PAGE FOUR THE FRANKLIN PRESS Tlie Franklin Press PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY S. A. HARRIS....:.... Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Subscriptions Payabla in Advance) One Year.... , $1.50 Eigth Months 1.00 Six Months - .75 Three Months..- . .40 Single Copies..- 5c ADVERTISING RATES. Very reasonable, and will be made known upon request. , i We charge 5 cents a line for Cards f Thanks', , Resolutions of Respect and for notices of entertainments where admission is charged.; i , . ' i Entered at the pott-office at Franklin, N. C, for transmission through the mails as second- matter. Foreign Advertising Representative THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION How About It? Men who make boon companions of bootleggers are not worthy of con fidence. A car was stolen off the street the ctr.T nigiit. About the next thing i,c ms.y look for is a bank robbery. Say what you please, Russia', has it good points. For instance, it has no bootleggers trying to uplift :ne morals of the country. . It is going" to be pretty difficult for any set of . map makers to keep secret th existence of a concrete road from Franklin 'to Sylva. This road is now under construction land will be finished within a year or less time. Year, verily ! Its goins to be hard to keep it 2 secret. Macon's Shame 7 he "good name of Macon. County has been disgraced. child has been placed in jail. - We have always been lead to be lieve that a jail is a place where hardened criminals are confined, but we must have been dreaming all these years. In the good year of our Lord 1925 wc have learned that a jail that deep, dark dungeon of despair is a place where a child must be confined, thrown pellmelj behind the bars where men are serving sentence or awaiting trial. Regardless of the laws of North Carolina which state that no child under 16 years of age shall be placed in jail, regardless of a child's piteous -cries to his father for help, the strong arm of the Sheriff's force reached forth some days ago and seized little Carl Kimzey, 13 years of age, and placed him behind the bars of Macon County's jail. The child was charged with cutting a neighbor's wire fence and for this the strong arm of the law, illegally exercised, must place him behind the bars, must brand this bright eyed, in telligent youth as a jail bird for so long as life shall last. The plea of the child's brother that the lad be not placed in jail availed nothing. Many offenses are committed in the name of the law, but this is the most shame ful that has eve come to our notice. The great state of North Carolina in its welfare laws has trown about the youth of the state every safeguard that human ingenuity can device. The one and only purpose of these laws as they apply to children is to make good citizens rather than criminals of those who are inclined ot be way ward. When we. abuse the youth of the state we jeopardize the state's future. We might well apply the words of Longfejlow to a child of North Carolina "Our hearts, our hopes, our prayers, our tears, , Our faith triumphant o'er our fears. Are all with thee are all "with thee. The child who was jailed may not have been the best boy in the world, though the evidence" showed that he has been a dutiful son to his aged father His good mother passed to her reward fouj years ago. During these long and lonely years the boy has missed the guiding hand of Moth re. Just at the age when a mohter's love is most necessary he was de prived of the privilege of kneeling at mother's knee and repeating his nightly prayer Now I lay me down to sleep, ' I pray the.' Lord, my soul to keep. Living at a home with his aged and feeble father, a sister a year older thai the boy, and tw.o. grown brothers who were away from home most of the time making A Hying for the fami ly, the child who was jailed never had a fair chance in life. The laws of North Carolina were designed espec ially to protect and guard children similarly situated. Yet here in Macon the law is tramped under foot and a child's life blighted. ; Under his sus pended sentence the boy must go to school every day and what , will bej his reception? Thoughtless playmates -will jeer and ridicule. The life of this unfortunate lad spreads put be fore him as a long and dreary jour ney. A youth that ,the state has done everything under the sun to protect has been robbed of his birthright by officers of the law. Every honest cit izen of the county will hang his head in shame that the honor of the county has been so shamelessly betrayed. It is only fair to Juvenile Judge F. I. Murry to state that had he been in the county he would not have permit ted the disgraceful action of putting a child in iail. Before this little fel low who was illegally behind the bars could be released, he must furnish a bond of $200.00. Even after the bond was signed he was kept in jail, accordj ing to the statement of his brother, for something Hike an hour. And why? Forsooth, the prisoners were eating their dinner and could not be disturbed. As soon as the bond was handed Judge Murray he promptly tore it to pieces and placed the child where he should have been "all along in charge of his father, , , Let us hope that-this unfortunate child has Strength' of character suffi cient to live down the stigma of hav; ing been in jail and will yet develop into a useful citizen. However, if the opposite'should prove true, the officers of the law must shoulder a considera ble portion of the blame. A manly jlittle fellow in JAIL! A poor, motherless' helpless, heart-bro ken child. The shame of it! The hame of it! . There are many parents in Macon County with children about the age of the child who was jailed. These parents have no assurance that some BRAVE and ruthless minion of the, law will not again violate the law and jail a child. . ' Statement of Ownership, Management, Etc. Required by the Act of Congress of August 24, 1912. Of THE FRANKLIN PRESS, pub lished Weekly, at Franklin, N C, for October 1st, 1925. State of North Carolina, County of Macon. Before me, a Notary Public, ini and for the State and County aforesaid, personally appeared S." A. Harris who having been duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that he is the Editor of the Franklin Press, and that the following Is, to the best of his knowledge ajid belief, a true statement of the ownership, man agement, etc., of the aforesaid publi cation for the date shown in the above caption, required by the Act of August 24; 1912, embodied in sec tion 443, Postal' Laws and Regula tions, to-wit: . 1. That the names aM addresses of the publisher, editor, managing editor, and business managers are: Publisher S. A. Harris, Franklin, N.c ; , , Editor S. A, Harris, Franklin, N. d Managing Editor S. A. , Harris, Franklin, N. C. . ' Business Manager S. A. Hams, Franklin, N. C. , - '2. That the owners are: Corpora tion composed of the following stock holders: DrS. H. Lyle, J. B. Lyle and W.'I.-Higdon, all of Franklin, N. C. ; H. D. Dean, of Etna, N. C. 3. That the known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security hold ers owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities, , are -None. S. A. HARRIS. . Sworn- to and subscribed before me this 1st day of October, 1925. V ; LEE CRAWFORD, Notary Public. (My commission expires March 15th, 1926.) .... .' V- Administrator's Notice Having qualified as administrator of Calvin G. Shepherd, deceased, late of Macon county, N. C., this is to notify all persons having'claims against the estate of said, .deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 26tah day of September, 1926, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said, estate will please make immedi ate settlement. ' This 26th day of September,' 1925. ' T:G. SHEPHERD, p023 Administrator. Notice of Sale Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by R. R. Hicks, to the undersigned trustee, dated June 21, 1923, and duly recorded in book 27, page 359, of the records of mortgages and deeds of trust for Macon County, default having been made in th pay ment of the debt thereby secured and the holder of the notes having de manded upon the trustee that he ex ercise the power 'contained therein and sell the property for the payment of the said debt, I will, therefore, on Saturday, the 31st day of October 192S, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the court house door of Macon County, Frank lin, N.'C, expose for sale to the high est bidder for cash, the following described property.- situate, lying and being in Macon County, North Caro lina, adjoining the lands -of Hurst, Holbrooke, Sheparo and others, and bounded and more particularly de scribed as follows: . Being all the same lands as was conveyed by the Co wee Mountain School Inc., to Conrad E. Cruse, by deed dated November 7, 1921, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Macon County, N. C, in book H-b page 50, to which reference is hereby made for a more full and complete description of the said lands; also being the same land as was conveyed by Conrad E. Cruze and wire, tp W, C. Cunningham, by deed dated No vember 18, 1921, and recorded in the office of the Register of. Deeds for Macon County. N. C, in book C-4 page 454'; and being the same lands conveyed by W. C. Cunningham and wife to May K. Bonesteel, by deed dated December 22, 1921, and record ed in the office of the Register of Deeds for Macon County, N. C, in book H-4, page 88, to which reference is hereby made. Being the same land as conveyed to Lillie A. Kelly by Henry G. Robertson, trustee, by deed dated June 12, .1923, and recorded ih book J -4, page 139, of the records 'of deeds for Macon County. This the 26th day of September, 1925. GUY WEAVER, 5t-O30 , Trustee. R. D. SISK, Attorney. ; Notice of Sale Under aiu by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by S. E. Sentell to the undersierned trustee, dated November 22, 1922, recorded in book 27, pag 183, of the records of mortgages and deeds of trust for Macon County, de fault having been made in the pay ment of the debt thereby secured, and the holder of the note having demand upon the undersigened trustee that he exercise the power contained in said deed of trust and sell the property described in said deed of trust, I will, thrcfore, on Saturday the 31st day of October, 1925, at 12 o clock, noon, at the court house door of Macon Coun ty, Franklin, N. C, expose for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing descirbed land, situate, lying and being in. "Macon County, North Carolina, bounded and more particu larly described as follows: . FIRST TRACT: Adjoining ' the lands cf Hans Rees' Sons, Silas Green, W. R. Clover and others, and Beginn ing at a stake 50 poles North 20 West from the beginning corner of this grant, being State Grant No. 16078 and runs thence North 20 West, 86 poles to a stake in a line, No. 2219; thence with said line, South 45 West. 12 poles to the Southeast corner of said No.; thence North 45 West 100 poles to a stake ; thence North 45 East 100. poles to a Snanish Oak, the be ginning corner of said No. 2219; thence South 45 East, 100 poles to a stake; thence South 45 West, 106 poles to a stake; thence East, 70 poles to a small Spanish Oak in the line of No. 2347; thence with its line, North 20 West, 39 poles to a stake and pointers; thence East, 36 poles to a stake in the County line; thence with the same, North 17.West, 100 poles to a stake; thence North 11 West, 100 poles to a stake; thence North 40 West, 20 poles to the corner of the Hans Rees' Sons land; thence with the line of the same South 36 West 334 pole? to a stake m Silas Green's line; thence with Green's line, to an old corner, of Green & Clover land ; thence East with Clover's land, to the beginning; being the, same land, as described in a deed from S. I. Hill and wife, to J. R. Hare and wife, dated May 30th, 1917, recorded in book A4, at page 199, of the records of deeds 'for MaconCounty. (The secOnd tract described in the above mentioned ' deed of trust,, hav ing heretofore been sold under fore closure under a prior lien). This the 26th day of September', 1925. C. H. HUGHES, 5t-O30 . Trustee. R. D. SISK, Attorney. NOTICE Office of Deputy Prohibition Ad ministrator,. Charlotte, N'.C, Septem ber 25, 1925. The following described property seized by Federal- Agent Branton from Unknown Parties, for violation of the" National Prohibition Act, will be sold at public ai'tion in. front of the Court House at Franklin, N. C. at 1.00 noon, Saturday, Octo ber 17, 1925, unless claimant appears for same : I 'Ford roadster, Motor No. 12184472, 1925 Model. : 2t-OV J. L. OSTEEN, Dcpmy Prohibition Administrator. Notice of Sale North Carolina, Macon County. ' In the Superior Court. Before the CWtk. ' Lelah Wilbanks Seay vs. Sallie Brown, et als By virtue of a decree of the Super ior Court of Macon County, N. C, made in the above entitled action, ap pointing the undersigned a commis sioner to sell the lands described in the petition in said case, I will on Monday the 5th , day of October, 1925, the same, being the first Monday in said month, sell at public auction, at the court house door in the town of Franklin, and between the legal hours of sale, the following described lands : Lying and being in the County of Ma con and State of North Carolina, and on i he waters of Cartoogechayb Creek, beginning at a hickory on a ridge, southern corner of No. 40, in District No. 15 and runs south 25 east 36 poles to a beach on the south side of Poplar Cove road, ' tnen'ce with said road to the northeast line of No. 50, thence south 45 east to the east corner o! No. 5350. thence southwest 45 west 160 poles to the south corner of said Entry No. 5350, thence nqrth 45 west 155 poles to the beginning corner of No. . 50, thence north 45 east 80 poles to the beginning. Tenns of sale one Third down, bal ance in six, twelve and eighteen months, notes to bear interest at six per cent per annum from confirma tion of sic. Notes secured satisfac tory to commissioner, i This September 1st, 1925. ' . R. D. SISK, 4t-02 ". . Commissioner. Notice of Summons North Carolina, Macon County. Superior . Court. Ida McConnell vs. ' ' John C. McConnell The defendant, John C. McConnell, above-named will tske notice that the plaintiff,' Ida McConnell, has. com menced an action as above entitled against said defendant for divorce from bed and board, for causes set forth in the statute and in the com plaint filed in this office ; The said de fendant will further take notice that a summons in said action has been issued requiring the defendant to ap pear at the office of the undersigned within 2Q days from return day of the summons which is on the 17th day of October, 1925. and answer or demur to the said complaint or the relief therein demanded will be grant ed. . . ' This the 16th day of September, 1925. FRANK I. MURRAY. HGR-4t-09 Clerk Superior Court. Administratrix Notice Having qualified as administratrix of William F. Potts, deceased, !ate of Macon county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against' the estate of $aid deceased to sxhibit them to the undersigned on or U! ere the 3rd day of September, 1926, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said esstatc will please malw imme diate settlement. This ?rd day of September, 19- v MAUDE POTTS, p02 ' Adniinistr;itrij. Entr Notice y No. 14971 f 25 Acres J State of North Carolina, Macon Co. W. B, Lenoir enters 25 acres of land on the waters of Cartoogechaye creek adjoining State Grant 3065,, the lands of . John L. Gibson and others and runs so as to,incloude all want, lands. I hereby certify that the above is a true transcript from the Entry Book on file in my office. v p02 ALEX MOORE, E. T. EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualified as executrix of John C. Wright, deceased, late of Ma con county, N .C, this is to' notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased tp ' exhibit th?m to the undersigned on or before the 16th day of September, 1926, or this notice wjll be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This 16th day of September, 1925. ' PEARL J. WRIGHT, 09 ' .Executrix. Deputy Sheriff Jim. Palmer was out of town, one "day this week on business. Notice of Summons and Warrant of Attachment North Carolina, Macon County. In the Superior Court. .', J. B. Colt Company vs. Mrs. Olive T. Jones The defendant above nanied, Mrs. Olive T. Jones, will take notice that a summons in the above entitled case was issued in favor of the plaintiff, J. B. Colt Company, against the said defendant, Mrs. Olive T. Jones, on the 9th day of September, 1925, by Frank I. Murray, Clerk of the'Super io'r Court of Macon County, North Carolina, in the action- above entitled, which summons is returnable before said Frank I. Murray, Clerk of the Superior Court of Macon County, North Carolina, at his' office; in scid County and State, on the 9th day of October, 1925; that the purpose of said action is .o recover the sum. of Two Hundred and Ninety Five and 75-100 Dollars ($295.75), with interest thereon from the 17th day of Septem ber, 1922, balance due by the defend ant to the plaintiff on the purchase money for a certain carbide genera tor and accessories, sold and delivered by the plaintiff to the defendant. ; The said defendant, Mrs. Olive T. Jones, will also take notice that a war-rant of Attachment wa$ also is sued by the said Cerk of the Superior Court of Macon1 County North Caro lina, on the 9th" day of September, 1925, against the property of said de fendant, which Warrant of Attach ment is returnable before the said Clerk of the' Superior Court of Macon County, North Carolina, at the time and-place above mentioned for the re-: turn of the Summons, when and where the defendant, Mrs. Olive T. Jones, is required to appear and an-, swer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff, or the relief , demanded will be granted. - ' 5 . This the 9th day of September, 1925. " FRANK I. MURRAY, Clerk of the Superior Court of Ma Con County, North. Carolina. 4t-02 Notice of Sale of Land' NortJi Carolina, Macon County. . In the Superior Court. Before the Clerk. 1 , i Ruth Green, Sarah Ashe and husband, Luster Ashe, Mary West and hus band, D. A. West, A. F.' Green, D. N. Green, Ed Green, Jeff Green and Jess Green, vs. Margaret Holt and husband, G. W. Holt, Minnie Talley and husband,. Harrison Talley, Leasie Ramey and husband, John Ramey, May Green, James Green, Ralph Green, Margie Green, George Patton, Guardian ad litem for May, James, Ralph and Margie Green. Under and by virtue of a judgment entered in the above' entitled pro ceeding by the Superior Court, ap pointing the undersigned commis sioners of the court and directing them to sell the lands hereinafter described, we will sell, on the 5th day of October, it being the 1st Monday in said month, at the coun house door, in the town of Franklin, N. C, be tween the legal hours of sale, 'on the followirg terms, to-wit : One third cash, balance in six and twelve months, with good security. Description of Land to be' Sold Lying and bejng on Tesenta Creek, in Smiths Bridge Township,' Macon County, North Carolina, and bounded as tr!!ows : Beginning on a Spanish oak, southwest corner of the NIchoi? survey r runs then east 90 poles to a stake, with the old line,; then south 20 west 180 poles to a stake; then west 90 pcles to a stake, crossing the Nichols branch, to 'a stake; then north 20 eist 180 poles to the begin ning, containing one hunerdd . (iiO) acres'.' ' . "., This land is being soldi fo - distri bution rmcng the heirs a law of A. J. Green. This land is locate! ":tar the Bettys Creek, Ceorgia se:t"on. i section cf the country wtych is now being visited by hundreds bf summer visitors, . and who are Iriva in" ir :an,l';: .' ,v' Ai y cr.e desiring a good investment be present en sale day. . This .be 3rd day of-September, 1J21). J. FRANK RAY, CbiuvK-sjoner" 4t-02 R. D.i SISK, Comn; Uner. TAXES I must' collect 1924 cirjjf taxes. Please pay at one,, and save Jcost. R, M. COfDCY, ' '"