CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING FOR QUICK RESULTS CARDBOARD in six colors, 22 by 26 inches, only 5 cents a sheet at The Herald Office. LEGAL BLANKS oi every descrip tion on sale at The Herald. FOR RENT ? STEAM HEATED ROOMS. WEEKLY RATES. SYL VA HOTEL. Oct 4-tf CHARM-KURL PERMANENT WAVE 59c Do your own permanent with?harm Kurl kit. , Easy to do, absolutely harmless. Requires no heat, elec tricity or machines. Safe for every type of hair. Praised by millons in cluding June Lang, glamorous movie -star. EAGLE STORES COMPANY Ncv 8 to Jan 10. WANTED ? Boxwood Prunings. Get my prices before you sell. O. V. ' Cagle, Greens Creek, N. C...^ Oct 1 8 tf WANTED TO BUY? Red or white hickory standing timber or cut and delivered to railroad. If you have standing timber for sale, write us^ how lpuch and where located. Contact agent for Piedmont Wagon Co. Route 2, Canton, N. C. Jan 10 17 LOST ? On Halloween night a pair of pink rimmed glasses in a blue case. Finder please return to Herald office. Specer Surgical and Dress Supports individually designed. Registered Corsetiere. Mrs. J. Milas Ward. Jan 10 117 FOR SALE? Goo