Our Hearty Congratulations The Class of 1944 <4 Western Carolina Teacher's College - May You Aspire High ... And Achieve Success ! ! 1 f Whether we shall continue to have schools ? as well as other institutions that make Democracy possible? is one of the grave issues in the war in progress today. As long as the American flag continues to represent a soverign people, we can and will have graduating classes each year? youths trained for a useful place in society free of tyranny. Let's preserve our systems of schools unimpaired by supporting the war effort vigorously. Let's invest every penny we can in War Bonds. Graduation time ... a happy time for those completing their school course and for the parents who have |watched their progress through the years. . . . The pride in accomplishment of these young people through dilligent applica tion to study is not confined to relatives alone, for in their training they have acquired traits and attitudes that will make them more valuable citizens at a time of great strain and testing . . . We offer our sincere congratulations to these young people. The fact that they have completed the work assigned to them indicates clearly that they place the proper valuation upon adequate training for the manifold obligations and responsibilities of life, which are certain to be greatly increased and magnified in the post war world. To the creation of that world they and the host of other youths throughout the country will be privileged to contribute much under the guidance of some of the country's ablest and most patriotic men. Hooper's Drug Store The Sylva Pharmacy H. E. Butler Cullowhee, N. C. Stovall's tale "annarass L The Print Sh< The Sylva Herald HALES Wallace Tire and Recapping Co. The SanitaTy Market Buck's Soda Shop Cullowhee, N. C. The Leader Stovall's 5 and 10