxes they can't pay; then the government comes up with a deficit and a commission begins to look around for something new to tax, and they usually find it While the lawyer's suggestion may not be workable we know that some* thing must be done and done soon. WHEN THE CHRISTIAN WOMEN PRAY, RESULTS ARE OBTAINED When the leaders of the repeal movement began making serious ef forts to repeal the 18th amendment, the Christian women of America called for meetings of prayer, to be held at the churches in many cities, towns and communities throughout the United States. The Congress, it had been announced by Speaker Gar ner, would vote on the repeal ques tion Monday afternoon. The women called for their prayer meetings to be held on Monday morn ing. The prayer meetings were held, The women prayed that the move ment would fail. It failed, when call ed for vote Monday afternoon. Now, there are many, many people who will claim that the prayers of the women had nothing to do with the result of the vote in Congress. We wonder. We wonder if any man who has witnessed the birth of a '?'on or the death of an old saint, can really doubt the part the pvayers of the women bad in defeating the repeal movement? What do YOU think about it? Do you believe the prayers of the Christ ian women, assembled in the house of God near them, praying tfcat there should be no repeal, do you believe these prayers were answered? Or do you think, as many will think, that God had nothing to do with the mem orable vote in Congress last Monday? Every one is entitled to his own opinion about the matter, and for our part we believe that these prayers had much to do with the result of that vote. We believe further that ?o long as the Christian women pray, just that long will the 18th amend ment remain in our constitution. Of course, the law-makers in Washing ton might refuse to* make appropria tion for carrying out the mandates of the amendment, thereby nullifying it, ?t if let them face times are good a; in extent that ive are thrownj Americanism^ 737 DO YOU ATTEND BUBCH SERVICES? Whea titty come hone frcm Church >me wmmen can tell yea what kind I dm was worn by every other * r&jaaix who attended but cannot re lembet * word the minister said. tt Soma men wiU return from tbs J hsrch services and say that f?r ih * ifo of them they can't see why Blink j cj ittcnds church services or Sunday j g ,nd spends the rest of. the week in j, ursicg, drinking, and doing a lot <>f * ither things that he oughtn't to do. ^ Sorna boys and girls will attend ihurc'n services and complain of the -v ength of the sermon and the way r ome otheT boy or girl "cut up" while ^ he minister was praying. t; It is to those people that the ser- ? nons are addressed. They need them, g ret they do not hear them. The t nan who remains at home has beer. >enefitted just as much as they have. 0 iVnd the women who go to see the j lisplay of dresses worn by the other j a women might as well be home pre- j paring a nice luncheon for the fam- ' ily and saving the money she is pay ing the cook. The children who know so much about what ether children do while the minister is praying \ ' should have received a few heait-to- j heart talks before they attended ? or ! perhaps they are the sons and tfaugh- j ters of the fathers and mothers who ] learn so much about other people's j clothes and manners, learned while i they should have been listening to j what the minister had to say. Think this over and then ask your- 1 self the question, "Why do you attend ' the Church services?" LIVING FOR TODAY; FORGETTING THE FUTURE It may be a bit difficult to plan for the future when you have no idea ! of -what i3 in store for you. But when you think of it in the proper light you will readily agree that there is more to be gained from living in hope of a bright future and planning for it than fearing for a dark one and making no plans for any at all. Perhaps you are working on a job : that does not seem to promise any- 1 thing definite for the future. You j may be on that job for a week, a month or several years. You don't know how long. What are you going to do about it? Just drift along do ing what ia required of yon; give no thought for the years to come and make the beat of an uncertainty? The answer is simple. If you live in that manner there is no bright future for you. You will live in a small rented home and the grounds around it will always remain bare and n#Iy. You will not plant flow ers and tre?s and shrubbery for you may not be there any length of time, so why go to the trouble of improv ing it? But, suppose you are there for several years, even though it may j always be in uncertainty. If you are | willing to spend s eme time in beau tifying the place, think what it will look like after a few years. Think of the pleasure it will afford to spend some time in beautifying and wring for the place and if you should be there to see the work of your hands develop into something beautiful and worthwhile, don't you think it is worth the effort? You can aever be certain of the future. The rich of today are poor tomorrow arid the poor of today are the rich of tomorrow. You may feel j secure; feel that you have enough, laid away for a rainy day and that you have a wonderful future. Tomor row you may be penniless. It i3 this uncertainty that makes life thrilling and worthwhile. With this iu mind the only logical thing to 'do is to live as though you had only the brightest of pros pects. Devote your time and talent to work that is constructive. It is bound to pay big dividends in the end. Zeb Cochran, of the Roberta sec tion of Cabarrus County, produced 24 bales of cotton on 28 acres this year. One hundred cash and merchandise prizes were donated to Catawba coun ty 4-H club members for successful achievement this season. The prize? were secured by the Newton Kiwanis Club. Using a homo-mixed fertilizer ac cording to a formula developed by E. Y. Floyd, tobacco specialist at State College, J. E. Rica of Madison Coun ty, produced 1,660 pounds an acre of good burley tobacco. Planting of small grain has pro- ' ceeded slowly over most sections of piedmont Carolina due to wet weath er. From many counties, prrowers re port little grain sowed to date. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank everyone who ijo kir.dly helped us in any way during the sickness and death of our dear J ; jgothsr, Mrs. C. C. Case. Also forj; g&36saatiful floral offeiinsr. gj&gg&saw THE FAMIMK ~ gM People ?a* '$$ Lffc"** v ?* . 1 tfpB&i *? ??? 1 J3S??? . ? ? B?r<rtagr them* (S]f Harold Bftnwn) We wwd to w*tc!> Piof. John con she some offender "to the woo da7 ad we wandered what happened to im thcrs. It was possible he iF>t good thrashing bat osff thing wa* s*t?in ? wf eavIcJ never get one of Jem to tell ;ib just what happened, let wo knew that if it were a tbraah ig administered by the profewor it 'ss well done for he ctuld certainly o it, if size and strength counted or anything. It wasn't long before I found cut rhat it was all about. 1 broke some ulcr and it was of a nature tk&t-x aused me to have to "take-jet stroil" rith Prof. Johnson. I \flS fairly remblir.g; in fact if I had not houghs myself such a man (I was hirteen) I would have cried and bett ed him to let we off, though I guesn bat would have been of no avail. As we walked along- he commented n the beauty of the woods in the pringtime, and for the life of me couldn't see anything beautiful at ill. I was watching him carefully o see what size stick he might select ind in trying to figure some way lut of a bad situation. Nature had io appeal for me. I thought of the 'arious lads who had taken this stroll vith him and while, as nearly as T :ouid remember, all of them had re ?urred with him, they had been bei ;cr boys afterward. Something must lave been done that left an indeliblo mpression on their minds. I had never known the Professor ?<* lose his temper. He had always xen pleasant and agreeable and I wondered if he could possibly ad minister any sort of thrashing with :hat pleasant smile on his face. Bow :onfusing to my thirteen year old mind! Soon we arrived at a place where it seemed we were destined to stop for a while. He sat down and asked me to sit down with him. I did, but at a discreet distance. I was none too confident, despite the fact that he had not selected any "wea pon" as yet. Trying to appear at ease I was, nevertheless, prepared for the worst. "Well I," he began, "I guess yon know what has brought us here, don't you?" "Yes, sir," I replied. I don t want tc> be hard on you. I want to do the thing that is right, fo I am going to let you tell me just why you willingly did the thing you did, knowing that you would be punished." 1 h?o always been a pretty clever iittle fabricator and as a rule could wijfgle out of almost any situation, if a lie were the only way out, then would grit my teeth, clench my ti fists, and rise to the occasion end I was said to pretty good st it. But now, when J must do my best I could think of nothing to say. I couldn't ever i?e. I looked into those deep violet eyea of his, which seemed to be pierc ing to the very depths of ay being and then decided to make a clean breast of it. "1 have no excuse, Professor John son. I just didn't think about it as I should have, I guess." it?"Are you ^ for having done Tes, sir," I replied, "Sorry for what you did or sorry yw were caught and must be pun uMdr r ssr? r am sorry for what I did. i was sorry for being caught t I 1 am rea),y for what I did." "You are in a Christian Institu tion aud yos are- responsible to God ar.d to your fellow men for the wrongs you do them and for the sins you commit. I punish oniy because I believe it necessary to do sc -wlxn a child can not be made to obey. I believe ia you, I think you are open and above-board and that when you do a little wrong like this it is because you have been a little lax ? have i temporarily let the bars down, not be cause of any evil in your heart. You see and know what is right and I seldom have to reprimand von and I appreciate it If &1J the young people were that way we would have a much better school, but unfortun ately they are rot. "Now what yeu have done is an infraction on the laws of our school and you are accountable to nw for that. Because 2 believe you are sor- < ry for what you have done I forgive f? you. I knew you will not do it again, not because you fear a whipping but because you, knowing tlie great re sponsibility resting on you And on me will not want to do it. Now sup pose we ask God, who is directing us here in this work to forgive yon and to help that we may both work to gether to accomplish the things we have set out to do. Have yo? the confidence in me and in yourself to believe that we can fight it ont to gether?" I did and I told him as much. Hi* words had touched me more than any other method would have dot*?. So we knelt down to prtju He prayed a beautiful prajrar and sn? that was fell of meaning. Jf Knew that he meant every word wft, too, and that touched me. When I prayed, I was just as earnest as he was and right there on that spot derided to make a record that pleased him and that would please the God I had prayed to for forgiveness and direc- "4^ tion. , On the way back I talked about the beauties of nature, the flowers and all the things that I had failed to notice as 1 went that same route a short time ago. I never told '-"no boys what hap pened to inc. Let them fear as I did and maybe it would help keep them straight. I have reason to believe that he. did not treat all alike on these trips. There were certain boys there who would not accept that form of re pentance and would mind only when a hickory tras employed by brawny hands such as his. But he knew boy# nnd ho knew how to keep them si: ^al their best. He liked them and they loved and respected him. r ;n|J?

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