MAYOR R. H. RAMSEY, BROADCASTS STORY; OF COUNTY'S GROWTH ? i (Continued from pau? one) ! interesting facts concerning our own county. Transylvania county is proud of the fact that it is a part of thiB great section. Bounded on the north by Haywood county, on the south by the South Carolina line, and on tho west by Jackson county, it lies near the heart of Western North Carolina. "Transylvania county is called 'The Land of Waterfalls.' It is most St tingly named, for on the many rivers that have their source within its boundaries are literally hundreds o? waterfalls. Just east of Lake Toxaway is a high divide or watershed that turns the waters of these rivers east ward and southward. East of the di vide rises the grea French Broad. From the remote corners of the coun ty a veritable network of tributary rivers and crceks and streams unite in a broad valley running eastward through the center of tho county to form this mighty river. As the crys tal clear waters of these tributaries ? North Fork, West Fork, East Fork, Cathey's Creek, Davidson River, Lit tle River, and numbers of smaller streams ? tumble and cascade from tho surrounding mountain heights into the valley below they break into a thousand sparkling irridescent waterfalls that are beautiful beytmd comparison. High up in the moun tain fastnesses, are fragile, misty falls such as Bridal Veil Falls. Low er down the tumultous descent of the waters is sometimes broken into a series of falls such as are found at Triple Falls on Little River and at Connestee Falls, or they pour in a solid stream into a gorge below as do Looking Glass Falls in Pisgah Na tional Forest. As these streams neat tho valley their volume increases and the falls become larger and more im pressive in their beauty and gran deur. The tone of the falls changes, too. From the clear tinkling of the falls in the remote heights of the peaks, it changes to a murmur and then to a low low roar which gradu ally increases in volume until it cul minates in the crashing, thundering roar of High Falls on Little Rivei where the flood waters of a whol? river hurtle downward a hundred feel to its rocky bed below. And in be tween these type of falls are innu merable others, as varied and beauti ful as the streams and mountains themselves. Their beauty change! with the seasons, but their appealing charm remains the same whether thej are framed in shimmering green o! summer, or etched on a background of frost and ice and snow. Scownj Changes "West of the divide are founc Toxaway, Horse Pasture, Thompsor and White Water rivers. These riv ers have a different type of falls fronc tfiBBe -sn the French Broad and itf tributaries. They flow through ? wilder, more rugged region. Theii sources are up) in mountains of s higher altitude and they plung? downward in a more headlong, mad rush on their journeys toward the sea. Their falls are usually more in accessible, set as they are in} the midst of vast virgin forests ,or in deep ragged gorges and canyons strewn with rocks and boulders ser ried and torn by the storms and floods of a thousand centuries. But the added charm of their wild, almost savage beauty more than makes up for the difficulties of the tramp through the forests, or the breath taking climb down the precipitous sides of the gorges and canyons to reach them. "The combination o? these eastern and western river systems gives to Transylvania county a number and variety of waterfalls that perhaps cannot be equalled in any similar area in the world, and amply justify its ciaim of beitie actually 'The Land t.f Waterfalls.' " "A part of the age-old streams and forests of Transylvania county have been set aside as a playground for {he whole nation to enjoy in Pisgah National Forest. Approximately sev enty-five thousand acres across the northern part of the county have been included in its boundaries. Roads have been built and trails op ened across it. Gamps have been laid out, swrnvnmsf holes cleared in the rivers and every effort made to make it into an ideal outdoor resort. Hun dreds of camping parties visit it now annually. As its unusually wide va rieties of floral and scenic beauties become better known this already de veloped attraction will become in creasingly popular, Sporisnuin's Paradise "The forest is a fish and game pre serve. The streams have been stocked with trout and the game allowed to increase until it has become a verit able fisherman's and hunter's para dise. Each summer the streams are opened for a few weeks to fishermen and thousands visit them. This month for the first time in eighteen years the preserve has been opened to hunters. The deer have become so numerous that it was thought best to thin them out to prevent the pos sible contraction and spread of dis ease among the large herds. A boun dary of approximately fourteen thou-' sand acres with an estimated deer population of twelve to fourteen hun dred has been set aside for the hunt ers. This whole area lies with ' Transylvania county. On it four hun- 1 dred hunters will be allowed to try and kill one deer apiece. "The game from the National For- ' est overtiowes into the adjoining lands in Transylvania county. These lands have been bought up by individuals and now constitute some of the finest ganse preserves in the country. Pri- ; vately owned streams are also Kfeing, stocked with fish. Each year an in- , creaalfcKly large number of sportsmen ; from adjoining and distant states are 1 coming to the county to take nart <n the bag- hunts and to fish ita hun dreds of mMes of trout streams. County's Development "The rivers and creeks and streams of Transylvania county have influ enced to a very large extent the whole development of the county. It was on their banks that the first settlors erected their homes and then cleared l and farmed the adjoining fertile val- i j leys, and built mills at the foot of I the falls to grind the corn they had raised. It was in these same valleys that the majority of the population still lived when the county was or ganised in 1861, and now lives. "These broad valleys are today the home of the county's main industry ? farming. They contain some of the most fertile and productive farm lands to be found in all of Western North Carolina. Soma of these lands have been cultivated for over a hun dred yeprs, but still retain an almost unbelievable fertility. Yields of 75 bushtls of corn, two hundred bushels of potatoes and ?0 bushels cf rye are common. Abundant rainfall makes the growing of truck crops easy and profitable. With the attainment of the objectives of the five-ten year farm program which has been heart ily endorsed and undertaken by the farmers of the county these valuable farm lands will become still more productive and an even greater asset than they are now. Brevard County Seat '?Brevard, the county seat, is built on a knoll overlooking the French Broad and its valley. It is a pretty little town with an all-year popu lation of nearly 2500 which is doubled and tfipled with the arrival of the summer tourists. It is noted for its well paved streets and its excellent water supply which averages more fhan 99 per cent pure the year round. Farther up the French Broad is Ros man, the only other incorporated 1 town in the county. Both towns have 1 modern graded schools and splendid ' consolidated high schools. Good, live 1 churches are located at both places. | At Brevard is also located the Bre ' vard Institute which is owned by the board of missions of the Methodist [ Episcopal church, South. ?'With the building of roads and [ the completion of the first railroad J to Brevard in 1895 began the develop I ment of industry in the county. Log ging roads were built back into the j mountains, tapping the vast forests p growing on the watersheds of the ; livers and streams. Band saw milk | were built. Extract plants and tan^ . neries were erected, helping still fur ther to develop these enormous tim . ber resources of the county. Othei . industries followed. We confident!} j" look forward to the development oJ , still others. Labor is plentiful , cheat . and intelligent. The level valleys with r access to an inexhaustible supply oJ f clear, chemically pure water furnish j unexcelled sites for factories. Abund' ant waterpower awaits developjnen' '? in our rivers and streams. Summer Camps Abound [ "Organized campers have found th< { streams and mountains of Transyl' . vania county an ideal sotting for then t camps. So many summer pamps have ( been established in the county thai t it is now the recognized center of or . ganized camping in the South. There [ are thirteen splendidly equipped , camps in the county ? six for boys [ and seven for girls. With the return , of better times n great many more will be established on the many excellent sites available. These summer camps measure up to the highest standards of camping in equipment, sanitation, health and personnel. They have meant a great deal to the county in the past few years, bringing as they do a host of fine young boys and girls to the camps, and their parents and relatives and friends to our hotels and boarding houses. These visitors constitute one of our most desirable classes of tourist? and con tribute largely to the social and cul tuial life of the county. ;'But long before the industrial de velopment of the county ov the building of the first organized camp this section had become noted as a tourist and health resort. Even be fore the formation of the count v in 1861 tourists and health seekers had been coming here to enjoy the glorious beauty of our mountains and forests and streams. For more than three-quarters of a century they kave been building their summer homes on the banks of our rivers and in our mountain coves and among the crags and peaks of the mountains themselves. Clear pure water and a healthful, invigorating climate have restored health and added joy to liv ing. Year after year a larger num ber of vacationists and health seek ers and home seekers have come to this land of waterfalls to climb its mountains, hike over its trails, swim and fish in its rivers and streams and its unequalled scenery and cli mate. They have returned home re ' freshed and restored in health and spirits. Many have found the coun ty such an agreeable place to live that they have returned and become permanent residents. Excellent Highways "An enlarged, much improved net work of excellent highways is making j these attractions and resources of i Transylvania County available as never before in its history. One of the most scenic highways North Car olina ? No. 28 ? crosses the county westward, up the valley of the French Broad and through the beautiful Lake Toxaway and Sapphire sections ana on down the famous Cullasaja Gorge in Macon county with its magnifi cent scenery. From Greenville and the southeast comes Highway 284, passing Ceasar's Head and Cedar mountain before reaching Brevard. Just north of Brevard it enters Pis gah National Forest and runs up Davidson river to the Pink Beds and on down to Waynesville and' then into the Great Smokies, making the shortest route by more than forty miles from the southeast to this won derful new playground. Number 283 from Pickens and the Southwest con nects with Highway 28 at Rosman. Highway 280 from Brevard to Ashe ville through the Boyleaton ant! Mills River sections has been completed and i surfaced within the past year. Turn- J ing north from NvrrtVcr 2S at Lake FUTURE FARMERS TO STAGE FATHER AND SON BANQUET HERE (?Continued front Pago One) direction of Miss Virginia Wilcox, instructor. Each speaker, taking some particu lar phase of the work. The first of these talks will be given by Clyde McCrary, who will tell of the organi zation and progress of the boys' Pig Club. Merrimarf Shuford will tell of the introduction of Scricia Lespe deza into the county and the prog ress that has been made and what is planned for the future of this crop. The educational tour recently made by the boys will be related by David A'hworth, Earl Ashworth and Charles Dickson. Interest was keen among the lads during this tour and they claimed to have derived a great deal of benefit from it, so thi3 snculd be a most interesting discussion. Cover crops v/ill be discussed by Louis Meece. He will tell of the work the boys have done along this line and tho results that have been obtained and their plans for the immediate future. A brief study of the Capon industry will be the subject of a talk "by Hayes Merrill. Roy Frady will tell of the part the Future Fanners played in staging the Sylvan Valley fair. The results of their study of cooperative buying of feeds will form the basis of a talk by Jones Glazen?r. David Woodfin, treasurer, will give a general outline of the variety end . scope of the work that has been ac cor ->i'cViod during the year. Initiations of the Sophomores will be confined to the presentation of their class buttons, lack of time pre venting a complete initiation at this meeting. There will be a number of invited guests. Toxaway Highway 281 crosses the Gloucester section to Sylva. ""Take one of these highways and 1 come up to Transylvania county ii you are seeking a good place tc spend your vacation, or to restore your 1 health or to live. There you wili find 1 the purest of water, an invigorating ! healthful climate, marvelous moun ' tain views and countless beautiful " waterfalls. We invite you to come ' Whether you come on your vacatior ? or to live we believe you will enjoj your stay in Transylvania County 'The Land of Waterfalls'." j s HOLIDAYS TO BEGIN ON | THE 20TH OF DECEMBER _ ; All schools of the county will clost " on Wednesday December 21st for th< j Christmas holidays and will be re I opened Jan. 2, according to announce ! ment made by Prof. J. B. J ones, city i county superintendent of education. MffiffMBT seen mm IK fiMHCTURE (Continue One) have a knov^d entire sec- ' lion. Then brought down to include 1 Forest area, then come t-jng; of the ac tual section he hunt is be ing staged. Then, begi the arrival of the hunters, trance to the forest, everythe event will bo 3hown; attention has been given t?ig 0f the rules of the gove. applied to the hunters, l^re seen being placed in < the hunter's headgear, w, and the fast ening of the or cape, about the shoulde^unter, thus to make them iguished, there by reducingjUity of an ac cidental 8h$e hunters, in stead of th1 From the Uncle Sam's cameraman jj- has followed the hunters>rest. Pictures of each new^eene are made, and the ej^niera sweeps across the above it, and places on that matchless beauty of -,ing waterfalls that are sc jn the forest. The picture the deer, some times manyrushing across open places ety in the rug ged cliffs \own to them. But one d?> sudden leap into the air forward, and falls, and > W01 be seen hurriedly ay approaching his "kilI."congratulations from otherjher to look it over, the &ced upon the shoulders <ce3?ful hunter, who proud'jis way to the truck that left at an ad vantageous i Evening.' the sun begins to sink btwestern tip of ; Pisgah Mohe hunters as semble at f place, the pic ; tnre will sthere the man who has :?? is divested of ; his insignijjd hat band is ' removed, ttr is taken from his shouldcdone. He can not again orest as a hunt " er, underniment's ruling r may kill V. I Those tc make their kill ' may go lay. Rut what is j it they ary? Forestry of | ficials are the guns of the hunters. 1 may keep thei: 1 guns thrc' night, but no) . one of tbje discharged ii ? a thousanould play aboul : the camp The guns art - "locked," Uncle Sam locks - somethingjd. Next morn ? ing, when:r(5 assemble foi their sporate "unlock" the WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN I TEMPERANCE UiON ! TO CONTINUE FIGHT! (Continued from Page One) forcemeat with adequate punishment in fines and imprisonment for deliber ate violations of the law. A study of the benefits of prohibi tions as revealed by local, state and federal departments dealing with child welfare, poverty and crime. A study of the plans of distillers wine producers and brewers of other countries to promote sales here in the event of repeal or modification. A publicity campaign which will tell the truth about the effects of al cohol, show the real character of the liquor traffic before prohibition, an swer the half truths and misrepre sentations of the press, and promote observance and enforcement of the prohibition law and every other law. Nations of the world are watching us ? will the United States go back? The W. C. T. U. answers no, and ev ery members says, "The line shall not break where I stand." guns of tha hunters, srnd it is anoth er day, and each man is confident that he will carry upon his shoulders that evening the biggest, the wildest, the finest deer ever shot by mortal man. The picture will show all the camp scenes? men lounging about the cati-P fire, telling tales of other hunts and other kills, or explaining, if they can, how they missed a shot that day that others are taying a ten -year -old mountain lad should have made. Plans are being made to rent one of the films when the picture has been completed for showing in the Ciernson theatre and in other theatres in Wes tern North Carolina. It will be shown in many colleges and universities, and the four hundred men who have been awarded the coveted privilege of be ing one of the "lucky" hunters will nee to it that the picture is shown in their respective cities and. town.-.. The motion pictures are being made with the very best equipment for mo tion picture work. Tlw outfit was brought here on a truck that is espe 1 dally designed for the work. Mr Harry S. McClure is director, and Mr. C. A. Carello is cameraman. ' ! CHRISTMAS CARDS , And HOLIDAY STATIONERY I want all my friends and formei ' patrons to Itnow that I have a fuli . line of Christmas Cards and Holidaj . Stationery and Gift Wrapping Pack ; ages. P'.ain and engraved. Your or . ders will be most carefully executed. ; Of course, the sooner the order if . placed, the better service can he giv ' en. Mrs. A. B. Owen, Phone 216, or . see me at the law officers of Pai , Kimzey, over Long Drug comoany S29tf GAMNG RECXUTS {Conttnv&d from, fxss/t one) one thing- can etop the state if it gm into 6 buddle in January and e ee? its revenues eras* receding. The wets can break down their own al most impregnable position and they are rapidly doing it The movement in Charlotte to organize ? soirt of Reynolds party, a Hriaor clique, wiil be all that will be- necked. The ?eu tlemen back cf this rsovemsnt oa? not put it over, nobody e^o. ~J But that's only one Bbing. Tfc? ? weta.Jhave run wild. Th#^ are drink ing riotiouaiy in public, at football games, ever/ where. Thoy hnv? be come brazen. Th<>y have disclosed that their opposition to profc'.bitioa is not the principle of it, net the un American nature of it, but they ?.r& opposed to the control of Honor. a hey are fortifying the bitterender* ; amcng the drys. The nevrs comet to Raleigh from ail sides that drink ing has greatly increased since the election, that automobile driving is becoming more hazardous on account of the drunks who drive them, and that speedy reaction follows the spectacle or these unblushing booz- _ era. 1 Little more of it and :he pro posed legislation will fall fiat, for there isn't anything in zhn booze proposals out of which martyrs aro made. There will be a beer and wine and revenue booze bill offered at the I93S session, but it wfl} be over whelmingly beaten if the reasons for it are mafle so coger.t as ths ooozera are now making them The licker photagonlsts havo greatly overdone their cause. PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION How Doctors Treat i Colefe and Coughs To Jreak up a cold oversight and r> ; Ueve the coascstioa that : vArt yo? cough, thousands cf pbysiciar.3 noiy 1 recomnjciiiling Oalotabt, the i.uusesieaa calomel compound tablets thai five yea the effects of calomel end eahs without the unpleasant cffects of cither. One or two Oalotabs at i/edt;?ne with a glass of scpet milk o? water. Next isora* wg voi?r cold baa vanished; your system > | is tfcoronghly purified and joc are feeling fine with a hear:? appetite fer breakfast. Eat what you wi>b, ? bo danger. Calotabs are sold in 2.0c and 35c pacK? Dg-js at drug stores. (Adr? ? ? ? M? i NEW FALL SUITS One group of men's and young men's New Fall "Suits, newest models in Worsted and Serges ? formerly sold to $16.50 ? all woo! ? Victory price $6.85 EXTRA SPECIAL OXFORDS Girl's Sport Oxfords, Ladies' Kid Leather Slippers, Straps a;id Ties 87' SWEATERS Ladies' zephyr all - wool fine sweaters, coat style, Victory Price $1.69 cqatting ort Size Tnte ,-SOES One bifiies* and chil dren's ? as lone as they h .? ERS Childrcters, Button | and QOi TER3 Childr?ool Slip - over sweate* Men's Heavy UNION SUITS 37c LADIES GALOSHES One big lot of Ladies Galoshes, button and buckle, robber and cloth, while they last w LEATHER BOOTS Men's 1G in. Solid Leather Boots $1.98 MEN'S UNION SUITS Men's {8 lb. Swiss ribbed Der by imit, wool mixed Union scita. Formerly sold $1.98 93' ws BLANKETS Beacon Wool Mixed Bed size Blankets Ex Double 87s WORK SHOES Men's Solid Leather, inner sole, Work Shoes, reinforced bottoms $138 MEN'S PAJAMAS # Men's outing pajamas* ?syrxi heavy grade, Victory Price, rPr. 89c NUMEROUS OTHER ITEMS ON SALE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT SILK SLIPS Lafiies'Pure Silk Slip?. Pastel shades, were $. $i

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