FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1925 i THE FRANKLIN PRESS PACE SEVEIJ WANT ADS Sc per Line for Each Insertion No Want Ad taken for less tharf the price of five lines 25 cents. FARM TOOLS-The Press has Re ceived inpuiries fro used far mtools If you have any to sell send an ad to the Press. 5 cents per line," about 1 cent per word. ' . WANTED Good fat cattle, good sheep, also corn' fed hogs off the pole, 100 to 175 lbs. Spot cash paid. Essig Market. tf WHY NOT take a Standard 20 Pay Life, or 20 year Endowment Policy for the little boy or girl, or both ? Policies issued from ONE DAY of age to 65 years. See me, or send your age and age of child for full particu lars. W. B. Lenoir, Franklin, N. C. tf Personal Mention A photographer in Franklin could make good money. Mr. Dave Gordon has returned from a short vacation. Mr. J. W. Street, linotype operator of the Press, has sold his home on Bidwell street to Mr. T. W. Kiser. Mr. Gilmer Crawford is now a pop ular clerk in the store of Sloan Bros. & Co. . ' Mr. W. E. Allfather of Black Moun tain was a yisitor to Franklin Tuesday. It is understood that Mr. Parker Moor is thinking of making special ice deliveries. NURSES WANTED Pupil Nurses wanted for State Hospital at Mor ganton. $30.00 per month for begin ners, with increase for second and third year up to 40.00. Board, room (separate from Hospital wards), laun dry and uniform furnished. Oppor tunity for course in Nurses' Training School- for young women. Address. Monday on Superintendent, Dr. John McCamp-i Tuesday, bell, Mcrganton, N. C. 016 j - Mr. Chas, Mrs. C. F. Patton, of Weaverville is a guest of Mrs. Will Sellers for several days. . . Cartoogechaye is on the boom. Mr. Tom Slaule came to Fraftklin last Friday and had his hair "shingled." chased from Mr. Mincey a strio of land on the highway near where the lake road leaves the Dill.sboro road. This land was sold to Mr. Mincey some time ago. The. Parent-Teachers association will meet Friday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock at the school house. All mem bers are urged to be present and to bring others. Mrs. JohnVTrotter has been ill at a local hospital for the past ten days. At. last reports she was gradually im proving. Her relatives and many friends hope to see Mrs. Trotter en joying her usual good health within a short time. Mr. J. V. Smith, of Stiles, came bulging into the Press office last Saturday and plunked down the coin for renewal. Mr. Smith's subscription had just expired and he was anxious to get his name on the mailing list again. Mr. E. S. Hunnicutt went to Atlanta business and returned Attorney G. A. Jons is building himself and family an eight-room residence on the Georgia road oppo site Mr. Norman Barnard's. The tract on which the house is being built consists of seven acres and affords a beautiful view of both the Cowees and Nantahalas. ... ,-, FREE 5 Tube Radio Set FREE Send self-addressed, stamped envelope for full particulars regarding thU OFFER. RADIOTEX CO. 296 Broadway New York, N. Y. Essig Market H. O. ESSIG, Prop. Fresh Meats of All Kinds Fine Home Made Sausage Everything kept in a first class market. Phone 42 N.OTICE OF SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES Morgan and Mr. Fred WANTED REAL ESTATE North ' Blane are -enjoying the ocean breezes Carolina Farms and Cheap Acerage-at Miami. Wanted If you haw a bargain in a farm or acerage and y u are willing Mr. Chas. Potts of Smoky, Tenn., to give us an option for year, we will son of Mr. Jim Potts, is at a local spend money for advertising in dis- hospital for the purpose of having an tant states concentrate our efforts opperation performed. to move it. . But we must have the ; time and wish to concentrate on those Miss Mary Allman is having a that are bargains and move them for handsome addition made to her resi those who want to sell. J. H. Stock- dence on the Georgia road near the ton Realty Co., Franklin, N. C. tf city limits. WANTED Split ,-Hickory Auto Spokes. I will pay the following prices for split hickory spokes made from good sound hickory timber, free from all defects, split to specifications given bclow.t. Make all spokes full to size and length. 2Xx?. 23inches long $40.00 per 1000 2-x3 12 inches long $20.00 per 1000 23 inches long $20.00-per 1000 1x25-12 ,'nches long $10.00 per 1000 I will pay the above prices for Spokes F: O. B. Franklin, Prentiss, Otto, Dil lard, Clayton. W. B. McGuire. tf That big Rexajl Tablet S216 con tains one hundred sheets and its a hummer for just five cents. At Smith's Drug Store. ' Mr. L. P. Cross, editor of the Clay ton Tribune, Mrs. Cross and Misses Gertie Dawkins and Myrtice Smith, all of Clayton, were in Franklin last Monday. Mr. Cross reports that work on the Atlanta-Franklin-Asheville highway below Clayton is progress ing nicely. About the 10th of October Mr. E. S. Hunnicutt and family will move to their residence in East Franklin re cently purchased from Prof. V. H. Crawford, WANTED Listings of Franklin property to sell in Florida. Address replies to Box. 337. s 016 FOR SALE 1921 Model Ford touring car. Bargain. Inquire at Press office. tf FOUND In a store of; Franklin two pair stockings wrapped up. Owner can get same at Press office by dis cretion and payment for this ad. FOR RENT Furnished apartment to small family no children. In quire Trimont Inn. 02 Mr. G. W. Mann of Winston-Salem is here for a few days, his visit being occasioned by the death of his father, Mr. W. H. Mann. Mr. J. P. Jarrett of Raleigh is visit ing his daughter, Mrs. W. C. Cun ningham. Mr, Jarrett is well ac quainted1 with the mountainous sec tion of the state and is thinking of locating permanently in Franklin. Franklin would be more than delight ed to have Mr. Jarrett as a citizen. Today's Outstanding Value For the Investor 200 ACRES, ten miles from Franklin, . a short distance off the FRANKLIN ATLANTA CONCRETE HIGHWAY, A NICE new 10-room house, modern in every particular, including CAR BIDE lights in every room, fine views, plenty of water and an ideal lake site. It is not believed this property can be duplicated TODAY under $50.00 per acre. For a short time ONLY, it is offered for $2750 per acre, on reason able terms. YOUR OPPORTUNITY Act. Exclusive Agent. 148 ACRES on the Franklin-Bryson City Highway, A BARGAIN. - Ex elusive Agent. 170 ACRES 7 miles from Franklin, the FRANKLIN-ATLANTA CON CRETE HIGHWAY going 'right through the place, 75 acres in cultiva tion and rich soil, 6 room house and good outbuildings, ideal for grains, grass or dairy. Offered for $15,000, convenient terms. Exclusive Agent. J. H. Stockton Realty Co. McCoy Building, Phone 41 A house belonging to a Mr. Conley on Cartoogechaye was burned Mon day night. It is understood, that Mr. Conley lost all his possessions. Mr. E. S. Hunnicutt, ever awakk to the interest of iuz county, has pur chased a hearse for use of the public. This hearse was used for the first time in carrying the remains of Mr. ! W. H. Mann from his home to the cemetery. Among the late arrivals from Flor ida art Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Goodson of 7 Miami. They expect to cn;ey Franklin for a week or more. Deputy Sheriff B. C. Munday is able to hi on he streets after 'eing wounded some days ago by an alleged whiskey runner. Mr. Guffey, from Proctor, who married the daughter of Mr., and Mrs. E. B. McCollum, was operated on at a local hospital recntly for appedicitis. Dr. Anel has bought from Mr. Jess Conley, local Dodge representa tive, a Dcdge ambulance for use in connection with the Angel hospital. Mr, W. J. Zachary's dog, Josio. took louvh prize at the North Geor gia Fox Huntters' Association meet recently held at Burton Lake. lhc Maxwell school has erected a new building two , stories in height. The lower story will be used as a dining room while the upper wilF be used as sleeping quarters. Mr. F. W. Connell states that Mr. Alvah Pearce who has been with the Franklin Lakes Development about a month has sold more than $15,000 worth of Lake Emory lots. , Mrs. J. C. Barrington of South Richmond, Va., is visiting her mother, Mrs. S. P. Penland on the Georgia road., Mrs. Barrington's. many friends in Macon county5 are always glad to greet her on her visits to her mother. Evidently Mr, Lee Barnard has bought a new dictiony. Such words as '"contamination," "degradation," etc. r.ow flow from his lips like water form a spigot. Mr. Gene Johnson and his brother. Lawrence, from Daytona are spending some time on Nickajack enjoying that beautiful section of the "county. Mr. Johnson, was here two weeks ago and liked the counlry so well that he came back for further investigation. The people of Macon always welcome the good folks of Florida. Dr. and Mrs. T. H. Fouts spent last week end with their son. Attorney ?over Fouts, at Burnsvillc. The docloi reports an enjoyable visit. Mr. Joe Moore is now a student at Mercer University at Macon.' Joe's many friends in Franklin are expect ing him to make a brilliant record ?t that i-niversity. Mr. E. S. Hunnicutt. has just .re turned from Atlanta where he at tended the Southern Undertakers as sociation. While in Atlanta he pur chased a Dodge hearse. The' first number of the Lyceum course begins October 12, at the court house with Joseph Loseff and assist ing artists in a program of music supreme. Under and vy virtue of the power conferred on the undesigned as tax coilector for the years mer.ltioned be low and by the tax list delivered to the undersigned by the County Com missioners of Macon County, T, Alex More, Tax Collector, will sell the lands hereinbelow described, for the unpaid taxes listed against said prop erty as is more fully set forth below, at the court house door in the town of Franklin, .Macon County, North Carolina, on the Sth day of October, 1925, to the highest bidder for cash : Ellijay Township . Natural Abrasive Co., tax and cost on ' 11 bO -acres, known as the Corun dum Hili pronertv on Sugarfork river, taxes 10H and 1924 $1087.00, cost to date 12.90, total amount tax and cort Highlands Township Mrs Henry Stuart, tax and -oA on 1 tov t lot $73.60. Nantahala Township T. H. Vood, tax and cost on 135 acres $118.71. J. S. Cochran heirs, tax and cost on 100 r.cres $29.40. Mrs. R. B. Garrison, tax and cost on 150 acres $38.36. Gramley heirs, tax and cost on 128 acres 244 84. E. G. Ferguson heirs, tax. and cost on 140 acres $50.93. Burningtown Township J. A. Brendle, tax and cost oh 55 acres $15.35. - This September 2, 1925. ALEX MOORE, St-02 Tax Collector. Don't Fail to Read er fll pill mil A Truck Grower MrSam Vanhook ot t'rentiss is a truck grower of no little renown. Re gardless of the present dry season Mr. Vanhook has produced cauliflower heads that will weigh more than n pDui.d each. With a suitable season these heads would have weighed sev eral nrunds euch. The Honeydcw cantaloupes are Mr. Vanhook's spec- ailtv. For some years now he has been making good- money with Hon eydew melons. This year Mr. Van hook made a nice little sum by grow ing string, beans. Yet most of the farmers in the county throw up their hands and say that the bean beetle will not permit the growing of beans. Mr. Vanhook also has a nice lot of grape vines which yield abundantly. G. B. Addington Here Mr. G. B. Addington of Miami who has' been here for a month visiting his brother, Mr. Jake Addington left to day for his Florida home. Mr. Ad dington is an old desident of Macon county and has been storing up energy in the mountains sufficient to last him uitil next summer when he ex pects to return" to Franklin. Mr Addington states that the native citizens of Florida have made con siderable money within the last two or three years and that they are now turning toward the mountains, of Western. North Carolina as the ideal place for summer homes. He expects to interest quikj a few of his friends around Miami in -Macon' county. 1 W. H. Mann ! Mr. ,W. H. Mann, a prominent and highly respected citizen of Prentiss, died at his home at 3:00 o'clock, Sep tember 30. The remains were buried at Union church Thursday, Rev Van B. Harrison officiating. . -''I The deceased leaves a wife, three daughters arid four sons; besides aj host of friends, to mourn his passing. ANONYMOUS THE MOST REMARKABLE " NOVEL OF THE 20th CENTURY Reality!' Adventure! Limited Offer Now Only $.oo Regular Price $2.00 UNANIMOUSLY ' ACCLAIMED AS A MASTERPIECE. NEVER WAS THE TRUTH DEPICTED IN A MORE FASCINATING MANNER. ' Publisher's Price $1.00 Direct Only Send Your Order TO-DAY USE THIS COUPON,- ' Acme Publishing Co., "" 765 Broadway, New York City Gentlemen : For the $1.00 enclosed please enter my order for one copy of "Prostitutes." before the special offer expires. . , Name .: : f . Address , .. . . . ' City and State , ................... G WRITE TO-DAY DON'T DELAY Ml $1000.00 REWARD To any one who will prove that anything stated jn this ad is misrepre sented or untrue. , - -'-'-- ILthtgjg YCUR OPPORTUNITY To purchase direct from the mantftactunr a fine quality suit made of pure wool valued at $50.00. Strictly hand-tailored to or worsted. Latest l Aft V V your measure, serge models. Single of double-breasted for OMt v Send No Money Write for our Special Offer, ct Fit and Satisfaction Guaranteed Per- LADIES' fflSHHEl GENTLEMEN'S (JIO00 VaIue Pate Si Ho,e FoT 0n,y 1 00 Six Pairs Ladies' light or heavy full fashioned pure SILK HOSE , valued at$10. for only $1.00 f " i! J 4 Guaranteed Perfect and Finesst Quality. Jj THE ALLIED SALES CO., 150 NASSAU ST, NEW YORK, N. Y Twelve Pair Men's light or heavy pure SILK HOSE valued at $10. for only $1.00 SEND NO MONEY Write us at once for ful! bargain offer to THE NICKEL SAVING STORE ! Trade at Clousc & Reece Brothers' Nickel Savins and C ash Store. - We pay cash and sell for cash aiid our buyer knows the game. These three reasons af c enough to save you the nickel. : j sure and see our Closing--Out Price on Shoes, At the Frank Williams Place. " ' U ; CLOUSE & REECE BROTHERS . 11 mmSSzazmL. m?m??.... . -. 11 ""' 1 "' -, 1 , " 1 11 ' . J A SORE CORE FOR TIRED FEET ft, The famous "NATURAL BRIDGE BUILT IN ARCH SUPPORT SHOE" does the trick. We have it, Ladies, both in strap and oxford. That COMBINATION LAST that you like so well. No, Not $10.00 but $4.75 to $5.75. SLAfi3 PHONE 85 WHERE QUALITY IS HIGHER THAN PRICE ZCC