ft-- Th e Sylva H e r a L D ssass '\ 5) Always. a. ^ w c?/(?rw? Awori = * AND RURALITE? CONSOLIDATED JULY, 1943 . C ?OL. XIX NO. 35 SYLVA, N. C., Wednesday, January 17, 1945 $1.50 A Year In Jackson And Swain Counties ? 5c Copy GERMANS FALLING BACK BEFOREALUES v ^ A Veterans Are Now Receiving Prompt Aid From U. S. E. S. Ralegih, Jan. 15. ? Veterans of World War II are receiving immediate and ??nplete assistance from veterans' aaoployment representatives in the U. S. Employment Service of the War Manpower Commission as they are released from hospitals in the St ate and make ready to reenter ?ivilian life. During 11 months of 1944, excki mwe of January, 1,575 veteran appli cations for jobs were taken as the veterans were released from hospitals and 1,537 local placements in jctos were made by the local USES offices to which the released veterans were* directed. In "addition, 454 placement assists ? some but not all of the steps ' complete placements ? were made tofr the USES offices, while 2,778 other i veterans were interviewed but did not ' register for work dunng the 11 Months. - ? In the same 11 months, 1&239 veterans made preliminary appllca - ? Mans for jobs with the USES offices im the St.ate, and 13,358 completed applications. In that period 18,632 local referrals of veterans were made to jobs and 12,516 local placements were verified, while placement assist* were made in 2,270 other cases. Dr. J. S* Dorton, State manpower director, explains that since veterans are not. subject to the Employment Stabilization Program and may take }obe or change jobs as they like, local OSSS offices place some of them more than once. These veteran activities, tee explains, do not include agricul tural figures, and do not include veterans of all wars, but usually veter ans of World War II constitute about ?? percent of the total./ In December, 302 veterans com pleted applications for jobs and 181 placements on jobs were verified, ^fcber dispositions of veterans during December include 257 directed to the "Veterans Administration,- directed id State Voetftienal Rehabilitation of ficials, 54 directed to Selective Ser vice, 30 directed to training agencies, aad 154 directed to other agencies. Dr. Dorton announces that the pro gram of extending the-services of the V6ES to about 40 new points in the State by opening full-time branch attkces, primarily for veterans, is about complete, giving about 95 full tfcne points of contact, in addition to ? toe 90 or more itinerant points, visit ed on regular schedules by USES rep resentatives.. BISHOP BROTHERS MEET IN GERMANY - Mis. Neal Bishop of Sylva has re ceived word that two of her sons have set in Germany. It 19 the first time the two brothers had seen e?ch fltber in three years. The brothers are Pvt. Neal J. Bishop, who has been is service since Dec., 1942, and over ' seas since Dec., 1943, and Cpi. Daniel fOMr years and overseas since Jan., 1944. Pvt. Bishop is with the 9th Asmy and Cpl. Bishop is also with the Army in Gemany. Mrs. Bshop has two other sons in auifice. Sgt. Woody H. Bishop who fe missing in action and Sgt. W. H. Btabop, stationed in Salina, Kansas. T-Sgt. Howard N. Nations Home On Furlough T-Sgt Howard N. Nations, after flnM ling 32 months service in the African and Italian campaigns, has recently returned from Italy and is spending thirty days with his par ents, Mr. anl Mrs. Thomas Nations, of Barkers Creek. He served as a me titanic. Kr. and Mrs. Nations have three joJber sons serving in the U. S. Army. Major Oscar T. Nations, a veteran of seventeen years service is executive at Moore General Hospital. QpL John B. Nations also a mechanic turn been overseas since last March. Sgt Clifford Nations serving with a tank division has been in the Euro pean Thaatrp fior~four months. ANDREW W, COPE PASSES, 'BURIED AT ZION HILL i Andrew Wesley Cope, 70, died at his home in Sylva, Saturday night. Funeral services were conducted at Zion Hill Baptist Church, Savannah, with the'Rev. Dave Wiggins, officiat ing. A native of Jackson County, Mr. Cope was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Cope of Jackson county. He is survived by the widow, the former Miss Polly Ridley; three broth ers, Ingle Cope of Jackson County, and John and Bill Cope of Kyle; and four sisters, Mrs. Isabclle Woodard of Sylva, Mrs. Jane Hanry of Frank bn. Mrs. Sarah Younce of Kyle and Mrs. Tyne Wilber of "Mt. Holly. SYLVA METHODISTS TO HOLD SUPPER IN ALLISON BUILDING There will be a supper in the Al lison Building next Sunday evening for the entire adult membership of the Sylva Methodist cnurch and the young people. Rates will be 50c. At this supper meeting the pastor will .present a discussion of tiishop j Arhur Moore's book, "Christ After Chaos", this meeting will be a part | of our Crusade program and it is hoped that every member will attend. The discussion of this book will j be continued on Monday and Wed nesday evening at 7:30. Wednesday evening following the di.^M^inn, Mr. Paul Ellis, chairman.; of the Crusade is requesting that all members of the local council of the I Crusade for Christ and the entire I members of the board of Stwards and the Junior Board of Stewards re main to receive the pledge cards for the every member canvass. This^ every member *canv ass will be completed on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. A full report on the pledges for the crusade will be made at the Sunday morning services Jan. 28. The Cn^ade Goal for world relief and reconstruction alloted to the Sylva and Dillsboro Churches is $2500. We feel that this entire amount will be pledged through our every member canvass.^ Mr. O. E. Brookhyser has been selected Treasurer of this fund. The pledges to the Crusade will be paid over a period of one year, being concluded on Jan. 31, 1946. Richard O. Wilson Spends Furlough At Home Richard O. Wilson, MA M 3-c is here from New York spending a few days with his family. Dick has been serving with the U. S. Navy since last June and has been stationed in New York with the Poat Office. | January 31st Deadline For Liceiise Tags January 31st will ber the dead line to get the new 1945 license tags. Cogdill Motor Co. will handle the sate of them and li cense will be available all twelve months of the year, JACKSON COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING HELD I The regular meeting of the Jack son County Board of Health was held Monday, Jan. 8. Members present were: T. W. Ashe, A. C. Moses, Mayor H. Gibson, Dr. A. A. Nichols and Dr. Mora Cella McGuire. Dr. Grover Wilkes was unanimously re-elected as county physician and Dr. C. N. Sisk was again elected county health officer. This health distinct is composed of Haywood, Transylvania, Macon, Swain and Jackson. The county expects to i^inve a full time county hurse in the near future. ! Charlie^lienning, Former Resident Dies Charlie Denning, former Sylva resi dent, died rather suddenly in Orlan !do, Fal. Saturday Jan. 6. For a num iber of years Mr. Denning was en ' gaged in the lumber business in Jack | son County, being a member of the i Powell-Denning Lumber Cq. His ! wife, the former Miss Mamie Everette cf Bryson City, died several years ago at her home in Sylva. | will be held at State College on Jan | uary 24 and 25. ANNUAL DRIVE FOR POLIO FUND : GETS UNDERWAY IN COUNTY The annual appeal for funds for the treatment and prevention of Infantile Paralysis began in Jackson County this week to last through Jan. 31st, it has been announced by Mrs. E. L. McKee, Jackson County Chairman, and R. U. Sutton, Vice-Chairman. The overall quota for Jackson coun ty this year has been set at $599, which is approximately twice < last year's quota because of the Polio epidemic in North Carolina during the past summer. North Carolina's quota for the year is half a million dollanrs and is less than the National Foundation spent in Car olina in treatment of the 850 cases during the recent epidemic. Jackson County did not have a case but its people should appreciate the fact and double their efforts to pre vent the state from having such a thing happen again. The following committees have beei named to carry out the work in the county. Cullowhee, Mrs. C. C. Buchanan; Dillsboro, Mrs. Mont Cannon; Sylva, Mrs. Jeter Snyedr; Theatre Commit tee, Mrs. Frank Massie; Schools, Mr. Adam Moses; Dance, Mrs. Walter Jones; Tag Day, Miss Lucille Wilson and Government Agencies, Mr. G. C. Henson. JURORS DRAWN FOR FEBRUARY TERM OF JACKSON COURT The following men have been drawn < f?s jurors to serve during the Febn^ ?.ry term of Jackson Superior Court which convenes Monday the 19: Clinton Hooper, Guy Fisher, Clyde Fisher, Annis Buchanan, Freeman Buchanan, T. J. Weeks, Charlie Cal hcun, Kim Nations, J. M. Phillips, Kenyon Moody, Raymond Mull, Lee Fisher, Oscar Mathews, Pierce Wikle, Lee Bumgarner, T. J. Powell, Boyd Martin, Douglas Bradley, John T% Jones, Willie Ammons, Love Dillard, W. F. Shelton, Leslie Norton, Walter Sutton, O. J. Leslie, Henry L. Taylor, J. A. N. Allen, A. C. Sellers, W.% S~ Fowler, Joe Wilkey, Verlin Buchanan, E. M. Carroll, Berry C. Blanton, Joe W. Davis, Thomas Keever, Worley Wikle, W. H. Phillips, George Nor man, Carl Alman, Hamilton Bryson, E. C. Holden, and G. E. Bumgarner. ALLISON ASSIGNED IMPORTANT HOUSE COMMITTEE POSTS Dan Allison, Representative for Jackson County, has been named to serve on the following house commit tees: Appropriations, Agriculture, Public Utilities, Conservation, Cor porations, Counties, Cities and Towns, Courts and Judicial Districts, Election and Election Laws, Institutions for Mpntal Institutions, Penal institutions Public Weffare, Roads, and Public Buildings and Grounds.- ? TWENTIETH CENTURY CLUB SPONSORS RECREATION FOR CREW OF SHIP SIM NO. 1 85 _J In the 5th War Loan Drive the counties of Jackson, McDowell, Ire dell, Jones, LincOlnf and Lee sold enough bonds to purchase the ship U.S.S. L.S.M. 185. A plaque has been mounted on the ship bearing the names of these counties. As there is no provision made to furnish recreational facilities for this ship these counties have been asked to sponsor the ship and make donations for this purpose. The Twentieth Century Club of Sylva is the spon sor for Jackson County and has sent in donations amounting to $55. In a letter from Lt. Blaydes, com mander of the ship, to Mrs. Dan Al lison, president of the chub, he tella about the ship and the fine crew of young brave, redbkxxied Americans who man the ship and expresses the thanks of the entire crew for these gifts. Sam Deitz Injured In Train Auto Collision Sam Deitz .driver of a state high way truck, which collided with a Southern Railway train Friday after noon on a crossing near Willets, is in the C. J. Harris Community Hospital suffering with a broken collar bone and cuts and bruises on his head and face. Mr. Deitz, who resides at Webster, has been employed by the State high way commission for some time. He is making satisfactory improvement. Carolina Quartet To Be At Addie The B. T. U. of the Addie Baptist Church will sponsor the Carolina quartet, Thursrday night at 7:30. Admission will be 15-30c. NORTH CAROLINA MEN SERVING IN FRANCE Here are tftree North Carolina boys that have been together for two years and are now fighting together somewhere in France. From left to right they are: Pfc. Elwood Smith of Goldsboro, N. C., PU\ Riley Huff man of Hickory, N. C., and Pfc. Paul Bryson of Sylva, N.VC. Pfc. Bryson is the son of Mrs. Carolina Bryson, and has been in service almost two years. Before going across he was stationed at Camp McCain, Miss. HUNTER HEARD AT SCHOOLMASTERS CLUB JANUARY 1 1 r At the monthly meeting of the Jack sun County Schoolmasters Club Thurs day night, Jan. 11, Dr. H. T. Hunter ol W.C.T.C. was the guest speaker ol the evening. ' Dr. Hunter was introduced by A. C. Moses, Supl. County Schools, Dr. Hunter's subject was "The War Has Brought Problems to. the School Sys tem1'. Dr. Hunter pointed out that the schu>ol system is facing a most trying situa school system is facing try ingr situa tion ;in many respects. He also spoke en the difficulties involved in the re-^ education of Germany and Japin. Mr. C. E. Smith, Chairman of the Board spoke briefly on the bad con dition o? the side roads that school buses were operated upon. He sfat ed that the greatest school problem in Western North Carolina wtrsntre Rural ^roads which had been sorely neglected for the past two or three years. ? The club will me?l at Jarrett's Spring Hotel at its next regular meet ing January 25, at 7:30 o'clock. TWO NEW SCHOOL BUSES ALLOTTED TO JACKSON COUNTY The school patrons will be glad to know that the State has recently al lotted two new school buses (21 ft. bodies) to Jackson County. All school buses are replaced by the State Board of Education and these are the first buses made available to the state board fop major replacements since Pearl Harbor. The body builders have been under war contracts continuously in the past, but in the last few months have been allowed to put part time on buses for school use. ? Several ? other ? counties h avp rp. ceived buses and more will be allotted as fast as they are made available to the state. S. Sgt. Thomas A. Bradley Spends Furlough At Home S. Sgt. Thomas A. Bradley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bradley, of Barkers Creek has spent a fifteen day fur lough with his wife, the former Paul ine Bradley and returned on Friday of this week to Thayers General Hos pital, Nashville, Tenn., for observa tion and treatment Sgt. Bradley re cently returned from Engtand where he had been since July. He has been in service several years and was in both the Pacific and European Thea tre. ? - Pvt. Noel Phillips Reported Missing In Action Mrs. Evelyn Reynolds of Asheville received a message Thursday inform ing her that her husband, Pvt. Noel, has toeefc missing in action in Germany since Dec. 16. Pvt. Phillips is the son of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Phillips of Wiltete. THREE GREAT ALLIED ARMIES GIVING ENEMY TERRIFIC POUNDING Goc d W eather Favors Fliers In Smashing Eenemy Transportation and Supplier The German armies in the Beligian salient were in full retreat Monday, rushing back to their Siegfried line, their lines broken #and battered by a storm of fire from thousands of allied, warplanes and by powerful ground forces. American and British forces are oc complishing what the Nazi com manders tried to do when they broke through Allied lines December 16. The German offensive is turning out to be a costly failure, with General Eisenhower's armies closing in on three sides of* the badly mauled and liddled salient. The Germans are using all available rearguards against the U. S. first army, battering only' seven miles from vital St. Vith, through which German convoys were streaming to ward the reich border a few miles beyond. f German convoys running the gaunt iet of allied air power never paused at St. Vith but headed right on through pilots rported. The U. S. Third army was only a few miles to the south and has now joined the British Second and U. S. First, combining three armies into a great push against the enemy. An armada of 4,000 planes bombed Germany's oil and communication . centers Sunday, Allied spokesmen stated. At least 232 enemy planes ? were knocked down during a swirl ing air battle in which our forces lost 43 planes. Gentian fighter planes swarmed up to defend ,the vital oil refineries and storage depots within 120 miles o? BeriI;V, but w<;;o cjt d