Socieiy And Personal Notice Of Change In Time Of Meeting of Twentieth Century Club The Twentieth Century Club will hold its regular monthly meeting on Friday, Jan. 19, at 8 o'clock P. M. with Mrs. Ben N. Queen, Sylva Hotel as hostess. Mrs. Queen Hastings, Vice-President, will preside in the absence of the president, Mrs. Dan M. Allison. Mrs. C. C. Buchanan will ~ have -charge of the program. Miss Willa Mae Bryson Bride of Sgt. Adam Russell Cline hfi Mr. aTict Mrs. W. W. Bryson of ~ Speedwell announce the marriage of their daughter, Willa Mae., to Sgt. Adam Russell Cline, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Adam Cline of Pulaski, Va. The wedding was held at the home of the Rev. H. Bernard Lips comb, Jr., Friday evening, Dec. 29, 1944, in Newport News, Va. Mrs. Isaac Brooks Entertains With Oyster Supper On Thursday evening Mrs. Isaac Brooks entertained at her home with an oyster supper honoring her brother, \ ernon Blanton, who has returned from the European countries. Those included in the courtesy were: four sailors, all on leave jj&om England, Charles Snyder, Charlie McClure, L. ' V. Green, Lincoln Shuler, Mr. and Mrs. Milas Shuler, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Henson, Mr. Hute Snyder, Miss Allie Snyder, Mrs. Robert Shuler, Mrs. Raymond McClure, Mrs. Ted Mur millo, Mrs. Ernest Jones and Miss Dorothy Beck. Parris ? McDuffie Nuptials Held December 25th Miss Sarah Winnie Parris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Manley Parris, of Sylva became the bride of John Hor ace McDuffie of Hamlet, in a quiet ceremony Dec. 25 ai the First Bap tist Church Pastorium in Jacksonville Beach, Fla. | The Rev"! W. P. Everson, pastor of ' The First Baptist Church officiated, j before an altar of Palms arranged with white snapdragons and Poinsettas. i The couple entered together. The ' bride wore a three piece black and white shepherds checked suit with white accessories. Her corsage was white gardenias. jJMrs. Gloria Penn of Jacksonville was ^nation of honor and Dennis Q'Hearn ? was best man. Following the ceremony the wed ding party was entertained at the ? "" Ritz on the beach. Mrs. McDuffie was a graduate of the Sylva High School and the Hen shaw School of Beauty Culture in North Wilkesboro. She has been em ployed for the past live years by tile - Sheffi^d Shop in Canton. ^. rThe_bridegroom is a "graduate of raoto'Tnanr fst=c~vv4tlH^^ Guard. He is now stationed at Jack sonville Beach where he and Mrs. McDuffie will make their home. Tuckaseegee Girls Auxiliary Meets The Tuckaseegee Girls Auxiliary *i?t at the Baptist Parsonage with ? their manager, Miss Grace Willix, i Wednesday and elected officers for the new yearr Those taking offices are: Mildres Teague, President; Mary Sue Willix, . Vice-President; Katy Wynn Hooper, Secretary; Annis Woods, Treasurer; Ruth Pruett, Pro gram Chairman; with Mary Joyce Smith, and Helen Watson helpers to the program chairman. Days of meet ing wer^ set for the second and fourth Wednesdays. Fourteen members were present for the first meeting of the New Year. I Woman's Society Of Christian ? Service Holds Pledge Service I At a joint meeting of the Woman's ; Society of Christian Service held in the Allison Building of the Methodist Church Wednesday evening the an i nual pledge service was observed. 1 Mrs. A. D. Parker, the new presi dent, presided. Mrs. R. G. Tuttle led the devotional and was assisted by Mrs. Walter Hartman, Mrs. Dan Tompkins and Mrs. Frank Fricks with 'Mrs. Odell Bankhead playing appro priate selections. Mrs. Monroe Madison was in charge ,ot the program. Others taking part ' were Mrs. J. H. Gillis, Mrs. A. D. Parker, Mrs. J. H. Wilson, Mrs. T. E. Reed, Mrs. W. L. Jones, Mrs. Fred Williams and . Misses Mary Belle Blackburn and Lucille Wilson. Mrs.) Dan Tompkins sang a solo, accom- I panied by Mrs. Paul Ellis. ' ? Officers 'elected for the coming year are as follows: Mrs. A. D. Parker, President; Mrs. Paul Kirk, Vice-President; Mrs. M. B. Madison, Recording Secretary; Mrs. W. O. Soderquist, Corresponding Secretary; Mrs. Frank Frick, Local / Treasurer; Mrs. Kenyon Moody, Con- 1 ference Treasurer; Mrs. J. H. Gillis, 'secretary Missionary .Education and Service; Mrs. Fred Williams, Secre ? tary Christian Social Relations and i Loci Church Activities; Mrs. R. M. | Tuttle, Secretary Youth Work; Mrs.' i Dan Tompkins, Secretary Children's I Work; Miss Lucille Wilson, Secretary ot^Supplies; Mrs. W. J. Hartman, Sec?, J retary Literature^ Mrs. Harry Hast I ings, Secretary Spiritual Life; Mrs. J Dan Moore, Secretary of Membership Committee; Mrs. H. Gibson, Secretary of Fellowship Committee. ? Following a short business session ! the members of the Carrie Rhodes I Circle served sandwiches and coffee. ? I > | Meeting Of the Sylva i jPTA Held Thursday | j The Sylva PTA met Thursday ! afternoon in the Music room of the I elementary school. The meeting was opened with a devotional led by Mrs. I 'Dan Tompkins. Mrs. J. H. Gillis, pres- j j ident, was in charge of the business : session. Mr. Cope reported that tuberculosis seals were sold amount ing to $155. Mrs. R. W. Kirchberg reported 135 paid memberships. Plans were made to hold a food sale to raise | | sor^e additional funds to carry on the i work. Mrs. Carma Crawford's room won Ihe prize for having the most parents present. Mrs. Grover Wilkes presented a group of her music v pupils, demon- . strating music from the first grade through high school. Those playing were Joan Wilson, tJail Martin, Jimmy Stovall, Edith Moore and j Jean Moses. Mrs. H. T. Hunter was the speaker and used the book, "The Little Night Music", by Gerald Johnson as a basis lor her - talkr stcgssinfc the need of teaching music to the children. Mr. And Mrs. Sutton Entertain With Quail Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Realis D. Sutton en tertained with a quail dinner Sunday night at their home, Grey stone Lodge, Dillsboro. 4 The dinner table was beautifully centered with one large and three ; small swans floating on a blue mirror with blue candles in crystal candle sticks. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. M. Y. Jarrett, Mr, and Mrs. John B. Ensley, Mr. and Mrs. Chick Young and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Whitworth of Ashe ville. Mr. And Mrs. Chester Harris Move Ho Franklin Mr. and Mrs. Chester Harris, who formerly operated the Carolina Hotel, c Best Part of I'hcTDcal SPECIAL COFFEE y?" #<? if A i Vi have moved to Franklin where Mr. Harris has accepted the managership of the Army-Navy Salvage Store. Mr. and Mrs. C. <E. Closman will op erate the hotel temporarily. Mrs. Moore Entertains Bridge Club ' 4 Mrs. Dan K. Moore entertained her bridge club Friday evening, Jan. 12, at her home on Courtland Heights. Guests were served a desert course before playing. Members and guests making up the two tables were: Mrs. E. L. McKee, Mrs. C. C. Buchanan, Mrs. A. H. Carter, Mrs. Edith Hall, Mrs. Keith Hinds, Mrs. Leon Sutton, ( Mrs. Grov^r Wilkes and Mrs. W. T. Wise. At the conclusion of the games Mrs. Buchanan held high score and Mrs. E. L. McKee low. * Mr. And Mrs. Greenarch Visit Son In New York Mr. and^Mrs. W. H. Greenarch re turned home Saturday from New York where they have been visiting their son, Henry Ellis Greenarch, F 2-c, who is in a Naval Hospital, having returned from overseas Dec. 25. He was in the hospital overseas two months before being sent back to the states. - F. 2-c Greenarch entered service I Jrnuary, 1944, and was was sent overseas in June. Miss Helen Sutton spent the week end in Newton with her uncle, Burch Allison, and family. Sgt. Howard Nations and Miss Oleta Howell spent the week-end in Win ston-Salem visiting Mrs. aFnnie Moody. I_ ? ] Mr. and Mrs. _W. T\ Wise and Mrs. j W. L. Jones were week-end visitors of Dr. and Mrs. C. M. Hooper at their home in Chattanooga. Dan Allison, Representative from Jackson County, spent the week-end here with his family. Mrs. Allison accompanied him back to Raleigh and will spend two weeks there. Mrs. Mattie McKee left last week lor Detroit where she will spend some time with her daughter. Cadet Martha Hall, a student nurse at the Erlanger Hospital, Chat tanooga, Terfh., spent the week-end with her parents* Mr, and Mrs. J. V._ Hall. Pvt. Dennis C. Higdon is spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and | Mrs. Dennis C. Higdon of Sylva before reporting to Ft. George Meade, Md. Pvt Higdon has been overseas since July. | Mrs. W. R. Wimbish of Scranton, Pa., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Jones, and other relative in Sylva. 1 Tommie Fisher of the U. S. Navy who has been spending a thirty-day leave with his parents, has returned to his ship. Mrs. R. W. Kirchberg has gone to New Orleans to join Dr. Kirchberg who is in from transport duty. Mrs. Kirchberg will be gone from two, to three weeks. Pfc. Robert Phillips and Mrs. phil lips of Camp Gordon, Fla.r are visit ing in Syiva for ten days. Mrs. H. A. Tidmarsh and small daughter, Christie, of JunctioiTlCity, Kansas, are here visiting Major Tid marsh's mother, Mrs. A. H. Carter. Mrs. <M. Buchanan, III, of Oak Ridge, Tenn., spent a few days here last week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe oPteet. She was accom panied home by her mother who will spend the week-end with Mrs. Buch anan and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Poteet. Dr. G. C. Nichols of Chester spent the week-end with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. A., Nichols. Mrs. Clarence Bales of Topoca and son. 2nd Lt. James Bales, were guests last week of Mrs. M. Buchanan, Jr. Mrs. T. O. Wilson, Mrs. E. L. Wil I son and Mr. H. O. Curtis were in Henderson ville last Thursday attend ing the funeral of C. S. Fullbright. i Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Tweed left Mon jday for Chattanooga, Tenn. They will also go to Nashville and Johnson j City before returning home the latter part of the week. j , Mrs. F. L. Webber is spending a few days in Nashville, Tenn., guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Dykes. Joe Henry, student at Maryville College, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henry. | Mrs. Roger Dillard and young son have returned from St. Joseph's Hos pital, Asheville, and are at the home ? of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dillard j Coward. | Mrs. C. E. Thompson, news editor | and adv. manager of The Sylva Her ald, was in Asheville Saturday at tending the meeting of the Western North Carolina Press Association at i the S. & W. Cafeteria. Mrs. Lamar Clarke of Watkinsville, Ga., and Mrs. N. C. Wood of Com- . rnerce, Ga., returned home last week. They were called herfe because of the serious illness of Mrs. S. T. McGinnis. , While here they visited their sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pat j terson. , Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Patterson had as 1 a guest last week-end Lt4 Calvert S. McCullen, formerly of Hendersonville and now stationed^ at Seattle, Wash. Sam Milam of Charlotte, who has ' been visiting his father and mother in law, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Conner of p^iMrboro, has retuumed to Charlotte | to leave for the armed forces this week. Mr. Milam is married to the former Miss Geneva Conner of Dills- | boro, who is now living in Charlotte. 1 Joe W. Conner, S. 1-c, son of Mr. I and Mrs. H. G. Conner of Dillsboro, j is now in Miami, Fla., for further | training. Seaman Conner was mar-; ried in December to Miss Gladys Piercy of Charlotte. The couple have been in Charleston, S. C., for'the past month during his stay there. Mrs. Conner is expected to join her husband in iMami. STATE COLLEGE HINTS TO FARM HOMEMAKERS | By RUTH CURRENT N. C. STATE COLLEGE Chill off for better work. A little j warmth will speed up many a house ; hold job ordinarily done cold, say i home economics specialists. Egg whites whip better if they are at room temperature. The various in gredients in cake ? butter, sugar, milk, egfgs ? blend better if they are the temperature of the kitchen, therefore, therefore, should be taken out of the refrigerator an hour or so before mix ing to take off the chill. Dried fruits and dry beans "soak up" faster in hot water. ' Hot water is better for rins ing rice, both before and after cook ing. It carries off loose starch .and separates tlie grains of cooked rice better, ^besides keeping the rice hot In making mashed^ potatoes use hot milk because it softens lumps, adds to lightness, and keeps the potatoes hot. In sprinkling clothes lot ironing, warm water penetrates and spreads through fabrics faster than cold water. Placing the sprinkled and rolled -up clothes near a warm stove or radior (not hot) for a short time also helps get the ironing ready in a hurry. Befoi? rubbing oil into shoes to SO YOU THINK IT'S COID HERE IF YOU THINK you've had reason to complain of the cold, take a look at Pvt Charles Preston, Nicholasville, Ky., as he cleans the snow from his machine gun mounted on his jeep somewhere in Belgium, That metal gets so cold you can't touch it with your haiut without serious conse quences. This is an official Signal Corps Radiotelephoto. ( International ) preserve the leather, have the oil slightly warm and the shoes at room temperature. The leather will ab sorb the oil faster. Set a bottle of furniture polish in warm water a few minutes before using. Warm polish penetrates the pores of the wood faster. Wax goes on floors and other surfaces more easily a n d smoothly if it is not too cold. For yatering nouse plants, plant scientists advise tepid water instead of cold. Cold water may shock the plant, damage the roots and retard the growth. In greenhouses watering is done with slightly warm water for this reason. Washing machines, electric mixers, or other, household motors kept in a cold place should be brought into .* warm room a few hours before using. Otherwise the oil or grease may be to# stiff to lubricate properly. A relatively large amount of milk can be consumed here in the rapidly expanding industrial South after the war, if there are fair prices to pro ducer, distributor, and consumer, says A. C. Kimrey. Hok> have been bred with a def inite resistance to infectious abor tion by experimental workers in Cai* iforniu. RITZ THEATRE SYLVA, N. C. NIGHT SHOWS 7:00 and 9:00 P. M? MATINEE Saturday ? LATE SHOW Saturday 10:30 ? ADMIS SION, Children Under 12 Years, 12c; Adults, All Seats, 35c ? TAX, On Children's Pass 2c; Adults Pass 6c. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17 RECKLESS AGE GLORIA JEAN 4 H. STEPHENSON THURSDAY, JANUARY 18 BARBARY COAST GENT WALLACE BEERY - BIN N I E BARNES FRIDAY, JANUARY 19 THEXANTERVILLE GHOST MARGARET O'BRIEN ? C. LAUGHTON SATURDAY, JANUARY 20 PARTNERS OF THE TRAIL JOHNNY MACK BROWN Late Show 10:30 ? ENTER ARSENE LUPIN A SUPERIOR DETECTIVE STORY MONDAY-TUESDAY, JAN. 22 - 23 THE SEVENTH CROSS SPENCER TRACY - 8IGNE HASSO WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24 FACES IN THE FOG JANE WITHERS - JIMMY LYOON CATTLE GRUB 4K DUST Formula as recommended by U. S. Dept. of Agri culture, Agricultural Administration, Bureau of En tomology and Plant Quarantine and Bureau of Animal Industry ... SOUTHERN AGRICULTURAL INSECTICIDES MANUFACTURERS Hendersonville, N. C. Boone, N. C. Palmetto, Fla. DISTRIBUTED BY FAMitS FEDERATION STORES WANTED EVERGREENS? Green and Bronze Galax, Lcucothoe Sprays, Hemlock, Sprays, Laurel Sprays, Sheet Moss, etc. Highest Prices, and CASH. If interested in this line, see me for informa tion FIRST. Across Street from Sylva Feed Co. W. 0. PERKINS Sylva, N. C. ' Jan 10 17 24 31

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